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# 🔒 PrivateGPT 📑
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> Join the community: [Twitter]( & [Discord](
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PrivateGPT is a production-ready AI project that allows you to ask questions about your documents using the power
of Large Language Models (LLMs), even in scenarios without an Internet connection. 100% private, no data leaves your
execution environment at any point.
The project provides an API offering all the primitives required to build private, context-aware AI applications.
It follows and extends the [OpenAI API standard](,
and supports both normal and streaming responses.
The API is divided into two logical blocks:
**High-level API**, which abstracts all the complexity of a RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation)
pipeline implementation:
- Ingestion of documents: internally managing document parsing,
splitting, metadata extraction, embedding generation and storage.
- Chat & Completions using context from ingested documents:
abstracting the retrieval of context, the prompt engineering and the response generation.
**Low-level API**, which allows advanced users to implement their own complex pipelines:
- Embeddings generation: based on a piece of text.
- Contextual chunks retrieval: given a query, returns the most relevant chunks of text from the ingested documents.
In addition to this, a working [Gradio UI](
client is provided to test the API, together with a set of useful tools such as bulk model
download script, ingestion script, documents folder watch, etc.
> 👂 **Need help applying PrivateGPT to your specific use case?**
> [Let us know more about it](
> and we'll try to help! We are refining PrivateGPT through your feedback.
## 🎞️ Overview
DISCLAIMER: This README is not updated as frequently as the [documentation](
Please check it out for the latest updates!
### Motivation behind PrivateGPT
Generative AI is a game changer for our society, but adoption in companies of all sizes and data-sensitive
domains like healthcare or legal is limited by a clear concern: **privacy**.
Not being able to ensure that your data is fully under your control when using third-party AI tools
is a risk those industries cannot take.
### Primordial version
The first version of PrivateGPT was launched in May 2023 as a novel approach to address the privacy
concerns by using LLMs in a complete offline way.
That version, which rapidly became a go-to project for privacy-sensitive setups and served as the seed
for thousands of local-focused generative AI projects, was the foundation of what PrivateGPT is becoming nowadays;
thus a simpler and more educational implementation to understand the basic concepts required
to build a fully local -and therefore, private- chatGPT-like tool.
If you want to keep experimenting with it, we have saved it in the
[primordial branch]( of the project.
> It is strongly recommended to do a clean clone and install of this new version of
PrivateGPT if you come from the previous, primordial version.
### Present and Future of PrivateGPT
PrivateGPT is now evolving towards becoming a gateway to generative AI models and primitives, including
completions, document ingestion, RAG pipelines and other low-level building blocks.
We want to make it easier for any developer to build AI applications and experiences, as well as provide
a suitable extensive architecture for the community to keep contributing.
Stay tuned to our [releases]( to check out all the new features and changes included.
## 📄 Documentation
Full documentation on installation, dependencies, configuration, running the server, deployment options,
ingesting local documents, API details and UI features can be found here:
## 🧩 Architecture
Conceptually, PrivateGPT is an API that wraps a RAG pipeline and exposes its
* The API is built using [FastAPI]( and follows
[OpenAI's API scheme](
* The RAG pipeline is based on [LlamaIndex](
The design of PrivateGPT allows to easily extend and adapt both the API and the
RAG implementation. Some key architectural decisions are:
* Dependency Injection, decoupling the different components and layers.
* Usage of LlamaIndex abstractions such as `LLM`, `BaseEmbedding` or `VectorStore`,
making it immediate to change the actual implementations of those abstractions.
* Simplicity, adding as few layers and new abstractions as possible.
* Ready to use, providing a full implementation of the API and RAG
Main building blocks:
* APIs are defined in `private_gpt:server:<api>`. Each package contains an
`<api>` (FastAPI layer) and an `<api>` (the
service implementation). Each *Service* uses LlamaIndex base abstractions instead
of specific implementations,
decoupling the actual implementation from its usage.
* Components are placed in
`private_gpt:components:<component>`. Each *Component* is in charge of providing
actual implementations to the base abstractions used in the Services - for example
`LLMComponent` is in charge of providing an actual implementation of an `LLM`
(for example `LlamaCPP` or `OpenAI`).
## 💡 Contributing
Contributions are welcomed! To ensure code quality we have enabled several format and
typing checks, just run `make check` before committing to make sure your code is ok.
Remember to test your code! You'll find a tests folder with helpers, and you can run
tests using `make test` command.
Don't know what to contribute? Here is the public
[Project Board]( with several ideas.
Head over to Discord
#contributors channel and ask for write permissions on that GitHub project.
## 💬 Community
Join the conversation around PrivateGPT on our:
- [Twitter (aka X)](
- [Discord](
## 📖 Citation
If you use PrivateGPT in a paper, check out the [Citation file](CITATION.cff) for the correct citation.
You can also use the "Cite this repository" button in this repo to get the citation in different formats.
Here are a couple of examples:
#### BibTeX
author = {Martínez Toro, Iván and Gallego Vico, Daniel and Orgaz, Pablo},
license = {Apache-2.0},
month = may,
title = {{PrivateGPT}},
url = {},
year = {2023}
#### APA
Martínez Toro, I., Gallego Vico, D., & Orgaz, P. (2023). PrivateGPT [Computer software].
## 🤗 Partners & Supporters
PrivateGPT is actively supported by the teams behind:
* [Qdrant](, providing the default vector database
* [Fern](, providing Documentation and SDKs
* [LlamaIndex](, providing the base RAG framework and abstractions
This project has been strongly influenced and supported by other amazing projects like
and [SentenceTransformers](