import time, logging, json, sys, struct |
import numpy as np |
from scipy.io.wavfile import WAVE_FORMAT |
def write_numpy_to_wave(filename, rate, data, add_header=False): |
""" |
Write a NumPy array as a WAV file. |
""" |
def _array_tofile(fid, data): |
fid.write(data.ravel().view('b').data) |
if hasattr(filename, 'write'): |
fid = filename |
else: |
fid = open(filename, 'wb') |
fs = rate |
try: |
dkind = data.dtype.kind |
if not (dkind == 'i' or dkind == 'f' or (dkind == 'u' and |
data.dtype.itemsize == 1)): |
raise ValueError("Unsupported data type '%s'" % data.dtype) |
header_data = b'' |
header_data += b'RIFF' |
header_data += b'\x00\x00\x00\x00' |
header_data += b'WAVE' |
header_data += b'fmt ' |
if dkind == 'f': |
else: |
format_tag = WAVE_FORMAT.PCM |
if data.ndim == 1: |
channels = 1 |
else: |
channels = data.shape[1] |
bit_depth = data.dtype.itemsize * 8 |
bytes_per_second = fs*(bit_depth // 8)*channels |
block_align = channels * (bit_depth // 8) |
fmt_chunk_data = struct.pack('<HHIIHH', format_tag, channels, fs, |
bytes_per_second, block_align, bit_depth) |
if not (dkind == 'i' or dkind == 'u'): |
fmt_chunk_data += b'\x00\x00' |
header_data += struct.pack('<I', len(fmt_chunk_data)) |
header_data += fmt_chunk_data |
if not (dkind == 'i' or dkind == 'u'): |
header_data += b'fact' |
header_data += struct.pack('<II', 4, data.shape[0]) |
if ((len(header_data)-4-4) + (4+4+data.nbytes)) > 0xFFFFFFFF: |
raise ValueError("Data exceeds wave file size limit") |
if add_header: |
fid.write(header_data) |
fid.write(b'data') |
fid.write(struct.pack('<I', data.nbytes)) |
if data.dtype.byteorder == '>' or (data.dtype.byteorder == '=' and |
sys.byteorder == 'big'): |
data = data.byteswap() |
_array_tofile(fid, data) |
if add_header: |
size = fid.tell() |
fid.seek(4) |
fid.write(struct.pack('<I', size-8)) |
finally: |
if not hasattr(filename, 'write'): |
fid.close() |
else: |
fid.seek(0) |
def is_speaker_speaking(vad, data, sample_rate): |
frame_duration = 30 |
n_bit_each = int(sample_rate * frame_duration / 1000)*2 |
res_list = [] |
for t in range(len(data)): |
if t!=0 and t % n_bit_each == 0: |
res_list.append(vad.is_speech(data[t-n_bit_each:t], sample_rate)) |
info = ''.join(['^' if r else '.' for r in res_list]) |
info = info[:10] |
if any(res_list): |
return True, info |
else: |
return False, info |
class AliyunASR(): |
def test_on_sentence_begin(self, message, *args): |
pass |
def test_on_sentence_end(self, message, *args): |
message = json.loads(message) |
self.parsed_sentence = message['payload']['result'] |
self.event_on_entence_end.set() |
def test_on_start(self, message, *args): |
pass |
def test_on_error(self, message, *args): |
logging.error("on_error args=>{}".format(args)) |
pass |
def test_on_close(self, *args): |
self.aliyun_service_ok = False |
pass |
def test_on_result_chg(self, message, *args): |
message = json.loads(message) |
self.parsed_text = message['payload']['result'] |
self.event_on_result_chg.set() |
def test_on_completed(self, message, *args): |
pass |
def audio_convertion_thread(self, uuid): |
import nls |
import tempfile |
from scipy import io |
from toolbox import get_conf |
from .audio_io import change_sample_rate |
from .audio_io import RealtimeAudioDistribution |
rad = RealtimeAudioDistribution() |
rad.clean_up() |
temp_folder = tempfile.gettempdir() |
if len(TOKEN) == 0: |
TOKEN = self.get_token() |
self.aliyun_service_ok = True |
URL="wss://nls-gateway.aliyuncs.com/ws/v1" |
sr = nls.NlsSpeechTranscriber( |
url=URL, |
token=TOKEN, |
appkey=APPKEY, |
on_sentence_begin=self.test_on_sentence_begin, |
on_sentence_end=self.test_on_sentence_end, |
on_start=self.test_on_start, |
on_result_changed=self.test_on_result_chg, |
on_completed=self.test_on_completed, |
on_error=self.test_on_error, |
on_close=self.test_on_close, |
callback_args=[uuid.hex] |
) |
timeout_limit_second = 20 |
r = sr.start(aformat="pcm", |
timeout=timeout_limit_second, |
enable_intermediate_result=True, |
enable_punctuation_prediction=True, |
enable_inverse_text_normalization=True) |
import webrtcvad |
vad = webrtcvad.Vad() |
vad.set_mode(1) |
is_previous_frame_transmitted = False |
previous_frame_data = None |
echo_cnt = 0 |
echo_cnt_max = 4 |
keep_alive_last_send_time = time.time() |
while not self.stop: |
audio = rad.read(uuid.hex) |
if audio is not None: |
temp_file = f'{temp_folder}/{uuid.hex}.pcm' |
dsdata = change_sample_rate(audio, rad.rate, NEW_SAMPLERATE) |
write_numpy_to_wave(temp_file, NEW_SAMPLERATE, dsdata) |
with open(temp_file, "rb") as f: data = f.read() |
is_speaking, info = is_speaker_speaking(vad, data, NEW_SAMPLERATE) |
if is_speaking or echo_cnt > 0: |
echo_cnt -= 1 |
if not is_previous_frame_transmitted: |
if previous_frame_data is not None: data = previous_frame_data + data |
if is_speaking: |
echo_cnt = echo_cnt_max |
slices = zip(*(iter(data),) * 640) |
for i in slices: sr.send_audio(bytes(i)) |
keep_alive_last_send_time = time.time() |
is_previous_frame_transmitted = True |
else: |
is_previous_frame_transmitted = False |
echo_cnt = 0 |
if time.time() - keep_alive_last_send_time > timeout_limit_second/2: |
slices = zip(*(iter(data),) * 640) |
for i in slices: sr.send_audio(bytes(i)) |
keep_alive_last_send_time = time.time() |
is_previous_frame_transmitted = True |
self.audio_shape = info |
else: |
time.sleep(0.1) |
if not self.aliyun_service_ok: |
self.stop = True |
self.stop_msg = 'Aliyun音频服务异常,请检查ALIYUN_TOKEN和ALIYUN_APPKEY是否过期。' |
r = sr.stop() |
def get_token(self): |
from toolbox import get_conf |
import json |
from aliyunsdkcore.request import CommonRequest |
from aliyunsdkcore.client import AcsClient |
AccessKey_ID, AccessKey_secret = get_conf('ALIYUN_ACCESSKEY', 'ALIYUN_SECRET') |
client = AcsClient( |
AccessKey_ID, |
AccessKey_secret, |
"cn-shanghai" |
) |
request = CommonRequest() |
request.set_method('POST') |
request.set_domain('nls-meta.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com') |
request.set_version('2019-02-28') |
request.set_action_name('CreateToken') |
try: |
response = client.do_action_with_exception(request) |
print(response) |
jss = json.loads(response) |
if 'Token' in jss and 'Id' in jss['Token']: |
token = jss['Token']['Id'] |
expireTime = jss['Token']['ExpireTime'] |
print("token = " + token) |
print("expireTime = " + str(expireTime)) |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
return token |