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Motion VQ-Trans

Pytorch implementation of paper "Generating Human Motion from Textual Descriptions with High Quality Discrete Representation"

[Notebook Demo]


If our project is helpful for your research, please consider citing : (todo)

          title={RANSAC-Flow: generic two-stage image alignment},
          author={Shen, Xi and Darmon, Fran{\c{c}}ois and Efros, Alexei A and Aubry, Mathieu},
          booktitle={16th European Conference on Computer Vision}

Table of Content

1. Visual Results (More results can be found in our project page (todo))


2. Installation

2.1. Environment

Our model can be learnt in a single GPU V100-32G

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate VQTrans

The code was tested on Python 3.8 and PyTorch 1.8.1.

2.2. Dependencies

bash dataset/prepare/

2.3. Datasets

We are using two 3D human motion-language dataset: HumanML3D and KIT-ML. For both datasets, you could find the details as well as download link [here].

Take HumanML3D for an example, the file directory should look like this:

β”œβ”€β”€ new_joint_vecs/
β”œβ”€β”€ texts/
β”œβ”€β”€ Mean.npy # same as in [HumanML3D]( 
β”œβ”€β”€ Std.npy # same as in [HumanML3D]( 
β”œβ”€β”€ train.txt
β”œβ”€β”€ val.txt
β”œβ”€β”€ test.txt
β”œβ”€β”€ train_val.txt

2.4. Motion & text feature extractors:

We use the same extractors provided by t2m to evaluate our generated motions. Please download the extractors.

bash dataset/prepare/

2.5. Pre-trained models

The pretrained model files will be stored in the 'pretrained' folder:

bash dataset/prepare/

2.6. Render motion (optional)

If you want to render the generated motion, you need to install:

sudo sh dataset/prepare/
conda install -c menpo osmesa
conda install h5py
conda install -c conda-forge shapely pyrender trimesh mapbox_earcut

3. Quick Start

A quick start guide of how to use our code is available in demo.ipynb


4. Train

Note that, for kit dataset, just need to set '--dataname kit'.

4.1. VQ-VAE

The results are saved in the folder output_vqfinal.

VQ training
python3 \
--batch-size 256 \
--lr 2e-4 \
--total-iter 300000 \
--lr-scheduler 200000 \
--nb-code 512 \
--down-t 2 \
--depth 3 \
--dilation-growth-rate 3 \
--out-dir output \
--dataname t2m \
--vq-act relu \
--quantizer ema_reset \
--loss-vel 0.5 \
--recons-loss l1_smooth \
--exp-name VQVAE

4.2. Motion-Transformer

The results are saved in the folder output_transformer.

MoTrans training
python3  \
--exp-name VQTransformer \
--batch-size 128 \
--num-layers 9 \
--embed-dim-gpt 1024 \
--nb-code 512 \
--n-head-gpt 16 \
--block-size 51 \
--ff-rate 4 \
--drop-out-rate 0.1 \
--resume-pth output/VQVAE/net_last.pth \
--vq-name VQVAE \
--out-dir output \
--total-iter 300000 \
--lr-scheduler 150000 \
--lr 0.0001 \
--dataname t2m \
--down-t 2 \
--depth 3 \
--quantizer ema_reset \
--eval-iter 10000 \
--pkeep 0.5 \
--dilation-growth-rate 3 \
--vq-act relu

5. Evaluation

5.1. VQ-VAE

VQ eval
python3 \
--batch-size 256 \
--lr 2e-4 \
--total-iter 300000 \
--lr-scheduler 200000 \
--nb-code 512 \
--down-t 2 \
--depth 3 \
--dilation-growth-rate 3 \
--out-dir output \
--dataname t2m \
--vq-act relu \
--quantizer ema_reset \
--loss-vel 0.5 \
--recons-loss l1_smooth \
--exp-name TEST_VQVAE \
--resume-pth output/VQVAE/net_last.pth

5.2. Motion-Transformer

MoTrans eval
python3  \
--exp-name TEST_VQTransformer \
--batch-size 128 \
--num-layers 9 \
--embed-dim-gpt 1024 \
--nb-code 512 \
--n-head-gpt 16 \
--block-size 51 \
--ff-rate 4 \
--drop-out-rate 0.1 \
--resume-pth output/VQVAE/net_last.pth \
--vq-name VQVAE \
--out-dir output \
--total-iter 300000 \
--lr-scheduler 150000 \
--lr 0.0001 \
--dataname t2m \
--down-t 2 \
--depth 3 \
--quantizer ema_reset \
--eval-iter 10000 \
--pkeep 0.5 \
--dilation-growth-rate 3 \
--vq-act relu \
--resume-gpt output/VQTransformer/net_best_fid.pth

6. Motion Render

Motion Render

You should input the npy folder address and the motion names. Here is an example:

python3 --filedir output/TEST_VQTransformer/ --motion-list 000019 005485

7. Acknowledgement

We appreciate helps from :

8. ChangLog