title: wsi-annotation-demo
emoji: 🔬
colorFrom: blue
colorTo: red
sdk: docker
sdk_version: 24.0.6
app_file: Dockerfile
pinned: false
This repository was developed to demonstrate how to do the following:
- Creating a simple web application for rendering a whole slide image in real time.
- Allow annotating a whole slide image in real-time.
- Containerizing and deploying a web app for deployment on Hugging Face Spaces.
To access the live demo, click on the Hugging Face
badge above. Below is a snapshot of the current state of the demo app.
For this demonstration, we have used the following:
Component | Description |
OpenSeadragon | The actual library for rendering the WSI |
Annotorious | Library supporting annotation of large images |
Deep Zoom Image (DZI) | Image file format compatible with OpenSeadragon |
npm | Installation of frontend dependencies |
nginx | HTTP web server |
Docker | Containerization of the web app |
Hugging Face Spaces | Deployment platform |
Continuous integration
For this project, we continuously update the Hugging Face deployment for each commit to the main branch.
Local development
This example is for macOS development, so brew
is required.
- Install
brew install node
- Install deps:
npm install
- Open in browser:
open index.html
- Build image:
docker build -t wsi-annotation .
- Run image:
docker run -p 7860:7860 wsi-annotation
- Open in browser:
open http://localhost:7860
This project has MIT License.