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import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import pickle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from src.data_preparation import preprocess_data
from src.clustering import perform_clustering, plot_clusters
from src.feature_selection import select_features_pca, select_features_rfe, select_features_rf
import os
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
def load_data(dataset_choice):
if dataset_choice == "Insurance":
data = pd.read_sas('a2z_insurance.sas7bdat',encoding='latin1')
elif dataset_choice == "Retail":
data = pd.read_csv('retaildata.csv', encoding='latin1')
elif dataset_choice == "Banking":
data = pd.read_csv('bankingdata.csv', encoding='latin1')
return data
return data
# Function to summarize cluster characteristics
def summarize_cluster_characteristics(clustered_data, labels, cluster_number):
cluster_data = clustered_data[labels == cluster_number]
summary = cluster_data.mean().to_dict()
return summary
# Function to display Business Understanding section
def display_business_understanding():
st.subheader("Business Objective")
###### Customer segmentation is a fundamental task in marketing and customer relationship management. With the advancements in data analytics and machine learning, it is now possible to group customers into distinct segments with a high degree of precision, allowing businesses to tailor their marketing strategies and offerings to each segment's unique needs and preferences.
###### Through this customer segmentation, businesses can achieve:
- **Personalization**: Tailoring marketing strategies to meet the unique needs of each segment.
- **Optimization**: Efficient allocation of marketing resources.
- **Insight**: Gaining a deeper understanding of the customer base.
- **Engagement**: Enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction.
###### => Problem/Requirement: Utilize machine learning and data analysis techniques in Python to perform customer segmentation.
st.image("Customer-Segmentation.png", caption="Customer Segmentation", use_column_width=True)
# Function to display Dataset section
def display_dataset_selection():
dataset_choice = st.selectbox("Select Dataset", ("Insurance", "Retail", "Banking"))
data = load_data(dataset_choice)
st.write(f"Dataset: {dataset_choice}")
st.write("Number of rows:", data.shape[0])
st.write("Number of columns:", data.shape[1])
st.write("First five rows of the data:")
return data
# Function to display Modeling & Evaluation section
def display_modeling_evaluation():
dataset_choice = st.selectbox("Select Dataset", ("Insurance", "Retail", "Banking"))
data = load_data(dataset_choice)
data = preprocess_data(data)
# Sidebar for feature selection and clustering method
st.sidebar.header("Feature Selection and Clustering Method")
feature_selection_method = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select feature selection method", ('PCA', 'RFE', 'Random Forest'))
n_clusters = st.sidebar.slider("Number of clusters", min_value=2, max_value=10, value=3)
if feature_selection_method == 'PCA':
n_components = st.sidebar.slider("Number of PCA components", min_value=2, max_value=10, value=5)
elif feature_selection_method in ['RFE', 'Random Forest']:
n_features_to_select = st.sidebar.slider("Number of features to select", min_value=2, max_value=10, value=5)
# Perform clustering on button click
if st.sidebar.button("Cluster"):
if feature_selection_method == 'PCA':
selected_data, selected_features = select_features_pca(data, n_components)
elif feature_selection_method == 'RFE':
selected_data, selected_features = select_features_rfe(data, n_features_to_select)
elif feature_selection_method == 'Random Forest':
selected_data, selected_features = select_features_rf(data, n_features_to_select)
st.write(f"Selected Features: {selected_features}")
clustered_data, score, df_value_scaled, labels, model = perform_clustering(selected_data, n_clusters)
st.write(f"Number of Clusters: {n_clusters}")
st.write(f"Silhouette Score: {score}")
st.write("Clustered Data")
st.write("Cluster Visualization")
plot_clusters(df_value_scaled, labels)
# Store selected features and model in session state
st.session_state.selected_features = selected_features
st.session_state.model = model
st.session_state.clustered_data = clustered_data
st.session_state.labels = labels
st.session_state.df_value_scaled = df_value_scaled
# Predict new data based on selected features
if 'selected_features' in st.session_state and 'model' in st.session_state:
st.write("### Predict Cluster")
# Use st.form to handle input fields
with st.form(key='prediction_form'):
user_input = {}
for feature in st.session_state.selected_features:
user_input[feature] = st.number_input(f'Enter {feature}', value=0.0)
submit_button = st.form_submit_button(label='Predict')
if submit_button:
user_df = pd.DataFrame(user_input, index=[0])
scaler = StandardScaler()
user_df_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(user_df)
cluster = st.session_state.model.predict(user_df_scaled)
st.write(f'The predicted cluster for the input data is: {cluster[0]}')
# Get the clustered data and labels from session state
clustered_data = st.session_state.clustered_data
labels = st.session_state.labels
df_value_scaled = st.session_state.df_value_scaled
# Summarize cluster characteristics
summary = summarize_cluster_characteristics(clustered_data, labels, cluster[0])
# Generate and display the inference
inference = f"Based on the input features, the customer belongs to Cluster {cluster[0]}, which is characterized by the following average values:\n"
for feature, value in summary.items():
inference += f"- {feature}: {value:.2f}\n"
plot_clusters(df_value_scaled, labels, new_data_point=user_df_scaled)
# Main app structure
def main():
st.title("Customer Segmentation Demo")
st.header("Customer Segmentation")
# Sidebar menu options
menu = ["Business Understanding", "Dataset", "Modeling & Prediction"]
choice = st.sidebar.selectbox('Menu', menu)
if choice == 'Business Understanding':
elif choice == 'Dataset':
elif choice == 'Modeling & Prediction':
if __name__ == "__main__":