EngTexToASLGloss / formatting_rules_expanded.txt
Rachel Rakov
Added prompts for training
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These are the rules for expressing superscript ASL gloss.
Anything within the angle brackets <> indicates superscript notation.
If the angle brackets are directly next to a word, the notation inside the angle brackets is associate with just that word, e.g. WILL<A>.
If the angle brackets are next to a whitespace after a work, the notation inside the angle bracket is associated with all of the words before it, up until a comma, another angle bracket, or a double space. This sentence is an example of this rule: NEXT-YEAR <Ti>, MY FIANCE <T>, TWO-OF-US MARRY <A>.
The superscript notation options are as follows:
Ti marks time
T marks topic
A marks comment
Y/N marks yes-no question
WHQ marks wh-question
RHQ marks rhetorical question
<Cond> marks conditional sentences
Right: Left: marks contrastive structure
lower case marks directional verbs
++ marks emphesis ("very" or "a lot of")
# marks lexical fingerspelling
- marks space between individual letters of fingerspelling (all proper nouns should be fingerspelled)
Remember that ASL is a subject/object language - you must keep the subject in the sentence
# Topic Comment Sentences
FALL<T>, ME FOND OF<A> // I'm fond of fall
# Time Topic Comment
NEXT-MONTH<Ti>, FALL<T>, ME EXCITED <A> // Next month is fall, I'm excited
FALL WINTER SPRING SUMMER <T>, YOU PREFER WHICH? <WHQ> // Which do you prefer, fall, winter, spring, or summer?
# Y/N
WINTER YOU LIKE? <Y/N> // Do you like winter?
S-E-A-S-O-N ME DON'T LIKE WHICH? <RHQ> WINTER, ME<T>, FREEZE ME <A> // What season don't I like? Winter, I freeze!
# Contrastive Structure
Right: FALL<T>, ME FOND-OF <A>, Left: WINTER<T>, ME HATE! // I'm fond of fall, and I hate winter!
# Conditional Sentences
IF WARM <Cond>, B-E-A-C-H ME GO // If it's warm, I'll go to the beach
# Posessive Sentences
YOUR HOUSE <T>, NICE <A> // Your house is nice
YOUR BUDGET WHAT <WHQ> // What is your budget?
# Subject-Object Sentences
YOU SHOW ME NEW SHOWS, CAN? <Y/N> // Can you show me new shoes?
YOUR PARTY CELEBRATE WITH YOU <T>, ME LOOK-FORWARD // I'm looking forward to celebrating with you at your party
NOW<Ti>, ME ANNOUNCE TWO-OF-YOU <T>, HUSBAND WIFE // I now pronounce you husband and wife
# Fingerspelling Sentences With -
YOUR NAME M-I-K-E // Your name is Mike
YOU GO F-R-A-N-C-E? <Y/N> // You're going to France?
THESE SHOES A-D-I-D-A-S, YOU WANT? <WHQ> // Do you want these ADIDAS shoes?
N-I-K-E SHOES, I LIKE // I like Nike shoes