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This is an INTERNAL library for the LangChain project. It contains the base classes for a standard set of tests.


This package will NOT be regularly published to pypi. It is intended to be installed directly from github at test time.


pip install git+


poetry add git+


To add standard tests to an integration package's e.g. ChatModel, you need to create

  1. A unit test class that inherits from ChatModelUnitTests
  2. An integration test class that inherits from ChatModelIntegrationTests


"""Standard LangChain interface tests"""

from typing import Type

import pytest
from langchain_core.language_models import BaseChatModel
from langchain_standard_tests.unit_tests import ChatModelUnitTests

from langchain_parrot_chain import ChatParrotChain

class TestParrotChainStandard(ChatModelUnitTests):
    def chat_model_class(self) -> Type[BaseChatModel]:
        return ChatParrotChain


"""Standard LangChain interface tests"""

from typing import Type

import pytest
from langchain_core.language_models import BaseChatModel
from langchain_standard_tests.integration_tests import ChatModelIntegrationTests

from langchain_parrot_chain import ChatParrotChain

class TestParrotChainStandard(ChatModelIntegrationTests):
    def chat_model_class(self) -> Type[BaseChatModel]:
        return ChatParrotChain


The following fixtures are configurable in the test classes. Anything not marked as required is optional.

  • chat_model_class (required): The class of the chat model to be tested
  • chat_model_params: The keyword arguments to pass to the chat model constructor
  • chat_model_has_tool_calling: Whether the chat model can call tools. By default, this is set to hasattr(chat_model_class, 'bind_tools)
  • chat_model_has_structured_output: Whether the chat model can structured output. By default, this is set to hasattr(chat_model_class, 'with_structured_output')