update English translation
Browse files- docs/translate_english.json +154 -1
@@ -1512,5 +1512,158 @@
1512 |
"窗口布局": "Window Layout",
1513 |
"以下配置可以优化体验": "The following configurations can optimize the experience",
1514 |
"OpenAI绑了信用卡的用户可以填 16 或者更高": "Users who have bound their credit card to OpenAI can fill in 16 or higher",
1515 |
"如果OpenAI不响应": "If OpenAI does not respond"
1516 |
1512 |
"窗口布局": "Window Layout",
1513 |
"以下配置可以优化体验": "The following configurations can optimize the experience",
1514 |
"OpenAI绑了信用卡的用户可以填 16 或者更高": "Users who have bound their credit card to OpenAI can fill in 16 or higher",
1515 |
"如果OpenAI不响应": "If OpenAI does not respond",
1516 |
"Latex英文纠错": "LatexEnglishCorrection",
1517 |
"总结音视频": "SummaryAudioVideo",
1518 |
"动画生成": "AnimationGeneration",
1519 |
"数学动画生成manim": "MathematicalAnimationGenerationManim",
1520 |
"test_数学动画生成manim": "test_MathematicalAnimationGenerationManim",
1521 |
"这里借用了 https": "Here uses https",
1522 |
"在相对论中": "In relativity",
1523 |
"找不到任何音频或视频文件": "Cannot find any audio or video files",
1524 |
"广义坐标": "Generalized coordinates",
1525 |
"导入依赖失败": "Failed to import dependencies",
1526 |
"相对速度": "Relative velocity",
1527 |
"循环监听已打开频道的消息": "Loop to listen to messages in an open channel",
1528 |
"秒 s": "Seconds s",
1529 |
"提取视频中的音频": "Extract audio from video",
1530 |
"解析为简体中文": "Parse to Simplified Chinese",
1531 |
"等待Claude响应": "Waiting for Claude's response",
1532 |
"请继续分析其他源代码": "Please continue to analyze other source code",
1533 |
"3. 勒让德变换公式": "3. Lorentz transformation formula",
1534 |
"需要被切割的音频文件名": "Name of audio file to be cut",
1535 |
"Claude回复的片段": "Fragment replied by Claude",
1536 |
"拉格朗日量": "Lagrangian",
1537 |
"暂时不支持历史消息": "Historical messages are not supported temporarily",
1538 |
"从而更全面地理解项目的整体功能": "So as to have a more comprehensive understanding of the overall function of the project",
1539 |
"建议暂时不要使用": "It is recommended not to use it temporarily",
1540 |
"整理结果为压缩包": "Organize the results into a compressed package",
1541 |
"焦耳 J": "Joule J",
1542 |
"其中 $t$ 为时间": "Where $t$ is time",
1543 |
"将三个方程变形为增广矩阵形式": "Transform three equations into augmented matrix form",
1544 |
"获取已打开频道的最新消息并返回消息列表": "Get the latest messages from the opened channel and return a list of messages",
1545 |
"str类型": "str type",
1546 |
"所有音频都总结完成了吗": "Are all audio summaries completed?",
1547 |
"SummaryAudioVideo内容": "SummaryAudioVideo content",
1548 |
"使用教程详情见 request_llm/README.md": "See request_llm/README.md for detailed usage instructions",
1549 |
"删除中间文件夹": "Delete intermediate folder",
1550 |
"Claude组件初始化成功": "Claude component initialized successfully",
1551 |
"$c$ 是光速": "$c$ is the speed of light",
1552 |
"参考文献转Bib": "Convert reference to Bib",
1553 |
"发送到openai音频解析终端": "Send to openai audio parsing terminal",
1554 |
"不能加载Claude组件": "Cannot load Claude component",
1555 |
"千克 kg": "Kilogram kg",
1556 |
"切割音频文件": "Cut audio file",
1557 |
"方法": "Method",
1558 |
"设置API_KEY": "Set API_KEY",
1559 |
"然后转移到指定的另一个路径中": "Then move to a specified path",
1560 |
"正在加载Claude组件": "Loading Claude component",
1561 |
"极端速度v下的一个相对独立观测者测得的时间": "The time measured by a relatively independent observer at extreme speed v",
1562 |
"广义速度": "Generalized velocity",
1563 |
"粒子的固有": "Intrinsic of particle",
1564 |
"一个包含所有切割音频片段文件路径的列表": "A list containing the file paths of all segmented audio clips",
1565 |
"/gpt_log/翻译-": "Translation log-",
1566 |
"计算文件总时长和切割点": "Calculate total duration and cutting points of the file",
1567 |
"总结音频": "Summarize audio",
1568 |
"作者": "Author",
1569 |
"音频内容是": "The content of the audio is",
1570 |
"\\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}$ 是洛伦兹因子": "$\\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}$ is the Lorentz factor",
1571 |
"辅助gpt生成代码": "Assist GPT in generating code",
1572 |
"读取文件内容到内存": "Read file content into memory",
1573 |
"以秒为单位": "In seconds",
1574 |
"米每秒 m/s": "Meters per second m/s",
1575 |
"物体的质量": "Mass of the object",
1576 |
"请对下面的音频片段做概述": "Please summarize the following audio clip",
1577 |
"t是原始坐标系下的物理量": "t is a physical quantity in the original coordinate system",
1578 |
"获取回复": "Get reply",
1579 |
"正在处理": "Processing",
1580 |
"将音频解析为简体中文": "Parse audio into Simplified Chinese",
1581 |
"音频解析结果": "Audio parsing result",
1582 |
"在这里放一些网上搜集的demo": "Put some demos collected online here",
1583 |
"”的主要内容": "The main content of ",
1584 |
"将": "Convert",
1585 |
"请用一句话概括这些文件的整体功能": "Please summarize the overall function of these files in one sentence",
1586 |
"P.S. 其他可用的模型还包括": "P.S. Other available models include",
1587 |
"创建存储切割音频的文件夹": "Create folder to store segmented audio",
1588 |
"片段": "Segment",
1589 |
"批量SummaryAudioVideo": "Batch Summary Audio Video",
1590 |
"单位": "Unit",
1591 |
"1. 等效质量-能量关系式": "1. Equivalent quality-energy relationship formula",
1592 |
"模型选择是": "Model selection is",
1593 |
"使用中文总结音频“": "Use Chinese to summarize audio",
1594 |
"音频文件名": "Audio file name",
1595 |
"LLM_MODEL是默认选中的模型": "LLM_MODEL is the default selected model",
1596 |
"异步方法": "Asynchronous method",
1597 |
"文本碎片重组为完整的tex文件": "Reassemble text fragments into a complete tex file",
1598 |
"请对这部分内容进行语法矫正": "Please correct the grammar of this part",
1599 |
"打开你的科学上网软件查看代理的协议": "Open your scientific Internet access software to view the proxy agreement",
1600 |
"调用openai api 使用whisper-1模型": "Call openai api to use whisper-1 model",
1601 |
"此处可以输入解析提示": "Parsing tips can be entered here",
1602 |
"报告如何远程获取": "Report how to obtain remotely",
1603 |
"将代码转为动画": "Convert code to animation",
1604 |
"Claude失败": "Claude failed",
1605 |
"等待Claude响应中": "Waiting for Claude's response",
1606 |
"目前不支持历史消息查询": "Historical message queries are currently not supported",
1607 |
"把某个路径下所有文件压缩": "Compress all files under a certain path",
1608 |
"论文概况": "Overview of the paper",
1609 |
"参见https": "See https",
1610 |
"如果要使用Claude": "If you want to use Claude",
1611 |
"2. 洛伦兹变换式": "2. Lorentz transformation formula",
1612 |
"通过调用conversations_open方法打开一个频道": "Open a channel by calling the conversations_open method",
1613 |
"当前参数": "Current parameters",
1614 |
"安装Claude的依赖": "Install Claude's dependencies",
1615 |
"生成的视频文件路径": "Generated video file path",
1616 |
"注意目前不能多人同时调用Claude接口": "Note that multiple people cannot currently call the Claude interface at the same time",
1617 |
"获取Slack消息失败": "Failed to get Slack message",
1618 |
"翻译结果": "Translation result",
1619 |
"调用Claude时": "When calling Claude",
1620 |
"已知某些代码的局部作用是": "It is known that the local effect of some code is",
1621 |
"根据给定的切割时长将音频文件切割成多个片段": "Cut the audio file into multiple segments according to the given cutting duration",
1622 |
"请稍候": "Please wait",
1623 |
"向已打开的频道发送一条文本消息": "Send a text message to the opened channel",
1624 |
"每个切割音频片段的时长": "The duration of each cut audio segment",
1625 |
"Claude响应缓慢": "Claude responds slowly",
1626 |
"然后重启程序": "Then restart the program",
1627 |
"因为在同一个频道里存在多人使用时历史消息渗透问题": "Because there is a problem of historical message penetration when multiple people use it in the same channel",
1628 |
"其中": "Among them",
1629 |
"gpt写的": "Written by GPT",
1630 |
"报告已经添加到右侧“文件上传区”": "The report has been added to the 'File Upload Area' on the right",
1631 |
"目前支持的格式": "Supported formats at present",
1632 |
"英文Latex项目全文纠错": "Full-text correction of English Latex projects",
1633 |
"光速": "Speed of light",
1634 |
"表示频道ID": "Representing channel ID",
1635 |
"读取音频文件": "Reading audio files",
1636 |
"数学AnimationGeneration": "Mathematical Animation Generation",
1637 |
"开始生成动画": "Start generating animation",
1638 |
"否则将导致每个人的Claude问询历史互相渗透": "Otherwise, everyone's Claude inquiry history will be mutually infiltrated",
1639 |
"如果需要使用Slack Claude": "If you need to use Slack Claude",
1640 |
"防止丢失最后一条消息": "Prevent the last message from being lost",
1641 |
"开始": "Start",
1642 |
"Claude响应异常": "Claude responds abnormally",
1643 |
"并将返回的频道ID保存在属性CHANNEL_ID中": "And save the returned channel ID in the property CHANNEL_ID",
1644 |
"4. 时间膨胀公式": "4. Time dilation formula",
1645 |
"属性": "Attribute",
1646 |
"一些常见的公式包括": "Some common formulas include",
1647 |
"时间": "Time",
1648 |
"物体的能量": "Energy of an object",
1649 |
"对整个Latex项目进行纠错": "Correcting the entire Latex project",
1650 |
"此插件处于开发阶段": "This plugin is in the development stage",
1651 |
"实现消息发送、接收等功能": "Implement message sending, receiving and other functions",
1652 |
"生成数学动画": "Generate mathematical animations",
1653 |
"设置OpenAI密钥和模型": "Set OpenAI key and model",
1654 |
"默认值为1000": "Default value is 1000",
1655 |
"调用whisper模型音频转文字": "Call whisper model to convert audio to text",
1656 |
"否则结束循环": "Otherwise end the loop",
1657 |
"等待Claude回复的片段": "Wait for the segment replied by Claude",
1658 |
"这些公式描述了质量-能量转换、相对论引起的��间时变形、描述物理系统的拉格朗日力学、以及时间膨胀等现象": "These formulas describe phenomena such as mass-energy conversion, space-time deformation caused by relativity, Lagrangian mechanics describing physical systems, and time dilation.",
1659 |
"则无需填写NEWBING_COOKIES": "Then there is no need to fill in NEWBING_COOKIES",
1660 |
"SlackClient类用于与Slack API进行交互": "The SlackClient class is used to interact with the Slack API",
1661 |
"同时它必须被包含在AVAIL_LLM_MODELS切换列表中": "At the same time, it must be included in the AVAIL_LLM_MODELS switch list",
1662 |
"段音频完成了吗": "Is the segment audio completed?",
1663 |
"提取文件扩展名": "Extract the file extension",
1664 |
"段音频的第": "The",
1665 |
"段音频的主要内容": "The main content of the segment audio is",
1666 |
"z$ 分别是空间直角坐标系中的三个坐标": "z$, respectively, are the three coordinates in the spatial rectangular coordinate system",
1667 |
"这个是怎么识别的呢我也不清楚": "I'm not sure how this is recognized",
1668 |
"从现在起": "From now on"
1669 |