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Scope, Memory, and Overloading



A scope is the extent of the program where a variable can be seen and used.

  • local variables have scope from the point of declaration to the end of the enclosing block { }
  • global variables are not enclosed within any scope and are available within the entire file

Variables have a limited lifetime

  • When a variable goes out of scope, its destructor is called

Dynamically-allocated (via new) memory is not automatically freed at the end of scope


Scope Resolution Operator

"double colon" :: is used to refer to members inside of a named scope

// definition of the "myMethod" function of "MyObject"
void MyObject::myMethod()
  std::cout << "Hello, World!\n";
MyNamespace::a = 2.718;

Namespaces permit data organization, but do not have all the features needed for full encapsulation



(Prequel to Pointers and Refs)

Recall that assignment in C++ uses the "single equals" operator:

a = b; // Assignment

Assignments are one of the most common operations in programming

Two operands are required

  • An assignable location on the left hand side (memory location)
  • An expression on the right hand side



Native type just like an int or long

Hold the location of another variable or object in memory

Useful in avoiding expensive copies of large objects

Facilitate shared memory

  • Example: One object "owns" the memory associated with some data, and allows others objects access through a pointer


Pointer Syntax

Declare a pointer

int *p;

Use the +address-of+ operator to initialize a pointer

int a;
p = &a;

Use the +dereference+ operator to get or set values pointed-to by the pointer

*p = 5;                  // set value of "a" through "p"
std::cout << *p << "\n"; // prints 5
std::cout <<  a << "\n"; // prints 5


Pointer Syntax (continued)

int a = 5;
int *p;       // declare a pointer
p = &a;       // set 'p' equal to address of 'a'
*p = *p + 2;  // get value pointed to by 'p', add 2,
              // store result in same location
std::cout <<  a << "\n";  // prints 7
std::cout << *p << "\n";  // prints 7
std::cout <<  p << "\n";  // prints an address (0x7fff5fbfe95c)


Pointers are Powerful but Unsafe

On the previous slide we had this:

p = &a;

But we can do almost anything we want with p!

p = p + 1000;

Now what happens when we do this?

*p;    // Access memory at &a + 1000


References to the Rescue

A reference is an alternative name for an object (Stroustrup), think of it as an alias for the original variable

int a = 5;
int &r = a;  // define and initialize a ref
r = r + 2;
std::cout <<  a << "\n";  // prints 7
std::cout <<  r << "\n";  // prints 7
std::cout << &r << "\n";  // prints address of a


References are Safe

References cannot be modified

&r = &r + 1;   // won't compile

References never start out un-initialized

int &r;     // won't compile
  • Note, that class declarations may contain references
  • If so, initialization must occur in the constructor!


Summary: Pointers and References

A pointer is a variable that holds a memory address to another variable

int *iPtr;  // Declaration
iPtr = &c;
int a = b + *iPtr;

A reference is an alternative name for an object (Stroustrup), so it must reference an existing object

int &iRef = c;    // Must initialize
int a = b + iRef;


Calling Conventions

What happens when you make a function call?

result = someFunction(a, b, my_shape);
  • If the function changes the values inside of a, b or myshape, are those changes reflected in my code?
  • Is this call expensive? (Are arguments copied around?)
  • C++ by default is "Pass by Value" (copy) but you can pass arguments by reference (alias) with additional syntax


Swap Example (Pass by Value)

void swap(int a, int b)
  int temp = a;
  a = b;
  b = temp;
int i = 1;
int j = 2;
swap (i, j);                  // i and j are arguments
std::cout << i << " " << j;   // prints 1 2
                              // i and j are not swapped


Swap Example (Pass by Reference)

void swap(int &a, int &b)
  int temp = a;
  a = b;
  b = temp;
int i = 1;
int j = 2;
swap (i, j);                  // i and j are arguments
std::cout << i << " " << j;   // prints 2 1
                              // i and j are properly swapped


Dynamic Memory Allocation

Why do we need dynamic memory allocation?

  • Data size specified at run time (rather than compile time)
  • Persistence without global variables (scopes)
  • Efficient use of space
  • Flexibility


Dynamic Memory in C++

"new" allocates memory

"delete" frees memory

Recall that variables typically have limited lifetimes (within the nearest enclosing scope)

Dynamic memory allocations do not have limited lifetimes

  • No automatic memory cleanup!
  • Watch out for memory leaks
  • Should have a "delete" for every "new".

During normal usage, dynamic memory allocation is unnecessary.


Example: Dynamic Memory

int a;
int *b;
b = new int; // dynamic allocation, what is b's value?
a = 4;
*b = 5;
int c = a + *b;
std::cout << c;  // prints 9
delete b;


Example: Dynamic Memory Using References

int a;
int *b = new int;    // dynamic allocation
int &r = *b;         // creating a reference to newly created variable
a = 4;
r = 5;
int c = a + r;
std::cout << c;  // prints 9
delete b;



The const keyword is used to mark a variable, parameter, method or other argument as constant

Typically used with references and pointers to share objects but guarantee that they will not be modified

  std::string name("myObject");
void print(const std::string & name)
  // Attempting to modify name here will
  // cause a compile time error


Function Overloading

In C++ you may reuse function names as long as they have different parameter lists or types. A difference only in the return type is not enough to differentiate overloaded signatures.

int foo(int value);
int foo(float value);
int foo(float value, bool is_initialized);

This is very useful when we get to object "constructors".