convert /
SFconvertbot's picture
import argparse
import json
import os
import shutil
from collections import defaultdict
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple
import torch
from huggingface_hub import CommitInfo, CommitOperationAdd, Discussion, HfApi, hf_hub_download
from huggingface_hub.file_download import repo_folder_name
from safetensors.torch import _find_shared_tensors, _is_complete, load_file, save_file
This is an automated PR created with
This new file is equivalent to `pytorch_model.bin` but safe in the sense that
no arbitrary code can be put into it.
These files also happen to load much faster than their pytorch counterpart:
The widgets on your model page will run using this model even if this is not merged
making sure the file actually works.
If you find any issues: please report here:
Feel free to ignore this PR.
ConversionResult = Tuple[List["CommitOperationAdd"], List[Tuple[str, "Exception"]]]
def _remove_duplicate_names(
state_dict: Dict[str, torch.Tensor],
preferred_names: List[str] = None,
discard_names: List[str] = None,
) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
if preferred_names is None:
preferred_names = []
preferred_names = set(preferred_names)
if discard_names is None:
discard_names = []
discard_names = set(discard_names)
shareds = _find_shared_tensors(state_dict)
to_remove = defaultdict(list)
for shared in shareds:
complete_names = set([name for name in shared if _is_complete(state_dict[name])])
if not complete_names:
if len(shared) == 1:
# Force contiguous
name = list(shared)[0]
state_dict[name] = state_dict[name].clone()
complete_names = {name}
raise RuntimeError(
f"Error while trying to find names to remove to save state dict, but found no suitable name to keep for saving amongst: {shared}. None is covering the entire storage.Refusing to save/load the model since you could be storing much more memory than needed. Please refer to for more information. Or open an issue."
keep_name = sorted(list(complete_names))[0]
# Mecanism to preferentially select keys to keep
# coming from the on-disk file to allow
# loading models saved with a different choice
# of keep_name
preferred = complete_names.difference(discard_names)
if preferred:
keep_name = sorted(list(preferred))[0]
if preferred_names:
preferred = preferred_names.intersection(complete_names)
if preferred:
keep_name = sorted(list(preferred))[0]
for name in sorted(shared):
if name != keep_name:
return to_remove
def get_discard_names(model_id: str, revision: Optional[str], folder: str, token: Optional[str]) -> List[str]:
import json
import transformers
config_filename = hf_hub_download(
model_id, revision=revision, filename="config.json", token=token, cache_dir=folder
with open(config_filename, "r") as f:
config = json.load(f)
architecture = config["architectures"][0]
class_ = getattr(transformers, architecture)
# Name for this varible depends on transformers version.
discard_names = getattr(class_, "_tied_weights_keys", [])
except Exception:
discard_names = []
return discard_names
class AlreadyExists(Exception):
def check_file_size(sf_filename: str, pt_filename: str):
sf_size = os.stat(sf_filename).st_size
pt_size = os.stat(pt_filename).st_size
if (sf_size - pt_size) / pt_size > 0.01:
raise RuntimeError(
f"""The file size different is more than 1%:
- {sf_filename}: {sf_size}
- {pt_filename}: {pt_size}
def rename(pt_filename: str) -> str:
filename, ext = os.path.splitext(pt_filename)
local = f"{filename}.safetensors"
local = local.replace("pytorch_model", "model")
return local
def convert_multi(
model_id: str, *, revision=Optional[str], folder: str, token: Optional[str], discard_names: List[str]
) -> ConversionResult:
filename = hf_hub_download(
repo_id=model_id, revision=revision, filename="pytorch_model.bin.index.json", token=token, cache_dir=folder
with open(filename, "r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
filenames = set(data["weight_map"].values())
local_filenames = []
for filename in filenames:
pt_filename = hf_hub_download(repo_id=model_id, filename=filename, token=token, cache_dir=folder)
sf_filename = rename(pt_filename)
sf_filename = os.path.join(folder, sf_filename)
convert_file(pt_filename, sf_filename, discard_names=discard_names)
index = os.path.join(folder, "model.safetensors.index.json")
with open(index, "w") as f:
newdata = {k: v for k, v in data.items()}
newmap = {k: rename(v) for k, v in data["weight_map"].items()}
newdata["weight_map"] = newmap
json.dump(newdata, f, indent=4)
operations = [
CommitOperationAdd(path_in_repo=local.split("/")[-1], path_or_fileobj=local) for local in local_filenames
errors: List[Tuple[str, "Exception"]] = []
return operations, errors
def convert_single(
model_id: str, *, revision: Optional[str], folder: str, token: Optional[str], discard_names: List[str]
) -> ConversionResult:
pt_filename = hf_hub_download(
repo_id=model_id, revision=revision, filename="pytorch_model.bin", token=token, cache_dir=folder
sf_name = "model.safetensors"
sf_filename = os.path.join(folder, sf_name)
convert_file(pt_filename, sf_filename, discard_names)
operations = [CommitOperationAdd(path_in_repo=sf_name, path_or_fileobj=sf_filename)]
errors: List[Tuple[str, "Exception"]] = []
return operations, errors
def convert_file(
pt_filename: str,
sf_filename: str,
discard_names: List[str],
loaded = torch.load(pt_filename, map_location="cpu")
if "state_dict" in loaded:
loaded = loaded["state_dict"]
to_removes = _remove_duplicate_names(loaded, discard_names=discard_names)
metadata = {"format": "pt"}
for kept_name, to_remove_group in to_removes.items():
for to_remove in to_remove_group:
if to_remove not in metadata:
metadata[to_remove] = kept_name
del loaded[to_remove]
# Force tensors to be contiguous
loaded = {k: v.contiguous() for k, v in loaded.items()}
dirname = os.path.dirname(sf_filename)
os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
save_file(loaded, sf_filename, metadata=metadata)
check_file_size(sf_filename, pt_filename)
reloaded = load_file(sf_filename)
for k in loaded:
pt_tensor = loaded[k]
sf_tensor = reloaded[k]
if not torch.equal(pt_tensor, sf_tensor):
raise RuntimeError(f"The output tensors do not match for key {k}")
def create_diff(pt_infos: Dict[str, List[str]], sf_infos: Dict[str, List[str]]) -> str:
errors = []
for key in ["missing_keys", "mismatched_keys", "unexpected_keys"]:
pt_set = set(pt_infos[key])
sf_set = set(sf_infos[key])
pt_only = pt_set - sf_set
sf_only = sf_set - pt_set
if pt_only:
errors.append(f"{key} : PT warnings contain {pt_only} which are not present in SF warnings")
if sf_only:
errors.append(f"{key} : SF warnings contain {sf_only} which are not present in PT warnings")
return "\n".join(errors)
def previous_pr(api: "HfApi", model_id: str, pr_title: str, revision=Optional[str]) -> Optional["Discussion"]:
revision_commit = api.model_info(model_id, revision=revision).sha
discussions = api.get_repo_discussions(repo_id=model_id)
except Exception:
return None
for discussion in discussions:
if discussion.status in {"open", "closed"} and discussion.is_pull_request and discussion.title == pr_title:
commits = api.list_repo_commits(model_id, revision=discussion.git_reference)
if revision_commit == commits[1].commit_id:
return discussion
return None
def convert_generic(
model_id: str, *, revision=Optional[str], folder: str, filenames: Set[str], token: Optional[str]
) -> ConversionResult:
operations = []
errors = []
extensions = set([".bin", ".ckpt"])
for filename in filenames:
prefix, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
if ext in extensions:
pt_filename = hf_hub_download(
model_id, revision=revision, filename=filename, token=token, cache_dir=folder
dirname, raw_filename = os.path.split(filename)
if raw_filename == "pytorch_model.bin":
# XXX: This is a special case to handle `transformers` and the
# `transformers` part of the model which is actually loaded by `transformers`.
sf_in_repo = os.path.join(dirname, "model.safetensors")
sf_in_repo = f"{prefix}.safetensors"
sf_filename = os.path.join(folder, sf_in_repo)
convert_file(pt_filename, sf_filename, discard_names=[])
operations.append(CommitOperationAdd(path_in_repo=sf_in_repo, path_or_fileobj=sf_filename))
except Exception as e:
errors.append((pt_filename, e))
return operations, errors
def convert(
api: "HfApi", model_id: str, revision: Optional[str] = None, force: bool = False
) -> Tuple["CommitInfo", List[Tuple[str, "Exception"]]]:
pr_title = "Adding `safetensors` variant of this model"
info = api.model_info(model_id, revision=revision)
filenames = set(s.rfilename for s in info.siblings)
with TemporaryDirectory() as d:
folder = os.path.join(d, repo_folder_name(repo_id=model_id, repo_type="models"))
new_pr = None
operations = None
pr = previous_pr(api, model_id, pr_title, revision=revision)
library_name = getattr(info, "library_name", None)
if any(filename.endswith(".safetensors") for filename in filenames) and not force:
raise AlreadyExists(f"Model {model_id} is already converted, skipping..")
elif pr is not None and not force:
url = f"{model_id}/discussions/{pr.num}"
new_pr = pr
raise AlreadyExists(f"Model {model_id} already has an open PR check out {url}")
elif library_name == "transformers":
discard_names = get_discard_names(model_id, revision=revision, folder=folder, token=api.token)
if "pytorch_model.bin" in filenames:
operations, errors = convert_single(
model_id, revision=revision, folder=folder, token=api.token, discard_names=discard_names
elif "pytorch_model.bin.index.json" in filenames:
operations, errors = convert_multi(
model_id, revision=revision, folder=folder, token=api.token, discard_names=discard_names
raise RuntimeError(f"Model {model_id} doesn't seem to be a valid pytorch model. Cannot convert")
operations, errors = convert_generic(
model_id, revision=revision, folder=folder, filenames=filenames, token=api.token
if operations:
new_pr = api.create_commit(
print(f"Pr created at {new_pr.pr_url}")
print("No files to convert")
return new_pr, errors
if __name__ == "__main__":
Simple utility tool to convert automatically some weights on the hub to `safetensors` format.
It is PyTorch exclusive for now.
It works by downloading the weights (PT), converting them locally, and uploading them back
as a PR on the hub.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=DESCRIPTION)
help="The name of the model on the hub to convert. E.g. `gpt2` or `facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h`",
help="The revision to convert",
help="Create the PR even if it already exists of if the model was already converted.",
help="Ignore safety prompt",
args = parser.parse_args()
model_id = args.model_id
api = HfApi()
if args.y:
txt = "y"
txt = input(
"This conversion script will unpickle a pickled file, which is inherently unsafe. If you do not trust this file, we invite you to use"
" or google colab or other hosted solution to avoid potential issues with this file."
" Continue [Y/n] ?"
if txt.lower() in {"", "y"}:
commit_info, errors = convert(api, model_id, revision=args.revision, force=args.force)
string = f"""
### Success 🔥
Yay! This model was successfully converted and a PR was open using your token, here:
if errors:
string += "\nErrors during conversion:\n"
string += "\n".join(
f"Error while converting {filename}: {e}, skipped conversion" for filename, e in errors
print(f"Answer was `{txt}` aborting.")