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Italian CLIP

With a few tricks, we have been able to fine-tune a competitive Italian CLIP model with only 1.4 million training samples.

In building this project we kept in mind the following principles:

  • Novel Contributions: We created a dataset of ~1.4 million Italian image-text pairs and, to the best of our knowledge, we trained the best Italian CLIP model currently in existence;
  • Scientific Validity: Claim are easy, facts are hard. That's why validation is important to assess the real impact of a model. We thoroughly evaluated our models in several tasks and made the validation reproducible for everybody.
  • Broader Outlook: We always kept in mind which are the possible usages for this model.

We put our hearts and souls into the project during this week! Not only did we work on a cool project, but we were able to make new friends and and learn a lot from each other to work towards a common goal! Thank you for this amazing opportunity, we hope you will like the results. :heart:

Novel Contributions

The original CLIP model was trained on 400 million image-text pairs; this amount of data is not available for Italian. We indeed worked in a low-resource setting. The only datasets for captioning in the literature are MSCOCO-IT (a translated version of MSCOCO) and WIT. To get competitive results we followed three strategies:

  1. more data;
  2. better augmentations;
  3. better training.

More Data

We eventually had to deal with the fact that we do not have the same data that OpenAI had during the training of CLIP. Thus, we tried to add as much data as possible while keeping the data-quality as high as possible.

We considered three main sources of data:

  • WIT. Most of these captions describe ontological knowledge and encyclopedic facts (e.g., Roberto Baggio in 1994). However, this kind of text, without more information, is not useful to learn a good mapping between images and captions. On the other hand, this text is written in Italian and it is good quality. To prevent polluting the data with captions that are not meaningful, we used POS tagging on the data and removed all the captions that were composed for the 80% or more by PROPN.

    Example: ....

  • MSCOCO-IT. This image-caption dataset comes from the work by Antonio et al., 2019. The captions comes from the original MSCOCO dataset and have been translated with Microsoft Translator. The 2017 version of the MSCOCO training set contains more than 100K images, for each image more than one caption is available.

  • Conceptual Captions. This image-caption dataset comes from the work by Sharma et al., 2018. There are more than 3mln image-caption pairs in this dataset and these have been collected from the web. We downloaded the images with the URLs provided by the dataset, but we could not retrieve them all. Eventually, we had to translate the captions to Italian. We have been able to collect a dataset with 700K translated captions.

Better Augmentations

Better Training

After different trials, we realized that the usual way of training this model was not good enough to get good results. We thus modified two different parts of the training pipeline: the optimizer and the training with frozen components.


The standard AdamW didn't seem enough to train the model...

Backbone Freezing


Scientific Validity

Quantitative Evaluation

Those images are definitely cool and interesting, but a model is nothing without validation. To better understand how well our clip-italian model works we run an experimental evaluation. Since this is the first clip-based model in Italian, we used the multilingual CLIP model as a comparison baseline.


The multilingual CLIP (henceforth, mCLIP), is a model introduced by Nils Reimers in his sentence-transformer library. mCLIP is based on a multilingual encoder that was created through multilingual knowledge distillation (see Reimers et al., 2020).

Experiments Replication

We provide two colab notebooks to replicate both experiments.


We selected two different tasks:

  • image-retrieval
  • zero-shot classification

Image Retrieval

This experiment is run against the MSCOCO-IT validation set (that we haven't used in training). Given in input a caption, we search for the most similar image in the MSCOCO-IT validation set. As evaluation metrics we use the MRR.

MRR@1 0.3797 0.2874
MRR@5 0.5039 0.3957
MRR@10 0.5204 0.4129

Is it true that we used MSCOCO-IT in training, and this might give us an advantage. However the original CLIP model was trained on 400million images (and some of them probably were from MSCOCO).

Colab: Image Retrieval Evaluation

Zero-shot image classification

This experiment replicates the original one run by OpenAI on zero-shot image classification.

Accuracy CLIP-Italian mCLIP
Accuracy@1 22.11 20.15
Accuracy@5 43.69 36.57
Accuracy@10 52.55 42.91
Accuracy@100 81.08 67.11

Colab: ImageNet Zero Shot Evaluation

Our results confirm that CLIP-Italian is very competitive and beats mCLIP on the two different task we have been testing. Note, however, that our results are lower than those shown in the original OpenAI paper (see, Radford et al., 2021), considering that our results are in line with those obtained by mCLIP we think that the translated image labels might have had an impact on the final scores.

Qualitative Evaluation



Broader Outlook


Antonio, S., Croce, D., & Basili, R. (2019). Large scale datasets for Image and Video Captioning in Italian. IJCoL. Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics, 5(5-2), 49-60.

Sharma, P., Ding, N., Goodman, S., & Soricut, R. (2018, July). Conceptual captions: A cleaned, hypernymed, image alt-text dataset for automatic image captioning. In Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers) (pp. 2556-2565).

Reimers, N., & Gurevych, I. (2020, November). Making Monolingual Sentence Embeddings Multilingual Using Knowledge Distillation. In Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) (pp. 4512-4525).

Radford, A., Kim, J.W., Hallacy, C., Ramesh, A., Goh, G., Agarwal, S., Sastry, G., Askell, A., Mishkin, P., Clark, J., Krueger, G., & Sutskever, I. (2021). Learning Transferable Visual Models From Natural Language Supervision. ICML.

Other Notes

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