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Update util.py
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import concurrent.futures
from collections import defaultdict
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import json
import os
import pickle
import pprint
from io import StringIO
import textwrap
import time
import re
from openai import OpenAI
openai_client = OpenAI(api_key=os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY'))
import octoai
octoai_client = octoai.client.Client(token=os.getenv('OCTOML_KEY'))
from pinecone import Pinecone, ServerlessSpec
pc = Pinecone(api_key=os.getenv('PINECONE_API_KEY'))
pc_256 = pc.Index('prorata-postman-ds-256-v2')
pc_128 = pc.Index('prorata-postman-ds-128-v2')
from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
sentence_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(
separators=["\n\n", "\n", "."],
from functools import cache
def get_embedding(text, model="text-embedding-3-small"):
text = text.replace("\n", " ")
return openai_client.embeddings.create(input = [text], model=model).data[0].embedding
def get_embedding_l(text_l, model="text-embedding-3-small"):
text_l = [text.replace("\n", " ") for text in text_l]
res = openai_client.embeddings.create(input=text_l, model=model)
embeds = [record.embedding for record in res.data]
return embeds
def do_character_replacements(text):
# TODO: double quotes need to be removed properly since they interfere with parsing of JSON responses
return text.translate(str.maketrans({'“': '\'\'', '”': '\'\'', '"': '\'\'', "’": "'"}))
def parse_json_string(content):
fixed_content = content
for _ in range(20):
result = json.loads(fixed_content)
except Exception as e:
if "Expecting ',' delimiter" in str(e):
# "Expecting , delimiter: line x column y (char d)"
idx = int(re.findall(r'\(char (\d+)\)', str(e))[0])
fixed_content = fixed_content[:idx] + ',' + fixed_content[idx:]
elif "Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes" in str(e):
# Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line x column y (char d)
idx = int(re.findall(r'\(char (\d+)\)', str(e))[0])
fixed_content = fixed_content[:idx-1] + '}' + fixed_content[idx:]
raise ValueError(str(e))
return result
# prompt_af_template_llama3 = "Please breakdown the following paragraph into independent and atomic facts. Format your response as a signle JSON object, a list of facts:\n\n{}"
prompt_af_template_llama3 = "Please breakdown the following paragraph into independent and atomic facts. Format your response in JSON as a list of 'fact' objects:\n\n{}"
# prompt_tf_template = "Given the context below, anwer the question that follows. Please format your answer in JSON with a yes or no determination and rationale for the determination. \n\nContext: {}\n\nQuestion: {} Is this claim true or false?"
prompt_tf_template = (
"Given the context below, anwer the question that follows. Please format your answer in JSON with a yes or no determination"
" and rationale for the determination. \n\nContext: ```{}```\n\nQuestion: <{}>"
" According to the context, is the previous claim (in between <> braces) true or false?"
# prompt_tf_template = (
# "Given the context below, anwer the question that follows. Please format your answer in JSON with a yes or no determination"
# " and rationale for the determination. \n\nContext: ```{}```\n\nQuestion: <{}>"
# " Does the context explicitly support the previous claim (in between <> braces), true or false?"
# )
# prompt_tf_template = (
# "Given the context below, anwer the question that follows. Please format your answer in JSON with a yes or no determination"
# " and rationale for the determination. \n\nContext: ```{}```\n\nQuestion: <{}>"
# " Does the context explicitly support or strongly suggest the previous claim (in between <> braces), yes or no?"
# )
def get_atoms_list(answer, file=None):
prompt_af = prompt_af_template_llama3.format(answer)
response, atoms_l = None, []
for _ in range(5):
# response = octoai_client.chat.completions.create(
# model="meta-llama-3-70b-instruct",
# messages=[
# {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
# {"role": "user", "content": prompt_af}
# ],
# # response_format={"type": "json_object"},
# max_tokens=512,
# presence_penalty=0,
# temperature=0.1,
# top_p=0.9,
# )
response = octoai_client.chat.completions.create(
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
{"role": "user", "content": prompt_af}
# response_format={"type": "json_object"},
content = response.choices[0].message.content
idx1 = content.find('```')
idx2 = idx1+3 + content[idx1+3:].find('```')
# atoms_l = json.loads(content[idx1+3:idx2])
atoms_l = parse_json_string(content[idx1+3:idx2])
atoms_l = [a['fact'] for a in atoms_l]
except Exception as error:
print(error, file=file)
print(response, file=file)
print(content[idx1+3:idx2], file=file)
return atoms_l
def get_topk_matches(atom, k=5, pc_index=pc_256):
embed_atom = get_embedding(atom)
res = pc_index.query(vector=embed_atom, top_k=k, include_metadata=True)
return res['matches']
def get_match_atom_entailment_determination(_match, atom, file=None, DEBUG=0):
if 'chunk_text_l' in _match:
chunk_text = '\n\n'.join(_match['chunk_text_l'])
chunk_text = _match['metadata']['text']
print(f"Determining entailment for url={_match['metadata']['url']} and atom {atom}...")
chunk_text = do_character_replacements(chunk_text)
prompt_tf = prompt_tf_template.format(chunk_text, atom)
if DEBUG > 0:
response = None
chunk_determination = {}
chunk_determination['chunk_id'] = _match['id']
chunk_determination['true'] = False
chunk_determination['rationale'] = ''
for _ in range(5):
response = octoai_client.chat.completions.create(
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
{"role": "user", "content": prompt_tf}
# response_format={"type": "json_object"},
# presence_penalty=0,
# top_p=0.9,
content = response.choices[0].message.content
idx1 = content.find('{')
idx2 = content.find('}')
_det_lower = chunk_determination['determination'].lower()
chunk_determination['true'] = "true" in _det_lower or "yes" in _det_lower
except Exception as error:
print(error, file=file)
print(prompt_tf, file=file)
print(response, file=file)
print(f"Finished entailment for url={_match['metadata']['url']} and atom {atom}.")
return chunk_determination
def get_atom_support(atom, file=None):
topk_matches = get_topk_matches(atom)
atom_support = {}
for _match in topk_matches:
chunk_determination = atom_support.get(_match['metadata']['url'], {})
if not chunk_determination or not chunk_determination['true']:
atom_support[_match['metadata']['url']] = get_match_atom_entailment_determination(_match, atom, file=file)
return atom_support
def get_atom_support_list(atoms_l, file=None):
return [get_atom_support(a, file=file) for a in atoms_l]
def credit_atom_support_list(atom_support_l):
num_atoms = len(atom_support_l)
credit_d = defaultdict(float)
for atom_support in atom_support_l:
atom_support_size = 0.0
for url_determination_d in atom_support.values():
if url_determination_d['true']:
atom_support_size += 1.0
for url, url_determination_d in atom_support.items():
if url_determination_d['true']:
credit_d[url] += 1.0 / atom_support_size
for url in credit_d.keys():
credit_d[url] = credit_d[url] / num_atoms
return credit_d
def print_atom_support(atom_support, prefix='', print_chunks=False, file=None):
for url, aggmatch_determination in atom_support.items():
print(f"{prefix}{url}:", file=file)
print(f"{prefix} Determination: {'YES' if aggmatch_determination['true'] else 'NO'}", file=file)
# print(f"{prefix} Rationale: {aggmatch_determination['rationale']}", file=file)
print(textwrap.fill(f"{prefix} Rationale: {aggmatch_determination['rationale']}", initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=f'{prefix} ', width=100), file=file)
if print_chunks:
# n_chunks = len(aggmatch_determination['offset_l'])
# for j in range(n_chunks):
# cid, coffset = aggmatch_determination['id_l'][j], aggmatch_determination['offset_l'][j]
# cend_offset = aggmatch_determination['offset_l'][j+1] if j < n_chunks-1 else len(aggmatch_determination['chunks_text'])
# ctext = aggmatch_determination['chunks_text'][coffset:cend_offset]
# print(textwrap.fill(f"{prefix} Chunk {cid}: {ctext}\n", initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=f'{prefix} ', width=100), file=file)
if 'chunk_text_l' in aggmatch_determination:
for cid, ctext in zip(aggmatch_determination['id_l'], aggmatch_determination['chunk_text_l']):
print(textwrap.fill(f"{prefix} Chunk {cid}: {ctext}\n", initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=f'{prefix} ', width=100), file=file)
def print_credit_dist(credit_dist, prefix='', url_to_id=None, file=None):
credit_l = [(url, w) for url, w in credit_dist.items()]
credit_l = sorted(credit_l, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
for url, w in credit_l:
if url_to_id is None:
print(f"{prefix}{url}: {100*w:.2f}%", file=file)
print(f"{prefix}{url_to_id[url]} {url}: {100*w:.2f}%", file=file)
# concurrent LLM calls
def get_atom_topk_matches_l_concurrent(atoms_l, max_workers=4):
atom_topkmatches_l = []
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
futures = []
for atom in atoms_l:
futures.append(executor.submit(get_topk_matches, atom))
for f in futures:
r = f.result()
return atom_topkmatches_l
def aggregate_atom_topkmatches_l(atom_topkmatches_l):
atom_url_to_aggmacth_maps_l = []
for atom_topkmatches in atom_topkmatches_l:
atom_url_to_aggmatch_map = {}
for _match in atom_topkmatches:
if _match['metadata']['url'] not in atom_url_to_aggmatch_map:
match_copy = {}
match_copy['id'] = _match['id']
match_copy['id_l'] = [_match['id']]
match_copy['score'] = _match['score']
match_copy['values'] = _match['values']
# TODO: change to list of chunks and then append at query time
match_copy['metadata'] = {}
match_copy['metadata']['url'] = _match['metadata']['url']
match_copy['metadata']['chunk'] = _match['metadata']['chunk']
match_copy['chunk_text_l'] = [_match['metadata']['text']]
match_copy['metadata']['title'] = _match['metadata']['title']
atom_url_to_aggmatch_map[_match['metadata']['url']] = match_copy
prev_match = atom_url_to_aggmatch_map[_match['metadata']['url']]
atomidx_w_single_url_aggmatch_l = []
for idx, atom_url_to_aggmatch_map in enumerate(atom_url_to_aggmacth_maps_l):
for agg_match in atom_url_to_aggmatch_map.values():
atomidx_w_single_url_aggmatch_l.append((idx, agg_match))
return atomidx_w_single_url_aggmatch_l
def get_atmom_support_l_from_atomidx_w_single_url_aggmatch_l_concurrent(atoms_l, atomidx_w_single_url_aggmatch_l, max_workers=4):
atom_support_l = [{} for _ in atoms_l]
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
futures = []
for atomidx_w_single_url_aggmatch in atomidx_w_single_url_aggmatch_l:
for f, atomidx_w_single_url_aggmatch in zip(futures, atomidx_w_single_url_aggmatch_l):
atom_support = atom_support_l[atomidx_w_single_url_aggmatch[0]]
aggmatch = atomidx_w_single_url_aggmatch[1]
aggmatch_determination = f.result()
aggmatch_determination['id_l'] = aggmatch['id_l']
aggmatch_determination['chunk_text_l'] = aggmatch['chunk_text_l']
atom_support[aggmatch['metadata']['url']] = aggmatch_determination
return atom_support_l
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