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import streamlit as st
import graphviz as gv
from graphviz import Graph
import folium
from streamlit_folium import folium_static
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import altair as alt
# Define the top 10 mental health facilities by bed size in the US
hospitals = [('McLean Hospital', 'Belmont, MA', 182),
('Menninger Clinic', 'Houston, TX', 164),
('Johns Hopkins Hospital', 'Baltimore, MD', 119),
('Sheppard Pratt Hospital', 'Towson, MD', 118),
('New York-Presbyterian Hospital', 'New York, NY', 117),
('Austen Riggs Center', 'Stockbridge, MA', 70),
('Butler Hospital', 'Providence, RI', 68),
('Rogers Memorial Hospital', 'Oconomowoc, WI', 67),
('Silver Hill Hospital', 'New Canaan, CT', 54),
('Spectrum Health Hospitals Butterworth Hospital', 'Grand Rapids, MI', 53)]
# Create a Graphviz chart of the hospitals
g = Graph(format='svg')
g.graph_attr['bgcolor'] = '#FFFFFF'
g.graph_attr['outputorder'] = 'edgesfirst'
g.graph_attr['size'] = '10,10'
g.node_attr['style'] = 'filled'
g.node_attr['shape'] = 'box'
g.node_attr['fillcolor'] = '#FFDAB9'
with g.subgraph(name='cluster_US') as c:
c.graph_attr['bgcolor'] = '#ADD8E6'
c.node_attr['color'] = '#000000'
c.node_attr['fontcolor'] = '#000000'
c.attr(label='Top 10 Mental Health Facilities by Bed Size in the US', fontsize='24')
for hospital in hospitals:
c.node(f"{hospital[0]}\n{hospital[1]}\n{hospital[2]} beds")
# Render the Graphviz chart in Streamlit
# Create a Folium map of the hospitals
#m = folium.Map(location=[39.5, -98.35], zoom_start=4)
#for hospital in hospitals:
# folium.Marker(
# location=[hospital[1].split(', ')[0], hospital[1].split(', ')[1]],
# popup=f"{hospital[0]}\n{hospital[1]}\n{hospital[2]} beds",
# icon=folium.Icon(color='red', icon='info-sign')
# ).add_to(m)
# Display the Folium map in Streamlit
# Create a dataframe of the hospital data
df = pd.DataFrame(hospitals, columns=['Hospital', 'Location', 'Bed Size'])
# Create a Matplotlib chart of the hospital bed sizes
fig, ax = plt.subplots()['Hospital'], df['Bed Size'])
ax.set_xticklabels(df['Hospital'], rotation=45)
ax.set_ylabel('Bed Size')
ax.set_title('Top 10 Mental Health Facilities by Bed Size in the US')
# Create an Altair chart of the hospital bed sizes
alt_chart = alt.Chart(df).mark_bar().encode(
y='Bed Size'
title='Top 10 Mental Health Facilities by Bed Size in the US'
# Display the Altair chart in Streamlit
# Top 20 Mental Health Facilities by Bed Size in the US
top_hospitals = [
(1, 'McLean Hospital', 'Belmont, MA', 182, 'Known for its treatment of borderline personality disorder.'),
(2, 'Menninger Clinic', 'Houston, TX', 164, 'Uses an integrative approach that combines therapy, medication, and other treatments.'),
(3, 'Johns Hopkins Hospital', 'Baltimore, MD', 119, 'Specializes in the treatment of mood disorders and addiction.'),
(4, 'Sheppard Pratt Hospital', 'Towson, MD', 118, 'Offers a range of specialty programs, including ones for eating disorders and addiction.'),
(5, 'New York-Presbyterian Hospital', 'New York, NY', 117, 'One of the largest mental health facilities in the country, with a wide range of treatment options.'),
(6, 'Austen Riggs Center', 'Stockbridge, MA', 70, 'Known for its focus on long-term treatment and the importance of relationships.'),
(7, 'Butler Hospital', 'Providence, RI', 68, 'Offers a range of specialized programs, including ones for bipolar disorder and addiction.'),
(8, 'Rogers Memorial Hospital', 'Oconomowoc, WI', 67, 'Offers a range of specialty programs, including ones for OCD and eating disorders.'),
(9, 'Silver Hill Hospital', 'New Canaan, CT', 54, 'Known for its focus on treating co-occurring mental health and addiction issues.'),
(10, 'Spectrum Health Hospitals Butterworth Hospital', 'Grand Rapids, MI', 53, 'Offers a range of specialized programs, including ones for PTSD and addiction.'),
(11, 'University of Michigan Hospitals-Michigan Medicine', 'Ann Arbor, MI', 49, 'Offers a range of specialized programs, including ones for depression and anxiety.'),
(12, 'Vanderbilt University Medical Center', 'Nashville, TN', 48, 'Offers a range of specialized programs, including ones for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.'),
(13, 'Mayo Clinic', 'Rochester, MN', 47, 'Known for its focus on integrated care and a patient-centered approach.'),
(14, 'UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital', 'Pittsburgh, PA', 46, 'Offers a range of specialized programs, including ones for autism and bipolar disorder.'),
(15, 'Cleveland Clinic', 'Cleveland, OH', 45, 'Offers a range of specialized programs, including ones for geriatric mental health and addiction.'),
(16, 'McLean SouthEast', 'Middleborough, MA', 44, 'Offers a range of specialized programs, including ones for trauma and addiction.'),
(17, 'Laurel Ridge Treatment Center', 'San Antonio, TX', 44, 'Offers a range of specialized programs, including ones for PTSD and addiction.'),
(18, 'Mercy Hospital', 'Chicago, IL', 42, 'Offers a range of specialized programs, including ones for geriatric mental health and addiction.'),
(19, 'University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics', 'Iowa City, IA', 42, 'Offers a range of specialized programs, including ones for eating disorders and addiction.'),
(20, 'Rogers Behavioral Health', 'Oconomowoc, WI', 41, 'Offers a range of specialized programs, including ones for OCD and addiction.')
table = "| Rank | Hospital | Location | Bed Size | Unique Care |\n"
table += "| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |\n"
for hospital in top_hospitals:
table += f"| {hospital[0]} | {hospital[1]} | {hospital[2]} | {hospital[3]} beds | {hospital[4]} |\n"
st.markdown("## Top 20 Mental Health Facilities by Bed Size in the US")