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import pathlib
import random
import string
import tempfile
from typing import Iterable, List
import gradio as gr
import huggingface_hub
import torch
import yaml
from gradio_logsview.logsview import Log, LogsView, LogsViewRunner
from mergekit.config import MergeConfiguration
has_gpu = torch.cuda.is_available()
# Running directly from Python doesn't work well with Gradio+run_process because of:
# Cannot re-initialize CUDA in forked subprocess. To use CUDA with multiprocessing, you must use the 'spawn' start method
# Let's use the CLI instead.
# import mergekit.merge
# from mergekit.common import parse_kmb
# from mergekit.options import MergeOptions
# merge_options = (
# MergeOptions(
# copy_tokenizer=True,
# cuda=True,
# low_cpu_memory=True,
# write_model_card=True,
# )
# if has_gpu
# else MergeOptions(
# allow_crimes=True,
# out_shard_size=parse_kmb("1B"),
# lazy_unpickle=True,
# write_model_card=True,
# )
# )
cli = "mergekit-yaml config.yaml merge --copy-tokenizer" + (
" --cuda --low-cpu-memory" if has_gpu else " --allow-crimes --out-shard-size 1B --lazy-unpickle"
# mergekit-gui
The fastest way to perform a model merge πŸ”₯
Specify a YAML configuration file (see examples below) and a HF token and this app will perform the merge and upload the merged model to your user profile.
## Merge Configuration
[Mergekit]( configurations are YAML documents specifying the operations to perform in order to produce your merged model.
Below are the primary elements of a configuration file:
- `merge_method`: Specifies the method to use for merging models. See [Merge Methods]( for a list.
- `slices`: Defines slices of layers from different models to be used. This field is mutually exclusive with `models`.
- `models`: Defines entire models to be used for merging. This field is mutually exclusive with `slices`.
- `base_model`: Specifies the base model used in some merging methods.
- `parameters`: Holds various parameters such as weights and densities, which can also be specified at different levels of the configuration.
- `dtype`: Specifies the data type used for the merging operation.
- `tokenizer_source`: Determines how to construct a tokenizer for the merged model.
## Merge Methods
A quick overview of the currently supported merge methods:
| Method | `merge_method` value | Multi-Model | Uses base model |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------- | ----------- | --------------- |
| Linear ([Model Soups]( | `linear` | βœ… | ❌ |
| SLERP | `slerp` | ❌ | βœ… |
| [Task Arithmetic]( | `task_arithmetic` | βœ… | βœ… |
| [TIES]( | `ties` | βœ… | βœ… |
| [DARE]( [TIES]( | `dare_ties` | βœ… | βœ… |
| [DARE]( [Task Arithmetic]( | `dare_linear` | βœ… | βœ… |
| Passthrough | `passthrough` | ❌ | ❌ |
| [Model Stock]( | `model_stock` | βœ… | βœ… |
## Citation
This GUI is powered by [Arcee's MergeKit](
If you use it in your research, please cite the following paper:
title={Arcee's MergeKit: A Toolkit for Merging Large Language Models},
author={Goddard, Charles and Siriwardhana, Shamane and Ehghaghi, Malikeh and Meyers, Luke and Karpukhin, Vlad and Benedict, Brian and McQuade, Mark and Solawetz, Jacob},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.13257},
This Space is heavily inspired by LazyMergeKit by Maxime Labonne (see [Colab](
examples = [[str(f)] for f in pathlib.Path("examples").glob("*.yml")]
def merge(yaml_config: str, hf_token: str, repo_name: str) -> Iterable[List[Log]]:
runner = LogsViewRunner()
if not yaml_config:
yield runner.log("Empty yaml, pick an example below", level="ERROR")
merge_config = MergeConfiguration.model_validate(yaml.safe_load(yaml_config))
except Exception as e:
yield runner.log(f"Invalid yaml {e}", level="ERROR")
if not hf_token:
yield runner.log("You must provide a write-access token.", level="ERROR")
api = huggingface_hub.HfApi(token=hf_token)
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
tmpdir = pathlib.Path(tmpdirname)
merged_path = tmpdir / "merged"
merged_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
config_path = merged_path / "config.yaml"
yield runner.log(f"Merge configuration saved in {config_path}")
if not repo_name:
yield runner.log("No repo name provided. Generating a random one.")
repo_name = f"mergekit-{merge_config.merge_method}"
# Make repo_name "unique" (no need to be extra careful on uniqueness)
repo_name += "-" + "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase, k=7))
repo_name = repo_name.replace("/", "-").strip("-")
yield runner.log(f"Creating repo {repo_name}")
repo_url = api.create_repo(repo_name, exist_ok=True)
yield runner.log(f"Repo created: {repo_url}")
except Exception as e:
yield runner.log(f"Error creating repo {e}", level="ERROR")
yield from runner.run_command(cli.split(), cwd=merged_path)
if runner.exit_code != 0:
yield runner.log("Merge failed. Deleting repo as no model is uploaded.", level="ERROR")
yield runner.log("Model merged successfully. Uploading to HF.")
yield from runner.run_python(
folder_path=merged_path / "merge",
yield runner.log("Model successfully uploaded to HF.")
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
with gr.Row():
filename = gr.Textbox(visible=False, label="filename")
config = gr.Code(language="yaml", lines=10, label="config.yaml")
with gr.Column():
token = gr.Textbox(
label="HF Write Token",
placeholder="Mandatory. Used to upload the merged model.",
repo_name = gr.Textbox(
label="Repo name",
placeholder="Optional. Will create a random name if empty.",
button = gr.Button("Merge", variant="primary")
logs = LogsView()
fn=lambda s: (s,),
gr.Markdown(MARKDOWN_ARTICLE), inputs=[config, token, repo_name], outputs=[logs])