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# C++\\
## Intrinsic Data Types
| Basic Type | Variant(s) |
| :- | :- |
| bool | |
| char | unsigned |
| int | unsigned, long, short |
| float | |
| double | long |
| void | |
Note, `void` is the "anti-datatype", used in functions returning nothing
## Operators
| Purpose | Symbols |
| -: | :- |
| Math | `+ - * / % += -= /= %= ++ --` |
| Comparison | `< > <= >= != ==` |
| Logical Comparison | `&& || !` |
| Memory | `* & new delete sizeof` |
| Assignment | `=` |
| Member Access | `-> .` |
| Name Resolution | `::` |
## Curly Braces `{ }`
Used to group statements together and to define the scope of a function
Creates new layer of scope
## Expressions
Composite mathematical expressions:
a = b * (c - 4) / d++;
Composite boolean expressions:
if (a && b && f()) { e = a; }
Note, Operators && and || use "short-circuiting," so "b" and "f()" in the example above may not get
Scope resolution operator:
t = std::pow(r, 2);
b = std::sqrt(d);
Dot and Pointer Operator:
t = my_obj.someFunction();
b = my_ptr->someFunction();
## Type Casting
float pi = 3.14;
int approx_pi = static_cast<int>(pi);
## Limits to Type Casting
Does not work to change to fundamentally different types
float f = (float) "3.14"; // won't compile
Be careful with your assumptions
unsigned int huge_value = 4294967295; // ok
int i = static_cast<int>(huge_value); // won't work!
## Control Statements
For, While, and Do-While Loops:
for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) { }
while (boolean-expression) { }
do { } while (boolean-expression);
If-Then-Else Tests:
if (boolean-expression) { }
else if (boolean-expression) { }
else { }
In the previous examples, +boolean-expression+ is any valid C++ statement which results in true or
false, such as:
- `if (0) // Always false`
- `while (a > 5)`
## Declarations and Definitions
In C++ we split our code into multiple files
- headers (*.h)
- bodies (*.C)
Headers generally contain +declarations+
- Statement of the types we will use
- Gives names to types
Bodies generally contain +definitions+
- Our descriptions of those types, including what they do or how they are built
- Memory consumed
- The operations functions perform
### Declaration Examples
Free functions:
returnType functionName(type1 name1, type2 name2);
Object member functions (methods):
class ClassName
returnType methodName(type1 name1, type2 name2);
### Definition Examples
Function definition:
returnType functionName(type1 name1, type2 name2)
// statements
Class method definition:
returnType ClassName::methodName(type1 name1, type2 name2)
// statements
## Make
A Makefile is a list of dependencies with rules to satisfy those dependencies
All MOOSE-based applications are supplied with a complete Makefile
To build a MOOSE-based application just type: