EssayChecker /
alex42t's picture
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import language_tool_python
import readability
import enchant
from enchant.checker import SpellChecker
from collections import OrderedDict
import nltk'punkt')
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
class FeatureGenerator:
def __init__(self):
self.spell_checker = SpellChecker('en_US')
self.enchant_dict = enchant.Dict("en_US")
common_words_1k_filename = './1-1000.txt'
with open(common_words_1k_filename) as f:
self.common_words_1k = set(x.strip() for x in f.readlines())
common_words_filename_10k = './google-10000-english-no-swears.txt'
with open(common_words_filename_10k) as f:
self.common_words_10k = set(x.strip() for x in f.readlines())
# make sure common_words are a subset as well
profanity_filename = './profanity.txt'
with open(profanity_filename) as f:
self.profanity_set = set(x.strip() for x in f.readlines())
words_freq_filename = "./count_1w.txt"
self.words_freq = pd.read_csv(words_freq_filename,
names=['word', 'freq'],
dtype={'word': str, 'freq': int},
self.words_freq = self.words_freq.set_index('word')
self.language_tool = language_tool_python.LanguageTool('en-US')
def text_preprocess(self, text: str):
Transform text to be processed by readability
:param text: input text
:return: str preprocessed text
text = text.strip()
# new paragraph starts with \n\n
# readability also requires each sentence to end with \n
paragraphs = [p.strip()\
.replace('. ', '.\n')\
.replace('? ', '?\n')\
.replace('! ', '!\n') for p in text.split('\n\n')]
return "\n\n".join(paragraphs)
def misspelled_count(self, text: str):
Get count out misspelled words by enchant SpellChecker
:param text: input text
:return: count of misspelled words in text
return len(list(self.spell_checker))
def flatten_readability(self, r: OrderedDict):
Flatten readability output by adding prefixes
:param r: OrderedDict of readability output
:return: dict
out = {}
for k, group in r.items():
prefix = {'readability grades': '',
'sentence info': '',
'word usage': 'wu_',
'sentence beginnings': 'sb_'}[k]
for var_name, value in group.items():
out[prefix + var_name] = value
return out
def get_noncommon_words_count(self, text, common_words_dict):
# first, tokenize the text
# second, iterate over tokens and see whether
# a. it is a word
# b. not in common_words
# c. correctly spelled
# d. does not have underscore '_'
def is_noncommon_word(w):
return len(w) > 2 and\
w not in common_words_dict and\
'_' not in w and\
return sum(is_noncommon_word(x) for x in word_tokenize(text.lower()))
def get_noncommon_words_count_1k(self, text):
return self.get_noncommon_words_count(text, self.common_words_1k)
def get_noncommon_words_count_10k(self, text):
return self.get_noncommon_words_count(text, self.common_words_10k)
def get_profanity_count(self, text):
return sum(x in self.profanity_set for x in word_tokenize(text.lower()))
def get_uncommon_words_counts(self, text):
word_freq_thresholds = np.array([1e8, 1e7, 1e6, 1e5], dtype=int)
counts = np.zeros(len(word_freq_thresholds), dtype=int)
for w in word_tokenize(text):
if len(w) < 3 or '_' in w or not self.enchant_dict.check(w) or w not in self.words_freq.index:
w_freq = self.words_freq.loc[w].values[0]
counts += (word_freq_thresholds > w_freq)
return counts
# I have commented out categories giving 0 columns in train dataset
# SEMANTICS is mostly 0, we drop it as well
LT_categories = ['CASING',
def get_LT_features(self, text):
Generates LanguateTool features: each category count and a total number
matches = self.language_tool.check(text)
cat_counts = [sum(m.category == cat for m in matches) for cat in self.LT_categories[:-1]]
return cat_counts + [len(matches)]
def generate_features(self, df: pd.DataFrame):
Generate features from a dataframe with `full_text` column containing english text
:param df: input dataframe
:return: pd.DataFrame with features and possibly updated `full_text` column
res_df = df.copy()
#res_df['full_text'] = res_df['full_text'].apply(self.text_preprocess)
features_df = res_df[['full_text']].apply(lambda row:
self.text_preprocess(row[0]), lang='en')),
features_df['text_len'] = res_df['full_text'].apply(lambda x: len(x))
features_df['misspelled'] = res_df['full_text'].apply(self.misspelled_count)
features_df['noncommon_words_1k'] = res_df['full_text'].apply(self.get_noncommon_words_count_1k)
features_df['noncommon_words_10k'] = res_df['full_text'].apply(self.get_noncommon_words_count_10k)
features_df['profanity_count'] = res_df['full_text'].apply(self.get_profanity_count)
features_df[['uwc1e8', 'uwc1e7', 'uwc1e6', 'uwc1e5']] =\
res_df[['full_text']].apply(lambda x: self.get_uncommon_words_counts(x[0]),
# Generate ratio features
words_ratio_features = ['wordtypes',
features_df[[x + "_ratio" for x in words_ratio_features]] = features_df[words_ratio_features]\
.div(features_df['words'], axis=0)
sentences_ratio_features = ['sb_pronoun',
features_df[[x + "_ratio" for x in sentences_ratio_features]] = features_df[sentences_ratio_features]\
.div(features_df['sentences'], axis=0)
features_df[['LT_' + x for x in self.LT_categories]] = res_df[['full_text']]\
.apply(lambda x: self.get_LT_features(x[0]),
features_df[['LT_' + x + '_ratio' for x in self.LT_categories]] = features_df[['LT_' + x for x in self.LT_categories]]\
.div(features_df['words'], axis=0)
features_df = features_df.sort_index(axis=1)
return pd.concat([res_df, features_df], axis='columns')