Runtime error
Runtime error
<mask> acts in <mask>. ['<A> is a member of <B>.', '<A> participates in <B>.', '<A> performs in <B>.', '<A> plays a role in <B>.', '<A> creates <B>.'] | |
<mask> are geographically distributed in <mask>. ['<A> are located in <B>.', '<A> live in <B>.', '<A> is a species unique only in <B>.'] | |
<mask> believe in <mask>. ['The religion of <A> is <B>.', '<A> created <B>.', "<A> obeys the rule that listed in <B>."] | |
<mask> belongs to <mask>. ['<A> is owned by <B>', '<A> is located in <B>', '<A> is a member of <B>.', '<A> is in the group of <B>.', '<A> is a part of <B>.'] | |
<mask> comes after <mask>. ['<A> happens after <B>', 'The prerequisite of <A> is <B>.'] | |
<mask> comes before <mask>. ["<A> is the prerequisite of <B>.","The following event of <A> is <B>.", "The sequel of <A> is <B>."] | |
<mask> crosses <mask>. ['<A> goes to the other side of <B>.'] | |
<mask> deals with <mask>. ['<A> run business with <B>.', "<A> recognizes <B>.", "<A> is familiar with <B>."] | |
<mask> died in <mask>. ['<A> lived in <B>', '<A> was a native in <B>', '<A> was a citizen of <B>.', '<A> worked in <B>.', '<A> was buried in <B>.'] | |
<mask> exports <mask>. ['<A> produces <B>.', '<A> lives on <B>.', '<A> makes money through <B>.', '<A> knows a lot about <B>.'] | |
<mask> follows <mask>. ['<A> is the child of <B>.', '<A> recognizes <B>.', '<A> wants to hurt <B>.', '<A> was leaded by <B>.'] | |
<mask> graduated from <mask>. ['<A> paid for <B>.', '<A> is a student of <B>.', '<A> studied in <B> for many years.', '<A> knows a lot about <B>.', '<A> is familiar with <B>.', '<A> used to be a member of <B>.'] | |
<mask> has influence on <mask>. ['<A> is the parent of <B>.', '<A> is the advisor of <B>.', '<A> is the supervisor of <B>.', '<A> is familiar with <B>.'] | |
<mask> holds position of <mask>. ['<A> works as a <B>.', "<A> supports family through being a <B>.", "<A> chase dream through being a <B>."] | |
<mask> holds the political position of <mask>. ["<A> is currently a <B>.", "<A> works as a <B>.", "<A> realizes political ambition through being a <B>."] | |
<mask> imports <mask>. ['<A> needs <B>.', '<A> cannot produce enough <B>.', '<A> do not have <B>.', '<A> has to pay for <B>.'] | |
<mask> is <mask> by occupation. ["<A> works as a <B>.", "<A> supports his family through being a <mask>."] | |
<mask> is a citizen of <mask>. ['<A> is a native of <B>.', '<A> is a member of <B>.', '<A> lives and works in <B>.', '<A> is familiar with <B>.'] | |
<mask> is a city of <mask>. ['<A> is a part of <B>.', '<A> is the member of <B>.', '<A> belongs to <B>.'] | |
<mask> is a constellation of <mask>. ["<A> is a part of <B>.", "<A> is a member of <B>.", "<A> rotates around <B>."] | |
<mask> is a member of political party <B>. ["<A> supports <B>.", "<A> pays membership dues to <B>.", "<A> has applied to join <B>."] | |
<mask> is a member of <mask>. ['<A> make contributions to <B>.', '<A> applied to join <B>.', '<A> belongs to <B>.'] | |
<mask> is a part of <mask>. ['<A> make contributions to <B>.', '<A> applied to join <B>.', '<A> belongs to <B>.'] | |
<mask> is a provicial capital of <mask>. ['<A> is a part of <B>.', '<A> is a regional political cneter of <B>.', '<A> belongs to <B>.', '<A> is a city of <B>.'] | |
<mask> is a state or province within <mask>. ["<A> is a part of <B>.", "<A> blelongs to <B>."] | |
<mask> is advised by <mask>. ['<A> is influenced by <B>.', '<A> is one of the students of <B>.', '<A> is taught by <B>.', '<A> follows <B>.', '<A> receive advice from <B>.'] | |
<mask> is an instance of <mask>. ["<A> is a kind of <B>.", "<A> derives from <B>.", "<A> is recognized as <B>."] | |
<mask> is composed by <mask>. ['<A> is created by <B>.', 'The copyright of <A> is owned by <B>.', '<A> was sold by <B> to make profits.', "<A> is used to express <B>'s emotions."] | |
<mask> is created by <mask>. ["The copyright of <A> belongs to <B>.", "<A> is sold by <B> to make profits."] | |
<mask> is designated as a <mask>. ["<A> needs to choose whether to become <B>.", "<A> knows how to work as <B>."] | |
<mask> is directed by <mask>. ["<A> is known for <B>.", "<A> is one of the works of <B>."] | |
<mask> is happened in <mask>. ["<A> is known by people in <B>.", "<A> ends in <B>."] | |
<mask> is known for <mask>. ['<A> makes great contribution to <B>.', '<A> is a member of <B>.', '<A> belongs to <B>.'] | |
<mask> is licensed to broadcast to <mask>. ["<A> run business in <B>.", "<A> offers service in <B>.", "<A> distribute news in <B>."] | |
<mask> is located in <mask>. ['<A> lives in <B>', '<A> belongs to <B>.', '<A> is a part of <B>.'] | |
<mask> is married to <mask>. ['<A> lives together with <B>.', '<A> is the partner of <B>.', '<A> recognizes <B>.', '<A> loves <B>.', '<A> and <B> have children.', '<A> is one of the family member of <B>.'] | |
<mask> is nominated for <mask>. ['<A> competes with other to win the <B>.', '<A> wants to win <B>.', '<A> wins the <B>.'] | |
<mask> is one of a mount in <mask>. ['<A> is a part of <B>.', '<A> is one of the tallest peaks in <B>.', '<A> is located in <B>.', '<A> belongs to <B>.', '<A> is known for <B>.'] | |
<mask> operates <mask>. ["<A> is licensed to operates <B>.", "<A> operates <B> to make profits.", "<A> is familiar with <B>."] | |
<mask> is owned by <mask>. ['<A> is produced by <B>.', 'The copyright of <A> belongs to <B>.', '<A> was sold by <B> to make profits.'] | |
<mask> is performed by <mask>. ['<A> is one of works of <B>.', '<A> is known for <B>.'] | |
<mask> is preceded by <mask>. ["<A> is behind <B>.", "<A> happens after <B>."] | |
<mask> is produced by <mask>. ['<A> issold by <B> to make profits.', '<A> is designed by <B>.', '<A> is assembled by <B>.', '<A> belongs to <B>.', 'The copyright of <A> is owned by <B>.'] | |
<mask> is published by <mask>. ['The copyright of <A> is owned by <B>.', '<A> is created by <B>.'] | |
<mask> is same as <mask>. ["<A> and <B> are hard to distinguish.", "<A> are refered to as <B>."] | |
<mask> is spoken in <mask>. ['<A> is the official language in <B>.', '<A> is spoken by most of people in <B>.', '<A> is originated from <B>.'] | |
<mask> is the academic advisor of <mask>. ['<A> influences <B>.', '<A> is the professor of <B>.', '<A> is taught by <B>.', '<A> leads <B>.', '<A> offers advice to <B>.'] | |
<mask> is the advisor of <mask>. ['<A> influences <B>.', '<A> is the professor of <B>.', '<A> is taught by <B>.', '<A> leads <B>.', '<A> offers advice to <B>.'] | |
<mask> is the antgonist of <mask>. ['<A> does not agree with <B>.', '<A> hates <B>.', '<A> competes against <B>.'] | |
<mask> is the capital of <mask>. ['<A> is the largest city in <B>.', '<A> is the political and economic center in <B>', '<A> belongs to <B>.', '<A> is a part of <B>.', '<A> belongs to <B>.'] | |
<mask> is the chairman of <mask>. ['<A> is a member of <B>.', '<A> is one of the founder of <B>.', '<A> owns <B>.', '<A> is the leader of <B>.', '<A> decides important issues in <B>.'] | |
<mask> is the child of <mask>. ['<A> is raised by <B>.', '<A> lives together with <B>.', '<A> loves <B>.', '<A> is one of a family member of <B>.', '<A> follows <B>.'] | |
<mask> is the citizen of <mask>. ['<A> lives in <B>.', '<A> is the native of <B>.', '<A> speaks the official langauge of <B>.', '<A> works in <B>.', '<A> is familiar with <B>.'] | |
<mask> is the competition class of <mask>. ["<A> contains pariticipants in <B>.", "<A> is a group of <B>.", "<A> competes with other groups in <B>."] | |
<mask> is the father of <mask>. ['<A> lives together with <B>.', '<A> is one of the family members of <B>.', '<A> raises <B> up.', '<A> loves <B>.', '<A> protects <B>.'] | |
<mask> is the following event of <mask>. ['<A> happens after <B>', 'The prerequisite of <A> is <B>.'] | |
<mask> is the founder of <mask>. ['<A> works for <B>.', '<A> owns <B>.', '<A> is the president of <B>.', '<A> is an important member of <B>.', '<A> decides important issues in <B>.'] | |
<mask> is the home of <mask>. ['<A> lives in <B>.', "<A> has bought or rented <B>.", "<A> pays for <B>."] | |
<mask> is the jurisdictional office of <mask>. ["<A> offers legal service to <B>.", "<A> is funded by <B>.", "<A> is a department of <B>.", "<A> obeys the requirements presented by <B>."] | |
<mask> is the last tour of <mask>. ["<A> is the end of <B>.", "<A> is a part of <B>."] | |
<mask> is the leader of <mask>. ['<A> is a member of <B>.', '<A> is one of the founder of <B>.', '<A> owns <B>.', '<A> is the leader of <B>.', '<A> decides important issues in <B>.'] | |
<mask> is the mother of <mask>. ['<A> lives together with <B>.', '<A> is one of the family members of <B>.', '<A> raises <B> up.', '<A> loves <B>.', '<A> protects <B>.'] | |
<mask> is the neighbor of <mask>. ['<A> recognizes <B>.', '<A> lives next to <B>.', "There is a border between <A> and <B>'s house."] | |
<mask> is the politician of <mask>. ["<A> is a citizen of <B>.", "<A> is <B> by nationality.", "<A> wants to be the president of <B>.", "<A> lives and works in <Brazil>."] | |
<mask> is the predecessor of <mask>. ["<A> works together with <B>.", "<A> is the collegue of <B>.", "<A> leads <B>.", "<A> assigns tasks to <B>."] | |
<mask> is the sibling of <mask>. ['<A> lives together with <B>.', 'The parents of <A> and <B> are the same.', '<A> and <B> grow up together.'] | |
<mask> is the spouse of <mask>. ['<A> lives together with <B>.', '<A> is the partner of <B>.', '<A> recognizes <B>.', '<A> loves <B>.', '<A> and <B> have children.', '<A> is one of the family member of <B>.', '<A> is married to <B>.'] | |
<mask> is voiced by <mask>. ["<A> is performed by <B>.", "<A> is one of the works of <B>."] | |
<mask> is written by <mask>. ['<A> is created by <B>.', 'The author of <A> is <B>.', '<A> was used by <B> to express thought.'] | |
<mask> lives in <mask>. ['<A> is the native of <B>.', '<A> works in <B>.', '<A> is a member of <B>.'] | |
<mask> participated in <mask>. ['<A> competed with others in <B>.', '<A> applied to participate in <B>.', '<A> enjoyed <B>.', '<A> has known the results of <B>.'] | |
<mask> participates in <mask>. ['<A> competes with others in <B>.', '<A> applies to participate in <B>.', '<A> enjoys <B>.', '<A> wants to win in <B>.'] | |
<mask> plays <mask> in the team. ['<A> is <B> by profession.', '<A> is professional in <B>.'] | |
<mask> plays a notable role in <mask>. ['<A> is an important members of <B>.', '<A> makes great contributions in <B>.', '<A> serves in <B>.', '<A> works for <B>.'] | |
<mask> serves in <mask>. ['<A> works for <B>.', '<A> is the member of <B>.', '<A> obeys the commands by <B>.'] | |
<mask> was born in <mask>. ['<A> was grew up in <B>.', '<A> lived in <B>.', '<A> was familiar with <B>.', '<A> wasthe native of <B>.', '<A> was the citizen of <B>.'] | |
<mask> was shot in <mask>. ["The story of <A> happens in <B>.", "<A> make <B> become famous."] | |
<mask> wins the prize of <mask>. ["<A> is known for <B>.", "<A> is the participants of <B>.", "<A> competed with other participants in <B>.", "<A> is outstanding in the field of <B>."] | |
<mask> works at <mask>. ['<A> is a member of <B>.', '<A> makes contribution to <B>.'] | |
<mask> works in the field of <mask>. ['<A> makes contribution to the field of <B>.', '<A> is famous in the field of <B>.', '<A> publishes many works related to the field of <B>.'] | |
One of the characters in <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> is one of the works of <B>.", "<A> is performed by <B>."] | |
<mask> was interred in <mask>. ["<A> died in <B>.", "<A> used to live in <B>.", "<A> is the citizen of <B>.", "<A> is the native of <B>."] | |
The country where <mask> is located in is <mask>. ['The nationality of <A> is <B>.', '<A> is a citizen of <B>.', '<A> was born in <B>.', '<A> works and lives in <B>.'] | |
The country where <mask> is originated from is <mask>. ['<A> has long history in <B>.', '<A> is known by people in <B>.', '<A> is invented by people in <B>.', '<A> belongs to <B>.'] | |
The distributor of <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> is sold by <B>.", "<A> is a product of <B>."] | |
The ethnicity of <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> identify themselves as <B>.", "<A> is a group of <B>."] | |
The head of government in <mask> is <mask>. ['The president of <A> is <B>.', 'The decision maker of <A> is <B>.', 'One of an important politician of <A> is <B>.'] | |
The headquarter of <mask> is in <mask>. ["<A> is founded in <B>.", "<A>'s employees lives in <B>.", "<A> runs business in <B>.", "<A> make contributions to <B>."] | |
The instrument of <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> is trained to use <B>.", "<A> utilize <B> to finish work."] | |
The language used in <mask> is <mask>. ['The official language of <A> is <B>.', 'Most people in <A> speak <B> to communicates with others.', 'People in <A> invented <B>.'] | |
The main subject of <mask> is <mask>. ["One of the representative of <A> is <B>.", "<A> consists of <B>."] | |
The major shareholders of <mask> is <mask>. ["One of the leaders of <A> is <B>.", "<A> is founded by <B>.", "<A> is responsible to <B>."] | |
The manufacturer of <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> is produced by <B>.", "<A> is sold by <B> to make profits.", "<A> is designed by <B>."] | |
The military rank of <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> holds the position of <B>.", "<A> works as a <B>."] | |
The mouth of <mask> is <mask>. ['<A> flows into the ocean through <B>.', '<A> connects with the ocean through <B>.', '<A> passes through <B>.', 'The entrance of <A> is <B>.'] | |
<mask> is related to movement <mask>. ["<A> participates in <B>.", "<A> presents urges through <B>.", "<A> is a member of <B>.", "<A> supports <B>."] | |
The nationality of <mask> is <mask>. ['<A> lives and works in <B>.', '<A> was born in <B>.', '<A> is a citizen of <B>.', '<A> receives education in <B>.'] | |
The notable work of <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> is known for his <B>.", "<A> owns the copyright of <B>.", "<A> utilizes <B> to express her thoughts."] | |
The official language of <mask> is <mask>. ["Most people of <A> communicates in <B>.", "<A> created <B>."] | |
<mask> based on the operating system <mask>. ["<A> is implemented over <B>.", "<A> runs on <B>."] | |
The original language of <mask> is <mask>. ['<A> used to speak <B>.', '<A> currently speak another language other than <B>.', '<A> invented <B>.', '<A> forget how to speak <B>.'] | |
The place where <mask> was born is <mask>. ['<A> grew up in <B>.', '<A> lived in <B>.', '<A> was familiar with <B>.', '<A> was the native of <B>.', '<A> was the citizen of <B>.'] | |
The place where <mask> was buried is <mask>. ['<A> died in <B>.', '<A> used to live in <B>.', '<A> is the citizen of <B>.', '<A> is the native of <B>.'] | |
The place where <mask> was found is <mask>. ['<A> was buried in <B>.', '<A> was lost in <B>.'] | |
The place where <mask> was founded is <mask>. ["<A> is currently located in <B>.", "<A> runs business in <B>.", "The founder of <A> lives and works in <B>.", "<A> was a tax-payer of <B>."] | |
The place where <mask> works is <mask>. ["<A> lives in <B>.", "<A> is the citizen of <B>.", "<A> is the native of <B>.", "<A> is familiar with <B>."] | |
The platform of <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> runs on <B>.", "<A> was employed in <B>.", "<A> is compatible with <B>."] | |
The record label of <mask> is <mask>. ['<A> was released by <B>.', '<A> was sold by <B> to make profits.', 'The copyright of <A> is owned by <B>.'] | |
The religion of <mask> is <mask>. ['<A> believe in <B>.', '<A> obeys the rule of <B>.'] | |
The residence of <mask> is <mask>. ['<A> is the native of <B>.', '<A> bought a house in <B>.', '<A> works in <B>.'] | |
The river that flows through <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> next to <B>.", "<A> has bridge across <B>.", "The water source of <A> is <B>."] | |
The route of <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> must pass through <B>.", "<A> consists of <B>."] | |
The screenwriter of <mask> is <mask>. ['<A> is written by <B>', "<A> is one of the works of <B>."] | |
The sports <mask> plays is <mask>. ['<A> lives on <B>.', '<A> is a professional player of <B>.', '<A> is famous for <B>.'] | |
The subsidiary of <mask> is <mask>. ['<A> is negligible for <B>.', '<A> obeys the policies made by <B>.', '<A> is founded by <B>.'] | |
The title of <mask> is <mask>. ['<A> is the summary of <B>.', '<A> is printed in the cover of <B>.', '<A> is the representative of <B>.'] | |
The topic of <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> is about <B>.", "<A> presents opinions over <B>."] | |
The tributary of <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> confluences into <B>.", "<A> is a part of <B>.", "<A> is a branch of <B>."] | |
The voice type of <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> sings as a <B>.", "<A> is known as <B>.", "<A> is a professional <B>."] | |
The weights level of the professional boxer <mask> is <mask>. ["<mask> competes with other participants that is <B>.", "<A> participates boxing games in the level of <B>."] | |
The winner of <mask> is <mask>. ['One of the participants of <A> is <B>.', "<A> awards prize to <B>.", "<A> congradulates the success of <B>."] | |
The winner of the election <mask> is <mask>. ['One of the candidates of <A> is <B>.'] | |
<mask> and <mask> are twin cities. ["<A> locates next to <B>", "<A> nears <B>", "<A> and <B> locate belong to same country.", "People in <A> and <B> speak same language."] | |
<mask> causes <mask>. ["<A> is the reason of <B>.", "<A> is responsible to <B>.", "<A> leads to <B>.", "<A> is the prerequisite of <B>."] | |
<mask> consists of <mask>. ["<A> is made of <B>.", "<A> can be divided into <B>."] | |
<mask> is a <mask> by profession. ["<A> works as a <B>.", "<A> earns money through being <B>.", "<A> is known as a <B>."] | |
<mask> is a subclass of <mask>. ["<A> is a branch of <B>.", "<A> is a part of <B>.", "<A> derives from <B>."] | |
<mask> is affiliated with the <mask> religion. ["<A> is a branch of <B>.", "<A> is a part of <B>.", "<A> is similar to <B>.", "<A> derives from <B>."] | |
<mask> is contained in <mask>. ["<A> is a part of <B>.", "<A> cannot get out of <B>.", "<A> is stored in <B>."] | |
<mask> is developed by <mask>. ["<A> is founded by <B>.", "The big contributor of <A> is <B>.", "<A> is known for <B>."] | |
<mask> is named after <mask>. ["<A> is represented by <B>.", "<A> is called as <B>.", "<A> is the object of <B>."] | |
<mask> is originated from <mask>. ["<A> is invented by people in <B>.", "<A> belongs to <B>.", "<A> is originally used in <B>."] | |
<mask> is professional in the field of <mask>. ["<A> is a pioneer in the field of <B>.", "<A> makes great contribution to the field of <B>.", "<A> is known for his outstanding ability in <B>", "<A> has win prize in the field of <B>."] | |
<mask> is represented by music label <mask>. ["<A> is classified as <B>.", "The style of <A> is <B>.", "The author of <A> is familiar with <B> music."] | |
<mask> is the bridge across the <mask>. ["<A> is built across the bridge.", "People utlize <A> to cross <B>."] | |
<mask> is the child of <mask>. ['<A> is raised by <B>.', '<A> lives together with <B>.', '<A> loves <B>.', '<A> is one of a family member of <B>.', '<A> follows <B>.'] | |
<mask> is the collection of <mask>. ["<A> contains a lot of <B>.", "<A> consists of <B>."] | |
<mask> is the component of <mask>. ["<A> is a part of <B>.", "<A> is collected to make <B>."] | |
<mask> is the instrument of <mask>. ["<A> is used by <B> to finish work.", "<A> is important to <B>.", "<A> is the instrument that <B> is trained to use."] | |
<mask> is the number of <mask>. ["<A> is used to identify <B>.", "<A> represents <B>."] | |
<mask> is the parent of <mask>. ["<A> live together with <B>.", "<A> raises <B> up.", "<A> loves <B>.", "<A> educates <B>."] | |
<mask> is the producer of <mask>. ["<A> sells <B> to make profits.", "<A> is familiar with <B>.", "<A> is the designer of <B>."] | |
<mask> is the sequel of <mask>. ["<A> comes after <B>.", "<A> continues the story of <B>.", "<A> has the same producer as <B>."] | |
<mask> is the spouse of <mask>. ['<A> lives together with <B>.', '<A> is the partner of <B>.', '<A> recognizes <B>.', '<A> loves <B>.', '<A> and <B> have children.', '<A> is one of the family member of <B>.', '<A> is married to <B>.'] | |
<mask> maintains diplomatic relations with <mask>. ["<A> deals with <B>.", "<A> is the business partner of <B>.", "<A> discuss international issues with <B>.", "<A> assigns ambassador to <B>."] | |
<mask> plays <mask> music. ["<A> loves <B> music.", "<A> is familiar with <B>."] | |
<mask> plays in <mask> position. ["<A> is familiar with <B>.", "<A> is famous as a <mask>."] | |
<mask> plays with <mask>. ["<A> recognizes <B>.", "<A> is a friend of <B>.", "<A> trusts <B>."] | |
<mask> shares border with <mask>. ["<A> is adjacent to <B>.", "<A> connects with <B>.", "<A> next to <B>."] | |
<mask> used to communicate in <mask>. ["The official language of <A> used to be <B>.", "<A> created <B>.", "<A> was the native speakers of <B>.", "<A> currently do not use <B>."] | |
<mask> used to work in <mask>. ["<A> lived in <B> before.", "<A> has left <B>.", "<A>'s former company is located in <B>.", "<A> is familiar with <B>."] | |
<mask> was delievered to <mask>. ["<A> is bought by <B>.", "<A> is needed by <B>."] | |
<mask> was educated at the University of <mask>. ["<A> graduates from the University of <B>.", "<A> obtains degree from the Unviersity of <B>.", "<A> is the alumni of the University of <B>.", "<A>'s mentor works at the University of <B>."] | |
<mask> was written in <mask>. ["The author of <A> speaks <B>.", "The main language used in <A> is <B>.", "<A> records a lot of <B>."] | |
<mask> works for <mask>. ["<A> serves in <B>.", "<A> make contributions to <B>.", "<A> is an employee of <B>.", "<A> get paid from <B>.", "<A> concerns the development and the future of <B>."] |