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data/.DS_Store ADDED
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@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ a <exports> b => a <imports> b
+ a <imports> b => a <exports> b
+ b <dealsWith> a => a <dealsWith> b
+ b <isLocatedIn> a => a <hasCapital> b
+ a <isKnownFor> b => a <worksAt> b
+ a <graduatedFrom> b => a <worksAt> b
+ a <isLeaderOf> b => a <worksAt> b
+ a <created> b => a <worksAt> b
+ a <isPoliticianOf> b => a <isLeaderOf> b
+ b <isLeaderOf> a => a <isLeaderOf> b
+ a <worksAt> b => a <isLeaderOf> b
+ a <livesIn> b => a <isLeaderOf> b
+ a <isCitizenOf> b => a <isLeaderOf> b
+ a <isKnownFor> b => a <isLeaderOf> b
+ a <wasBornIn> b => a <isLeaderOf> b
+ a <isLeaderOf> b => a <isPoliticianOf> b
+ a <livesIn> b => a <isPoliticianOf> b
+ a <livesIn> b => a <holdsPoliticalPosition> b
+ a <wasBornIn> b => a <holdsPoliticalPosition> b
+ a <worksAt> b => a <graduatedFrom> b
+ a <isKnownFor> b => a <graduatedFrom> b
+ b <influences> a => a <hasAcademicAdvisor> b
+ a <influences> b => a <hasAcademicAdvisor> b
+ b <isKnownFor> a => a <hasChild> b
+ a <isKnownFor> b => a <hasChild> b
+ b <isMarriedTo> a => a <hasChild> b
+ a <influences> b => a <hasChild> b
+ b <hasChild> a => a <hasChild> b
+ a <isMarriedTo> b => a <hasChild> b
+ b <hasAcademicAdvisor> a => a <influences> b
+ a <hasAcademicAdvisor> b => a <influences> b
+ b <isKnownFor> a => a <influences> b
+ a <isKnownFor> b => a <influences> b
+ a <hasChild> b => a <influences> b
+ b <isMarriedTo> a => a <influences> b
+ a <isMarriedTo> b => a <influences> b
+ b <influences> a => a <influences> b
+ a <isPoliticianOf> b => a <livesIn> b
+ a <isLeaderOf> b => a <livesIn> b
+ a <holdsPoliticalPosition> b => a <livesIn> b
+ a <isKnownFor> b => a <livesIn> b
+ a <diedIn> b => a <livesIn> b
+ a <isCitizenOf> b => a <livesIn> b
+ a <wasBornIn> b => a <livesIn> b
+ a <isLocatedIn> b => a <livesIn> b
+ b <hasChild> a => a <isKnownFor> b
+ b <isMarriedTo> a => a <isKnownFor> b
+ b <isKnownFor> a => a <isKnownFor> b
+ b <influences> a => a <isKnownFor> b
+ a <worksAt> b => a <isKnownFor> b
+ a <directed> b => a <isKnownFor> b
+ a <diedIn> b => a <isKnownFor> b
+ a <isMarriedTo> b => a <isKnownFor> b
+ a <hasChild> b => a <isKnownFor> b
+ a <created> b => a <isKnownFor> b
+ a <isCitizenOf> b => a <isKnownFor> b
+ a <isLeaderOf> b => a <isKnownFor> b
+ a <graduatedFrom> b => a <isKnownFor> b
+ a <livesIn> b => a <isKnownFor> b
+ a <influences> b => a <isKnownFor> b
+ a <produced> b => a <isKnownFor> b
+ a <actedIn> b => a <isKnownFor> b
+ a <hasWonPrize> b => a <isKnownFor> b
+ a <wasBornIn> b => a <isKnownFor> b
+ a <isKnownFor> b => a <produced> b
+ a <directed> b => a <produced> b
+ a <created> b => a <produced> b
+ a <actedIn> b => a <produced> b
+ b <isKnownFor> a => a <isMarriedTo> b
+ b <hasChild> a => a <isMarriedTo> b
+ a <isKnownFor> b => a <isMarriedTo> b
+ b <influences> a => a <isMarriedTo> b
+ a <influences> b => a <isMarriedTo> b
+ b <isMarriedTo> a => a <isMarriedTo> b
+ a <hasChild> b => a <isMarriedTo> b
+ a <isLeaderOf> b => a <isCitizenOf> b
+ a <isKnownFor> b => a <isCitizenOf> b
+ a <livesIn> b => a <isCitizenOf> b
+ a <wasBornIn> b => a <isCitizenOf> b
+ a <isLocatedIn> b => a <isCitizenOf> b
+ a <isKnownFor> b => a <diedIn> b
+ a <livesIn> b => a <diedIn> b
+ a <wasBornIn> b => a <diedIn> b
+ a <isLocatedIn> b => a <diedIn> b
+ a <isKnownFor> b => a <hasWonPrize> b
+ a <created> b => a <hasWonPrize> b
+ a <isKnownFor> b => a <directed> b
+ a <produced> b => a <directed> b
+ a <actedIn> b => a <directed> b
+ a <created> b => a <directed> b
+ a <isLeaderOf> b => a <wasBornIn> b
+ a <holdsPoliticalPosition> b => a <wasBornIn> b
+ a <isKnownFor> b => a <wasBornIn> b
+ a <livesIn> b => a <wasBornIn> b
+ a <isCitizenOf> b => a <wasBornIn> b
+ a <diedIn> b => a <wasBornIn> b
+ a <isLocatedIn> b => a <wasBornIn> b
+ a <directed> b => a <actedIn> b
+ a <isKnownFor> b => a <actedIn> b
+ a <produced> b => a <actedIn> b
+ a <created> b => a <actedIn> b
+ a <produced> b => a <created> b
+ a <isKnownFor> b => a <created> b
+ a <directed> b => a <created> b
+ a <worksAt> b => a <created> b
+ a <actedIn> b => a <created> b
+ a <hasWonPrize> b => a <created> b
+ b <created> a => a <created> b
+ a <isLocatedIn> b => a <created> b
+ b <hasCapital> a => a <isLocatedIn> b
+ a <isCitizenOf> b => a <isLocatedIn> b
+ a <livesIn> b => a <isLocatedIn> b
+ a <diedIn> b => a <isLocatedIn> b
+ a <wasBornIn> b => a <isLocatedIn> b
+ a <created> b => a <isLocatedIn> b
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ <worksAt>(V0, V1) :- <graduatedFrom>(V0, V1) hc: 0.079 conf: 0.016 mrr: 0.107 scr: 0.043 sup: 154 ec: -1.000
+ <influences>(V0, V1) :- <hasAcademicAdvisor>(V1, V0) hc: 0.001 conf: 0.010 mrr: 0.046 scr: 0.021 sup: 16 ec: -1.000
+ <dealsWith>(V0, V1) :- <dealsWith>(V1, V0) hc: 0.116 conf: 0.116 mrr: 0.055 scr: 0.098 sup: 64 ec: -1.000
+ <isMarriedTo>(V0, V1) :- <hasChild>(V1, V0) hc: 0.003 conf: 0.003 mrr: 0.314 scr: 0.097 sup: 32 ec: -1.000
+ <hasChild>(V0, V1) :- <hasChild>(V1, V0) hc: 0.003 conf: 0.003 mrr: 0.175 scr: 0.055 sup: 32 ec: -1.000
+ <isMarriedTo>(V0, V1) :- <isMarriedTo>(V1, V0) hc: 0.431 conf: 0.431 mrr: 0.472 scr: 0.444 sup: 4146 ec: -1.000
+ <hasChild>(V0, V1) :- <isMarriedTo>(V1, V0) hc: 0.003 conf: 0.003 mrr: 0.327 scr: 0.100 sup: 32 ec: -1.000
+ <wasBornIn>(V0, V1) :- <diedIn>(V0, V1) hc: 0.029 conf: 0.073 mrr: 0.337 scr: 0.152 sup: 1291 ec: -1.000
+ <livesIn>(V0, V1) :- <diedIn>(V0, V1) hc: 0.015 conf: 0.010 mrr: 0.015 scr: 0.011 sup: 174 ec: -1.000
+ <diedIn>(V0, V1) :- <wasBornIn>(V0, V1) hc: 0.073 conf: 0.029 mrr: 0.366 scr: 0.130 sup: 1291 ec: -1.000
+ <isLeaderOf>(V0, V1) :- <wasBornIn>(V0, V1) hc: 0.012 conf: 0.001 mrr: 0.000 scr: 0.001 sup: 62 ec: -1.000
+ <livesIn>(V0, V1) :- <wasBornIn>(V0, V1) hc: 0.042 conf: 0.011 mrr: 0.058 scr: 0.025 sup: 492 ec: -1.000
+ <exports>(V0, V1) :- <imports>(V0, V1) hc: 0.080 conf: 0.125 mrr: 0.118 scr: 0.123 sup: 33 ec: -1.000
+ <imports>(V0, V1) :- <exports>(V0, V1) hc: 0.125 conf: 0.080 mrr: 0.163 scr: 0.105 sup: 33 ec: -1.000
+ <created>(V0, V1) :- <actedIn>(V0, V1) hc: 0.004 conf: 0.007 mrr: 0.009 scr: 0.008 sup: 641 ec: -1.000
+ <produced>(V0, V1) :- <actedIn>(V0, V1) hc: 0.034 conf: 0.006 mrr: 0.014 scr: 0.009 sup: 550 ec: -1.000
+ <directed>(V0, V1) :- <actedIn>(V0, V1) hc: 0.022 conf: 0.007 mrr: 0.021 scr: 0.011 sup: 603 ec: -1.000
+ <hasAcademicAdvisor>(V0, V1) :- <influences>(V1, V0) hc: 0.010 conf: 0.001 mrr: 0.023 scr: 0.008 sup: 16 ec: -1.000
+ <livesIn>(V0, V1) :- <isCitizenOf>(V0, V1) hc: 0.036 conf: 0.036 mrr: 0.098 scr: 0.055 sup: 420 ec: -1.000
+ <livesIn>(V0, V1) :- <isPoliticianOf>(V0, V1) hc: 0.004 conf: 0.039 mrr: 0.034 scr: 0.037 sup: 45 ec: -1.000
+ <actedIn>(V0, V1) :- <created>(V0, V1) hc: 0.007 conf: 0.004 mrr: 0.001 scr: 0.003 sup: 641 ec: -1.000
+ <produced>(V0, V1) :- <created>(V0, V1) hc: 0.079 conf: 0.008 mrr: 0.020 scr: 0.011 sup: 1272 ec: -1.000
+ <directed>(V0, V1) :- <created>(V0, V1) hc: 0.149 conf: 0.025 mrr: 0.090 scr: 0.044 sup: 3989 ec: -1.000
+ <isKnownFor>(V0, V1) :- <created>(V0, V1) hc: 0.042 conf: 0.001 mrr: 0.000 scr: 0.001 sup: 198 ec: -1.000
+ <graduatedFrom>(V0, V1) :- <worksAt>(V0, V1) hc: 0.016 conf: 0.079 mrr: 0.082 scr: 0.080 sup: 154 ec: -1.000
+ <isKnownFor>(V0, V1) :- <worksAt>(V0, V1) hc: 0.002 conf: 0.006 mrr: 0.000 scr: 0.004 sup: 11 ec: -1.000
+ <wasBornIn>(V0, V1) :- <isLeaderOf>(V0, V1) hc: 0.001 conf: 0.012 mrr: 0.006 scr: 0.010 sup: 62 ec: -1.000
+ <livesIn>(V0, V1) :- <isLeaderOf>(V0, V1) hc: 0.012 conf: 0.027 mrr: 0.002 scr: 0.019 sup: 140 ec: -1.000
+ <created>(V0, V1) :- <isKnownFor>(V0, V1) hc: 0.001 conf: 0.042 mrr: 0.004 scr: 0.031 sup: 198 ec: -1.000
+ <isMarriedTo>(V0, V1) :- <isKnownFor>(V0, V1) hc: 0.001 conf: 0.002 mrr: 0.006 scr: 0.003 sup: 11 ec: -1.000
+ <hasChild>(V0, V1) :- <isKnownFor>(V0, V1) hc: 0.001 conf: 0.002 mrr: 0.003 scr: 0.002 sup: 10 ec: -1.000
+ <worksAt>(V0, V1) :- <isKnownFor>(V0, V1) hc: 0.006 conf: 0.002 mrr: 0.001 scr: 0.002 sup: 11 ec: -1.000
+ <isMarriedTo>(V0, V1) :- <hasChild>(V0, V1) hc: 0.006 conf: 0.006 mrr: 0.361 scr: 0.112 sup: 57 ec: -1.000
+ <isKnownFor>(V0, V1) :- <hasChild>(V0, V1) hc: 0.002 conf: 0.001 mrr: 0.002 scr: 0.001 sup: 10 ec: -1.000
+ <hasChild>(V0, V1) :- <isMarriedTo>(V0, V1) hc: 0.006 conf: 0.006 mrr: 0.409 scr: 0.127 sup: 57 ec: -1.000
+ <isKnownFor>(V0, V1) :- <isMarriedTo>(V0, V1) hc: 0.002 conf: 0.001 mrr: 0.001 scr: 0.001 sup: 11 ec: -1.000
+ <diedIn>(V0, V1) :- <livesIn>(V0, V1) hc: 0.010 conf: 0.015 mrr: 0.018 scr: 0.016 sup: 174 ec: -1.000
+ <wasBornIn>(V0, V1) :- <livesIn>(V0, V1) hc: 0.011 conf: 0.042 mrr: 0.060 scr: 0.048 sup: 492 ec: -1.000
+ <isLeaderOf>(V0, V1) :- <livesIn>(V0, V1) hc: 0.027 conf: 0.012 mrr: 0.000 scr: 0.009 sup: 140 ec: -1.000
+ <isCitizenOf>(V0, V1) :- <livesIn>(V0, V1) hc: 0.036 conf: 0.036 mrr: 0.036 scr: 0.036 sup: 420 ec: -1.000
+ <isPoliticianOf>(V0, V1) :- <livesIn>(V0, V1) hc: 0.039 conf: 0.004 mrr: 0.024 scr: 0.010 sup: 45 ec: -1.000
+ <actedIn>(V0, V1) :- <produced>(V0, V1) hc: 0.006 conf: 0.034 mrr: 0.014 scr: 0.028 sup: 550 ec: -1.000
+ <created>(V0, V1) :- <produced>(V0, V1) hc: 0.008 conf: 0.079 mrr: 0.033 scr: 0.065 sup: 1272 ec: -1.000
+ <directed>(V0, V1) :- <produced>(V0, V1) hc: 0.054 conf: 0.089 mrr: 0.103 scr: 0.093 sup: 1442 ec: -1.000
+ <actedIn>(V0, V1) :- <directed>(V0, V1) hc: 0.007 conf: 0.022 mrr: 0.017 scr: 0.021 sup: 603 ec: -1.000
+ <created>(V0, V1) :- <directed>(V0, V1) hc: 0.025 conf: 0.149 mrr: 0.099 scr: 0.134 sup: 3989 ec: -1.000
+ <produced>(V0, V1) :- <directed>(V0, V1) hc: 0.089 conf: 0.054 mrr: 0.083 scr: 0.063 sup: 1442 ec: -1.000
data/OpenRule155.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ <mask> acts in <mask>. ['<A> is a member of <B>.', '<A> participates in <B>.', '<A> performs in <B>.', '<A> plays a role in <B>.', '<A> creates <B>.']
+ <mask> are geographically distributed in <mask>. ['<A> are located in <B>.', '<A> live in <B>.', '<A> is a species unique only in <B>.']
+ <mask> believe in <mask>. ['The religion of <A> is <B>.', '<A> created <B>.', "<A> obeys the rule that listed in <B>."]
+ <mask> belongs to <mask>. ['<A> is owned by <B>', '<A> is located in <B>', '<A> is a member of <B>.', '<A> is in the group of <B>.', '<A> is a part of <B>.']
+ <mask> comes after <mask>. ['<A> happens after <B>', 'The prerequisite of <A> is <B>.']
+ <mask> comes before <mask>. ["<A> is the prerequisite of <B>.","The following event of <A> is <B>.", "The sequel of <A> is <B>."]
+ <mask> crosses <mask>. ['<A> goes to the other side of <B>.']
+ <mask> deals with <mask>. ['<A> run business with <B>.', "<A> recognizes <B>.", "<A> is familiar with <B>."]
+ <mask> died in <mask>. ['<A> lived in <B>', '<A> was a native in <B>', '<A> was a citizen of <B>.', '<A> worked in <B>.', '<A> was buried in <B>.']
+ <mask> exports <mask>. ['<A> produces <B>.', '<A> lives on <B>.', '<A> makes money through <B>.', '<A> knows a lot about <B>.']
+ <mask> follows <mask>. ['<A> is the child of <B>.', '<A> recognizes <B>.', '<A> wants to hurt <B>.', '<A> was leaded by <B>.']
+ <mask> graduated from <mask>. ['<A> paid for <B>.', '<A> is a student of <B>.', '<A> studied in <B> for many years.', '<A> knows a lot about <B>.', '<A> is familiar with <B>.', '<A> used to be a member of <B>.']
+ <mask> has influence on <mask>. ['<A> is the parent of <B>.', '<A> is the advisor of <B>.', '<A> is the supervisor of <B>.', '<A> is familiar with <B>.']
+ <mask> holds position of <mask>. ['<A> works as a <B>.', "<A> supports family through being a <B>.", "<A> chase dream through being a <B>."]
+ <mask> holds the political position of <mask>. ["<A> is currently a <B>.", "<A> works as a <B>.", "<A> realizes political ambition through being a <B>."]
+ <mask> imports <mask>. ['<A> needs <B>.', '<A> cannot produce enough <B>.', '<A> do not have <B>.', '<A> has to pay for <B>.']
+ <mask> is <mask> by occupation. ["<A> works as a <B>.", "<A> supports his family through being a <mask>."]
+ <mask> is a citizen of <mask>. ['<A> is a native of <B>.', '<A> is a member of <B>.', '<A> lives and works in <B>.', '<A> is familiar with <B>.']
+ <mask> is a city of <mask>. ['<A> is a part of <B>.', '<A> is the member of <B>.', '<A> belongs to <B>.']
+ <mask> is a constellation of <mask>. ["<A> is a part of <B>.", "<A> is a member of <B>.", "<A> rotates around <B>."]
+ <mask> is a member of political party <B>. ["<A> supports <B>.", "<A> pays membership dues to <B>.", "<A> has applied to join <B>."]
+ <mask> is a member of <mask>. ['<A> make contributions to <B>.', '<A> applied to join <B>.', '<A> belongs to <B>.']
+ <mask> is a part of <mask>. ['<A> make contributions to <B>.', '<A> applied to join <B>.', '<A> belongs to <B>.']
+ <mask> is a provicial capital of <mask>. ['<A> is a part of <B>.', '<A> is a regional political cneter of <B>.', '<A> belongs to <B>.', '<A> is a city of <B>.']
+ <mask> is a state or province within <mask>. ["<A> is a part of <B>.", "<A> blelongs to <B>."]
+ <mask> is advised by <mask>. ['<A> is influenced by <B>.', '<A> is one of the students of <B>.', '<A> is taught by <B>.', '<A> follows <B>.', '<A> receive advice from <B>.']
+ <mask> is an instance of <mask>. ["<A> is a kind of <B>.", "<A> derives from <B>.", "<A> is recognized as <B>."]
+ <mask> is composed by <mask>. ['<A> is created by <B>.', 'The copyright of <A> is owned by <B>.', '<A> was sold by <B> to make profits.', "<A> is used to express <B>'s emotions."]
+ <mask> is created by <mask>. ["The copyright of <A> belongs to <B>.", "<A> is sold by <B> to make profits."]
+ <mask> is designated as a <mask>. ["<A> needs to choose whether to become <B>.", "<A> knows how to work as <B>."]
+ <mask> is directed by <mask>. ["<A> is known for <B>.", "<A> is one of the works of <B>."]
+ <mask> is happened in <mask>. ["<A> is known by people in <B>.", "<A> ends in <B>."]
+ <mask> is known for <mask>. ['<A> makes great contribution to <B>.', '<A> is a member of <B>.', '<A> belongs to <B>.']
+ <mask> is licensed to broadcast to <mask>. ["<A> run business in <B>.", "<A> offers service in <B>.", "<A> distribute news in <B>."]
+ <mask> is located in <mask>. ['<A> lives in <B>', '<A> belongs to <B>.', '<A> is a part of <B>.']
+ <mask> is married to <mask>. ['<A> lives together with <B>.', '<A> is the partner of <B>.', '<A> recognizes <B>.', '<A> loves <B>.', '<A> and <B> have children.', '<A> is one of the family member of <B>.']
+ <mask> is nominated for <mask>. ['<A> competes with other to win the <B>.', '<A> wants to win <B>.', '<A> wins the <B>.']
+ <mask> is one of a mount in <mask>. ['<A> is a part of <B>.', '<A> is one of the tallest peaks in <B>.', '<A> is located in <B>.', '<A> belongs to <B>.', '<A> is known for <B>.']
+ <mask> operates <mask>. ["<A> is licensed to operates <B>.", "<A> operates <B> to make profits.", "<A> is familiar with <B>."]
+ <mask> is owned by <mask>. ['<A> is produced by <B>.', 'The copyright of <A> belongs to <B>.', '<A> was sold by <B> to make profits.']
+ <mask> is performed by <mask>. ['<A> is one of works of <B>.', '<A> is known for <B>.']
+ <mask> is preceded by <mask>. ["<A> is behind <B>.", "<A> happens after <B>."]
+ <mask> is produced by <mask>. ['<A> issold by <B> to make profits.', '<A> is designed by <B>.', '<A> is assembled by <B>.', '<A> belongs to <B>.', 'The copyright of <A> is owned by <B>.']
+ <mask> is published by <mask>. ['The copyright of <A> is owned by <B>.', '<A> is created by <B>.']
+ <mask> is same as <mask>. ["<A> and <B> are hard to distinguish.", "<A> are refered to as <B>."]
+ <mask> is spoken in <mask>. ['<A> is the official language in <B>.', '<A> is spoken by most of people in <B>.', '<A> is originated from <B>.']
+ <mask> is the academic advisor of <mask>. ['<A> influences <B>.', '<A> is the professor of <B>.', '<A> is taught by <B>.', '<A> leads <B>.', '<A> offers advice to <B>.']
+ <mask> is the advisor of <mask>. ['<A> influences <B>.', '<A> is the professor of <B>.', '<A> is taught by <B>.', '<A> leads <B>.', '<A> offers advice to <B>.']
+ <mask> is the antgonist of <mask>. ['<A> does not agree with <B>.', '<A> hates <B>.', '<A> competes against <B>.']
+ <mask> is the capital of <mask>. ['<A> is the largest city in <B>.', '<A> is the political and economic center in <B>', '<A> belongs to <B>.', '<A> is a part of <B>.', '<A> belongs to <B>.']
+ <mask> is the chairman of <mask>. ['<A> is a member of <B>.', '<A> is one of the founder of <B>.', '<A> owns <B>.', '<A> is the leader of <B>.', '<A> decides important issues in <B>.']
+ <mask> is the child of <mask>. ['<A> is raised by <B>.', '<A> lives together with <B>.', '<A> loves <B>.', '<A> is one of a family member of <B>.', '<A> follows <B>.']
+ <mask> is the citizen of <mask>. ['<A> lives in <B>.', '<A> is the native of <B>.', '<A> speaks the official langauge of <B>.', '<A> works in <B>.', '<A> is familiar with <B>.']
+ <mask> is the competition class of <mask>. ["<A> contains pariticipants in <B>.", "<A> is a group of <B>.", "<A> competes with other groups in <B>."]
+ <mask> is the father of <mask>. ['<A> lives together with <B>.', '<A> is one of the family members of <B>.', '<A> raises <B> up.', '<A> loves <B>.', '<A> protects <B>.']
+ <mask> is the following event of <mask>. ['<A> happens after <B>', 'The prerequisite of <A> is <B>.']
+ <mask> is the founder of <mask>. ['<A> works for <B>.', '<A> owns <B>.', '<A> is the president of <B>.', '<A> is an important member of <B>.', '<A> decides important issues in <B>.']
+ <mask> is the home of <mask>. ['<A> lives in <B>.', "<A> has bought or rented <B>.", "<A> pays for <B>."]
+ <mask> is the jurisdictional office of <mask>. ["<A> offers legal service to <B>.", "<A> is funded by <B>.", "<A> is a department of <B>.", "<A> obeys the requirements presented by <B>."]
+ <mask> is the last tour of <mask>. ["<A> is the end of <B>.", "<A> is a part of <B>."]
+ <mask> is the leader of <mask>. ['<A> is a member of <B>.', '<A> is one of the founder of <B>.', '<A> owns <B>.', '<A> is the leader of <B>.', '<A> decides important issues in <B>.']
+ <mask> is the mother of <mask>. ['<A> lives together with <B>.', '<A> is one of the family members of <B>.', '<A> raises <B> up.', '<A> loves <B>.', '<A> protects <B>.']
+ <mask> is the neighbor of <mask>. ['<A> recognizes <B>.', '<A> lives next to <B>.', "There is a border between <A> and <B>'s house."]
+ <mask> is the politician of <mask>. ["<A> is a citizen of <B>.", "<A> is <B> by nationality.", "<A> wants to be the president of <B>.", "<A> lives and works in <Brazil>."]
+ <mask> is the predecessor of <mask>. ["<A> works together with <B>.", "<A> is the collegue of <B>.", "<A> leads <B>.", "<A> assigns tasks to <B>."]
+ <mask> is the sibling of <mask>. ['<A> lives together with <B>.', 'The parents of <A> and <B> are the same.', '<A> and <B> grow up together.']
+ <mask> is the spouse of <mask>. ['<A> lives together with <B>.', '<A> is the partner of <B>.', '<A> recognizes <B>.', '<A> loves <B>.', '<A> and <B> have children.', '<A> is one of the family member of <B>.', '<A> is married to <B>.']
+ <mask> is voiced by <mask>. ["<A> is performed by <B>.", "<A> is one of the works of <B>."]
+ <mask> is written by <mask>. ['<A> is created by <B>.', 'The author of <A> is <B>.', '<A> was used by <B> to express thought.']
+ <mask> lives in <mask>. ['<A> is the native of <B>.', '<A> works in <B>.', '<A> is a member of <B>.']
+ <mask> participated in <mask>. ['<A> competed with others in <B>.', '<A> applied to participate in <B>.', '<A> enjoyed <B>.', '<A> has known the results of <B>.']
+ <mask> participates in <mask>. ['<A> competes with others in <B>.', '<A> applies to participate in <B>.', '<A> enjoys <B>.', '<A> wants to win in <B>.']
+ <mask> plays <mask> in the team. ['<A> is <B> by profession.', '<A> is professional in <B>.']
+ <mask> plays a notable role in <mask>. ['<A> is an important members of <B>.', '<A> makes great contributions in <B>.', '<A> serves in <B>.', '<A> works for <B>.']
+ <mask> serves in <mask>. ['<A> works for <B>.', '<A> is the member of <B>.', '<A> obeys the commands by <B>.']
+ <mask> was born in <mask>. ['<A> was grew up in <B>.', '<A> lived in <B>.', '<A> was familiar with <B>.', '<A> wasthe native of <B>.', '<A> was the citizen of <B>.']
+ <mask> was shot in <mask>. ["The story of <A> happens in <B>.", "<A> make <B> become famous."]
+ <mask> wins the prize of <mask>. ["<A> is known for <B>.", "<A> is the participants of <B>.", "<A> competed with other participants in <B>.", "<A> is outstanding in the field of <B>."]
+ <mask> works at <mask>. ['<A> is a member of <B>.', '<A> makes contribution to <B>.']
+ <mask> works in the field of <mask>. ['<A> makes contribution to the field of <B>.', '<A> is famous in the field of <B>.', '<A> publishes many works related to the field of <B>.']
+ One of the characters in <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> is one of the works of <B>.", "<A> is performed by <B>."]
+ <mask> was interred in <mask>. ["<A> died in <B>.", "<A> used to live in <B>.", "<A> is the citizen of <B>.", "<A> is the native of <B>."]
+ The country where <mask> is located in is <mask>. ['The nationality of <A> is <B>.', '<A> is a citizen of <B>.', '<A> was born in <B>.', '<A> works and lives in <B>.']
+ The country where <mask> is originated from is <mask>. ['<A> has long history in <B>.', '<A> is known by people in <B>.', '<A> is invented by people in <B>.', '<A> belongs to <B>.']
+ The distributor of <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> is sold by <B>.", "<A> is a product of <B>."]
+ The ethnicity of <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> identify themselves as <B>.", "<A> is a group of <B>."]
+ The head of government in <mask> is <mask>. ['The president of <A> is <B>.', 'The decision maker of <A> is <B>.', 'One of an important politician of <A> is <B>.']
+ The headquarter of <mask> is in <mask>. ["<A> is founded in <B>.", "<A>'s employees lives in <B>.", "<A> runs business in <B>.", "<A> make contributions to <B>."]
+ The instrument of <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> is trained to use <B>.", "<A> utilize <B> to finish work."]
+ The language used in <mask> is <mask>. ['The official language of <A> is <B>.', 'Most people in <A> speak <B> to communicates with others.', 'People in <A> invented <B>.']
+ The main subject of <mask> is <mask>. ["One of the representative of <A> is <B>.", "<A> consists of <B>."]
+ The major shareholders of <mask> is <mask>. ["One of the leaders of <A> is <B>.", "<A> is founded by <B>.", "<A> is responsible to <B>."]
+ The manufacturer of <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> is produced by <B>.", "<A> is sold by <B> to make profits.", "<A> is designed by <B>."]
+ The military rank of <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> holds the position of <B>.", "<A> works as a <B>."]
+ The mouth of <mask> is <mask>. ['<A> flows into the ocean through <B>.', '<A> connects with the ocean through <B>.', '<A> passes through <B>.', 'The entrance of <A> is <B>.']
+ <mask> is related to movement <mask>. ["<A> participates in <B>.", "<A> presents urges through <B>.", "<A> is a member of <B>.", "<A> supports <B>."]
+ The nationality of <mask> is <mask>. ['<A> lives and works in <B>.', '<A> was born in <B>.', '<A> is a citizen of <B>.', '<A> receives education in <B>.']
+ The notable work of <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> is known for his <B>.", "<A> owns the copyright of <B>.", "<A> utilizes <B> to express her thoughts."]
+ The official language of <mask> is <mask>. ["Most people of <A> communicates in <B>.", "<A> created <B>."]
+ <mask> based on the operating system <mask>. ["<A> is implemented over <B>.", "<A> runs on <B>."]
+ The original language of <mask> is <mask>. ['<A> used to speak <B>.', '<A> currently speak another language other than <B>.', '<A> invented <B>.', '<A> forget how to speak <B>.']
+ The place where <mask> was born is <mask>. ['<A> grew up in <B>.', '<A> lived in <B>.', '<A> was familiar with <B>.', '<A> was the native of <B>.', '<A> was the citizen of <B>.']
+ The place where <mask> was buried is <mask>. ['<A> died in <B>.', '<A> used to live in <B>.', '<A> is the citizen of <B>.', '<A> is the native of <B>.']
+ The place where <mask> was found is <mask>. ['<A> was buried in <B>.', '<A> was lost in <B>.']
+ The place where <mask> was founded is <mask>. ["<A> is currently located in <B>.", "<A> runs business in <B>.", "The founder of <A> lives and works in <B>.", "<A> was a tax-payer of <B>."]
+ The place where <mask> works is <mask>. ["<A> lives in <B>.", "<A> is the citizen of <B>.", "<A> is the native of <B>.", "<A> is familiar with <B>."]
+ The platform of <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> runs on <B>.", "<A> was employed in <B>.", "<A> is compatible with <B>."]
+ The record label of <mask> is <mask>. ['<A> was released by <B>.', '<A> was sold by <B> to make profits.', 'The copyright of <A> is owned by <B>.']
+ The religion of <mask> is <mask>. ['<A> believe in <B>.', '<A> obeys the rule of <B>.']
+ The residence of <mask> is <mask>. ['<A> is the native of <B>.', '<A> bought a house in <B>.', '<A> works in <B>.']
+ The river that flows through <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> next to <B>.", "<A> has bridge across <B>.", "The water source of <A> is <B>."]
+ The route of <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> must pass through <B>.", "<A> consists of <B>."]
+ The screenwriter of <mask> is <mask>. ['<A> is written by <B>', "<A> is one of the works of <B>."]
+ The sports <mask> plays is <mask>. ['<A> lives on <B>.', '<A> is a professional player of <B>.', '<A> is famous for <B>.']
+ The subsidiary of <mask> is <mask>. ['<A> is negligible for <B>.', '<A> obeys the policies made by <B>.', '<A> is founded by <B>.']
+ The title of <mask> is <mask>. ['<A> is the summary of <B>.', '<A> is printed in the cover of <B>.', '<A> is the representative of <B>.']
+ The topic of <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> is about <B>.", "<A> presents opinions over <B>."]
+ The tributary of <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> confluences into <B>.", "<A> is a part of <B>.", "<A> is a branch of <B>."]
+ The voice type of <mask> is <mask>. ["<A> sings as a <B>.", "<A> is known as <B>.", "<A> is a professional <B>."]
+ The weights level of the professional boxer <mask> is <mask>. ["<mask> competes with other participants that is <B>.", "<A> participates boxing games in the level of <B>."]
+ The winner of <mask> is <mask>. ['One of the participants of <A> is <B>.', "<A> awards prize to <B>.", "<A> congradulates the success of <B>."]
+ The winner of the election <mask> is <mask>. ['One of the candidates of <A> is <B>.']
+ <mask> and <mask> are twin cities. ["<A> locates next to <B>", "<A> nears <B>", "<A> and <B> locate belong to same country.", "People in <A> and <B> speak same language."]
+ <mask> causes <mask>. ["<A> is the reason of <B>.", "<A> is responsible to <B>.", "<A> leads to <B>.", "<A> is the prerequisite of <B>."]
+ <mask> consists of <mask>. ["<A> is made of <B>.", "<A> can be divided into <B>."]
+ <mask> is a <mask> by profession. ["<A> works as a <B>.", "<A> earns money through being <B>.", "<A> is known as a <B>."]
+ <mask> is a subclass of <mask>. ["<A> is a branch of <B>.", "<A> is a part of <B>.", "<A> derives from <B>."]
+ <mask> is affiliated with the <mask> religion. ["<A> is a branch of <B>.", "<A> is a part of <B>.", "<A> is similar to <B>.", "<A> derives from <B>."]
+ <mask> is contained in <mask>. ["<A> is a part of <B>.", "<A> cannot get out of <B>.", "<A> is stored in <B>."]
+ <mask> is developed by <mask>. ["<A> is founded by <B>.", "The big contributor of <A> is <B>.", "<A> is known for <B>."]
+ <mask> is named after <mask>. ["<A> is represented by <B>.", "<A> is called as <B>.", "<A> is the object of <B>."]
+ <mask> is originated from <mask>. ["<A> is invented by people in <B>.", "<A> belongs to <B>.", "<A> is originally used in <B>."]
+ <mask> is professional in the field of <mask>. ["<A> is a pioneer in the field of <B>.", "<A> makes great contribution to the field of <B>.", "<A> is known for his outstanding ability in <B>", "<A> has win prize in the field of <B>."]
+ <mask> is represented by music label <mask>. ["<A> is classified as <B>.", "The style of <A> is <B>.", "The author of <A> is familiar with <B> music."]
+ <mask> is the bridge across the <mask>. ["<A> is built across the bridge.", "People utlize <A> to cross <B>."]
+ <mask> is the child of <mask>. ['<A> is raised by <B>.', '<A> lives together with <B>.', '<A> loves <B>.', '<A> is one of a family member of <B>.', '<A> follows <B>.']
+ <mask> is the collection of <mask>. ["<A> contains a lot of <B>.", "<A> consists of <B>."]
+ <mask> is the component of <mask>. ["<A> is a part of <B>.", "<A> is collected to make <B>."]
+ <mask> is the instrument of <mask>. ["<A> is used by <B> to finish work.", "<A> is important to <B>.", "<A> is the instrument that <B> is trained to use."]
+ <mask> is the number of <mask>. ["<A> is used to identify <B>.", "<A> represents <B>."]
+ <mask> is the parent of <mask>. ["<A> live together with <B>.", "<A> raises <B> up.", "<A> loves <B>.", "<A> educates <B>."]
+ <mask> is the producer of <mask>. ["<A> sells <B> to make profits.", "<A> is familiar with <B>.", "<A> is the designer of <B>."]
+ <mask> is the sequel of <mask>. ["<A> comes after <B>.", "<A> continues the story of <B>.", "<A> has the same producer as <B>."]
+ <mask> is the spouse of <mask>. ['<A> lives together with <B>.', '<A> is the partner of <B>.', '<A> recognizes <B>.', '<A> loves <B>.', '<A> and <B> have children.', '<A> is one of the family member of <B>.', '<A> is married to <B>.']
+ <mask> maintains diplomatic relations with <mask>. ["<A> deals with <B>.", "<A> is the business partner of <B>.", "<A> discuss international issues with <B>.", "<A> assigns ambassador to <B>."]
+ <mask> plays <mask> music. ["<A> loves <B> music.", "<A> is familiar with <B>."]
+ <mask> plays in <mask> position. ["<A> is familiar with <B>.", "<A> is famous as a <mask>."]
+ <mask> plays with <mask>. ["<A> recognizes <B>.", "<A> is a friend of <B>.", "<A> trusts <B>."]
+ <mask> shares border with <mask>. ["<A> is adjacent to <B>.", "<A> connects with <B>.", "<A> next to <B>."]
+ <mask> used to communicate in <mask>. ["The official language of <A> used to be <B>.", "<A> created <B>.", "<A> was the native speakers of <B>.", "<A> currently do not use <B>."]
+ <mask> used to work in <mask>. ["<A> lived in <B> before.", "<A> has left <B>.", "<A>'s former company is located in <B>.", "<A> is familiar with <B>."]
+ <mask> was delievered to <mask>. ["<A> is bought by <B>.", "<A> is needed by <B>."]
+ <mask> was educated at the University of <mask>. ["<A> graduates from the University of <B>.", "<A> obtains degree from the Unviersity of <B>.", "<A> is the alumni of the University of <B>.", "<A>'s mentor works at the University of <B>."]
+ <mask> was written in <mask>. ["The author of <A> speaks <B>.", "The main language used in <A> is <B>.", "<A> records a lot of <B>."]
+ <mask> works for <mask>. ["<A> serves in <B>.", "<A> make contributions to <B>.", "<A> is an employee of <B>.", "<A> get paid from <B>.", "<A> concerns the development and the future of <B>."]
data/RE/fewrel-5.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ his guitar work on the title track is credited as what first drew <mask> to him , who two years later invited allman to join him as part of <mask> . eric clapton derek and the dominos [X] is a member of [Y] .
+ in the summer of 1944 it opposed the <mask> ’s <mask> during the lvov - sandomir strategic offensive operation ( 13 july - 29 august 1944 ) . 1st ukrainian front red army [X] is part of [Y] .
+ the singles released from " <mask> " were " <mask> " , " stuck with me " , " brain stew / jaded " , and " walking contradiction " . geek stink breath insomniac [X] is part of [Y] .
+ the occupancy of the show surpassed the <mask> films <mask> and freaky ali . baar baar dekho hindi The original language of [X] is [Y] .
+ it broadcasts mostly english language news and current affairs and also broadcasts <mask> the daily rté 1 <mask> language news television programme . nuacht rté irish The original language of [X] is [Y] .
+ in 2009 to mark the 125th anniversary of the <mask> he was named by the irish news as one of the all - time best 125 footballers from <mask> . ulster gaelic athletic association [X] is a member of [Y] .
+ as a sergeant in the australian imperial force , mcgee was awarded the victoria cross for his actions in the <mask> — part of the <mask> — on 4 october 1917 . battle of broodseinde passchendaele offensive [X] is part of [Y] .
+ petrovic made her on – screen debut with a small role in " <mask> " , a 2007 <mask> film directed by milčo mančevski . shadows macedonian The original language of [X] is [Y] .
+ the film is a remake of <mask> movie " <mask> " , starring krishnam raju , jayasudha in the lead roles . katakataala rudraiah telugu The original language of [X] is [Y] .
+ fear and trembling ( original title : <mask> ) is a 2003 <mask> film based on the novel of the same name by amélie nothomb . stupeur et tremblements french The original language of [X] is [Y] .
+ <mask> ( born 10 january 1990 ) is a german footballer who plays as a <mask> for spvgg unterhaching . josef welzmüller defender [X] plays in [Y] position .
+ wester ross is well known for its mountain scenery , especially the <mask> which includes such peaks as beinn eighe and <mask> . liathach torridon hills [X] is part of [Y] .
+ <mask> ( born 23 august 1994 ) is an afghan international footballer who plays as a <mask> . noor zadran striker [X] plays in [Y] position .
+ the company was formed by steve nardelli and <mask> of the psychedelic prog band <mask> . chris squire the syn [X] is a member of [Y] .
+ the <mask> ( ) metro station is located on the red line of the <mask> . rohini west delhi metro [X] is part of [Y] .
+ kane 's ultimate version was introduced in " ultimate x - men " # 76 , where he is once again a partner to <mask> , domino and the other <mask> team members . cable six pack [X] is a member of [Y] .
+ <mask> ( born 15 december 1990 in plymouth , trinidad and tobago ) , is an international football player from trinidad and tobagosoca warriors who plays as a <mask> for juticalpa . daneil cyrus defender [X] plays in [Y] position .
+ <mask> ( born 14 september 1995 ) is a scottish professional footballer who plays as a <mask> for kilmarnock , on loan from newcastle united . stuart john findlay central defender [X] plays in [Y] position .
+ <mask> ( 15 september 1930 – 12 january 2006 ) was a swiss football <mask> who played for switzerland in the 1962 fifa world cup . peter rösch defender [X] plays in [Y] position .
+ he belonged to the <mask> , of <mask> and bernard silvestris . william of conches school of chartres [X] is a member of [Y] .
data/RE/google-re-5.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ <mask> (b. 1954 in <mask>) is a best-selling American author of romance novels . Nicole Jordan Oklahoma The place where <mask> was born is <mask>.
+ <mask> (born c.<mask> Chapel Hill, North Carolina) is an American director and designer of experimental theatre from New York City . John Collins 1969 The date when <mask> was born is <mask>.
+ <mask> (born c <mask>) is a former softball player and coach . Sue Enquist 1956 The date when <mask> was born is <mask>.
+ <mask> (1738--1811) was a British composer and organist born in <mask> . Thomas Ebdon Durham The place where <mask> was born is <mask>.
+ <mask> (b. February 11, 1955, <mask>, Tennessee - d July 2, 2007, Tiburon, California) was an American artist . Margi Scharff Memphis The place where <mask> was born is <mask>.
+ <mask> (c. <mask> - 25 August 1785) was a British diplomat and politician who sat in the House of Commons between 1762 and 1774 . William Lynch 1730 The date when <mask> was born is <mask>.
+ <mask> (born December 28th, <mask>) is a United States of America Democratic political consultant and activist who has worked on six presidential campaigns, served as Policy Director for the Speaker of the House in Connecticut, and served as the National Coordinated Campaign Director for both the 1992 and 1996 Presidential campaigns of Bill Clinton . Debbie Willhite 1951 The date when <mask> was born is <mask>.
+ <mask> (born <mask> in Vlorë, Albania) is a singer who at fourtheen moved to Pistoia, Italy were he remains with his parents and three brothers . Alban Skënderaj 1982 The date when <mask> was born is <mask>.
+ <mask> (born 27 September 1974, in <mask>, India) is a former Indian cricketer . Pankaj Dharmani Delhi The place where <mask> was born is <mask>.
+ <mask> (1806-1867) was an American physician, born in <mask>, Massachusetts . Worthington Hooker Springfield The place where <mask> was born is <mask>.
+ A Conservative, the Honourable <mask> served until his death in 1871 in <mask>, Ontario . John Ross Toronto The place where <mask> died is <mask>.
+ <mask> died at <mask> BC December 20, 1959 age 85 . Harry Mills Vancouver The place where <mask> died is <mask>.
+ Considered by some in the art world to be one of the last of the Surrealists, <mask> died in his home in <mask> on April 25, 2008, aged 99 Donati's health had been failing since involved, as a passenger, in a taxi accident in July, 2007 . Enrico Donati Manhattan The place where <mask> died is <mask>.
+ <mask> died of pneumonia in 1990 at his home in <mask>, California . Hal Draper Berkeley The place where <mask> died is <mask>.
+ <mask> died in 1888 in <mask>, Germany and is buried, together with his wife, Sophie in Weißensee . Moritz Landé Berlin The place where <mask> died is <mask>.
data/RE/nyt10-5.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ The United States maintains diplomatic relations with <mask> , but State Department officials say no deeper engagement is warranted until the government in <mask> halts support for radical organizations , including Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Palestinian territories . '' Syria Damascus <mask> is the capital of <mask>.
+ Regional analysts said peace efforts had been undermined by the political crisis in <mask> , where Prime Minister <mask> has barely hung on to his job after being excoriated by a committee that reviewed the conduct of the war with Hezbollah in Lebanon last summer . '' Ehud Olmert Israel The nationality of <mask> is <mask>.
+ In fact , <mask> 's business of maintaining Soviet-designed plants in Eastern Europe may get a boost as these countries worry about excess dependency on <mask> natural gas from Gazprom and reconsider nuclear energy as an alternative . Russian Russia <mask> are geographically distributed in <mask>.
+ Prime Minister <mask> of <mask> and Mahmoud Abbas , the Palestinian president , met here on Sunday , resulting in some mixed messages regarding a resumption of their long-dormant peace efforts . Ehud Olmert Israel The nationality of <mask> is <mask>.
+ Even when I visited my upscale cousin -LRB- he 's a psychiatrist -RRB- in <mask> , Conn. , just down the road from <mask> 's place , I felt I belonged . Paul Newman Westport <mask> lives in <mask>
+ It is the second stoppage of <mask> energy supplies to European countries since last winter , when natural gas shipments were shut down briefly during a gas pricing dispute between <mask> and Ukraine . Russian Russia <mask> are geographically distributed in <mask>.
+ <mask> , the newly elected first minister of <mask> , expressed concern Thursday that the British government had struck a deal that might permit the only person convicted in the 1988 Lockerbie bombing to return to Libya to complete his sentence . Alex Salmond Scotland The nationality of <mask> is <mask>.
+ 10 P.M. -LRB- Travel -RRB- 1,000 PLACES TO SEE BEFORE YOU DIE -- No , it 's not '' The Apprentice , '' but tonight the Ulles will be swimming with the sharks -- as well as riding elephants and discovering <mask> -- as they explore <mask> . South Africa Cape Town <mask> is located in <mask>.
+ In 1999 , she acted in '' Selma , Lord , Selma , '' about the civil rights march , and in 1996 appeared in '' Ghosts of <mask> , '' about efforts to track down the killer of <mask> , the civil rights leader . Medgar Evers Mississippi <mask> lives in <mask>
+ In a state that was pivotal to President Bush 's election and re-election , <mask> , which includes <mask> , has seen more than its share of recent election troubles . Cuyahoga County Cleveland <mask>
+ House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived in <mask> on Tuesday for a visit that is seen as part of an attempt to sway Bush administration policy on Iraq and the rest of the <mask> . Middle East Syria <mask> is located in <mask>.
+ A1 Senator <mask> of <mask> , the Republican leader , said his party would unite to block Senate debate next week on a bipartisan resolution opposing President Bush 's troop buildup in Iraq unless Democrats allow votes on at least two Republican alternatives . Mitch McConnell Kentucky <mask> lives in <mask>
+ Having so many operating systems makes it expensive to make software , said <mask> , the chief executive of <mask> , whose software helps users of camera phones save and share multimedia content . '' PixSense Faraz Hoodbhoy <mask> is the founder of <mask>.
+ Opposition Candidate Shot MAKHACHKALA , <mask> , Feb. 14 -LRB- Agence France-Presse -RRB- -- A local legislative candidate was shot in the head Wednesday in the southern <mask> region of Dagestan less than an hour after making a campaign speech on television here , a police spokeswoman said . Russian Russia <mask> are geographically distributed in <mask>.
+ Then the hospital signed up for TeleStroke , a program offered by two Harvard teaching hospitals , <mask> and the Brigham and Women 's Hospital in <mask> . Boston Massachusetts General Hospital <mask> is located in <mask>.
+ I think that the handwriting is on the wall that we are going in a different direction in the fall , and I expect the president to lead it , '' the Senate Republican leader , <mask> of <mask> , told reporters . Mitch McConnell Kentucky <mask> lives in <mask>
+ New Arts Center in <mask> The New York architects Tod Williams and Billie Tsien have been chosen to design a $ 100 million arts center at the University of <mask> , the university is to announce today . Chicago University of Chicago <mask> is located in <mask>.
+ That splintering is the central fact of '' Wall , '' a film by the British artist Catherine Yass , which is basically a continuous , traveling close-up pan of the concrete security barrier that has separated <mask> from the <mask> since the second intifada of 2000 . Israel West Bank <mask> is located in <mask>.
+ She left her parents and her home at 14 to train in Melun , <mask> , with the taskmaster coach <mask> . Philippe Lucas France The nationality of <mask> is <mask>.
+ Speaking to reporters on Wednesday , Ms. Pelosi announced that she had conveyed a message to Mr. Assad from <mask> 's prime minister , <mask> , that he was ready to negotiate for peace . Ehud Olmert Israel The nationality of <mask> is <mask>.
+ A memorial is planned at a later date in <mask> , <mask> . France Paris <mask> is a city of <mask>.
+ For example , Mr. Ballmer opened settlement talks over a round of golf in California with <mask> , <mask> ' chairman , and addressed the French Senate in fluent French . Sun Microsystems Scott G. McNealy <mask> is the founder of <mask>.
+ Named for the <mask> youth program founded in 1999 by Chris Rolle , known as Kazi , a Bahamian orphan forced to grow up on the streets of <mask> , Brooklyn , the movie follows his efforts to encourage at-risk teenagers to express themselves in verse rather than violence . Crown Heights New York City <mask> is the neighbor of <mask>.
+ 6 5 Killed in <mask> Fighting Five Palestinians were killed in fighting between two clans in the <mask> . Gaza Strip Gaza <mask> is the capital of <mask>.
+ <mask> , the chief executive of <mask> , made a lot of phone calls seeking advice before he entered into a merger deal with XM Satellite Radio on Monday . Mel Karmazin Sirius Satellite Radio <mask> is the chairman of <mask>.
+ When Kyle was 5 , his mother organized a local prayer vigil for <mask> , the African immigrant shot to death by the police in <mask> . '' Amadou Diallo New York City <mask> lives in <mask>
+ <mask> , an evolutionary biologist at <mask> , takes a different and decidedly refreshing approach . David Sloan Wilson Binghamton University <mask> is the chairman of <mask>.
+ In a 1997 study , Mr. Alesina , along with Reza Baqir , an economist at the International Monetary Fund , and <mask> , an economics professor at <mask> , looked at the relationship between social spending and ethnic diversity in 2,700 cities , counties and metropolitan areas across the United States . William Easterly New York University <mask> is the chairman of <mask>.
+ I was backpacking once , going from <mask> to <mask> at night , and I was at the top of a giant boat at 2 in the morning , everything so black , and me feeling so small . Corsica France <mask> is a city of <mask>.
+ The figure does not include residents of <mask> , which <mask> captured in the 1967 war and later annexed . Israel East Jerusalem <mask> is the capital of <mask>.
+ We saw our justice system at work today as <mask> was convicted for his heinous crimes against one of <mask> 's children , '' Mr. Crist said in a statement . John Couey Florida <mask> is born in <mask>.
+ Mr. Katsav has left his official residence in <mask> and is living in southern <mask> . Israel Jerusalem <mask> is the capital of <mask>.
+ The group , called the United States Climate Action Partnership , had its origin in conversations last spring among Mr. Lash ; Fred Krupp , the president of Environmental Defense ; and <mask> , the chief executive of <mask> . General Electric Jeffrey R. Immelt The major shareholders of <mask> is <mask>.
+ And any hope of driving a wedge between Iran and <mask> will have to start by giving <mask> hope that there is a way in from the cold . Syria Damascus <mask> is the capital of <mask>.
+ But this time , the domestic scene would take place in <mask> , the sliver of a state on <mask> 's western coast . Goa India <mask> is a city of <mask>.
+ A frenetic schedule -LRB- a <mask> native , she logged 36 flights on Air <mask> alone last year -RRB- has forced her to make some style concessions . '' Canada Toronto <mask> is a city of <mask>.
+ Also , the <mask> president , Vladimir V. Putin , is scheduled to attend a Group of 8 meeting of the leaders of industrialized nations in Germany next week , where <mask> 's openness to investment will probably be discussed . Russian Russia <mask> are geographically distributed in <mask>.
+ The idea of recreational shopping is not new , '' said <mask> , a professor of sociology at <mask> and author of '' Born to Buy : The Commercialized Child and the New Consumer Culture '' -LRB- Scribner -RRB- . '' Juliet B. Schor Boston College <mask> is the chairman of <mask>.
+ Because <mask> has such a big sports community , he added , its parade has been led by quite a few athletes over the years , including <mask> , who was a National Football League running back ; the former major league outfielder Billy Bean ; and the Olympic diver Greg Louganis . David Kopay Chicago <mask> is born in <mask>.
+ In 2006 , the annual meeting morphed into a three and a half hour celebration of <mask> , <mask> 's departing chairman . Sanford I. Weill Citigroup <mask> is advised by <mask>.
+ Although Mr. Fodor grew up in <mask> and studied law in <mask> , some aspects of his background parallel those of many American computer entrepreneurs . France Paris <mask> is a city of <mask>.
+ <mask> was born on May 2 , 1925 , in <mask> , N.J. , the son of a Baptist preacher . Roscoe Lee Browne Woodbury <mask> is born in <mask>.
+ Telenor , the Norwegian cellphone company , said Tuesday that a <mask> telecommunications company paid journalists in <mask> to publish negative articles about Telenor in the midst of a business dispute . Russian Ukraine <mask> are geographically distributed in <mask>.
+ He is Samuel Adams -- not <mask> , who is buried at United First Parish Church in <mask> , Mass. John Adams Quincy <mask> is born in <mask>.
+ Then , on Sunday , The Star-Ledger of <mask> reported that <mask> , the United States attorney for New Jersey , had issued a broad subpoena to the state 's Office of Legislative Services , which functions as the Legislature 's counsel and administrative arm , seeking records related to millions of dollars in state grants . Christopher J. Christie Newark <mask> is born in <mask>.
+ The idea of recreational shopping is not new , '' said <mask> , a professor of sociology at <mask> and author of '' Born to Buy : The Commercialized Child and the New Consumer Culture '' -LRB- Scribner -RRB- . '' Juliet B. Schor Boston College <mask> is the chairman of <mask>.
+ <mask> , who is chief executive of <mask> as well as a member of Apple 's board , and Jerry Yang , co-founder of Yahoo , came on stage to endorse the new hand-held . '' Google Eric E. Schmidt The major shareholders of <mask> is <mask>.
+ DESPITE the recent killings of two auxiliary police officers and a restaurant worker in <mask> , <mask> continues to ride the largest and longest municipal winning streak in the recorded history of crime control in the United States . Greenwich Village New York City <mask> is the neighbor of <mask>.
+ The state tournament at the Veterans Memorial Auditorium in <mask> was the ultimate event for <mask> schoolgirls , and the championship game frequently sold out . Iowa Des Moines <mask> is the state capital in the <mask>, U.S. .
+ The theme of this year 's issue is music , and this special goes behind the scenes with the models , who shimmied at locations like the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland and <mask> , the <mask> mansion in Memphis . Elvis Presley Graceland The place where <mask> was buried is <mask>.
+ <mask> , the chairman of <mask> , describes his key experience as occurring in the winter of 1961 when he was 7 and throwing snowballs with friends outside the Bayview Housing Projects in Brooklyn . Starbucks Howard Schultz <mask> is the founder of <mask>.
+ Her father was the Arthur O. Lovejoy professor of American history at <mask> in <mask> , and was also a biographer of Ernest Hemingway and Charlie Chaplin . Johns Hopkins Baltimore The place where <mask> died is <mask>.
+ The start of the program has been expected since a <mask> founder , <mask> , said at the World Economic Forum in January that the company would eventually share revenue with some of its most popular amateur content producers . YouTube Chad Hurley <mask> is the founder of <mask>.
+ A1 Health Inspector Removed <mask> removed from duty a health inspector who gave a passing grade to a fast-food restaurant in <mask> one day before television cameras captured a swarm of rats scurrying about inside . Greenwich Village New York City <mask> is the neighbor of <mask>.
+ It is hard to say whether the unusual heat behind the evening owes more to interest in Mr. Obama or to the three men who spearheaded the fund-raiser : the <mask> co-founders David Geffen , Jeffrey Katzenberg and <mask> . DreamWorks Steven Spielberg <mask> is the founder of <mask>.
+ The whole experience is like a corporate version of <mask> , <mask> 's former home : the same fresh-faced docents , the same reverent fans , the same relentless merchandising . Graceland Elvis Presley The <mask> was interred in <mask>.
+ <mask> , despite continuing its traditional clinics , has put its emphasis on working with local doctors and hospitals to improve the quality of health care in communities like <mask> , Mich. , where G.M. retirees and their families vastly outnumber the company 's active work force . General Motors Flint The place where <mask> was founded is <mask>.
+ Just a few weeks ago , <mask> 's chief executive , <mask> , seemed confident that this courtship of old-line media companies would prove fruitful . '' Google Eric E. Schmidt The major shareholders of <mask> is <mask>.
+ The theme of this year 's issue is music , and this special goes behind the scenes with the models , who shimmied at locations like the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland and <mask> , the <mask> mansion in Memphis . Graceland Elvis Presley The <mask> was interred in <mask>.
+ Last year , 13 Muslim men and five youths were arrested in the <mask> area in connection with a suspected plot to attack several targets in southern <mask> . Ontario Toronto <mask> is a provicial capital of <mask>.
+ For all that Nicolson delves into the conditions of the poor , it is the follies and yearnings of the upper classes that more naturally call out the talents of this author , the granddaughter of Harold Nicolson and <mask> , mistress of <mask> . Vita Sackville-West Sissinghurst Castle The place where <mask> died is <mask>.
+ <mask> , an internationally acclaimed British crime novelist whose best-known books feature the brooding Italian police detective Aurelio Zen , died on March 30 in <mask> . Michael Dibdin Seattle The place where <mask> died is <mask>.
+ And Maria Alves , 39 , a dental assistant from the <mask> area of <mask> , who has two children , ages 9 and 14 , and a husband on disability . '' Dorchester Boston <mask> is the neighbor of <mask>.
+ Pressure to slim <mask> 's corporate portfolio at home has not stopped <mask> 's aggressive plans for expanding in emerging markets . General Electric Jeffrey R. Immelt The major shareholders of <mask> is <mask>.
+ And on Wednesday , <mask> 's chief executive , <mask> , said the company was placing fewer ads in front of users , yet receiving more clicks . Google Eric E. Schmidt The major shareholders of <mask> is <mask>.
+ At <mask> 's Park Avenue headquarters , Mr. Spitzer met with the executive committee of the Partnership for <mask> , the city 's leading business group . Citigroup New York City The place where <mask> was founded is <mask>.
+ It retails for $ 7.95 at <mask> and other stores in the <mask> area , has a print run of 10,000 and , atypically for a college publication , pays its contributors . Newbury Comics Boston The place where <mask> was founded is <mask>.
+ Under the Articles of Confederation , <mask> , which is <mask> 's capital , was once also the nation 's capital . Maryland Annapolis <mask> is the state capital in the <mask>, U.S. .
+ A burglar has struck at least 13 homes in the past month in the West Brighton and <mask> areas of <mask> in the past month , the police said yesterday . Westerleigh Staten Island <mask> is the neighbor of <mask>.
+ The decision to award the contract -- the supposed crime -- occurred in <mask> , in the jurisdiction of <mask> 's other United States attorney . Wisconsin Madison <mask> is the state capital in the <mask>, U.S. .
+ 9 P.M. -LRB- NBC -RRB- LAW & ORDER : CRIMINAL INTENT -- When a respected judge is killed during a re-creation of the duel between <mask> and Aaron Burr , Detectives Goren and Eames question his gunslinging partner -LRB- Xander Berkeley -RRB- , the husband of Maureen Pagonis -LRB- Donna Murphy -RRB- , a candidate for mayor of <mask> . Alexander Hamilton New York City The place where <mask> died is <mask>.
+ An offshoot of an online advertising technology company in <mask> called <mask> , Zebo has so far appealed mainly to a younger crowd that uses its personal belongings as a social lubricant of sorts . Zedo San Francisco The place where <mask> was founded is <mask>.
+ There 's violence everywhere , '' said Ms. Mesquita , who , like her friend , lives in <mask> , the capital of <mask> state . '' Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte <mask> is the state capital of <mask>, Brazil.
+ It 's enough to say that '' Hugo Cabret '' sits at the nexus of magic and storytelling and film , and that Brian Selznick -- who , perhaps not so coincidentally , has the <mask> legend <mask> in his family tree -- shows us a little magic of his own . David O. Selznick Hollywood The place where <mask> died is <mask>.
+ The proposal has its critics , many of whom call it nothing less than modern-day Prohibition , and an assault on personal freedom and the free market that flies in the face of <mask> 's traditional liberalism and <mask> 's entrenched drinking culture . Wisconsin Madison <mask> is the state capital in the <mask>, U.S. .
+ He is survived by his sister Dorothy -LRB- Dodee -RRB- Timberlake Moncrief and Jack B. Moncrief of <mask> City , <mask> ; five nieces , their husbands and families . Oklahoma Oklahoma City <mask> is the state capital in the <mask>, U.S. .
+ 1 McCain Says ` No Plan B ' for Iraq In a discussion of how he would handle Iraq if elected president , Senator <mask> said that the buildup of <mask> forces in the country represents the only viable option to avoid failure in Iraq and that he had yet to identify an effective fallback if the current strategy failed . John McCain American The ethnicity of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> , including <mask> and 58 suburbs , has one of the country 's highest foreclosure rates , and officials say the worst is yet to come . Cuyahoga County Cleveland <mask>
+ The <mask> researchers , who are based in <mask> , Calif. , have extended the Stony Brook concept and applied it to a class of computer chips known as field programmable gate arrays , or FPGA . Hewlett-Packard Palo Alto The place where <mask> was founded is <mask>.
+ For a change of scenery , Mr. Vallebuona sold his house on Staten Island and moved to <mask> in <mask> . Rockland County New City <mask>
+ Thus it is easy to understand the fascination of the <mask> , the last great naval confrontation of the 20th century , fought from Oct. 23 to 26 , 1944 , between the American and Japanese Navies in the waters off the <mask> . Battle of Leyte Gulf Philippines <mask> is happened in <mask>.
+ Joyful and doting grandfather of Amanda , Lindsay , <mask> , Alexa , Reese , Paige and <mask> . David Nathan <mask> is the children of <mask>.
+ <mask> is a remarkable <mask> hero who has experienced war , and in the post-9 \/ 11 period , what better kind of leader could we have than that ? '' John McCain American The ethnicity of <mask> is <mask>.
+ His idea -- one that has rarely , if ever , been tried on a large scale by a major museum -- is to collect significant pieces of midcentury residential architecture , including houses by Rudolf M. Schindler , Richard Neutra , <mask> and his son <mask> , and to treat them as both museum objects and as residences for curators . Frank Lloyd Wright Lloyd Wright <mask> is the children of <mask>.
+ In '' Life Support , '' Queen Latifah and a first-rate cast -- including Anna Deavere Smith and two children of <mask> , <mask> and Tracee Ellis Ross -- collaborate on a glamorously produced neo-after-school special about the way the virus has hit women , many of them married and monogamous . Diana Ross Evan Ross <mask> is the children of <mask>.
+ PACELLA -- Bernard L. , M.D. Born on July 25 , 1912 , <mask> , <mask> , Canada . Ontario Toronto <mask> is a provicial capital of <mask>.
+ He has already convinced the government of <mask> , home to <mask> , to supply more than half of the $ 820,000 shooting budget for '' The Trouble With Cali . '' Lackawanna County Scranton <mask>
+ In 2006 , the annual meeting morphed into a three and a half hour celebration of <mask> , <mask> 's departing chairman . Citigroup Sanford I. Weill <mask> is the advisor of <mask>.
+ Highlighting how dominant the 1995-96 <mask> were , the Mavericks -LRB- 46-9 -RRB- have lost more home games -LRB- three -RRB- than <mask> did all season -LRB- two -RRB- on its way to a 72-10 finish . Chicago Bulls Chicago The location of <mask> is <mask>.
+ For a change of scenery , Mr. Vallebuona sold his house on Staten Island and moved to <mask> in <mask> . Rockland County New City <mask>
+ -LRB- His parents are the folkies Kate McGarrigle and <mask> ; his sisters , Martha Wainwright and <mask> , often join his tours . -RRB- Loudon Wainwright III Lucy Wainwright Roche <mask> is the children of <mask>.
+ Last year , a state screening committee recommended giving the franchise to Excelsior Racing Associates , a <mask> group led by Richard Fields , a casino developer , and Stephen W. Swindal , a partner in the <mask> who is also George Steinbrenner 's son-in-law . New York Yankees New York City The location of <mask> is <mask>.
+ The late <mask> called him the greatest builder of <mask> since Herod the Great . Yitzhak Rabin Jerusalem The place where <mask> was buried is <mask>.
+ A Hunka , Hunka An exhibition of <mask> 's stage costumes from 1969 to 1977 opened on Thursday in the visitor center at <mask> mansion in Memphis . Graceland Elvis Presley The <mask> was interred in <mask>.
+ Mr. Wenner said that Mr. Ertegun had insisted on taking the Hall of Fame 's architect , I.M. Pei , to visit <mask> , <mask> 's mansion in Memphis . Elvis Presley Graceland The place where <mask> was buried is <mask>.
+ Built from a series of acquisitions by <mask> , the company 's former chairman , <mask> has since encompassed both retail and investment banking operations , credit card businesses , wealth management and a host of other services . Sanford I. Weill Citigroup <mask> is advised by <mask>.
+ But he said he '' would not have taken the job '' without a severance plan , especially since he had spent six months negotiating his exit at <mask> after a falling out with <mask> , his former mentor and boss . Sanford I. Weill Citigroup <mask> is advised by <mask>.
+ Cherished grandfather of <mask> , Michael , Jason , Vicky , Andrew , Sam and <mask> . David Nathan <mask> is the children of <mask>.
+ Sosa was 13-3 in 2005 for the <mask> , but last season he went 3-11 for <mask> and the St. Louis Cardinals . Atlanta Braves Atlanta The location of <mask> is <mask>.
+ Other films include '' The Unknown Woman '' -LRB- '' La Sconosciuta '' -RRB- , a thriller about a Ukrainian immigrant to <mask> directed by Giuseppe Tornatore -LRB- '' Cinema Paradiso '' -RRB- ; Angelo Longoni 's biopic '' Caravaggio , '' photographed by the great Vittorio Storaro and starring Alessio Boni , who played the younger brother in '' The <mask> '' ; and '' Primo Levi 's Journey '' -LRB- '' La Strada di Levi '' -RRB- , a documentary that retraces the tortuous route Levi had to take to return home from Auschwitz in 1945 . Italy Best of Youth <mask> was shot in <mask>.
+ Ever since <mask> orchestrated the 1998 merger of Travelers and Citicorp to form the company , <mask> had managed expenses in an episodic and decentralized manner . Sanford I. Weill Citigroup <mask> is advised by <mask>.
+ In Japan , the only significant memorials to the <mask> , which took place in February and March 1945 , are on <mask> itself , a fish-shaped island about a third the size of Manhattan that is a two-hour flight south of Tokyo . Battle of Iwo Jima Iwo Jima <mask> is happened in <mask>.
+ Peggy Tierney Terre Haute , Ind. , March 12 , 2007 To the Editor : The March 6 Science Times article about genetic similarity between the <mask> and the English -LRB- '' A <mask> ? United Kingdom Irish <mask> is spoken in <mask>.
+ A few years later , in <mask> , <mask> would copy Ataturk 's approach wholesale . Iran Reza Shah The <mask> was interred in <mask>.
+ Because of an editing error , a report in the N.B.A. roundup in some copies last Thursday , about the <mask> ' 90-77 victory over the Milwaukee Bucks , misstated the team that <mask> tied for the lead in the Atlantic Division as a result . Toronto Raptors Toronto The location of <mask> is <mask>.
+ But it 's a good bet that Fidel Castro 's government will turn a blind eye to bootleg copies of '' <mask> , '' Michael Moore 's newest movie , if they show up on the streets of <mask> . '' Sicko Havana <mask> was shot in <mask>.
+ In 2003 , she disclosed during an interview with <mask> 's chief executive , <mask> , that she owned 1,000 shares of stock in his company . Citigroup Sanford I. Weill <mask> is the advisor of <mask>.
+ The flu has also been found in <mask> and England , but it is believed to have traveled to Britain in tons of raw turkey shipped between <mask> and British plants owned by the same company . Hungary Hungarian <mask> is spoken in <mask>.
+ Those invited included the Republican fund-raiser Georgette Mosbacher and the former chief executives Leonard A. Lauder -LRB- Estée Lauder Companies -RRB- and <mask> -LRB- <mask> -RRB- , though it was not clear if all those invited attended . '' Sanford I. Weill Citigroup <mask> is advised by <mask>.
+ Senator <mask> said that the buildup of <mask> forces in Iraq represented the only viable option to avoid failure in Iraq and that he had yet to identify an effective fallback if the current strategy failed . '' John McCain American The ethnicity of <mask> is <mask>.
+ To the Editor : It is appalling that <mask> would claim that it is Democrats '' who deny our soldiers the means to prevent an <mask> defeat '' -LRB- '' McCain Says Democrats Play ` Small Politics ' Over Iraq , '' news article , April 12 -RRB- . John McCain American The ethnicity of <mask> is <mask>.
+ But both Senator <mask> and Senator Barack Obama have now had to express regret for saying that <mask> lives have been '' wasted '' in battle . John McCain American The ethnicity of <mask> is <mask>.
+ Built from a series of acquisitions by <mask> , the company 's former chairman , <mask> has since encompassed both retail and investment banking operations , credit card businesses , wealth management and a host of other services . Citigroup Sanford I. Weill <mask> is the advisor of <mask>.
+ A few years later , in <mask> , <mask> would copy Ataturk 's approach wholesale . Reza Shah Iran The place where <mask> was buried is <mask>.
+ Mr. Stronach remains Magna 's chairman and , along with family members , controls the voting shares of the company , which is based north of <mask> in Aurora , <mask> . Ontario Toronto <mask> is a provicial capital of <mask>.
+ Mr. Anderson , a native New Yorker , began his career as a curator of Greek and Roman antiquities at the Metropolitan Museum of Art before stints as director of the Michael C. Carlos Museum in Atlanta and the Art Gallery of <mask> in <mask> . Ontario Toronto <mask> is a provicial capital of <mask>.
+ But he said he '' would not have taken the job '' without a severance plan , especially since he had spent six months negotiating his exit at <mask> after a falling out with <mask> , his former mentor and boss . Citigroup Sanford I. Weill <mask> is the advisor of <mask>.
+ Although the regime of President <mask> hails from an obscure offshoot of Shiism -- the Alawites -- Syria is nearly three-quarters Sunni , with Alawites , members of other <mask> sects and a considerable number of Christians making up the rest . Bashar al-Assad Muslim <mask> believe in <mask>.
+ A former military ruler , <mask> , also a northern <mask> , is a leading candidate , representing the All Nigeria People 's Party . Muhammadu Buhari Muslim <mask> believe in <mask>.
+ Ever since <mask> orchestrated the 1998 merger of Travelers and Citicorp to form the company , <mask> had managed expenses in an episodic and decentralized manner . Citigroup Sanford I. Weill <mask> is the advisor of <mask>.
+ Mr. Wenner said that Mr. Ertegun had insisted on taking the Hall of Fame 's architect , I.M. Pei , to visit <mask> , <mask> 's mansion in Memphis . Graceland Elvis Presley The <mask> was interred in <mask>.
+ Even during summer vacations in <mask> , there were barriers that prevented us from speaking freely : my <mask> was less than perfect ; my grandmother 's English was never smooth . India Telugu <mask> is spoken in <mask>.
+ Chrysler is the most important customer of Magna , which is based north of <mask> in Aurora , <mask> . Ontario Toronto <mask> is a provicial capital of <mask>.
+ Mr. Gray of Blackstone , a <mask> native who had given up his seats to the game to stay in New York , missed seeing a remarkable kickoff return by the <mask> as he jumped on the phone to strategize about what to do . Chicago Bears Chicago The location of <mask> is <mask>.
+ The theme of this year 's issue is music , and this special goes behind the scenes with the models , who shimmied at locations like the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland and <mask> , the <mask> mansion in Memphis . Elvis Presley Graceland The place where <mask> was buried is <mask>.
+ Over the course of my reign and certainly since I first visited Jamestown in 1957 , my country has become a much more diverse society , just as the commonwealth of <mask> and the whole <mask> have also undergone a major social change , '' the queen said . '' United States of America Virginia <mask> is a state or province within <mask>.
+ All the research indicates that we are certain to find more gas in the Amazon , '' Eduardo Braga , the governor of <mask> , said in an interview in <mask> , the state capital . '' Amazonas Manaus <mask> is the state capital of <mask>, Brazil.
+ Celebrating the gift of 3,000 cherry trees from the city of Tokyo for the 95th time this year is the <mask> in <mask> -LRB- March 31 to April 15 -RRB- The 2007 parade will run along Constitution Avenue on April 14 , with floats , giant balloons and Mickey and Minnie dressed in Japanese attire . National Cherry Blossom Festival Washington <mask> is happened in <mask>.
+ The four engagements collectively referred to as the <mask> resulted from the Japanese Navy 's all-out effort to halt or fatally damage Gen. Douglas MacArthur 's invasion of the island of Leyte in the <mask> . Battle of Leyte Gulf Philippines <mask> is happened in <mask>.
+ Other films that made the cut include a portrait of Richard N. Perle , the former Bush administration adviser and Iraq war advocate , who narrates a documentary in which he confronts his critics , as well as a '' Frontline '' co-production that takes a critical look at the effort to train Iraqi forces ; a profile of the <mask> dissident <mask> ; and an examination of Islam in Indonesia , produced by New York Times Television . Irshad Manji Muslim <mask> believe in <mask>.
+ Other films include '' The Unknown Woman '' -LRB- '' La Sconosciuta '' -RRB- , a thriller about a Ukrainian immigrant to <mask> directed by Giuseppe Tornatore -LRB- '' Cinema Paradiso '' -RRB- ; Angelo Longoni 's biopic '' Caravaggio , '' photographed by the great Vittorio Storaro and starring Alessio Boni , who played the younger brother in '' The <mask> '' ; and '' Primo Levi 's Journey '' -LRB- '' La Strada di Levi '' -RRB- , a documentary that retraces the tortuous route Levi had to take to return home from Auschwitz in 1945 . Best of Youth Italy <mask> was shot in <mask>.
+ 9 P.M. -LRB- 13 , 49 -RRB- FAITH WITHOUT FEAR -- This '' America at a Crossroads '' documentary follows the journey of the <mask> dissident <mask> , left , as she travels through Yemen , Europe and North America on what she sees as a quest to restore humanity and reason to Islam . '' Irshad Manji Muslim <mask> believe in <mask>.
+ But it 's a good bet that Fidel Castro 's government will turn a blind eye to bootleg copies of '' <mask> , '' Michael Moore 's newest movie , if they show up on the streets of <mask> . '' Havana Sicko <mask> was shot in <mask>.
data/RE/semeval-5.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ much of the <mask> evaporated from the <mask> without ever reaching the ground . rain forest canopy <mask> is originated from <mask>.
+ dolf oehler , a leader in the leftist <mask> of heine <mask> since the 1970s , gathered a group of likeminded critics for this symposium . camp champions <mask> is the collection of <mask>.
+ the cornish pirates have signed a <mask> to tackle <mask> as part of their commitment to save energy and reduce their environmental footprint . declaration climate change The topic of <mask> is <mask>.
+ the <mask> of the <mask> is lined with more than 3 cm thick castable refractory material . burner dryer <mask> is the component of <mask>.
+ the <mask> , made up of one or more <mask> , encloses an ovary that contains the ovules , or potential seeds . pistil carpels <mask> is the component of <mask>.
+ <mask> appear by <mask> when circumstances prevent their appearance in person . parties telephone <mask> is the instrument of <mask>.
+ most of the <mask> has been about the <mask> he used . discussion words The topic of <mask> is <mask>.
+ a <mask> of pygmy <mask> is now a critical economic mainstay , even as generations of migrants develop innovative tourism products and create new export markets . parade penguins <mask> is the collection of <mask>.
+ a human <mask> was found in a <mask> of menudo soup . finger can <mask> is contained in <mask>.
+ skype , a free software , allows a <mask> of multiple computer <mask> to join in an online conference call without incurring any telephone costs . hookup users <mask> is the collection of <mask>.
+ two of the <mask> resulted in fatal co <mask> ( cohb levels of 55 % and 49 % ) . incidents poisonings <mask> causes <mask>.
+ both her and her <mask> of pampered beverly hills <mask> learn valuable lessons in character , courage , and friendship with a super happy ending . troop princesses <mask> is the collection of <mask>.
+ yet this signing <mask> issued by the <mask> yesterday is the clearest signal yet that the administration wants to hold this option in reserve . statement president <mask> is the producer of <mask>.
+ the recent <mask> has been caused by the environmentally-induced <mask> of fish catches from the black sea . decline collapse <mask> causes <mask>.
+ <mask> consisted of <mask> , dragoons and chevauxlegers . cavalry cuirassiers <mask> is the collection of <mask>.
+ there is a rubbery silicone <mask> , created by an american <mask> for a whispered 5,000 , pounds for exploring 3d visualisation and ways of removing tremor . heart artist <mask> is the producer of <mask>.
+ sensitive and robust , this active <mask> features a small metal and rubber button <mask> with a preamped pvdf film sensor inside . stethoscope head <mask> is the component of <mask>.
+ the <mask> has assembled a <mask> of precious and base metal exploration prospects in ontario , saskatchewan , and the north west territories . company portfolio <mask> is the producer of <mask>.
+ you placed two bare ends of the <mask> into a <mask> filled halfway with distilled water . wire beaker <mask> was delievered to <mask>.
+ many <mask> have come from popular <mask> and tend to appear in different forms . neologisms literature <mask> is originated from <mask>.
+ the aircraft was written off in the <mask> due to the severe <mask> caused by the klm aircraft , and the resulting fire . accident impact <mask> causes <mask>.
+ the <mask> is france 's largest producer of sparkling <mask> outside of the champagne region . valley wines <mask> is originated from <mask>.
+ the closely guarded raffles <mask> was locked in a <mask> that still remains onsite today . recipe safe <mask> was delievered to <mask>.
+ i grew up with <mask> in a <mask> . milk sack <mask> is contained in <mask>.
+ the brick is aligned with the <mask> of the repaired <mask> . hinge book <mask> is the component of <mask>.
+ a <mask> who prepares baked <mask> as a profession is called a baker . person goods <mask> is the producer of <mask>.
+ unit direct injection also injects fuel directly into the <mask> of the <mask> . cylinder engine <mask> is the component of <mask>.
+ <mask> start by reading <mask> - called blueprints - that show how electricity flows . electricians maps <mask> is the instrument of <mask>.
+ the most common <mask> were about <mask> and recycling . audits waste The topic of <mask> is <mask>.
+ as the <mask> sailed away from the <mask> one of the crew felt increasingly uneasy about some of the signs he observed . boat harbour <mask> is originated from <mask>.
+ i 'm importing old document <mask> into the new <mask> . files software <mask> was delievered to <mask>.
+ he gave two <mask> to each <mask> . candies child <mask> was delievered to <mask>.
+ the first native tea <mask> were those made in the early thirteenth century by the <mask> to-shiro at his kiln in seto , aichi prefecture . wares potter <mask> is the producer of <mask>.
+ entrepreneur creates a <mask> over 'amber alert ' <mask> . debate kiosks The topic of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> support by <mask> has a long tradition in open and distance learning . student telephone <mask> is the instrument of <mask>.
+ hiroshima has rejected the demands of some citizens and victims groups that the newly renovated museum include an exhibition on japan 's `` aggressive role '' in world war ii , alongside the gruesome displays of the <mask> and devastation caused by the <mask> . suffering bomb <mask> causes <mask>.
+ the <mask> was in a <mask> on the back of the wagon , and cold as it was , mr. huy waded to the wagon and fed it that night and the next morning . pig crate <mask> is contained in <mask>.
+ in ionic conduction charge carriers are affected by the electromagnetic <mask> from the <mask> by being attracted or repelled by the electric field . radiation microwaves <mask> causes <mask>.
+ the <mask> are concerned with <mask> of speaking the language . sheets aspects The topic of <mask> is <mask>.
+ the bottles have leaked <mask> into the <mask> . poison milk <mask> was delievered to <mask>.
+ the <mask> is going away from the <mask> , pushing its cars to gain elevation . train photographer <mask> is originated from <mask>.
+ they chose a <mask> that oven bakes the paint in a down draft paint <mask> . shop booth <mask> is the instrument of <mask>.
+ the <mask> carefully chose <mask> to be used in a nihilistic approach to style . punks objects <mask> is the instrument of <mask>.
+ the cost of <mask> delivered in a vessel <mask> is always high . fuel bunker <mask> is contained in <mask>.
+ the <mask> was full of furry orange-and-black <mask> -- kittens . basket faces <mask> is contained in <mask>.
data/RE/trex-5.txt ADDED
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+ The production included a 32-member choir, session musician Dan Higgins on soprano saxophone, jazz pianist Russell Ferrante of The Yellowjackets, notable string players Dave Stone (upright bass), <mask> (<mask>), and Steve Erdody (cello). Sid Page violin [X] plays [Y] .
+ "<mask>" is a song by <mask> post-punk band Joy Division. Love Will Tear Us Apart English [X] was written in [Y] .
+ Toseland is also a solo artist and in the past has performed alongside <mask> for <mask>'s Sport Relief and played a piano set at the British sports personality of the year awards in 2007. Ray Stubbs BBC [X] works for [Y] .
+ <mask>' emergence from international isolation has been marked through improved and expanded relations with other nations such as <mask>, France, Japan, Sweden, and India. Australia Laos [X] maintains diplomatic relations with [Y] .
+ <mask> (also known as Award Theatre and Golden Years of Television) is a 30-minute dramatic television anthology series telecast on <mask> from 1957 to 1960 for a total of 55 episodes. Goodyear Theatre NBC [X] was originally aired on [Y] .
+ Kulture Jazz is an album by American <mask> trumpeter and composer <mask> recorded in 1993 and released on the ECM label. Wadada Leo Smith jazz [X] plays [Y] music .
+ The Nazi Ghost Train is the popular name for a train that, at the beginning of September 1944, was intended to transport the political prisoners and Allied airmen held at <mask> in <mask>, to camps in Germany. Saint-Gilles prison Brussels [X] shares border with [Y] .
+ Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis ([bjɛ̃vny ʃe le ʃti]; English: Welcome to the Sticks or Welcome to the Land of Shtis) is a 2008 <mask> comedy film directed, co-written by and starring Dany Boon, co-starring <mask> and Zoé Félix. Kad Merad French The native language of [X] is [Y] .
+ He is the lead singer and songwriter for the <mask> band <mask>. Beat Circus Boston, Massachusetts [X] was founded in [Y] .
+ The Acra is often called the Seleucid Acra to distinguish it from references to the <mask> as an acra and from the later quarter in <mask> which inherited the name Acra. Ptolemaic Baris Jerusalem [X] is located in [Y] .
+ Born in Barcelona to a <mask> father and a Swiss mother, <mask> was Mayor of Évry from 2001 to 2012 and was first elected to the National Assembly of France in 2002. Valls Spanish The native language of [X] is [Y] .
+ <mask> (Greek: Ανδρέας Εμπειρίκος; Brăila, 2 September 1901 – 3 August 1975, Athens) was a Greek surrealist <mask> and the first Greek psychoanalyst. Andreas Embirikos poet [X] is a [Y] by profession .
+ The <mask> Accounting Machine, introduced in 1949, was one of a long line of <mask> tabulating machines dating back to the days of Herman Hollerith. IBM 407 IBM [X] is produced by [Y] .
+ First documented in the 13th century and situated at the crossing of two important historic trade routes, <mask> became the capital of the Margraviate of <mask> (1417–1701), the Kingdom of Prussia (1701–1918), the German Empire (1871–1918), the Weimar Republic (1919–1933) and the Third Reich (1933–1945). Brandenburg Berlin The capital of [X] is [Y] .
+ María <mask> Portales (born March 6, 1965 in <mask>), is a Chilean television, theatre and film actress. Amparo Noguera Santiago [X] was born in [Y] .
+ The problem was that neither figure was particularly impressive; the <mask> (based on a <mask> concept car of 1954) wasn't doing all that well even before competition came over the horizon. Nomad Chevrolet [X] is produced by [Y] .
+ His credits include Star Trek: The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, The Twilight Zone, Babylon 5, Beauty and the Beast, <mask>, Sliders, Friday the 13th: The Series, Liberty's Kids, Superfriends, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Real Ghostbusters, The Smurfs and many others, as well as pilots for <mask>, NBC, ABC and Showtime. Forever Knight CBS [X] was originally aired on [Y] .
+ <mask> (born August 2, 1973 in Drummondville, Quebec) is a <mask> ice hockey player. Nancy Drolet Canadian [X] is [Y] citizen .
+ The Early Years are an <mask> band from East London consisting of members David Malkinson (<mask>/Guitars), Roger Mackin (Guitars), Brendan Kersey (Bass) and Phil Raines (Drums). Vox English [X] was written in [Y] .
+ John Barham is an <mask> classical pianist, composer, arranger, producer and educator, best known for his orchestration of George Harrison albums such as All Things Must Pass (1970) and for his association with Indian sitar maestro <mask>. Ravi Shankar English [X] used to communicate in [Y] .
+ On 14 July 1808, in the company of renowned mountain guide Jacques Balmat (possibly instigated by some of his sons, also guides), she became the first woman to climb <mask>, <mask>'s highest mountain. Mont Blanc Europe [X] is located in [Y] .
+ <mask> (born Elizabeth Guerra Vázquez, February 13, 1972) is a Mexican singer-songwriter who was raised in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, <mask>. Ely Guerra Mexico [X] is [Y] citizen .
+ The Book of Judges (Hebrew: Sefer <mask> ספר שופטים) is the seventh book of the Hebrew Bible and the <mask>. Shoftim Christian Bible [X] is part of [Y] .
+ MacLysaght suggests a connection with the surname <mask> - which is probably the name of a separate and distinct family of <mask> Origin based in Dublin and later in Galway. Ussher English [X] used to communicate in [Y] .
+ <mask> (IATA: IND, ICAO: KIND, FAA LID: IND) is a public airport seven miles (11 km) southwest of downtown <mask>, in Marion County, Indiana, United States. Indianapolis International Airport Indianapolis [X] is named after [Y] .
+ <mask>'s consumer software includes the OS X and iOS operating systems, the iTunes media player, the <mask>, and the iLife and iWork creativity and productivity suites. Safari web browser Apple [X] is developed by [Y] .
+ The <mask> (Norwegian: Stortingsbygningen) is the seat of the Storting, the parliament of Norway, located in central <mask>. Storting building Oslo [X] is located in [Y] .
+ Currently, iQue only releases portable <mask> games for iQue 3DS XL DS, Game Boy Advance, and <mask>. Game Boy Advance SP Nintendo [X] is produced by [Y] .
+ After the second season of America's Best Dance Crew was over, they returned to <mask> for a two-part <mask> special, Battle of the VMA's. ABDC MTV [X] was originally aired on [Y] .
+ In addition, <mask> from Tears for Fears (<mask> on "Emotion in Motion"), Tony Levin from King Crimson/Peter Gabriel, Tom Verlaine of Television and G. E. Smith of the Saturday Night Live Band guest on the various songs. Roland Orzabal guitar [X] plays [Y] .
+ Canadian singer <mask> recorded a live acoustic cover for her 2010 DVD "Live in <mask>." Nikki Yanofsky Montreal [X] was born in [Y] .
+ It has an annual audience of 100,000 and has made 66 international tours to over 30 cities including New York, Montreal, London, Paris, Berlin, Lyon, Sydney, Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore, Manila, Beijing, Shanghai, <mask>, Munich, Stuttgart, Mumbai, Delhi, Brisbane, Copenhagen, <mask>, Karmiel (Israel), St. Taipei Prague [X] and [Y] are twin cities .
+ <mask> is an <mask> screenwriter. Matt Greenhalgh English [X] used to communicate in [Y] .
+ <mask> (born May 18, 1993) is an American football outside <mask> for the Denver Broncos of the National Football League (NFL). Shane Ray linebacker [X] plays in [Y] position .
+ The <mask> is that part of the ice shelf fringing the Princess Astrid Coast of Queen Maud Land, <mask>, that lies between Leningradskiy Island and Verblyud Island. Lazarev Ice Shelf Antarctica [X] is located in [Y] .
+ The Iran national futsal team represents Iran in <mask> futsal competitions and is controlled by the Futsal Commission of the <mask>. Iranian Football Federation international [X] is a member of [Y] .
+ Count <mask> (born November 3, 1937 in Rome, Italy) is an <mask> professor of archaeology specialising in ancient Rome. Andrea Carandini Italian [X] used to communicate in [Y] .
+ Major seaports include Jawaharlal Nehru Port in <mask>, the Port of <mask> and the Gwadar Port in Pakistan and the Port of Salalah in Oman. Mumbai Karachi [X] and [Y] are twin cities .
+ Mount Athelstan (70°10′S69°16′W / 70.167°S 69.267°W) is a prominent, partly ice-covered mountain, 1,615 metres (5,300 ft) high, at the north side of Trench Glacier on a spur which extends east from <mask> on the east coast of Alexander Island, <mask>. Douglas Range Antarctica [X] is located in [Y] .
+ Thomas Roach grew up in <mask> and played for <mask> Junior Football Club; he was the first and so far only AFL player to have played for RJFC. Richmond Richmond, Victoria [X] is named after [Y] .
+ In geometry, the <mask> are one or two spheres that are tangent both to a plane and to a <mask> that intersects the plane. Dandelin spheres cone [X] consists of [Y] .
+ She is the former editor of some of <mask>'s most famous women's magazines, including Woman's Day, <mask> and Women's Weekly. New Idea Australia [X] was created in [Y] .
+ <mask> of Ravenna, or Maximian (499 – February 22, 556; feast day formerly February 21) was <mask> of Ravenna in Italy. Maximianus bishop [X] has the position of [Y] .
+ <mask> (born 1963) is an Italian musician, composer, <mask> and Modular Art theorist who lives and brings his music around the world. Stefano Vagnini poet [X] is a [Y] by profession .
+ <mask> (born Anne Bijlsma 17 February 1934, The Hague) is a Dutch <mask> who plays on both modern and period instruments in a historically informed style. Anner Bylsma cellist [X] plays [Y] .
+ <mask>, released in 1980, is the 22nd solo <mask> by Dolly Parton. Dolly, Dolly, Dolly studio album [X] is a [Y] .
+ She was born in <mask>, and in 1846 married John Macfarren, brother of composer <mask>. George Alexander Macfarren London [X] died in [Y] .
+ <mask> is the trademark of an image processor used in <mask> cameras. BIONZ Sony [X] is produced by [Y] .
+ It was founded by English merchants living in <mask>, who played their matches on what eventually became the <mask>. Yokohama Stadium Yokohama [X] is owned by [Y] .
+ The <mask> SE was a classification society based in the city of <mask>, Germany. Germanischer Lloyd Hamburg The headquarter of [X] is in [Y] .
+ <mask> (English title: Blameless) or Niraparadhi (Tamil title) is a 1951 <mask>/Tamil film produced and directed by H. M. Reddy. Nirdoshi Telugu The original language of [X] is [Y] .
+ He has played and recorded with a long list of <mask> greats including Jackie McLean, Art Blakey, Chick Corea, Freddie Hubbard and The New Jazz Composers Octet, Benny Golson's New <mask>, One for All (Eric Alexander, Jim Rotondi, David Hazeltine, John Webber, Joe Farnsworth), Hank Jones, Cecil Payne, Horace Silver, Cedar Walton, Harold Mabern, Larry Willis, Eddie Henderson, The Dizzy Gillespie Alumni All-Star Big Band (featuring Slide Hampton, James Moody, Jimmy Heath, Roy Hargrove), Avishai Cohen, Wynton Marsalis and the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra, and Michael Weiss, among many others. Jazztet jazz [X] plays [Y] music .
+ <mask> is a beef dish from the <mask>. Mechado Philippines [X] was created in [Y] .
+ <mask> (born Ethel Woods, 26 April 1878, <mask>, West Riding of Yorkshire – 9 September 1975, London) was an English actress of stage, screen and television. Ethel Griffies Sheffield [X] was born in [Y] .
+ The new <mask> libretto was written by Charles Hart, based on a story by Janet Street-Porter and Nigel Finch, which was based on the original libretto by Wilhelm August Wohlbrück, which was based on John Polidori's short story "<mask>." The Vampyre English [X] was written in [Y] .
+ Grammar, logic, and <mask> were the core <mask>, while arithmetic, geometry, the theory of music, and astronomy also played a (somewhat lesser) part in education. liberal arts rhetoric [X] consists of [Y] .
+ <mask>, a <mask> at Virginia Commonwealth University, said: "The corporate section is understood to be the engine that funds the mission of the church. David Bromley sociologist [X] works in the field of [Y] .
+ Exhibition of Saint Petersburg artists - students workshop of <mask>" (<mask>: Памяти учителя. Alexander Osmerkin Russian The native language of [X] is [Y] .
+ Saint <mask> was the 6th century founder and first abbot of the clas (a type of early <mask>/Celtic monastery) of Llanfechell, on Anglesey in north-west Wales. Mechell Welsh [X] used to communicate in [Y] .
+ It is bordered by <mask> to the northwest, <mask> to the northeast, and Mozambique on the east, south and west. Zambia Tanzania [X] maintains diplomatic relations with [Y] .
+ Tyler Johnston (born June 14, 1987 in New Westminster, British Columbia) is a <mask> film and television actor, best known for his role as Danny Lubbe in <mask>. Less Than Kind Canadian [X] was created in [Y] .
+ He was one of the best <mask> portrait lithographers and watercolourists of the first half of the nineteenth century in Central Europe, and as a miniaturist, according to his contemporaries, he was an no less than <mask> himself. Moritz Daffinger Viennese [X] died in [Y] .
+ Country Gardens is an English folk tune collected by Cecil Sharp and arranged for <mask> in 1918 by <mask>. Percy Grainger piano [X] plays [Y] .
+ <mask> is an opera in two acts by Antonio Salieri, designated as a dramma per musica, set to an <mask> libretto by Mattia Verazi.The opera takes place in Tyre in Phoenicia and tells a story of love, violence and political discord in ancient times. Europa riconosciuta Italian The original language of [X] is [Y] .
+ As of July 2014, the company’s technology tracked the spread of stories on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and <mask>, including content published in 12 languages: <mask>, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Flemish, Estonian, Finnish, Swedish, and Italian. Pinterest English [X] was written in [Y] .
+ The band's first gig was opening for <mask> in front of thousands of people at the Masonic Temple in <mask> on October 2, 2005. The White Stripes Detroit [X] was founded in [Y] .
+ Karamchand and his bothers were converted to <mask> by <mask> who named him Kaim Khan Urdu: نواب قائم خان , and his brothers Zainuddin Khan and Zabaruddin nawab Zainuddin Khan son Pahryan Khan. Firuz Shah Tughlaq Islam [X] is affiliated with the [Y] religion .
+ TV Patrol Palawan (formerly Palawan TV Patrol) is a local news program of the ABS-CBN Regional Network Group in Palawan, an island province, which is part of MIMAROPA in the <mask> but not belong to <mask>. TV Patrol Southern Tagalog Philippines [X] was created in [Y] .
+ Garsington is a village and civil parish about 5 miles (8 km) southeast of <mask> in <mask>. Oxford Oxfordshire [X] is the capital of [Y] .
+ Between 1913 and 1918 Seiden attended the Art Association of <mask> where she studied under William Brymner, Edmond Dyonnet and <mask>. Maurice Cullen Montreal [X] used to work in [Y] .
+ Nouvelle Résistance (NR) was a <mask> far right group created in August 1991 by <mask> as an offshoot of Troisième Voie (Third Way), which was headed by Bouchet. Christian Bouchet French The native language of [X] is [Y] .
+ A <mask>, or umbo, is a round, convex or conical piece of material at the centre of a <mask>. shield boss shield [X] is part of [Y] .
+ According to the World Economic Forum, <mask> was the top country in upward evolution of competitiveness in 2009, gaining eight positions among other countries, overcoming Russia for the first time, and partially closing the competitiveness gap with India and <mask> among the BRIC economies. China Brazil [X] maintains diplomatic relations with [Y] .
+ <mask> (IATA: ABX, ICAO: YMAY) is a regional <mask> located 2 nautical miles (3.7 km; 2.3 mi) northeast Albury, New South Wales, Australia. Albury Airport airport [X] is a [Y] .
+ <mask> (September 29, 1906, <mask> – February 28, 1977, Jupiter, Florida) was an executive in the American automobile industry, serving as CEO of American Motors Corporation (AMC) from February 1962 to January 1967. Roy Abernethy Pennsylvania [X] was born in [Y] .
+ Notable astronomers who have conducted research at Yerkes include Edwin Hubble (who did his graduate work at Yerkes and for whom the Hubble Space Telescope was named), Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (for whom the Chandra Space Telescope was named), prolific Russian-American astronomer <mask>, and the well-known twentieth-century popularizer of <mask> Carl Sagan. Otto Struve astronomy [X] works in the field of [Y] .
+ [full citation needed] Pigs remaining in this part of England developed later into the <mask>, a similarly colored <mask>, but with flop ears and kept largely for foraging in forest. Wessex Saddleback pig [X] is a subclass of [Y] .
+ The <mask> is a sport pickup truck that was produced by American automaker <mask> in limited numbers. Dodge Ram SRT-10 Dodge [X] is produced by [Y] .
+ <mask> (Joe and Bob) also wrote (their names appear as co-writers, but the writer was actually, individually, Sydney Robin) and were the second to record "Just Because" (<mask> 46008), a song that has since been recorded numerous times by various artists including Elvis Presley who included it on his very first album titled "Elvis Presley". The Shelton Brothers Decca [X] is represented by music label [Y] .
+ <mask> commentator <mask> described Igna's decision to ignore the foul by Carlos as "an extreme mistake". Jimmy Hill BBC [X] works for [Y] .
+ <mask> or Auzangate (in hispanicized spellings) is a mountain of the Willkanuta mountain range in the <mask> of Peru. Ausangate Andes [X] is part of [Y] .
+ At the 2012 <mask>, the town had a population of 2,121; the entire population of the Falkland Islands was 2,841 on <mask> on 15 April 2012. Census Day census [X] is a subclass of [Y] .
+ <mask> also known as Tata (born 30 May 1971 in Tirana) is an <mask> retired goalkeeper. Blendi Nallbani Albanian [X] is [Y] citizen .
+ <mask> (né William DeBerardinis, January 10, 1926, Philadelphia – July 8, 1965, New York City) was an American <mask> trombonist known as a big band musician but who was also an influential bebop soloist. Willie Dennis jazz [X] plays [Y] music .
+ One advantage it has over other <mask> alloys such as <mask> is that it is nickel-free; some horses havebeen known to have a nickel allergy which appears as pimples in the mouth. german silver copper [X] consists of [Y] .
+ <mask> at the University of <mask> is not only named for "The General", but was designed by him. Neyland Stadium Tennessee [X] is owned by [Y] .
+ Occasionally, this type of fiction is referred to as superhuman or super-powered fiction rather than <mask> in order to reflect that broader scope of both heroes and villains, as well as cover those characters with enhanced abilities that fall outside the classic <mask>/supervillain dichotomy. superhero fiction superhero [X] consists of [Y] .
+ The Book of Leviticus (/lɪˈvɪtɪkəs/; from Greek Λευιτικόν, Leuitikon, meaning "relating to the Levites") is the third book of the Hebrew Bible, and the third of five books of the <mask> (or Pentateuch), and the third book of the Old Testament of the <mask>. Torah Christian Bible [X] is part of [Y] .
+ The plot focuses on the notorious pirate Edward 'Blackbeard' Teach, and his blockade of <mask> in <mask> in 1718. South Carolina Charles Town The capital of [X] is [Y] .
+ The <mask> are a group (column) in the periodic table consisting of the chemical elements lithium (Li), sodium (Na), <mask> (K), rubidium (Rb), caesium (Cs), and francium (Fr). alkali metals potassium [X] consists of [Y] .
+ In 1985, IBM requested that <mask> a new operating system for their computers called OS/2; <mask> wrote the operating system, but also continued to sell their own alternative, which proved to be in direct competition with OS/2. Microsoft write Microsoft [X] is developed by [Y] .
+ Finger tapping is a <mask> technique developed by <mask> for his pupil Glenn Gould. Alberto Guerrero piano [X] plays [Y] .
+ <mask> e Igreja Nova is a civil parish in the municipality of Barcelos, <mask>. Alheira Portugal [X] was created in [Y] .
+ <mask> (June 5, 1852 in Braunschweig - February 1, 1933 in <mask>) was a German botanist. Carl Georg Oscar Drude Dresden [X] died in [Y] .
+ Created for Turner Entertainment, <mask> was initially aired on <mask> on the night of August 13, 2000, and has since been broadcast in Australia, Hungary, Iceland, and Sweden. Running Mates Turner Network Television [X] was originally aired on [Y] .
+ <mask> (<mask>: 해무; literally "Sea Fog") is a 2014 South Korean film directed by Shim Sung-bo. Haemoo Hangul The original language of [X] is [Y] .
+ <mask> (born 12 June 1968) is a <mask> television and film actor. Manuel Blanc French The native language of [X] is [Y] .
+ Morey Amsterdam (December 14, 1908 – October 28, 1996) was an American television actor and comedian, best known for the role of Buddy Sorrell on <mask>'s <mask> from 1961 to 1966. The Dick Van Dyke Show CBS [X] was originally aired on [Y] .
+ Most Vedar are <mask> Saivites and worship a plethora of folk deities, as well as the main <mask> such as Murugan, Pillaiyar and Amman. Hindu deities Hindu [X] is part of [Y] .
+ The Marshall Islands maintains embassies in the United States, Fiji, the <mask>, <mask>, and the Republic of China (Taiwan). Philippines Japan [X] maintains diplomatic relations with [Y] .
+ In Europe, Blankenship sang roles at the <mask> houses in Vienna (Vienna Volksoper & Vienna State Opera), Stuttgart, Hamburg, Braunschweig (1957–1960), Bern (1960), Mannheim, Brunswick, Munich (from 1965), Berne, Klagenfurt (1956 European debut), Bregenz (1972 as Phoebus in <mask> by Henry Purcell). The Fairy-Queen opera [X] is a [Y] .
+ Councils have been chartered in the United States (including the territories of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and Guam), Canada, the <mask>, Mexico, Poland, the Dominican Republic, Panama, the Bahamas, Cuba, Guatemala, Saipan, <mask>, Ukraine, Lithuania, and on US military bases around the world. South Korea Philippines [X] maintains diplomatic relations with [Y] .
+ <mask> (February 24, 1721 – August 31, 1796) was an American physician and politician from <mask>, in New Castle County, Delaware. John McKinly Wilmington [X] died in [Y] .
+ <mask> family are a notable artistic family from the south of England whose members include the prominent <mask> national figures, brothers Rex Whistler and Laurence Whistler. The Whistler English The original language of [X] is [Y] .
+ Flowing northwest from the Cascade Range through Table Rock Wilderness, it passes the city of <mask> before entering the larger <mask> near Canby. Molalla river [X] is a [Y] .
+ After <mask> gained statehood, governors held the office for a two-year term, until the 1963 <mask> changed the term to four years. Michigan Constitution Michigan [X] is a legal term in [Y] .
+ The Hengsteysee (Lake Hengstey) is a reservoir on the Ruhr river between the cities of Hagen, <mask> and <mask>, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Herdecke Dortmund [X] shares border with [Y] .
+ <mask> is a <mask>, U.S.A. Spyderco Golden, Colorado [X] was founded in [Y] .
+ Conducted by the composer, It opened to considerable success at the Carltheater in <mask> on December 23, 1908 with <mask> as Karel. Hubert Marischka Vienna [X] used to work in [Y] .
+ Daniel "Danny" Boyle (born 20 October 1956) is an <mask> film director, producer, screenwriter and theatre director, known for his work on films including Shallow Grave, Trainspotting, The Beach, 28 Days Later, <mask>, Sunshine, and 127 Hours. Slumdog Millionaire English The original language of [X] is [Y] .
+ <mask> (November 6, 1937, Cincinnati, Ohio – September 10, 2004) was an American <mask> tenor saxophonist. Gordon Brisker jazz [X] plays [Y] music .
+ (born June 28, 1941) specializes in research on murder, prejudice and hate, sociology of aging and sociology of conflict at <mask> in <mask>. Northeastern University Boston, Massachusetts The headquarter of [X] is in [Y] .
+ Houston's <mask> won the Jack A. Butterfield Trophy as AHL playoff MVP and also set a record for most minutes played by a <mask> in a single playoff with 1498. Johan Holmqvist goaltender [X] plays in [Y] position .
+ <mask> were an <mask> blues rock band, active between 1984 and 1990. Fatal Flowers Amsterdam [X] was founded in [Y] .
+ <mask> (Greek: Μισέλ Πάμπλο; August 24, 1911, <mask> – February 17, 1996, Athens) was the pseudonym of Michalis N. Raptis (Greek: Μιχάλης Ν. Ράπτης), a Trotskyist leader of Greek origin. Michel Pablo Alexandria, Egypt [X] was born in [Y] .
+ Kanawha State Forest is a 9,300-acre (38 km2) recreation area located near the community of Loudendale, <mask>, which is about 7 miles (11 km) from downtown <mask>, United States. West Virginia Charleston, West Virginia The capital of [X] is [Y] .
+ Anthony Nicholas George Duckworth-Chad (born 1942), of Pynkney Hall, near King's Lynn, Norfolk, <mask>, is a landowner, City of <mask> business man, and a senior county officer for Norfolk. London England [X] is the capital of [Y] .
+ The Commission stationed him in <mask> where he provided advice to Tomáš Masaryk, the first president of <mask>, and other top Czech officials on economic matters and structuring the new country's first democratic government. Prague Czechoslovakia [X] is the capital of [Y] .
+ These colors mimic the colors of the <mask> which is why it was chosen to be the national bird of <mask>. Cuban flag Cuba [X] is a legal term in [Y] .
+ <mask> (born February 26, 1967) is a Portuguese television and film actor and former stage actor and <mask>, known for his work in Portuguese and Spanish television and films. Paulo Pires fashion model [X] is a [Y] by profession .
+ <mask> (1706–1774) was a Massachusetts <mask>. Andrew Oliver politician [X] is a [Y] by profession .
+ Quadrophonia were a Dutch/<mask> electronic music collective, formed by Olivier <mask> (also known as part of T99) and Lucien Foort in the late 1980s, with several of their tracks performed by Marvin D (Marvin Tholen). Abbeloos Belgian [X] is [Y] citizen .
+ Born in Buenos Aires, he relocated to <mask>, where he joined a community of expatriate South American painters including <mask> and Jesús-Rafael Soto. Julio Le Parc Paris [X] used to work in [Y] .
+ Acclaimed for his ability to present the basic meaning of the text in a concise and lucid fashion, <mask> appeals to both learned scholars and beginning students, and his works remain a centerpiece of contemporary <mask> study. Rashi Jewish [X] is affiliated with the [Y] religion .
+ World Youth Champion in team 1977, 1980, winner of European Cup 1984, winner of international tournaments Banco do Roma 1977, Copenhagen 1980, <mask> 1979, <mask> 1990, Eeklo 1991, Dortmund 1999, Warsaw 2002. Brno Leipzig [X] and [Y] are twin cities .
+ <mask> is an engineering company based in <mask>. Stephenson Blake Sheffield The headquarter of [X] is in [Y] .
+ This is a listing of notable characters from the video game <mask>, a role-playing video game released in 1995 by <mask> Chrono Trigger Square Co. [X] is developed by [Y] .
+ It links <mask> Street and Alexandre-Taché Boulevard in the Hull sector of Gatineau and Wellington Street at the Garden of the Provinces and Territories in <mask>, crossing Victoria Island on the way. Laurier Ottawa [X] used to work in [Y] .
+ Turpel-Lafond was earlier the first Treaty Indian to be appointed to the judicial bench of the <mask> of <mask>. Provincial Court Saskatchewan [X] is a legal term in [Y] .
+ Khalil also represented other defendants associated with the Hussein regime, including former <mask> of <mask> Taha Yassin Ramadan. Vice President Iraq [X] is a legal term in [Y] .
+ Two years later, the French video game publisher <mask>, who incidentally absorbed Ocean, released <mask> for PlayStation and PC. Le Mans 24 Hours Infogrames [X] is developed by [Y] .
+ <mask> is a historic <mask> in the Shimoga district of the state of Karnataka, India. Nagara village [X] is a [Y] .
+ It concerns the conversion of the pirate <mask> to <mask>. John Ward Islam [X] is affiliated with the [Y] religion .
+ <mask> (born 3 January 1987) is a Swiss professional ice hockey <mask>. Reto Berra goaltender [X] plays in [Y] position .
+ In 2010-11 he gave presentations on different aspects of international economic and monetary issues, ranging from the crisis affecting the euro to perspectives for the world economy, in Abu Dhabi, Amsterdam, Baden Baden, Beijing, Berlin, Cape Town, Cologne, Copenhagen, Dresden, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Kuala Lumpur, Kuwait, London, Prague, Pretoria, Princeton, Seoul, Singapore, <mask>, Tokyo, <mask>, Yale, Zanzibar and Zurich. Warsaw Taipei [X] and [Y] are twin cities .
+ At July 1980, Addis Ababa, Athens, Bombay, <mask>, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Jeddah, Kampala, Karachi, <mask>, London, Lusaka, Mauritius, Mogadishu, Rome, Salisbury, Seychelles, Zurich made up the list of international destinations, whereas four Kenyan cities (Kisumu, Malindi, Mombasa and Mumias) were also served. Khartoum Cairo [X] and [Y] are twin cities .
+ <mask> discontinued development of <mask> in January 2012 with the final release of version 3.0.1, moving future development effort to Apache OpenOffice, and donating the source code to the Apache Software Foundation. Lotus Symphony IBM [X] is developed by [Y] .
+ <mask> is a Polish-Norwegian rock band founded in <mask> in 1980. De Press Oslo [X] was founded in [Y] .
+ The foreign relations of the Republic of Macedonia since its independence in 1991 have been characterized by the country's efforts to gain membership in international organizations such as <mask> and the European Union and to gain international recognition under its constitutional name, overshadowed by a long-standing, dead-locked dispute with neighboring <mask>. Greece NATO [X] is a member of [Y] .
+ The tram route starts at Plaça Francesc Macià in <mask> to the west of the city and extends west, passing L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Esplugues de Llobregat, Cornellà de Llobregat, Sant Joan Despí and <mask>. Sant Just Desvern Barcelona [X] shares border with [Y] .
+ <mask> is the fifth studio album by <mask> Britpop band Pulp. Different Class English [X] was written in [Y] .
+ <mask> (5 December 1874 – 29 January 1943) was a Parisian socialite and second wife of the former Prime Minister of <mask>, Joseph Caillaux. Henriette Caillaux France [X] is [Y] citizen .
+ He began his career in his native city, Naples (1600–1613) and moved to <mask> in 1614-1617, where he appears to have encountered and felt influenced by the successful Flemish landscape painters such as <mask>, Goffredo Wals (Gottfried Wals), and Adam Elsheimer. Paul Bril Rome [X] died in [Y] .
+ <mask> is a <mask> vocalist born and raised in Detroit, MI. Dennis Rowland jazz [X] plays [Y] music .
+ Territory included the islands of Aruba until 1986 and Curaçao, Bonaire, Saba, Sint Eustatius, <mask> (which is the <mask> part of the island of Saint Martin) until 2010 when the Netherlands Antilles was dissolved. Sint Maarten Dutch The official language of [X] is [Y] .
+ George Abel's nephew, Sid Abel's son, Gerry also briefly played in the NHL, and Sid's grandson <mask> is a <mask> who last played for the Pittsburgh Penguins. Brent Johnson goaltender [X] plays in [Y] position .
+ In May 2014 the <mask> audio horror <mask>, THIRTEEN, which Harrison devised, edited and wrote the narrating story for, won an Audio Award for best Original Work, while in April of the same year, his audio play Sometime Never, starring Simon Jones and Rosalyn Landor, won the Best Drama Award in New York. portmanteau anthology [X] is a subclass of [Y] .
+ A child prodigy, he completed his musical education and composed his earlier works in <mask> before leaving <mask> at the age of 20, less than a month before the outbreak of the November 1830 Uprising. Poland Warsaw The capital of [X] is [Y] .
+ <mask> (born February 11, 1985) is a Canadian <mask> and recording artist. Harris Allan actor [X] is a [Y] by profession .
+ <mask> (30 January 1889 – 23 October 1979) was an <mask> and a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church in Argentina. Antonio Caggiano archbishop [X] has the position of [Y] .
+ The Timor-Leste national futsal team is controlled by the <mask>, the governing body for futsal in East Timor (Timor-Leste) and represents the country in <mask> futsal competitions. Federação de Futebol de Timor-Leste international [X] is a member of [Y] .
+ Jantar died in the crash of LOT Polish Airlines Flight 007 from JFK International Airport on 14 March 1980, near <mask> in <mask>. Okęcie Airport Warsaw [X] is named after [Y] .
+ Mozambique (/moʊzæmˈbiːk/ or /mɔːzæmˈbiːk/), officially the Republic of Mozambique (Portuguese: Moçambique or República de Moçambique, [rɛˈpublikɐ dɨ musɐ̃ˈbikɨ]), is a country in Southeast Africa bordered by the Indian Ocean to the east, <mask> to the north, <mask> and Zambia to the northwest, Zimbabwe to the west, and Swaziland and South Africa to the southwest. Tanzania Malawi [X] shares border with [Y] .
+ It was recorded by <mask> & the Midnighters (formerly The Royals) in Cincinnati on the <mask> label on January 14, 1954, and released the following month. Hank Ballard Federal Records [X] is represented by music label [Y] .
+ In 1867 he succeeded <mask> (1801–1867) as professor of therapeutics and materia medica, and in 1876 attained the chair of <mask> at the Hôtel-Dieu de Paris, a position he held for the remainder of his career. Armand Trousseau clinical medicine [X] works in the field of [Y] .
+ The Saudi Arabia national futsal team is controlled by the <mask>, the governing body for futsal in Saudi Arabia and represents the country in <mask> futsal competitions. Saudi Arabian Football Federation international [X] is a member of [Y] .
+ In the 18th-century, the European merchants and colonists began to refer to the followers of Indian religions collectively as Hindus, in contrast to Mohamedans for Mughals and <mask> following <mask>. Arabs Islam [X] is affiliated with the [Y] religion .
+ He was the youngest of five children of Carl Friedrich Leopold von Gerlach (1757–1813), first Lord Mayor of <mask>, and Agnes von Raumer (1795–1877), and brother of <mask> (1795–1877) and Ludwig Friedrich Leopold von Gerlach (1790–1861). Ernst Ludwig von Gerlach Berlin [X] used to work in [Y] .
+ He was a member of the <mask> House of Representatives from 1921 to 1923, and served in the <mask> from 1923 to 1931, being its president in 1931. Wyoming State Senate Wyoming [X] is a legal term in [Y] .
+ Examples of such an agent are Apple's Siri, <mask>'s <mask>, Amazon Echo, Microsoft's Cortana, Braina (application developed by Brainasoft for Microsoft Windows), Samsung's S Voice, LG's Voice Mate, BlackBerry's Assistant, SILVIA, HTC's Hidi, IBM's Watson (computer), and Facebook's M. Google Now Google [X] is owned by [Y] .
+ <mask> (sometimes rendered Shamweel) is a Maldivian footballer nicknamed "Bonda", who plays as <mask> for New Radiant SC. Shamweel Qasim midfielder [X] plays in [Y] position .
+ He graduated from Waynesburg College in 1930, the <mask> of Medicine and Surgery in 1933, and Wayne University in <mask>, in 1934. Detroit College Detroit, MI The headquarter of [X] is in [Y] .
+ <mask> is an umbrella title used by the <mask> to collect together its music output. BBC Music BBC [X] is owned by [Y] .
+ The video contains a full Def Leppard live show at the <mask> in <mask> and additional footage from shows at The Omni in Atlanta, Georgia, compiled from footage shot during the band's 1987/1988 US Hysteria World Tour. McNichols Sports Arena Denver, Colorado [X] is owned by [Y] .
+ <mask> was a spinning, doubling and weaving company based in <mask>, Lancashire, England. Bagley & Wright Oldham The headquarter of [X] is in [Y] .
+ Rockland Centre is an upscale mall located at Metropolitan Boulevard and de L'Acadie Boulevard in <mask>, Canada, right across the street from <mask> proper. Mount Royal, Quebec Montreal [X] shares border with [Y] .
+ Some macrolides have <mask> or antifungal activity and are used as <mask> drugs. antibiotic pharmaceutical [X] is a subclass of [Y] .
+ The Antarctic Treaty Secretariat headquarters have been located in <mask>, <mask>, since September 2004. Buenos Aires Argentina [X] is the capital of [Y] .
+ The group's sound changed when <mask> joined in 1938, and they recorded their first album on the <mask> label. Ira Tucker Decca Records [X] is represented by music label [Y] .
+ Adalbert of <mask> (<mask>: About this sound Vojtěch , Polish: Wojciech, Latin: Adalbertus, Voitecus; c. Czech Prague The capital of [X] is [Y] .
+ It was <mask> who introduced the song to Britain and recorded it for <mask>. Adelaide Hall Decca [X] is represented by music label [Y] .
+ <mask> (formally known as <mask>) is a consolidated city–county in the U.S. Athens-Clarke County Athens [X] is named after [Y] .
+ <mask> /ˈeɪəlzbri/ is the county town of <mask>, England. Aylesbury Buckinghamshire [X] is the capital of [Y] .
+ Jared Daley later said, "When China said we were going to <mask>, we thought they meant <mask>." Boston Boston, Lincolnshire [X] is named after [Y] .
+ For a 30-year period from the late 1970s to 2008, Motson was the dominant football commentary figure at the <mask> (apart from a brief spell in the 1990s, when his friend and rival <mask> was selected for two FA Cup final commentaries and the 1994 World Cup final). Barry Davies BBC [X] works for [Y] .
+ Formed in early 2014 and apparently named after <mask>, a female Arabic poet from the earliest days of <mask>, it is unclear how widespread and sustained the group is. Al-Khansa Islam [X] is affiliated with the [Y] religion .
+ <mask> ([ˈtʰaʰkː]) is the fourth studio album by the Icelandic post-rock band Sigur Rós, released in September 2005 on <mask>. Takk... EMI [X] is represented by music label [Y] .
+ <mask> is a contact <mask> played on ice, usually in a rink, in which two teams of skaters use their sticks to shoot a vulcanized rubber puck into their opponent's net to score points. Ice hockey team sport [X] is a subclass of [Y] .
+ Philippe Jaccottet ([filip ʒakotɛ]; born <mask>, 30 June 1925) is a <mask> poet and translator from the Canton of Vaud, in Switzerland. Moudon, Switzerland francophone The official language of [X] is [Y] .
+ Her father is <mask> and her mother is <mask>. Kittitian English The official language of [X] is [Y] .
+ The <mask>'s is a member of both <mask> and UEFA. Danish FA FIFA [X] is a member of [Y] .
+ The programme utilises other <mask> broadcasters including David Eades, Carolyn Quinn, James Coomarasamy, Roger Hearing, <mask> and Felicity Evans to regularly present on Thursdays, Fridays and in Shah's absence. Samira Ahmed BBC [X] works for [Y] .
+ Instead he took up the position as headmaster for a school in distant <mask>, and published starkly polemical periodicals, including the paper Saima in Swedish that advocated the duty of the educated classes to take up the language of the then circa 85% majority of Finns, and develop <mask> into a language of the civilized world[attribution needed] useful for academic works, fine arts, state craft, and nation building. Kuopio Finnish The official language of [X] is [Y] .
+ He received his <mask> on the following 10 April 1983 from Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich, with Archbishop Gaetano Alibrandi and Bishop <mask> as co-consecrators. Cahal Daly episcopal consecration [X] has the position of [Y] .
+ It was written by <mask> of <mask> around 1985. Mike Cowlishaw IBM [X] works for [Y] .
+ <mask> (12 November 1524 – 29 April 1579) was a Spanish <mask> of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Yucatán. Diego de Landa Calderón bishop [X] has the position of [Y] .
+ He grew up bilingual German and <mask> and attended school in <mask>. Danzig Polish The official language of [X] is [Y] .
+ The Liar Game (Japanese: ライアーゲーム Hepburn: Raiā Gēmu) is a Japanese <mask> series originally written and illustrated by <mask>. Shinobu Kaitani manga [X] works in the field of [Y] .
+ <mask> identified the tria prima as principles in his approach to <mask>. Paracelsus medicine [X] works in the field of [Y] .
+ <mask> (Latin: Stephanus VIII; died October 942) was <mask> from 14 July 939 to his death in 942. Pope Stephen VIII Pope [X] has the position of [Y] .
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+ set in <mask> , the game is a remake of " <mask> " . day of defeat world war ii The main subject of <mask> is <mask>.
+ the third part of the suite , " orienthology " , is a reference to " <mask> " ( 1946 ) by jazz saxophonist <mask> . ornithology charlie parker <mask> is composed by <mask>.
+ she was awarded a ph . d in <mask> by johns hopkins university studying the synthesis of the bacteriophage ms2 , advised by <mask> . daniel nathans microbiology <mask> works in the field of <mask>.
+ chukwudi chukwuma ( born 27 may 1994 ) is a nigerian professional footballer who last played as a forward for <mask> in the <mask> . fk teplice gambrinus liga The league of <mask> is <mask>.
+ it is primarily used for <mask> and was the home of <mask> before they moved to richmond county bank ballpark in 2001 . staten island yankees baseball The sports <mask> plays is <mask>.
+ the poprad ( , ) is a river in northern <mask> and southern poland , and a tributary of the <mask> near stary sącz , poland . slovakia dunajec river The body of water which <mask> is located in is <mask>.
+ on 22 july 2017 it was announced the airline would operate weekly flights to johannesburg via <mask> in <mask> , with a monthly link to ascension island . windhoek namibia The country where <mask> is located in is <mask>.
+ search for station 08mg001 chehalis river near harrison mills thus the mean annual discharge of the <mask> at its mouth on the <mask> is at least . fraser river harrison river The tributary of <mask> is <mask>.
+ in 1985 , <mask> acquired the <mask> brand . l brands henri bendel The subsidiary of <mask> is <mask>.
+ u.s. hwy 11 passes through the center of the community , which is approximately from chilhowie . smyth county history <mask> was listed on the <mask> in 1980 . aspenvale cemetery national register of historic places <mask> is designated as a <mask>.
+ quigley beat world number one <mask> , before defeating bogdan juratoni in the <mask> final . evhen khytrov middleweight <mask> is the competition class of <mask>.
+ it dates back to the seljukid era and is located on the northern bank of <mask> beside the <mask> . shahrestan bridge zayanderud <mask> crosses <mask>.
+ jerred smithson ( born february 4 , 1979 ) is a canadian professional ice hockey centre who is currently playing with <mask> of the danish <mask> . herning blue fox metal ligaen The league of <mask> is <mask>.
+ in london 2012 <mask> won the first bronze medal of the + 100   kg category in <mask>   – the tenth olympic medal in the club 's history . rafael silva judo The sports <mask> plays is <mask>.
+ chelsea , directly across the <mask> from <mask> , had long been in economic decline with a spiraling fiscal crisis . boston mystic river The body of water which <mask> is located in is <mask>.
+ he won <mask> with the cowboys against the <mask> , giving him his only super bowl title . super bowl xxvii buffalo bills <mask> participates in <mask>.
+ <mask> won the <mask> with the team . 1968 tour de france jan janssen The winner of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> ( born 17 december 1999 ) is a venezuelan footballer who plays as a <mask> for argentine primera división side talleres . samuel alejandro sosa cordero forward <mask> plays <mask> in the team.
+ the <mask> is a historic ranch on the <mask> located near hood , california , south of sacramento . rosebud ranch national register of historic places <mask> is designated as a <mask>.
+ the village is named after <mask> over the <mask> and straddles the boundary between the ancient counties of cumberland and westmorland . the bridge river eamont <mask> crosses <mask>.
+ in early june 1908 , she appeared in the <mask> play " <mask> " , a melodramatic comedy , at the los angeles theatre on spring street . how baxter butted in owen davis The screenwriter of <mask> is <mask>.
+ as a part of the 2011 kallikratis government reform , the <mask> zakynthos was created out of the former <mask> zakynthos ( ) . prefecture regional unit <mask> is followed by <mask>.
+ <mask> was born to crown prince <mask> and his chief consort hanthawaddy mibaya on 27 november 1558 in pegu ( bago ) . mingyi swa nanda <mask> is the father of <mask>.
+ he is best known for playing kevin malone in the <mask> adaptation of " <mask> " . the office american The country where <mask> is originated from is <mask>.
+ mourinho won the award a second successive time <mask>   – the first foreign manager to do so   – as chelsea won their second <mask> title . the following season premier league <mask> is the sports season of league or competition <mask>.
+ " shoot " is the ninth episode of the <mask> of the american television drama series " <mask> " . mad men first season <mask> contains <mask> as one of its parts.
+ the building was designed by noted architects <mask> & philip johnson , partners influential in <mask> . john burgee postmodern architecture The movement that <mask> is related to is <mask>.
+ after going undrafted in the 1995 nfl draft , berger joined the newly formed amsterdam admirals of the <mask> ( later known as nfl europe ) for the <mask> . 1995 season world league of american football <mask> is the sports season of league or competition <mask>.
+ a human lampshade appears in the 2007 film " <mask> " , which was made by <mask> . a kitten for hitler ken russell <mask> is directed by <mask>.
+ laban key was introduced in september 2013 by the project manager pham kim long who is also the developer of the <mask> input method editor <mask> . unikey windows The operating system <mask> based on is <mask>.
+ <mask> ( basel , 23 june 1768 – 3 december 1829 ) was a swiss <mask> and astronomer . daniel huber mathematician <mask> is <mask> by occupation.
+ the <mask> , <mask> , in a written statement from the federal president 's office , called for a " responsible use of the language " . alexander van der bellen president of austria <mask> holds position of <mask>.
+ on 25 may 2014 , lundgren and <mask> became the first representatives of the sweden democrats to be elected <mask> . kristina winberg members of the european parliament <mask> holds position of <mask>.
+ the new <mask> provides twinned highway service across the <mask> . borden bridge north saskatchewan river <mask> crosses <mask>.
+ " <mask> " is the tenth episode of the <mask> and the 163rd overall episode of the american animated television series " south park " . imaginationland episode i eleventh season <mask> is a part of <mask>.
+ the film was nominated for <mask> ( <mask> ) , costume design ( albert wolsky ) , best music ( marvin hamlisch ) , and best adapted screenplay ( alan j. pakula ) . néstor almendros best cinematography <mask> is nominated for <mask>.
+ a branch line was built from sydenham to belmore in 1895 , bankstown in 1909 and <mask> in 1928 , which became part of the bankstown line of the <mask> transport network . regents park sydney trains <mask> is operated by <mask>.
+ the post was first created after the <mask> created the kingdom of great britain from the <mask> and the kingdom of scotland . acts of union 1707 kingdom of england The country where <mask> is located in is <mask>.
+ smythe taught at least six <mask> laureates : charles townes , donald glaser , william shockley , carl anderson , james rainwater , and edwin mcmillan , who won the <mask> . chemistry prize nobel prize <mask> is an instance of <mask>.
+ veganarchism or vegan anarchism , is the political philosophy of <mask> ( more specifically <mask> and earth liberation ) and anarchism , alberwite , jonny . veganism animal liberation The movement that <mask> is related to is <mask>.
+ the dr. william henderson house , keystone hotel , <mask> , and zion lutheran church and graveyard are listed on the <mask> . enoch matlack house national register of historic places <mask> is designated as a <mask>.
+ in the <mask> original movie " <mask> " , she plays " is " , an alternate version of jamie , who was played by her real - life sister kay . read it and weep disney channel <mask> is the original network of <mask>.
+ ritual of the savage is an album by <mask> , released in 1951 often cited as one of the most important <mask> albums . les baxter exotica <mask> belongs to <mask>.
+ the song has been covered many times including by canadian <mask> music group <mask> and a single for the band taken from their 1992 album " iron lady " . straight clean & simple country <mask> belongs to <mask>.
+ it borders the honggu district of gansu on the east , demarcated by the <mask> , a tributary to the huangshui river , which eventually flows into the <mask> . yellow river datong river The tributary of <mask> is <mask>.
+ " party for everybody " was the russian entry for the <mask> sung by <mask> ( the grannies from buranovo ) . eurovision song contest 2012 buranovskiye babushki The participant of <mask> is <mask>
+ on may 2 , eight former <mask> endorsed garland as “ superbly qualified ” , including republicans paul clement , gregory g. garre , theodore olson , and <mask> . ken starr solicitor general of the united states <mask> holds position of <mask>.
+ <mask> - fm airs a regional mexican music format branded as " el tigre " , simulcasting <mask> 1450 am greeley , colorado . kgre greeley, colorado <mask> is licensed to broadcast to <mask>.
+ in addition to american television , rodriguez explored <mask> roles and played dual leads as rosita amado and violeta hurtado in the primetime series " <mask> " , which aired on telemundo . dame chocolate spanish language The original language of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> is a <mask> in ceredigion , west wales . gweunydd pendinas site of special scientific interest <mask> is designated as a <mask>.
+ <mask> held the recording sessions for " scar " at blackwing studios in south <mask> in july 1989 . lush london The place where <mask> was found is <mask>.
+ <mask> announced their launch into the television broadcasting business on december 9 , 2014 , by creating their own channel called the <mask> . dreamworks channel dreamworks animation <mask> is owned by <mask>.
+ he was the democratic nominee for governor of new jersey in <mask> but was narrowly defeated by republican incumbent <mask> . 1997 christine todd whitman The winner of the election <mask> is <mask>.
+ he unsuccessfully contested hastings at both the february and october 1974 general elections and again at the 1979 general election , and on each occasion was defeated by the sitting <mask> mp <mask> . kenneth warren conservative <mask> is a member of <mask>, a political party.
+ on 25 may 2011 , <mask> side <mask> announced that they had signed allan for the new season . harrogate town conference north The league of <mask> is <mask>.
+ the club was founded in 1995 as an inaugural <mask> franchise , and began play in <mask> . 1996 major league soccer <mask> is the sports season of league or competition <mask>.
+ it is automatically distributed to <mask> computers via the <mask> service but can also be separately downloaded . windows update microsoft windows The operating system <mask> based on is <mask>.
+ during kavadh 's reign , massive fortification activities <mask> in the <mask> , including derbent . were conducted caucasus <mask> is located in <mask>.
+ the secretary of defense louis a. johnson succeeded to strip the navy of funds on its first <mask> , the <mask> . united states supercarrier <mask> is an instance of <mask>.
+ the <mask> , a non−nrhp - listed one , was erected by the company across the <mask> in oregon and washington . oregon trunk rail bridge columbia river <mask> crosses <mask>.
+ during callender 's time there , <mask> nyc produced films including " if these walls could talk " , and " <mask> " . in the gloaming hbo The distributor of <mask> is <mask>.
+ in january 2013 , bishop 's move relocated the new archbishop of canterbury , <mask> , from durham to <mask> . justin welby lambeth palace The residence of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> ( 4 november 1944 , amsterdam – 23 july 2010 amsterdam ) was a dutch jazz bandleader , composer , arranger , <mask> , and ( bass ) clarinetist . willem breuker saxophonist The instrument of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> 's <mask> ( see complete list of companies ) is a residential real estate brokerage firm based in minneapolis , minnesota and founded in 1998 . berkshire hathaway energy homeservices of america The subsidiary of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> is a double star system ( f5 and g4 ) system located in the constellation of <mask> . ngc 18 pegasus <mask> is a constellation of <mask>.
+ euripides dramatised these events ten years after " <mask> " in his tragedy " <mask> " ( 415 bc ) . the trojan women andromache One of the characters in <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> b is an extrasolar planet approximately 197 light - years away in the constellation of <mask> . hd 99109 leo <mask> is a constellation of <mask>.
+ it flows south into the schwarzbach , which discharges into the <mask> at bischofsheim its waters making their way via the <mask> to the drainage basin of the rhine . franconian saale brend The tributary of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> , 1995 billboard wrote about the song : " a wise single selection from the act 's current album , " <mask> . " the bridge arista records The record label of <mask> is <mask>.
+ " prinz adalbert " was laid down at the <mask> in <mask> in 1900 , under construction number 27 . imperial dockyard kiel The headquarters of <mask> is located in <mask>.
+ the genus is apparently close to " allomerus " and " diplomorium " in the <mask> , but its <mask> attribution remains uncertain . solenopsidini tribal The taxon rank of <mask> is <mask>.
+ it is on the flint river , part of the james bay drainage basin , which flows via the <mask> and <mask> to james bay . albany river kenogami river The tributary of <mask> is <mask>.
+ the <mask> is a 1942 american documentary film short directed by <mask> . battle of midway john ford <mask> is directed by <mask>.
+ <mask> ( 2 january 1893 – 12 may 1963 ) was an austrian <mask> and film director . ernst marischka screenwriter <mask> is <mask> by occupation.
+ <mask> could also be identified as being <mask> ( james the just ) . james the less james the brother of jesus <mask> is said to be the same as <mask>.
+ chumikan lies on the southern side of the <mask> delta , at the westernmost extremity of uda gulf in the <mask> , which contains a number of small islands . uda river sea of okhotsk The mouth of <mask> is <mask>.
+ claydon peak ( ) is a peak in the <mask> , high , which presents a rocky face to the northeast , standing just south of <mask> . january col queen elizabeth range <mask> is one of a mount in <mask>.
+ in 2013 , to strengthen its board of directors , gecamines recruited <mask> chairman , <mask> real estate developer and us businessman jack rosen , whom katalayi befriended . american jewish congress new york city The headquarters of <mask> is located in <mask>.
+ etude expérimentale à partir de l'œuvre de <mask> , <mask> , pour quatre orgues électriques et maracas . four organs steve reich <mask> is composed by <mask>.
+ she was the former lead anchor for the <mask> 's <mask> news program and most recently the anchor on mlb network . sportsdesk new england sports network <mask> is the original network of <mask>.
+ feast of the hunters ' moon is the debut album by portland , oregon - based bluegrass band <mask> , released in 2010 on <mask> . black prairie sugar hill records The record label of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> flows adjacent to the town , just above its junction with the <mask> . gloucester river avon river The tributary of <mask> is <mask>.
+ he competed with trey lewis to replace <mask> , who was not re - signed by the falcons , at <mask> . grady jackson defensive tackle <mask> plays <mask> in the team.
+ and <mask> is listed on the <mask> . his urbana home national register of historic places <mask> is designated as a <mask>.
+ eventually , <mask> was awarded the development of the <mask> project . mfi mikoyan The manufacturer of <mask> is <mask>.
+ the <mask> prize is awarded by the austrian physical society and honors outstanding achievements in <mask> . ludwig boltzmann theoretical physics <mask> works in the field of <mask>.
+ <mask> ( born 3 february 1984 ) is an italian footballer who plays as a <mask> for virtus castelfranco . sebastiano girelli defender <mask> plays <mask> in the team.
+ in 2008 , kxpd broadcast the home games of the <mask> , a professional <mask> team in the usl first division . portland timbers soccer The sports <mask> plays is <mask>.
+ the most prominent example of this tactic was the successful defense of <mask> in <mask> ( and again in 1941 ) , in which heavy casualties were inflicted on the ija . 1939 changsha The location of <mask> is <mask>.
+ developed by <mask> in 2005 , <mask> , also known as mt4 , is an electronic trading platform widely used by online retail traders . metatrader 4 metaquotes software <mask> is developed by <mask>.
+ britta had a cameo , along with dean wareham , in the 2012 <mask> film " <mask> " ( written by baumbach and greta gerwig ) . frances ha noah baumbach <mask> is directed by <mask>.
+ princess mangkubumi ( <mask> : ꦩꦁꦑꦸꦨꦸꦩꦶ ) is the first child and daughter of his majesty sultan hamengkubuwono x of <mask> and his queen consort , her majesty queen hemas . javanese yogyakarta The location of <mask> is <mask>.
+ wercker is a dutch <mask> with its namesake <mask> - based continuous delivery platform that helps software developers build and deploy their applications and microservices . docker software company <mask> is an instance of <mask>.
+ <mask> ( born 8 march 1987 ) is an english footballer who plays as a <mask> , most recently for farnborough . curtis osano defender <mask> plays <mask> in the team.
+ <mask> took the copa america title in 1999 , and then won the next fifa world cup in japan and south korea in <mask> . 2002 brazil <mask> participates in <mask>.
+ there are eight <mask> in the exobasidiomycetes , including the ceraceosorales , doassansiales , <mask> , exobasidiales , georgefischeriales , malasseziales , microstromatales and the tilletiales . entylomatales orders The taxon rank of <mask> is <mask>.
+ the <mask> subcatchment is located in the <mask> – nepean catchment . grose river hawkesbury The mouth of <mask> is <mask>.
+ there he was selected as one of the eight oarsmen to race for cambridge university boat club in the boat races of <mask> , <mask> and 1885 . 1883 1884 <mask> is followed by <mask>.
+ four teams , including former <mask> stalwarts , <mask> , joined the league in 1986–87 . tampa bay rowdies nasl The league of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> and babe island sit atop the southern portion of the merizo barrier reef and separate cocos lagoon from the open <mask> in the south . cocos island ocean The body of water which <mask> is located in is <mask>.
+ <mask> ( <mask> , 23 june 1768 – 3 december 1829 ) was a swiss mathematician and astronomer . daniel huber basel The place where <mask> works is <mask>.
+ ann hui adapted another <mask> novel thirteen years later in " <mask> " . eighteen springs eileen chang <mask> is written by <mask>.
+ at the by - election , he defeated rod kenyon and <mask> , later the <mask> member of parliament for beckenham . jacqui lait conservative <mask> is a member of <mask>, a political party.
+ after doing the voice analysis , the <mask> provides mcnulty and greggs with a <mask> of the homeless killer , inadvertently giving a near - perfect description of mcnulty himself . psychological profile fbi <mask> is developed by <mask>.
+ jim hendricks formed <mask> , which recorded three singles for <mask> , and had some success as a performer and songwriter . the lamp of childhood dunhill records The record label of <mask> is <mask>.
+ he is currently a member of <mask> with fellow american rappers <mask> , xavier wulf and eddy baker , and also a member of east memphis boys with xavier wulf . seshollowaterboyz bones <mask> contains <mask> as one of its parts.
+ in 2007 , benítez was part of the <mask> squad that won the first <mask> in the club 's history . lanús top flight championship The league of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> is a northern irish alternative rock band formed in 1994 in <mask> , scotland . snow patrol dundee The place where <mask> was found is <mask>.
+ it was held at santa clara 's <mask> in <mask> , portugal . estádio de são miguel azores <mask> is owned by <mask>.
+ <mask> was a member of the european parliament , and then a deputy of the sejm from the <mask> . wojciech wierzejski league of polish families <mask> is a member of <mask>, a political party.
+ following the commercial failure of his 1974 album " <mask> " , sebastian owed one more record on his contract with <mask> . tarzana kid reprise records The record label of <mask> is <mask>.
+ as a result of the election , <mask> was formed by gerb alone with <mask> as prime minister . the government boyko borisov The head of government in <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> was awarded the 1922 <mask> for this achievement . francis aston nobel prize in chemistry <mask> is nominated for <mask>.
+ <mask> is a proprietary mobile operating system developed by apple inc. to run on the <mask> . apple watch watchos The operating system <mask> based on is <mask>.
+ later he worked again with <mask> on the bas - reliefs for the <mask> of the louvre palace . cour carrée pierre lescot <mask> is created by <mask>.
+ baía do inferno is a bay on the southwest coast of the island of <mask> in cape verde inside the <mask> . santiago atlantic ocean The body of water which <mask> is located in is <mask>.
+ he also became the label 's main artist , and released " <mask> " in 1996 and <mask> a little bit more than a year later . ice cream man ghetto d <mask> is followed by <mask>.
+ klára peslarová ( born november 23 , 1996 ) is a czech <mask> player for sde hf and the <mask> . czech national team ice hockey The sports <mask> plays is <mask>.
+ he managed the <mask> from 1988 to 1990 , and led the team in the <mask> . 1990 fifa world cup south korea national football team <mask> participates in <mask>.
+ <mask> was released in the u.s. for android and <mask> ( iphone and ipad ) mobile platforms in november 2013 . mymail ios The operating system <mask> based on is <mask>.
+ furthermore , she supports her mother <mask> in the charity organisation " <mask> centre for peacebuilding " , where she is the office manager . river phoenix arlyn phoenix <mask> is the mother of <mask>.
+ the music from the album , especially " <mask> , " was played in <mask> nightclubs and on hip hip hourah , and the album began to sell well throughout france . didi french The language used in <mask> is <mask>.
+ " 7th wonder " ( occasionally rendered as " seventh wonder " ) was the maltese entry in the <mask> , performed in english by <mask> . ira losco eurovision song contest 2002 <mask> participated in <mask>.
+ <mask> is a 1916 american drama silent film directed by william c. demille and written by <mask> , jules eckert goodman and charles sarver . anton the terrible marion fairfax The screenwriter of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> had promised to provide refunds to 30,000 customers who pre - booked the <mask> on the first day of the sale . freedom 251 ringing bells The manufacturer of <mask> is <mask>.
+ since 2003 the space center has been housed in the old museum building , formerly the field house used for the <mask> until the construction of <mask> . barnhill arena razorbacks basketball team The occupant of <mask> is <mask>.
+ zetafax supports <mask> , server 2003 , <mask> and exchange 2010 , as well as supporting fax over internet protocol ( foip ) and server virtualization . office 2010 microsoft windows 7 The operating system <mask> based on is <mask>.
+ the formal marriage between princess <mask> and <mask> took place in 1319 ; after a tragic miscarriage some time later , the couple remained childless . agnes henry i of jawor <mask> is the spouse of <mask>.
+ in his first attempt at a world title , on august 5 , 2006 , valero faced wba <mask> champion <mask> . vicente mosquera super featherweight <mask> is the competition class of <mask>.
+ his comments were widely trumpeted in <mask> newspapers , which cited it as the reason why he was able to stop a communist takeover of <mask> . south vietnam catholic The religion of <mask> is <mask>.
+ together with banten , it is credited for the islamization of <mask> people in <mask> as well as coastal java . sundanese west java The location of <mask> is <mask>.
+ another notable som engineer is <mask> , who is best known as the engineer of <mask> ( dubai , 2010 ) , the world 's tallest manmade structure . burj khalifa bill baker <mask> is created by <mask>.
+ <mask> in <mask> was named after him . krim belkacem airport hassi messaoud <mask> is located in <mask> and served by transport hub.
+ the <mask> is a tributary of the <mask> in romania . meleiuș river tarcău river The mouth of <mask> is <mask>.
+ in 2009 , mccloud was featured in " <mask> " , a documentary film on the life and work of <mask> , creator of " bone . the cartoonist jeff smith <mask> is written by <mask>.
+ she regained her dáil seat later that year , at the november 1982 general election , and was re - elected at the <mask> and <mask> . 1987 1989 general elections <mask> is followed by <mask>.
+ by the 1920s , <mask> had its <mask> . first catholic prime minister australia <mask> is a citizen of <mask>.
+ in two out of the three initial appearances , the country was represented by a single alpine skier , <mask> , with the exception of <mask> when alphonse gomis also competed . lamine guèye 1992 <mask> participated in <mask>.
+ inhuman is a 14-issue ongoing comic book series published by <mask> focusing on <mask> as a fallout from infinity , published between april 2014 and june 2015 . inhumans marvel comics <mask> is published by <mask>.
+ the <mask> is an american crime film starring lon chaney and originally released in 1920 by <mask> . penalty goldwyn pictures The distributor of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> 's radio play " <mask> elkins and his little life " ( 1962 ) was first broadcast on the " bbc third programme " on 7 january 1962 . alfie bill naughton The screenwriter of <mask> is <mask>.
+ his first film role was as the notorious <mask> in " <mask> " ( 1953 ) , which he reprised in " demetrius and the gladiators " ( 1954 ) . the robe emperor caligula One of the characters in <mask> is <mask>.
+ the <mask> is a tributary river to the moselle , flowing through <mask> , luxembourg and germany . sauer belgium The country where <mask> is located in is <mask>.
+ the <mask> frankford yellow jackets season was their eighth and final in the <mask> . 1931 national football league <mask> is the sports season of league or competition <mask>.
+ this river blackwater should not be confused with the river blackwater in north - east hampshire , which is a tributary of the <mask> and ( indirectly ) of the <mask> . river loddon river thames The mouth of <mask> is <mask>.
+ sabretooth appears as a member of <mask> 's short lived <mask> . daken brotherhood of mutants <mask> is a member of <mask>.
+ in december 1961 , <mask> released " <mask> " , a film version of victor herbert 's 1903 operetta starring teen heartthrobs annette funicello and tommy sands . babes in toyland disney studios The distributor of <mask> is <mask>.
+ vikings is the third studio album by danish rock band <mask> , released on august 14 , 2015 via <mask> and warner bros. records . new politics dcd2 records The record label of <mask> is <mask>.
+ while <mask> is the lead singer of this song in the 1974 version , her daughters <mask> and sherry goffin sang backup . louise goffin carole king <mask> is the mother of <mask>.
+ the 2004 prize went to <mask> " for her contribution to sustainable development , democracy and <mask> " . peace wangari maathai The winner of <mask> is <mask>.
+ dee was replaced three months later by judas priest 's scott travis , as <mask> 's <mask> also replaced mendoza . tom hamilton aerosmith <mask> is a member of <mask>.
+ <mask> o visitante ( ) is the second studio album by puerto rican urban / hip hop band <mask> , released on april 24 , 2007 , by sony bmg . calle 13 residente <mask> contains <mask> as one of its parts.
+ this is a list of works by the slovenian architect <mask> ( 1872–1957 ) , who practised in vienna , belgrade , <mask> and ljubljana . jože plečnik prague The place where <mask> works is <mask>.
+ english completed some production on <mask> ’s single " i can fly , ” alongside rick nowels and s1 which was featured in tim burton ’s 2014 movie " <mask> " . big eyes lana del rey One of the characters in <mask> is <mask>.
+ he also sought his bid for the <mask> in beijing , until his slot was awarded instead to <mask> , who posted an entry time of 2:00.82 . andrés josé gonzález 2008 summer olympics <mask> participated in <mask>.
+ developed by <mask> , " " i 'm yoshiaki koizumi from nintendo 's <mask> . ead tokyo software development department nintendo ead tokyo <mask> is a part of <mask>.
+ currently mcconnellsburg 's largest economic driver is <mask> - owned <mask> , a major manufacturer of construction and maintenance access - related lifting equipment such as boomlifts , etc . oshkosh corporation jlg industries The subsidiary of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> has stayed in <mask> since it was captured by pro - russian militants in 2014 . stanislav aseyev donetsk The place where <mask> works is <mask>.
+ retrieved 5 november 2015 on 7 april 1828 , she portrayed bianca in <mask> 's " <mask> " for the grand opening of the teatro carlo felice in genoa . bianca e fernando vincenzo bellini <mask> is composed by <mask>.
+ " the <mask> " , <mask> , 1991 , vol . oxford dictionary of byzantium oxford university press <mask> is published by <mask>.
+ laredo international airport is within the laredo city limits , while the <mask> is nearby in <mask> on the mexican side . quetzalcoatl international airport nuevo laredo <mask> is located in <mask> and served by transport hub.
+ <mask> , had been chosen to head fatah 's list in <mask> , obtained a mandate to lead the city 's municipal council as mayor . tayseer abu sneineh hebron The residence of <mask> is <mask>.
+ during a plot to lure out <mask> , <mask> / lukin recruited several german skinheads and made them the successors to the master man . captain america red skull One of the characters in <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> ( 14 january 1881 – 12 june 1954 ) was a <mask> politician of the labour party . harry ernest combs new zealand <mask> is a citizen of <mask>.
+ maisie williams featured as ashildr / me in " <mask> " and " <mask> " . the girl who died the woman who lived <mask> is followed by <mask>.
+ derren nesbitt had a history of being cast in " doctor who " , having played villainous warlord tegana in the 1964 <mask> serial " <mask> " . marco polo first doctor One of the characters in <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> referred to its locomotives as " toros de fuegos " ( <mask> : bulls of fire).broggie , michael . locals english The original language of <mask> is <mask>.
+ the <mask> , also marketed as the space walker ii , is an american homebuilt aircraft that was designed and produced by <mask> of seminole , florida . warner revolution ii warner aerocraft The manufacturer of <mask> is <mask>.
+ the department was merged into the <mask> on april 6 , 1864.the war of the rebellion : a compilation of the official records of the <mask> and confederate armies . union department of the susquehanna The subsidiary of <mask> is <mask>.
+ the first turkish hip hop album was recorded by the <mask> , germany group <mask> in 1991 . king size terror nuremberg The place where <mask> was found is <mask>.
+ <mask> ( 1497/1498 - before 11 march 1543 ) was a princess of masovia , daughter of konrad iii rudy , duke of masovia and his wife <mask> . sophia of masovia anna radziwiłł <mask> is the mother of <mask>.
+ she hit the pier at <mask> , <mask> , on the late afternoon of 29 june 2010 , sustaining a hole above the waterline . scarinish tiree <mask> is located in <mask>.
+ his third cabinet was formed after the 2000 elections and was succeeded by the <mask> of <mask> ( new democracy ) . first cabinet kostas karamanlis The head of government in <mask> is <mask>.
+ the nearest airports are <mask> in <mask> and manchester – boston regional airport along the border of londonderry and manchester . boire field nashua <mask> is located in <mask> and served by transport hub.
+ he represented <mask> at the <mask> , losing 3:4 to dimitrij ovtcharov in the third round . qatar 2016 summer olympics <mask> is a part of <mask>.
+ burghul is also used in making meat pies and as an ingredient in salads , notably in <mask> , with chopped <mask> , tomato , lemon , and oil . tabbouleh parsley <mask> contains <mask> as one of its parts.
+ in 1968 , <mask> recorded an album for mgm records , opened for the who , and were the backing band for chuck berry at the royal albert hall in <mask> . bodast london The place where <mask> was found is <mask>.
+ rod serling 's concluding statement in the episode alludes to <mask> ' scots language poem " <mask> . " robert burns to a mouse The notable work of <mask> is <mask>.
+ he represented <mask> at the <mask> in the 2.4mr class sailing event . 2012 summer paralympics australia The participant of <mask> is <mask>
+ <mask> is a <mask> politician from michigan currently serving as the 52nd mayor of lansing . andy schor democratic <mask> is a member of <mask>, a political party.
+ in june 2011 she performed alongside tinchy stryder at live fest at the o2 in <mask> , and in november 2011 performed at the o2 as support for <mask> and wretch 32 . ed sheeran london The residence of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> is an <mask> and science writer . wallace arthur evolutionary biologist <mask> works in the field of <mask>.
+ 23 january 2010 further singles " <mask> " and concert staple " <mask> " were also minor hits . out of control saint of me <mask> follows <mask>.
+ in 1963 , palshikar appeared in <mask> 's " <mask> " ( the city and the dreams ) . shehar aur sapna khwaja ahmad abbas <mask> is directed by <mask>.
+ the <mask> moved from cooper stadium to <mask> in columbus ' arena district . huntington park columbus clippers The occupant of <mask> is <mask>.
+ " merry - go - round " was one of the only tracks on hamasaki 's fifteenth studio album " <mask> " to have been recorded in <mask> , containing minor phrases in english . colours japanese language The language used in <mask> is <mask>.
+ barry cowan ( born 25 august 1974 ) is a british former <mask> player , best known for taking <mask> to five sets at wimbledon in 2001 . pete sampras tennis The sports <mask> plays is <mask>.
+ he made his debut in <mask> , in a 0–0 away draw against the <mask> . the season opener vancouver whitecaps <mask> participates in <mask>.
+ it was an award winning <mask> , with a screenplay by <mask> based upon her novel , directed by james ivory and produced by ismail merchant . film ruth prawer jhabvala <mask> is written by <mask>.
+ he was one of the stars of the first television soap opera , " <mask> " , broadcast in 1946 on the <mask> . faraway hill dumont television network <mask> is the original network of <mask>.
+ the 1959 japan series was the <mask> ( npb ) championship series for the <mask> . 1959 season nippon professional baseball <mask> is the sports season of league or competition <mask>.
+ they may be known best for the u.s. editions of all five <mask> books by <mask> , published by harcourt 1953–1961 and 1982 , a series inaugurated very early in their careers . borrowers mary norton <mask> is written by <mask>.
+ the tenure of the previous incumbent , <mask> sir <mask> , also a former cgs , expired on 31 july and dannatt became constable on 1 august 2009 . roger wheeler general The military rank of <mask> is <mask>.
+ cannington was a <mask> for the legislative assembly of the province of <mask> , canada . provincial electoral district saskatchewan <mask> is the jurisdictional office of <mask>.
+ <mask> is a 1998 indian malayalam film directed by <mask> and starring suresh gopi , dileep and vijayashanti . kallu kondoru pennu shyamaprasad <mask> is directed by <mask>.
+ the <mask> ( women 's bridge ) , designed in 2001 by spanish architect <mask> , is the newest link between the east and west docks of puerto madero . puente de la mujer santiago calatrava <mask> is created by <mask>.
+ he was the captain of the uruguayan national team that won the <mask> after beating brazil in the decisive final round match popularly known as the " <mask> " . maracanazo 1950 world cup <mask> is a part of <mask>.
+ in july , halleck was summoned back to washington to replace <mask> as commander - in - chief of all <mask> armies , thus effectively returning the two western armies to independent action . george mcclellan union <mask> serves in <mask>.
+ <mask> engines were originally built by <mask> until cirrus aero engines limited was formed in 1927 . adc cirrus adc aircraft The manufacturer of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> ( february 21 , 1891 – march 9 , 1977 ) was an italian gymnast who competed in the <mask> and in the 1920 summer olympics . francesco loi 1912 summer olympics <mask> participated in <mask>.
+ two point studios revealed their first game as " two point hospital " , a spiritual successor to " <mask> " , in january 2018 for release later that year for <mask> . theme hospital microsoft windows The platform of <mask> is <mask>.
+ neelov served as a court architect in tsarskoye selo and worked with <mask> on the construction of the <mask> . catherine palace francesco bartolomeo rastrelli <mask> is created by <mask>.
+ he was part of the swedish team that won the gold medal in the swedish system event at the <mask> . <mask> . anders hylander 1912 summer olympics <mask> participated in <mask>.
+ drishyam ( english : " <mask> " ) is a 2013 indian malayalam - language drama - thriller film written and directed by <mask> . visual jeethu joseph The screenwriter of <mask> is <mask>.
+ tavarekere kalliah chandrashekar ( born 1956 ) is an indian bioinorganic chemist and a former director of <mask> , a <mask> subsidiary . csir national institute for interdisciplinary science and technology The subsidiary of <mask> is <mask>.
+ " goya foods of atlanta 4005 haworth parkway <mask> , ga 30253 " <mask> is the local radio media outlet . wkkp mcdonough <mask> is licensed to broadcast to <mask>.
+ in april 2012 , jackie , tito , jermaine and marlon announced that they would reunite for several <mask> concerts for their <mask> . unity tour united states The country where <mask> is originated from is <mask>.
+ jagau is the vice - chairman of the spd in <mask> under the leadership of <mask> as well as member of the managing committee of " spd - bezirk hannover " . lower saxony stephan weil The head of government in <mask> is <mask>.
+ the north end links up with the sir john a. macdonald parkway and the <mask> , which crosses the <mask> into gatineau , quebec . champlain bridge ottawa river <mask> crosses <mask>.
+ his brother <mask> , also a sprinter , competed in the 1952 summer olympics representing <mask> . byron labeach jamaica <mask> is a citizen of <mask>.
+ their song " fear and delight " is used as the theme tune to <mask> comedy " <mask> " . crims bbc three <mask> is the original network of <mask>.
+ siniša peša ( serbian cyrillic : <mask> ; born 6 march 1973 ) is a retired serbian athlete who specialised in the <mask> . синиша пеша 400 metres hurdles <mask> works in the field of <mask>.
+ the <mask> frigates ins godavari and <mask> captured the freighter , rescued the hostages and arrested the mercenaries near the sri lankan coast . ins betwa indian navy <mask> is operated by <mask>.
+ the uninhabited <mask> are an island group located in <mask> , south of victoria island , west of the kent peninsula , in the kitikmeot region , nunavut , canada . triple islands bathurst inlet The body of water which <mask> is located in is <mask>.
+ the <mask> frigate , captain <mask> , escorted " albion " and through the gillolo passage between halmahera and waigeo . peter rainier british royal navy <mask> serves in <mask>.
+ tinuj ( , also romanized as ţīnūj ) is a village in <mask> , <mask> , qom county , qom province , iran . dastjerd rural district khalajastan district located in the administrative territorial entity.
+ she grew up in waas ( <mask> ) in <mask> , the daughter of the headmaster of happyhansel school , sandy pearson . walls shetland <mask> is located in <mask>.
+ four of these stars , with bayer designations gamma , delta 1 , <mask> , and theta tauri , form an asterism that is traditionally identified as the head of <mask> the bull . epsilon taurus <mask> is a constellation of <mask>.
+ in 2010 , alessandro de marchi and sebastian schwarz initiated the festival 's " international singing competition for <mask> opera <mask> " . pietro antonio cesti baroque The movement that <mask> is related to is <mask>.
+ the <mask> on wulfruna street , within the <mask> is the secondary theatre , seating 150 . arena theatre university of wolverhampton <mask> is operated by <mask>.
+ the <mask> or lucova river is a tributary of the <mask> in romania . lucava river moldova river The mouth of <mask> is <mask>.
+ landowski is widely known for the 1931 <mask> statue in rio de janeiro , <mask> , a collaboration with civil engineer heitor da silva costa and architect and sculptor gheorghe leonida . christ the redeemer brazil The country where <mask> is located in is <mask>.
+ an english dub of the film featuring <mask> , bella thorne and drake bell was released in the <mask> on june 30 , 2015 on dvd and through video on demand by lionsgate . cameron dallas united states <mask> is a citizen of <mask>.
+ she performed " because of you " on the <mask> at the <mask> and on the 15th echo awards at the estrel berlin . 48th annual grammy awards staples center The location of <mask> is <mask>.
+ in <mask> 's " <mask> " , the protagonist 's father mentions cullen : " mr dedalus uttered a guffaw of coarse scorn . portrait of the artist as a young man james joyce <mask> is written by <mask>.
+ watters produced the singles " <mask> " and " <mask> " , as well as " heart of innocence " . where you are i wanna love you forever <mask> follows <mask>.
+ grantley evan marshall ( born 18 december 1959 ) , also known by the stage name daddy g , is an english <mask> and a founding member of the band <mask> . massive attack musician <mask> works in the field of <mask>.
+ the introduction of 60 new - generation <mask> fighters is anticipated to increase the <mask> 's firepower . j10a plaaf <mask> is operated by <mask>.
+ in attendance was pentheus ' mother <mask> and her sisters ino and <mask> . autonoe agave <mask> is the sibling of <mask>.
+ the roots of bruton parish church trace back to both the <mask> and the new settlement of the <mask> at jamestown in the early 17th century . colony of virginia church of england The religion of <mask> is <mask>.
+ later that year she made her debut at the teatro di san carlo in naples in the title role of <mask> 's rarely performed opera , " <mask> " . il flaminio giovanni battista pergolesi <mask> is composed by <mask>.
+ <mask> ( chinese name : 王世明 ; pinyin : wáng shìmíng ) is an american jazz <mask> , flutist , and " erhu " player . francis wong saxophonist The instrument of <mask> is <mask>.
+ this band was attached to the 7th regiment of the new york national guard , which was honored in 1922 by <mask> 's " <mask> " march . the gallant seventh john philip sousa <mask> is composed by <mask>.
+ peña labra is a high mountain located in the <mask> range , a part of the <mask> system . sierra de híjar cantabrian mountains <mask> is one of a mount in <mask>.
+ it centred on the town of swansea in eastern <mask> , and included bicheno , <mask> and the freycinet peninsula . little swanport tasmania located in the administrative territorial entity.
+ he was featured in some hollywood films including a. edward sutherland and <mask> ' " <mask> " ( 1942 ) , starring buddy ebsen , patsy kelly and bert lahr . sing your worries away rko pictures The distributor of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> , vice prime minister of <mask> in 1995 , was a part owner of uesu . ukraine pavlo lazarenko The head of government in <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> was a <mask> rugby union player who competed in the 1900 summer olympics . hermann kreuzer german <mask> is a citizen of <mask>.
+ the stadium was opened in 1950 and is the home of scottish lowland football league club <mask> . details for <mask> , dalbeattie , " " . islecroft stadium dalbeattie star The occupant of <mask> is <mask>.
+ students are required to spend 4 years at the <mask> level , up to grade 9 , after which they move on to the <mask> level . intermediate secondary <mask> is said to be the same as <mask>.
+ they landed on <mask> at <mask> and made their way overland to where colville was staying . tingwall shetland <mask> is located in <mask>.
+ as a youth , he joined <mask> 's zionist organization , and went on to study law in <mask> , where he joined the jewish - academic organization " ivria " . herzl vienna The residence of <mask> is <mask>.
+ mirror mirror is the debut album by <mask> - based indie rock band <mask> released in september 2007 . dardanelles melbourne The place where <mask> was found is <mask>.
+ luján - miranda was held at the nuevo panama gym in <mask> and luján earned a spot among the <mask> 's top ten featherweights by outpointing the colombian over ten rounds . wba panama city The headquarters of <mask> is located in <mask>.
+ it returned in 2013 in " <mask> " for the <mask> , which also marks the debut of the series ' movie sequel , " heaven and earth " . super robot wars ux nintendo 3ds The platform of <mask> is <mask>.
+ peter mcmullin , as deputy president of the <mask> between 2000 - 2010 which saw him chair the <mask> committee . immigration museum museums board of victoria <mask> is operated by <mask>.
+ sam strachan was one of eight new characters to join <mask> 's cast in <mask> . holby city its eighth series <mask> contains <mask> as one of its parts.
+ as a result of this trend , the " comune " promoted the building of the largest <mask> in europe , which was designed by architect <mask> and inaugurated on june 21 , 1995 . mosque paolo portoghesi <mask> is created by <mask>.
+ <mask> was a member of the saint petersburg union of artists ( before 1992 – the <mask> branch of union of artists of russian federation since 1957 . dmitry oboznenko leningrad The place where <mask> works is <mask>.
+ fatuma remained loyal to the portuguese , attempting to resupply <mask> , in <mask> ( modern kenya ) before its fall to the omanis in the 1696 - 98 siege . fort jesus mombasa The location of <mask> is <mask>.
+ gay hostess was a granddaughter of the broodmare boudoir , whose other descendants included daiwa major , flower bowl and <mask> 's sire <mask> . caracolero graustark <mask> is the father of <mask>.
+ in vishal bharadwaj 's <mask> film " <mask> " , the role played by kangana ranaut was inspired by nadia . rangoon hindi The original language of <mask> is <mask>.
+ william tudor gardiner ( june 12 , 1892 – august 3 , 1953 ) was an <mask> politician and the 55th <mask> . governor of maine american The country where <mask> is located in is <mask>.
+ further important functions bestowed upon <mask> between 1933 and 1945 were leader of the reich association of the <mask> press , and in the same period member of the reichstag . weiß german The language used in <mask> is <mask>.
+ he spent most of his professional career in germany , with <mask> and wolfsburg , appearing in more than 200 official games with the latter and <mask> . winning the 2009 league championship stuttgart <mask> participates in <mask>.
+ this course is spread across two campuses – iim shillong and <mask> , <mask> . ocean university of china qingdao The headquarters of <mask> is located in <mask>.
+ the " <mask> " marketplace supported premium game purchases through station cash ( used in all games published by <mask> ) . poxnora sony online entertainment <mask> is published by <mask>.
+ <mask> was a czech composer ( born c. 1660-died before 1725 ) of <mask> and a doctor of medicine . jan ignác františek vojta baroque music The movement that <mask> is related to is <mask>.
+ <mask> is divided into three large bodies of water called the west loch , middle loch and east loch with <mask> in the center of the east loch . ford island pearl harbor <mask> is a part of <mask>.
+ after the festival , <mask> acquired distribution rights for " sound of my voice " and " <mask> " ( also starring marling ) . another earth fox searchlight pictures The distributor of <mask> is <mask>.
+ the nickname al is often short for alfred , albert , alphonse , <mask> , <mask> , alyson , alysson , alison , alex , or alexander . allan allen <mask> is said to be the same as <mask>.
+ <mask> obtained his eleventh pole of the season in <mask> , and spent most of the race unchallenged . singapore sebastian vettel The winner of <mask> is <mask>.
+ he received his first oscar nomination <mask> at the 88th academy awards along with <mask> . eva von bahr academy award for best makeup and hairstyling <mask> is nominated for <mask>.
+ <mask> ( born 15 march 1947 in berlin ) is a retired german football <mask> and former player . gino ferrin manager <mask> is <mask> by occupation.
+ <mask> is an <mask> science fiction series of five- to seven - minute long episodes created by electric farm entertainment which went into production in march 2008 . gemini division american The country where <mask> is originated from is <mask>.
+ in corfu he translated the <mask> from <mask> to albanian along with vangjel meksi . new testament ancient greek The language used in <mask> is <mask>.
+ aiya wrote that alvares , an educated man and the editor of a <mask> journal , was a priest in the <mask> . metropolitan archdiocese of goa catholic The religion of <mask> is <mask>.
+ 1st combat training air regiment relocated to <mask> close to <mask> with two mig-17 squadrons and a third squadron relocated to dolna mitropoliya . shtraklevo air base ruse <mask> is located in <mask> and served by transport hub.
+ the musicians on the track are david marks and <mask> on guitar ; brian wilson on bass guitar and <mask> on drums . dennis wilson carl wilson <mask> is the sibling of <mask>.
+ the film is remake of <mask> movie " <mask> " ( 1962 ) . professor hindi The original language of <mask> is <mask>.
+ former open champions were <mask> in <mask> , and hubert green in 1977 . 1958 tommy bolt The winner of <mask> is <mask>.
+ upon his return , the ambassador offered <mask> and <mask> asylum , but would not arrange for transportation to the philippines until the next day . diệm nhu <mask> is the sibling of <mask>.
+ on may 30 , 1921 , he fought <mask> for the new colored <mask> title in a scheduled 10-round bout in phoenix , arizona . kid norfolk light heavyweight <mask> is the competition class of <mask>.
+ p. 723 . to <mask> ( <mask> ) and carolina vagán zsolnay . ignatius ignác <mask> is said to be the same as <mask>.
+ johann wolfgang von goethe mentioned the peak in " <mask> " , his diary of his travels through <mask> from 1786–1788 . italian journey italy The main subject of <mask> is <mask>.
+ cerreto is a village in tuscany , central italy , administratively a frazione of the <mask> of <mask> , province of grosseto , in the tuff area of southern maremma . sorano comune <mask> is an instance of <mask>.
+ <mask> sir <mask> , ( 21 march 1899 – 28 july 1986 ) was a senior british army officer during the 1940s . frank ernest wallace simpson general The military rank of <mask> is <mask>.
+ as a member of canada 's national university team , hill won gold medals at two of the <mask> ( 2009 and <mask> ) . 2011 world university games <mask> is an instance of <mask>.
+ " <mask> - <mask> candidate for state comptroller " , " the register citizen " , august 7 , 2010 . jack orchulli republican <mask> is a member of <mask>, a political party.
+ atia balba caesonia ( born 85 bc ) was the second daughter of julius caesar 's younger sister , <mask> and <mask> , son of a senator from aricia . marcus atius balbus julia minor <mask> is the spouse of <mask>.
+ <mask> ( born 31 october 1983 in cape town , western cape ) is a south african footballer , currently playing as a <mask> for maritzburg united f.c. bevan fransman centre back <mask> plays <mask> in the team.
+ claire cavanah and rachel venning founded toys in <mask> in 1993 , in response to the lack of women - friendly sex shops in <mask> . babeland seattle The headquarters of <mask> is located in <mask>.
+ all four would serve in various elected and appointed offices at the local , state , and federal government levels , with <mask> going on to serve as <mask> . christine todd whitman governor of new jersey <mask> holds position of <mask>.
+ financing for the construction of the unipark nonntal was enabled by successful negotiations between <mask> ’s state governor <mask> and the federal ministry of education . robert kriechbaumer : " umstritten und prägend . franz schausberger salzburg The place where <mask> works is <mask>.
+ variant forms of the name include kristal , <mask> , <mask> , krystle and kristol . cristal krystal <mask> is said to be the same as <mask>.
+ in june 1255 albert married <mask> , the daughter of emperor frederick ii , who was also king of sicily , and <mask> . margaret of sicily isabella of england <mask> is the mother of <mask>.
+ akins had powered his way up the rankings in both divisions and finally got his chance of a world title once <mask> relinquished the <mask> championship to concentrate on defending his new middleweight crown . carmen basilio welterweight <mask> is the competition class of <mask>.
+ as a professional hassen lost to <mask> for the african boxing union <mask> title . boxrec tahar ben hassen david kotey featherweight <mask> is the competition class of <mask>.
+ baltieji lakajai is a major lake of eastern <mask> , located about 12 miles east of moletai , in labanoras regional park of <mask> . lithuania utena county <mask> contains <mask> as an administrative territorial entity.
+ when <mask> died in 1124 , the crown passed to <mask> 's fourth son david i , who had spent most of his life as an english baron . alexander margaret <mask> is the mother of <mask>.
+ <mask> ( stylised as franceinfo : ) is a brand of news service participated by france télévisions , <mask> , france médias monde and the institut national de l'audiovisuel . france info radio france <mask> is owned by <mask>.
+ in 1655 , during fighting between polish forces and the invading swedish army in the northern war , <mask> fled vilna with the entire <mask> community . shabbatai hakohen jewish The religion of <mask> is <mask>.
+ the route heads through wooded areas with some farmland and comes to the norman wood bridge over the <mask> , located to the south of <mask> . holtwood dam susquehanna river <mask> is located in <mask>.
+ it was <mask> 's highest position there since 2000 's " <mask> " . could i have this kiss forever houston <mask> is performed by <mask>.
+ he was the winner of the inaugural <mask> in 2011 together with tamas freund and <mask> for their work describing organization of neurons in the hippocampus and the cortex . brain prize peter somogyi The winner of <mask> is <mask>.
+ on 15 december 2011 surf fm switched on a third transmitter in <mask> to provide improved coverage within the <mask> . city of casey berwick <mask> contains <mask> as an administrative territorial entity.
+ white rock is a town in <mask> , <mask> , united states , along the bois de sioux river . south dakota roberts county <mask> contains <mask> as an administrative territorial entity.
+ bandleader <mask> plays <mask> and is the lead vocalist . ricky skaggs mandolin The instrument of <mask> is <mask>.
+ heath 's premiership also oversaw the height of the troubles in <mask> , with the suspension of the <mask> and the imposition of direct british rule . stormont parliament northern ireland <mask> is the jurisdictional office of <mask>.
+ radcze is a village in the administrative district of gmina milanów , within <mask> , <mask> , in eastern poland . lublin voivodeship parczew county <mask> contains <mask> as an administrative territorial entity.
+ decker glacier ( ) is a steep , narrow glacier that drains the northeast slopes of <mask> in the <mask> , victoria land . mount newall asgard range <mask> is one of a mount in <mask>.
+ commission v ireland ( 1982 ) case 249/81 is an <mask> case , concerning the free movement of goods in the <mask> . eu law european union <mask> is the jurisdictional office of <mask>.
+ the un secretary - general in <mask> " ( cambridge : <mask> , 2007 ) . world politics cambridge university press <mask> is published by <mask>.
+ former <mask> sir geoffrey palmer of <mask> also condemned the bill on 22 june , calling it " " unconstitutional and a recipe for division and constitutional disaster . " " prime minister new zealand <mask> is the jurisdictional office of <mask>.
+ he quickly returned to <mask> and formed several bands , in much the same vein as the <mask> , for whom he also continued to write songs . ramones punk rock <mask> belongs to <mask>.
+ local <mask> - language media include el watan , le soir d'algérie , <mask> , le matin and tout sur l'algérie . liberté french The language used in <mask> is <mask>.
+ as a result , the team earned three consecutive first overall draft picks , used to select mats sundin ( 1989 ) , owen nolan ( <mask> ) and eric lindros ( <mask> ) . 1991 1990 <mask> follows <mask>.
+ denny r. ( born 11 february 1994 , <mask> , <mask> , philippines ) , commonly known by her pseudonym haveyouseenthisgirl , is a filipino author . laguna san pablo city <mask> contains <mask> as an administrative territorial entity.
+ stark is an unincorporated community in <mask> , <mask> , united states . boone county west virginia located in the administrative territorial entity.
+ the fate of father ( don ) <mask> was not the only violence committed against the <mask> of the former italian territories ceded to yugoslavia in 1945 . francesco bonifacio catholic church The religion of <mask> is <mask>.
+ each of the " 6 " singles featured cover art riffing off an iconic image by soviet <mask> artist <mask> . alexander rodchenko constructivist The movement that <mask> is related to is <mask>.
+ the ep contained three rearranged tracks , which misono performed for the video game " <mask> " for the <mask> , and two new tracks . tales of symphonia chronicles playstation 3 The platform of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> ( née regina klopfer ; 5 february 1903 – 17 february 1991 ) , was a hungarian - born opera and operetta <mask> . gitta alpár soprano The voice type of <mask> is <mask>.
+ the film is remake of <mask> movie " <mask> " ( 1983 ) , starring chiranjeevi , suhasini in pivotal roles . maga maharaju telugu The original language of <mask> is <mask>.
+ toontown online was a massively multiplayer online role - playing game , developed by <mask> and schell games , published by the <mask> . disney interactive walt disney company <mask> is owned by <mask>.
+ kinks member dave davies claimed that " johnny thunder " had an influence on kinks fan and fellow musician <mask> of the famous rock band <mask> . pete townshend the who <mask> is a member of <mask>.
+ <mask> , latinized from ζ apodis , is the bayer designation for a star in the southern constellation of <mask> . zeta apodis apus <mask> is a constellation of <mask>.
+ the <mask> electricity authority was established in 1962 , with functions transferred from the commonwealth government to the <mask> . act government australian capital territory <mask> is the jurisdictional office of <mask>.
+ i got this is the ninth studio album by canadian <mask> artist <mask> . george canyon country music <mask> belongs to <mask>.
+ gorillaz released a single with james murphy and <mask> commissioned by converse , titled " <mask> " on 23 february 2012 . doyathing andré 3000 <mask> is performed by <mask>.
+ ertegun approved the recording and release of " music of the whirling dervishes " , featuring ayin singer kâni karaca and <mask> player <mask> on the atlantic label . akagündüz kutbay ney The instrument of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> ( born december 1958 ) is a retired united states army <mask> who served in the u.s. army for 33 years , from 1981 until 2014 . michael thomas flynn lieutenant general The military rank of <mask> is <mask>.
+ in <mask> , i-5 intersects sr 41 before briefly entering the city limits of avenal , where it intersects <mask> . sr 269 kings county located in the administrative territorial entity.
+ a pivotal moment in ucsf history was the deal between vice chancellor bruce spaulding and <mask> mayor willie brown for the development of the <mask> campus in 1999 . mission bay san francisco located in the administrative territorial entity.
+ <mask> ( 24 may 1781 in paris – 16 july 1868 in paris ) was a french <mask> player , composer and music professor at the conservatoire de paris . louis françois dauprat horn The instrument of <mask> is <mask>.
+ tybo is a <mask> cow 's milk cheese , similar to a mild <mask> . samsø danish The country where <mask> is originated from is <mask>.
+ he moved to provincial politics to lead the saskatchewan liberal party in the <mask> against the ccf government of <mask> promoting the liberals as the defenders of capitalism against the socialist ccf . 1948 provincial election tommy douglas The winner of the election <mask> is <mask>.
+ it was succeeded as swedish representative at the <mask> by <mask> and svante thuresson with " nygammal vals " . 1966 contest lill lindfors The participant of <mask> is <mask>
+ the medieval manor of keymer was recorded in the domesday book in 1086 as being held by william de watevile for <mask> , who built the nearby <mask> . lewes castle william de warenne <mask> is owned by <mask>.
+ mcentire called <mask> , then working as a <mask> for both her and judd . tony brown record producer <mask> is <mask> by occupation.
+ he was nominated at the 83rd academy awards in the category of <mask> , for the film " <mask> " , along with ken ralston , david schaub and carey villegas . alice in wonderland best visual effects <mask> is nominated for <mask>.
+ <mask> is a dutch late night talkshow that is broadcast daily between 22:30 and 23:40 on dutch commercial television channel <mask> . rtl late night rtl 4 <mask> is the original network of <mask>.
+ the heavily glaciated weißkamm is an alpine chain that includes the weißkugel ( ) and <mask> ( ) , the two highest peaks in the <mask> . wildspitze ötztal alps <mask> is one of a mount in <mask>.
+ <mask> and matt berry ( " <mask> " ) and mathew baynton and james corden ( " the wrong mans " ) were the other nominees . toast of london arthur matthews The screenwriter of <mask> is <mask>.
+ in that same olympiad , american brothers <mask> and <mask> also both won gold medals in wrestling events . mark schultz dave <mask> is the sibling of <mask>.
+ permission was given to import a <mask> steam locomotive from the <mask> . climax united states The country where <mask> is originated from is <mask>.
+ henipavirus is a genus of rna viruses in the family " paramyxoviridae " , <mask> " <mask> " containing five established species . mononegavirales order The taxon rank of <mask> is <mask>.
+ genius jones is a comic book character from the golden age of comic books who first appeared in the <mask> published , <mask> # 77 ( august 1942 ) . adventure comics dc comics <mask> is published by <mask>.
+ he was additionally made minister for forests after the <mask> , and after <mask> 's resignation in 1945 retained his titles in the new ministry formed by frank wise . 1943 election john willcock The winner of the election <mask> is <mask>.
+ in the first leg of the second round videoton beat 2016 meistriliiga third placed <mask> at the <mask> , tallinn , estonia on 13 july 2017 . kadriorg stadium nõmme kalju fc The occupant of <mask> is <mask>.
+ he first officiated at football conference level when he refereed a 1–1 draw between <mask> and barrow at <mask> in the conference premier on 25 august 2008 . bootham crescent york city The occupant of <mask> is <mask>.
+ in 1959 he won a golden globe with " <mask> " ; the film , produced in yugoslavia , had a nomination for the oscar as <mask> . la strada lunga un anno best foreign language film <mask> is nominated for <mask>.
+ it was succeeded as maltese representative at the 2003 contest by <mask> with " <mask> " . to dream again lynn <mask> is performed by <mask>.
+ on february 26 , 2017 , <mask> released two fifth generation moto g smartphones during mobile world congress : moto g5 and <mask> . moto g5 plus motorola mobility <mask> is developed by <mask>.
+ he seems to have come to the holy land as part of the entourage following <mask> , count of champagne and future husband of <mask> , queen of jerusalem . isabella i henry ii <mask> is the spouse of <mask>.
+ the previous first vice - president was <mask> who was also the <mask> . catherine ashton high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy <mask> holds position of <mask>.
+ as it happened , the antoinette vii 's first flight took place on 25 july 1909 , the same day that <mask> succeeded in crossing the channel in his <mask> . blériot xi louis blériot The manufacturer of <mask> is <mask>.
+ sant teja singh entrusted the responsibility of managing and developing the activities at <mask> to baba <mask> . iqbal singh baru sahib The residence of <mask> is <mask>.
+ in 1906 <mask> added a third electrode and invented the first electronic amplifying device , the <mask> , which he named the " audion " . lee de forest triode The notable work of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> was a german operatic <mask> . hermann rieth bass The voice type of <mask> is <mask>.
+ at first , <mask> became the only government to oppose the entry of pakistan into the <mask> in 1947 , although it was reversed a few months later . afghanistan united nations <mask> is a member of <mask>.
+ in 1628 , cornelius jansen , a professor at leuven , began writing " <mask> " , a three volume treatise on augustine of hippo which conflated jesuits with <mask> by highlighting augustine 's propositions . augustinus pelagianism The main subject of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> 's first commercially available album , " <mask> " , was also the first commercial release on the greedhead imprint . relax das racist <mask> is performed by <mask>.
+ he played the title character ( the son of <mask> ) in the original national theatre production of david haig 's " <mask> " ( 1997 ) . my boy jack rudyard kipling The main subject of <mask> is <mask>.
+ marchers included a local lutheran pastor 's daughter , <mask> who more recently , in 2009 , became the regional prime minister in <mask> . thuringia christine lieberknecht The head of government in <mask> is <mask>.
+ the second was the futuristic <mask> which was released in 1999 for the arcade and ported to the dreamcast and <mask> in 2000 . san francisco rush 2049 nintendo 64 The platform of <mask> is <mask>.
+ recording sessions began in 1995 with various record <mask> , including nellee hooper , flood , <mask> , and osborne , who were introducing the band to various electronica influences . howie b producers <mask> is <mask> by occupation.
+ all countries were then instructed to implement an arms embargo against <mask> including the prevention of military assistance ; the measures would not apply to resources destined for <mask> or humanitarian personnel . liberia united nations <mask> is a member of <mask>.
+ hethum and thoros placed armenia under the regency of their brother sempad , and traveled to constantinople to bestow their sister <mask> upon the byzantine emperor <mask> . rita michael ix palaeologus <mask> is the spouse of <mask>.
+ featuring in - depth interviews with both survivors and murderers , " <mask> " provides an intimate , first - hand view of the encounters between <mask> perpetrators and their victims’ families . as we forgive genocide The main subject of <mask> is <mask>.
+ while at the university of adelaide she worked with martin glaessner on the precambrian jellyfish fossils found in the <mask> of the <mask> . ediacara hills flinders ranges <mask> is one of a mount in <mask>.
+ " <mask> " is <mask> 's second studio album and first spanish album to not have a portuguese - languaged version released in brazil . empezar desde cero rbd <mask> is performed by <mask>.
+ they released a game for the <mask> launch called " <mask> " which is also on the gamecube and playstation 2 . cel damage xbox The platform of <mask> is <mask>.
+ she is the mother of the actress <mask> ( † ) , and of the producer and current telefe director <mask> . romina yan tomás yankelevich <mask> is the sibling of <mask>.
+ in stark contrast to the above - stated positions , ditka appeared in an ad during the <mask> for incumbent democratic governor <mask> . 2010 illinois gubernatorial election pat quinn The winner of the election <mask> is <mask>.
+ alpha   trianguli ( α   trianguli , abbreviated alpha   tri , α   tri ) , also named <mask> , is a binary star in the constellation of <mask> . mothallah triangulum <mask> is a constellation of <mask>.
+ after defeat by shahu , sambhaji 's stepmother , <mask> then set up a rival court in kolhapur with her son <mask> as raja of kolhapur from 1710 to 1714 . tarabai shivaji ii <mask> is the child of <mask>.
+ on his second , he was a company commander in the aftermath of the <mask> ( 1979 ) , the <mask> 's heaviest single loss of life during the troubles . warrenpoint ambush british army The participant of <mask> is <mask>
+ he was the eldest son of duke janusz i of warsaw and <mask> , a daughter of <mask> . danutė of lithuania kęstutis <mask> is the father of <mask>.
+ he was the son of <mask> " svenskt biografiskt handlexikon " and mary neave and brother of <mask> . vendela skytte johan skytte <mask> is the father of <mask>.
+ when a special meta element or its corresponding http header is included in a web page , <mask> will render that page like <mask> would ( strict mode ) . ie8 ie7 <mask> follows <mask>.
+ <mask> ( born november 5 , 1945 ) is a united states marine corps <mask> who served as the 16th chairman of the joint chiefs of staff . peter pace general The military rank of <mask> is <mask>.
+ in 1977 , he served for a month ( 21 october – 28 november ) as minister for northern greece under <mask> in the caretaker cabinet during the <mask> . 1977 legislative elections konstantinos karamanlis The winner of the election <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> (; born 1952 ) is an <mask> ( " shang jiang " ) of the chinese people 's liberation army navy ( plan ) . sun jianguo admiral The military rank of <mask> is <mask>.
+ two machines were used for the vocal editing in songs like " <mask> " and " <mask> " . nobody knows me hollywood <mask> follows <mask>.
+ subsequently , it entered into decades of conflict with the <mask> that ended in the victory of mataram and the <mask> in 1625 . fall of surabaya mataram sultanate The participant of <mask> is <mask>
+ <mask> ( born october 13 , 1949 , enid , oklahoma ) , is an american operatic <mask> and an oklahoma music hall of fame inductee . leona mitchell soprano The voice type of <mask> is <mask>.
+ daughter of count <mask> and his wife tutadomna moniz , ilduara had several brothers and sister , including <mask> , wife of king alfonso v of león . elvira menéndez menendo gonzález <mask> is the father of <mask>.
+ it begins with a <mask> drum fill that according to melissa maerz of " entertainment weekly " originates from <mask> 's 1983 single " buffalo soldier " ( " confrontation " , 1983 ) . bob marley reggae <mask> belongs to <mask>.
+ in 1989 , <mask> - fm received a permit to move to bear den mountain , just east of <mask> and north of afton mountain . wanv waynesboro <mask> is licensed to broadcast to <mask>.
+ he was the brother of <mask> and emil newman , uncle of composers randy newman , david newman , <mask> , maria newman , and grandfather of joey newman . alfred newman thomas newman <mask> is the child of <mask>.
+ a paternal aunt of mrs. coffee was <mask> 's wife , <mask> . rachel donelson robards andrew jackson <mask> is the spouse of <mask>.
+ he also downplayed the theory of <mask> , saying " <mask> 's general theory of relativity is only a theory of gravitation and of modifications in the laws of physics in gravitational fields " . einstein general relativity The notable work of <mask> is <mask>.
+ his second marriage on 4 january 1921 in bad godesberg to <mask> produced another son , <mask> . magda ritschel harald quandt <mask> is the child of <mask>.
+ as the name implies , it is strictly about science - fiction and fantasy books and debuted with " <mask> " by <mask> . william gibson neuromancer The notable work of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> was the first qaimns nursing officer ever to reach the rank of brigadier in the <mask> , which she did in 1950 . anne thomson british army <mask> serves in <mask>.
+ among the many nonfiction treatments of tuberculosis , " <mask> " by <mask> ( 1979 ) compares the metaphorical portrayal of the disease to cancer . susan sontag illness as metaphor The notable work of <mask> is <mask>.
+ the county was named for <mask> , general in the <mask> and afterward president of the united states . andrew jackson united states army <mask> serves in <mask>.
+ the network provides a connection for the port and <mask> precincts and commuters to the north , south , east and west of <mask> . airport brisbane <mask> is located in <mask> and served by transport hub.
+ <mask> is the latest title in <mask> " stronghold " franchise of " castle sim " rts games , and was released on september 23 , 2014 . stronghold crusader ii firefly studios <mask> is developed by <mask>.
+ the presiding officer was by general <mask> , who had commanded the <mask> at the time of the german invasion in april 1940 . otto ruge norwegian army <mask> serves in <mask>.
+ he was a son of princess <mask> and a grandson of pharaoh <mask> . sneferu nefertnesu <mask> is the child of <mask>.
+ in this album , the band make use of live classical instruments and a complete choir to back up the <mask> voice of lead singer <mask> . floor jansen soprano The voice type of <mask> is <mask>.
+ britten 's connection with sadler 's wells opera brought three soloists to the project : <mask> ( <mask> ) , peter pears ( tenor ) , and roderick lloyd ( bass ) . joan cross soprano The voice type of <mask> is <mask>.
+ <mask> also used the term " <mask> " in the game to initially describe what became later known as subspace . freespace volition <mask> is developed by <mask>.
+ <mask> was born lionel herbert blythe in philadelphia , the son of actors <mask> barrymore and maurice barrymore ( born herbert arthur chamberlayne blyth ) . georgiana drew lionel barrymore <mask> is the child of <mask>.
+ on april 25 , 2007 , hot fm moved to the weaker frequencies of wwha - fm 94.1 ( formerly <mask> ) in <mask> and wwnk - fm 94.3 ( formerly wgpm ) in farmville . wnbr oriental <mask> is licensed to broadcast to <mask>.
+ this finding strongly suggests the unique presence of ergoline alkaloids in some species of the <mask> convolvulaceae is due to symbiosis with <mask> fungi . clavicipitaceous family The taxon rank of <mask> is <mask>.
+ in september 2011 , after a five - year absence from the local chicago airwaves , mancow 's show began airing on <mask> in <mask> . wjjg elmhurst <mask> is licensed to broadcast to <mask>.
+ equisetum (; horsetail , snake grass , puzzlegrass ) is the only living genus in <mask> , a <mask> of vascular plants that reproduce by spores rather than seeds . equisetaceae family The taxon rank of <mask> is <mask>.
data/disease/dev.txt ADDED
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data/exp/expbert_disease_explanation.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ {e1} is a cause of {e2}
+ The symptoms of {e2} appeared after the administration of {e1}
+ {e2} developed after {e1}
+ Patients developed {e2} after being treated with {e1}
+ {e1} contributes indirectly to {e2}
+ {e1} has been associated with the development of {e2}
+ Symptoms of {e2} abated after withdrawal of {e1}
+ A greater risk of {e2} was found in the {e1} group compared to a placebo
+ {e2} is a side effect of {e1}
+ {e2} has been reported to occur with {e1}
+ {e2} has been demonstrated after the administration of {e1}
+ {e1} caused the appearance of {e2}
+ Use of {e1} can lead to {e2}
+ {e1} can augment {e2}
+ {e1} can increase the risk of {e2}
+ Symptons of {e2} appeared after dosage of {e1}
+ {e1} is a chemical
+ {e2} is a disease
+ {e1} is used for the treatment of {e2}
+ {e1} is known to reduce the symptoms of {e2}
+ {e1} is used for the prevention of {e2}
+ {e1} ameliorates {e2}
+ {e1} induces {e2}
+ {e1} causes a disease other than {e2}
+ {e1} is an organ
+ administering {e1} causes {e2} to worsen
+ {e1} is effective for the treatment of {e2}
+ {e1} has an effect on {e2}
+ {e1} has an attenuating effect on {e2}
data/exp/expbert_spouse_explanation.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ {e1} is married to {e2}
+ {e1} and {e2} are partners
+ {e1} and {e2} share a home
+ {e1} and {e2} are a couple
+ {e1} and {e2} share the same surname
+ {e1} is engaged to {e2}
+ {e1} and {e2} have a marriage license
+ {e1}'s husband is {e2}
+ {e1}'s wife is {e2}
+ {e1} and {e2} are married
+ {e1} and {e2} are going to tie the knot
+ {e1} married {e2}
+ {e1} and {e2} have a son
+ {e1} and {e2} have a daughter
+ {e1} and {e2} are a married couple
+ {e1} and {e2} had a wedding
+ {e1} is the fiancé of {e2}
+ {e1} is the fiancée of {e2}
+ {e1} and {e2} married in the past
+ {e1} tied the knot with {e2}
+ {e1} and {e2} have kids together
+ {e1} and {e2} are expecting a son
+ {e1} and {e2} are expecting a daughter
+ {e1} is the daughter of {e2}
+ {e1} is the mother of {e2}
+ {e1} and {e2} are the same person
+ {e1} is the same person as {e2}
+ {e1} is married to someone other than {e2}
+ {e1} is the father of {e2}
+ {e1} is the son of {e2}
+ {e1} is marrying someone other than {e2}
+ {e1} is the ex-wife of {e2}
+ {e1} is a location
+ {e2} is a location
+ {e1} is an organization
+ {e2} is an organization
+ someone is married to {e1}
+ someone is married to {e2}
+ {e1} is a person
+ {e2} is a person
+ {e1} and {e2} are different people
data/exp/orion_disease_explanation.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ <mask> is a genus of bacteria in the family <mask>.
+ <mask> is the most common cause of <mask>.
+ <mask> is a common cause of <mask>.
+ <mask> is a genus of bacteria in the family <mask>.
+ <mask> is the most common cause of <mask>.
+ <mask> is a genus of bacteria in the family <mask>.
+ <mask> and its associated diseases are caused by the bacterium <mask>.
+ <mask> has been shown to be more effective than <mask>.
+ <mask> and its associated diseases are caused by the bacterium <mask>.
+ <mask> was originally named <mask>.
+ <mask> is a common cause of the <mask>.
+ <mask> is a genus of bacteria in the family of <mask>.
+ <mask> can be used as a substitute for <mask>.
+ <mask> was originally named <mask>.
+ <mask> has been shown to be a major cause of <mask>.
+ <mask> can be a major contributor to <mask>.
+ <mask> is the most common cause of <mask>.
+ <mask> is a common cause of <mask>.
+ <mask>, or the "<mask>.
+ <mask> is the most common cause of death.<mask>.
+ <mask> is a major component of the <mask>.
+ <mask> is a genus of bacteria in the family <mask>.
+ <mask> has been shown to be a major cause of <mask>.
+ <mask> and its associated diseases are caused by the bacterium <mask>.
+ <mask>. named as salmonellis, and <mask>, and is now known as sal.
+ <mask> can be a major contributor to the disease <mask>.
+ <mask> is a genus of bacteria in the family of <mask>.
+ <mask> is the most common cause of <mask>.
+ <mask> is the most common cause of <mask>.
+ <mask> is a common cause of <mask>.
+ <mask>, or the "<mask>.
+ <mask> is a major cause of death in people with <mask>.
+ <mask>, or <mask>.
+ <mask> can be a major contributor to the <mask>.
+ <mask> has been shown to be more effective than other <mask>.
+ <mask> is a major component of <mask>.
+ <mask> is a genus of bacteria in the family <mask>.
+ <mask>, an infection caused by the bacterium <mask>.
+ <mask> has been shown to be a major cause of <mask>.
+ <mask> and other <mask>.
+ <mask>: a new genus of bacteria, <mask>.
+ <mask> and its associated diseases are caused by the bacterium <mask>.
+ <mask> was originally named <mask>.
+ <mask>-associated diseases are caused by bacteria, including the <mask>io v and the bacteria, and are often referred to.
+ <mask> can be a major contributor to the <mask>.
+ <mask> is the most common cause of <mask>.
+ <mask> is the most common cause of <mask>.
+ <mask> is a common cause of <mask>.
+ <mask> can cause infections, and is a major cause of <mask>.
+ <mask>, or the <mask>.
data/exp/orion_spouse_explanation.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ <mask> is a young man who is in love with <mask>.
+ <mask> was the son of johannes and <mask>.
+ <mask> was married to <mask>.
+ <mask>, who was in love with <mask>.
+ <mask>, however, was not a good father to his daughter <mask>.
+ <mask>'s father is a doctor and his mother is <mask>.
+ <mask>' mother was a daughter of king henry iv of england and his wife <mask>.
+ <mask> had been a close friend of <mask>.
+ <mask> has a daughter named <mask>.
+ <mask> was married to <mask>.
+ <mask>'s father was a wealthy merchant and his mother was <mask>.
+ <mask> is in love with <mask>.
+ <mask>'s mother is <mask>.
+ <mask>'s father is a doctor and his mother is a <mask>.
+ <mask> was cast in the lead role of <mask>.
+ <mask> and his family are shocked to see <mask>.
+ <mask> is the son of a rich and famous businessman and <mask>.
+ <mask> was a great-grandson of king henry iv and his wife <mask>.
+ <mask> is the son of <mask>.
+ <mask>'s mother is a <mask>.
+ <mask>'s mother is <mask>.
+ <mask> is a young man who is in love with <mask>.
+ <mask>, who was in love with <mask>.
+ <mask>'s father is a doctor and his mother is <mask>.
+ <mask> is the son of a rich and famous businessman and <mask>.
+ <mask> is married to <mask>.
+ <mask>'s father and mother are both married to <mask>.
+ adayakshi.<mask>.vayak.v. wife <mask> (r)).
+ <mask> is the son of johann and <mask>.
+ <mask>' wife is unknown, but it is believed that she was <mask>.
+ <mask> is the son of a rich and famous businessman and his <mask>.
+ <mask> was approached to play the lead role of <mask>.
+ <mask>'s father is a rich businessman and his mother is a <mask>.
+ <mask> then decides to marry <mask>.
+ <mask> is a rich man who has a daughter <mask>.
+ <mask> and his wife <mask>.
+ <mask> comes to know about this and decides to marry <mask>.
+ <mask> is a rich man who has a daughter named <mask>.
+ <mask> and his friends are shocked to see <mask>.
+ <mask> decides to marry <mask>.
+ <mask> then married his cousin <mask>.
+ <mask> then married his cousin <mask>.
+ <mask> was cast in the lead role of <mask>.
+ <mask> was the only child of a rich family and his wife <mask>.
+ <mask> falls in love with the <mask>.
+ <mask> is the son of a rich businessman and his wife <mask>.
+ allegedly, he had an affair with <mask>.<mask>.
+ <mask> falls in love with <mask>.
+ <mask> was married to the <mask>.
+ <mask> is the son of johannes and <mask>.
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data/spouse/train.txt ADDED
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