awacke1 commited on
1 Parent(s): b331812


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- Modify the program below to add a few picture buttons which will use emojis and a witty title to describe a prompt. the first prompt I want is "Write ten random adult limerick based on quotes that are tweet length and make you laugh. Show as numbered bold faced and large font markdown outline with emojis for each." Modify this code to add the prompt emoji labeled buttons above the text box. when you click them pass the varible they contain to a function which runs the chat through the Llama web service call in the code below. refactor it so it is function based. Put variables that set description for button and label for button right before the st.button() function calls and use st.expander() function to create a expanded description container with a witty label so user could collapse st.expander to hide buttons of a particular type. This first type will be Wit and Humor. Make sure each label contains appropriate emojis. Code: # Imports
  import base64
  import glob
  import json
+ # Modify the program below to add a few picture buttons which will use emojis and a witty title to describe a prompt. the first prompt I want is "Write ten random adult limerick based on quotes that are tweet length and make you laugh. Show as numbered bold faced and large font markdown outline with emojis for each." Modify this code to add the prompt emoji labeled buttons above the text box. when you click them pass the varible they contain to a function which runs the chat through the Llama web service call in the code below. refactor it so it is function based. Put variables that set description for button and label for button right before the st.button() function calls and use st.expander() function to create a expanded description container with a witty label so user could collapse st.expander to hide buttons of a particular type. This first type will be Wit and Humor. Make sure each label contains appropriate emojis. Code: # Imports
  import base64
  import glob
  import json