sotopia-space /
fixed parsing errors and extra_info (#56)
history blame
13.3 kB
import re
from typing import Literal, cast
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from utils import format_docstring
ActionType = Literal["none", "speak", "non-verbal communication", "action", "leave"]
class Message(BaseModel):
An interface for messages.
There is only one required method: to_natural_language
def to_natural_language(self) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError
class SimpleMessage(Message):
A simple message with a single string field.
message: str = Field(description="the message")
def to_natural_language(self) -> str:
return self.message
class Observation(Message):
last_turn: str = Field(description="the last turn of the conversation")
turn_number: int = Field(description="the turn number of the conversation")
available_actions: list[ActionType] = Field(description="the available actions")
def to_natural_language(self) -> str:
if self.turn_number == 0:
return f"\n{self.last_turn}\nConversation Starts:\n"
return f"Turn #{self.turn_number-1}: {self.last_turn}\n"
class ScriptBackground(Message):
scenario: str = Field(description="scenario of the episode")
p1_name: str = Field(description="name of participant 1")
p2_name: str = Field(description="name of participant 2")
p1_background: str = Field(description="background of participant 1")
p2_background: str = Field(description="background of participant 2")
p1_goal: str = Field(description="goal of participant 1")
p2_goal: str = Field(description="goal of participant 2")
def to_natural_language(self) -> str:
if self.p1_background or self.p2_background:
p1_background = self.p1_background if self.p1_background else "Unknown"
p2_background = self.p2_background if self.p2_background else "Unknown"
# Not using AND, since in stranger relation the background is not visible
return format_docstring(
f"""Here is the context of this interaction:
Scenario: {self.scenario}
Participants: {self.p1_name} and {self.p2_name}
{self.p1_name}'s background: {p1_background}
{self.p2_name}'s background: {p2_background}
{self.p1_name}'s goal: {self.p1_goal}
{self.p2_name}'s goal: {self.p2_goal}
return format_docstring(
f"""Here is the context of this interaction:
Scenario: {self.scenario}
Participants: {self.p1_name} and {self.p2_name}
{self.p1_name}'s goal: {self.p1_goal}
{self.p2_name}'s goal: {self.p2_goal}
class ScriptEnvironmentResponse(Message):
terminated: bool = Field(
description="whether the conversation is terminated",
default_factory=lambda: False,
p1_rate: float | tuple[float, dict[str, float]] | None = Field(
description="rating of participant 1, on the scale of 1 to 10"
p2_rate: float | tuple[float, dict[str, float]] | None = Field(
description="rating of participant 2, on the scale of 1 to 10"
comments: str | None = Field(
description="All of the comments supporting the termination and rating"
def to_natural_language(self) -> str:
reason_to_stop = format_docstring(
f"""Environment response:
{"The conversation is terminated." if self.terminated else ""}
{"Rating of participant 1" + str(self.p1_rate) if self.p1_rate is not None else ""}
{"Rating of participant 2" + str(self.p2_rate) if self.p2_rate is not None else ""}
{self.comments if self.comments is not None else ""}
clean_text = ""
for line in reason_to_stop.split("\n"):
if line.strip():
clean_text += line + "\n"
return clean_text
class AgentAction(Message):
action_type: ActionType = Field(
description="whether to speak at this turn or choose to not do anything"
argument: str = Field(
description="the utterance if choose to speak, the expression or gesture if choose non-verbal communication, or the physical action if choose action"
def to_natural_language(self) -> str:
match self.action_type:
case "none":
return "did nothing"
case "speak":
return f"{self.argument}"
case "non-verbal communication":
return f"[{self.action_type}] {self.argument}"
case "action":
return f"[{self.action_type}] {self.argument}"
case "leave":
return "left the conversation"
ScriptInteractionReturnType = tuple[
list[list[tuple[str, str, Message]]], list[tuple[str, Message]]
class ScriptInteraction(Message):
interactions: str = Field(
description="""The interaction between the two participants in maximum 20 turns. Each turn is separated by a newline, and should only describe one agent. Following the structure:
Turn #x
[participant's name] [action] {argument for some actions}
You can use different types of actions, but only use one in each turn. You should move other information into argument part. Below shows a python code snippet of the format for each action type:
match self.action_type:
case "none":
return "did nothing"
case "speak":
return f'said: "{self.argument}"'
case "non-verbal communication":
return f"[{self.action_type}] {self.argument}"
case "action":
return f"[{self.action_type}] {self.argument}"
case "leave":
return "left the conversation"
For example, the following is acceptable:
Turn #x
Oliver Thompson said: "Hey Esmeralda, what's wrong? You seem upset."
Turn #x
Esmeralda Solis [action] moved closer
Turn #x
Oliver Thompson [non-verbal communication] smiled
Turn #x
Esmeralda Solis did nothing
Turn #x
Oliver Thompson left the conversation
Turn #x
Esmeralda Solis [action] leaned in and lowered her voice: "Sorry"
And the following is not acceptable:
Turn #1
Oliver Thompson [speak] said: "Hey Esmeralda, what's wrong? You seem upset."
Turn #1
Esmeralda Solis non-verbal communication moved closer
def to_natural_language(self) -> str:
return self.interactions
def parse(
self, agent_names: list[str], background: str
) -> tuple[list[list[tuple[str, str, Message]]], list[tuple[str, Message]]]:
interaction = self.interactions
# print("Interaction: ", interaction)
lines = self.split_by_turn(interaction)
agent_results = []
results: list[list[tuple[str, str, Message]]] = [
for name in agent_names
for line_idx, line in enumerate(lines):
res = self.parse_single_dialogue(line)
action: AgentAction = cast(AgentAction, res["action"])
argument: str = cast(str, res["argument"])
cast(int, res["turn"])
name: str = cast(str, res["name"])
parsed_action = AgentAction(action_type=action, argument=argument)
if name not in agent_names:
f"The name of the agent, {name}, is not in the list of agent names, {agent_names}"
name = agent_names[
line_idx % 2
] # TODO Not sure what name to be set here
except Exception as e:
f"Error when parsing the dialogue: {line}",
f"The error is: {e}",
raise e
parsed_action = AgentAction(action_type="none", argument="")
name = agent_names[line_idx % 2] # TODO same question as above
inactive_agent_name = (
agent_names[0] if name == agent_names[1] else agent_names[1]
last_turn="environment is the agent",
turn_number=line_idx + 1,
for name in agent_names
+ [
(name, "Environment", parsed_action),
AgentAction(action_type="none", argument="did nothing"),
agent_results.append((name, parsed_action))
# print("Parsed agent results: ", agent_results)
return (results, agent_results) # type: ignore
def parse_single_dialogue(
self, dialogue: str
) -> dict[str, str | int | AgentAction | None]:
"""Parse a single dialogue string and return a dictionary with turn, name, action, and argument."""
# Match the turn number and name. Assume all agent name starts with a capital letter and is followed by lowercase letters
match_turn_name = re.match(
r"Turn #?(\d+):?\s*\n((?:[A-Z]['a-z]* ?)+)", dialogue
if not match_turn_name:
raise ValueError(
f"The dialogue does not match the expected format: {dialogue}"
return None # TODO Which should we use, return None or raise error?
turn, name = match_turn_name.groups()
action_content = dialogue[
len( :
].strip() # Extract the action content
# Check for different action types
if "did nothing" in action_content:
action, argument = "none", ""
elif match := re.match(r'said: "(.*?)"', action_content):
action, argument = "speak",
action, argument = action.strip(), argument.strip()
elif match := re.match(r'\[speak\] said: "(.*?)"', action_content):
action, argument = "speak",
action, argument = action.strip(), argument.strip()
elif match := re.match(
r"\[(non-verbal communication|action)\] (.*)", action_content
action, argument = match.groups()
elif "left the conversation" in action_content:
# TODO Make it more elegant to handle the situation of `left the conversation.`
action, argument = "leave", ""
action, argument = None, None
parsed_item = {
"turn": int(turn),
"name": name.strip(),
"action": action,
"argument": argument,
return parsed_item
def split_by_turn(self, input_string: str) -> list[str]:
"""Split the input dialogue string by turn and return a list of dialogues."""
# Split using 'Turn #' as delimiter, but keep the delimiter in the results
dialogues = re.split(r"(?=Turn #?\d+)", input_string)
# Remove any empty strings and strip whitespace
dialogues = [dialogue.strip() for dialogue in dialogues if dialogue.strip()]
dialogues = [dialogue for dialogue in dialogues if dialogue.startswith("Turn")]
# Change from Turn #x to Turn (#)x (# is optional)
dialogues[-1] = "\n".join(
) # Discard further input in the last turn
for dialogue in dialogues:
# TODO this is current workaround for the issue of multiple agents in one turn
if len(dialogue.split("\n")) >= 3:
raise ValueError("Only one agent can act per turn.")
return dialogues
def default_value_for_return_type() -> ScriptInteractionReturnType:
results_1: list[list[tuple[str, str, Message]]] = [
last_turn="Environment is the agent",
for name in ["none", "none"]
results_2: list[tuple[str, Message]] = [
("", AgentAction(action_type="none", argument=""))
return (results_1, results_2)