awacke1's picture
Duplicate from Sanyam0605/Chatbot
history blame
2.27 kB
import streamlit as st
from streamlit_chat import message
from streamlit_extras.colored_header import colored_header
from streamlit_extras.add_vertical_space import add_vertical_space
from hugchat import hugchat
st.set_page_config(page_title="HugChat - An LLM-powered Streamlit app")
# image = "0_AI4xFlr8mYASsylX.png" # Replace with the actual path to your image
# st.image(image, caption="Robotic Llama", use_column_width=1)
with st.sidebar:
st.title('πŸ€—πŸ’¬ HugChat App')
## About
This app is an LLM-powered chatbot built using:
- [Streamlit](<>)
- [HugChat](<>)
- [OpenAssistant/oasst-sft-6-llama-30b-xor](<>) LLM model
πŸ’‘ Note: No API key required!
st.write('Thanks Meta for LLAMA and hugging face- hugchat')
if 'generated' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['generated'] = ["I'm HugChat, How may I help you?"]
if 'past' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['past'] = ['Hi!']
input_container = st.container()
colored_header(label='', description='', color_name='blue-70')
response_container = st.container()
# User input
## Function for taking user provided prompt as input
def get_text():
input_text = st.text_input("You: ", "", key="input")
return input_text
## Applying the user input box
with input_container:
user_input = get_text()
# Response output
## Function for taking user prompt as input followed by producing AI generated responses
def generate_response(prompt):
chatbot = hugchat.ChatBot()
response =
return response
## Conditional display of AI generated responses as a function of user provided prompts
with response_container:
if user_input:
response = generate_response(user_input)
if st.session_state['generated']:
for i in range(len(st.session_state['generated'])):
message(st.session_state['past'][i], is_user=True, key=str(i) + '_user')
message(st.session_state['generated'][i], key=str(i))