LGGM-Text2Graph / models /transformer_model.py
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import math
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn.modules.dropout import Dropout
from torch.nn.modules.linear import Linear
from torch.nn.modules.normalization import LayerNorm
from torch.nn import functional as F
from torch import Tensor
import utils
from diffusion import diffusion_utils
from models.layers import Xtoy, Etoy, masked_softmax
class XEyTransformerLayer(nn.Module):
""" Transformer that updates node, edge and global features
d_x: node features
d_e: edge features
dz : global features
n_head: the number of heads in the multi_head_attention
dim_feedforward: the dimension of the feedforward network model after self-attention
dropout: dropout probablility. 0 to disable
layer_norm_eps: eps value in layer normalizations.
def __init__(self, dx: int, de: int, dy: int, n_head: int, dim_ffX: int = 2048,
dim_ffE: int = 128, dim_ffy: int = 2048, dropout: float = 0.1,
layer_norm_eps: float = 1e-5, device=None, dtype=None) -> None:
kw = {'device': device, 'dtype': dtype}
self.self_attn = NodeEdgeBlock(dx, de, dy, n_head, **kw)
self.linX1 = Linear(dx, dim_ffX, **kw)
self.linX2 = Linear(dim_ffX, dx, **kw)
self.normX1 = LayerNorm(dx, eps=layer_norm_eps, **kw)
self.normX2 = LayerNorm(dx, eps=layer_norm_eps, **kw)
self.dropoutX1 = Dropout(dropout)
self.dropoutX2 = Dropout(dropout)
self.dropoutX3 = Dropout(dropout)
self.linE1 = Linear(de, dim_ffE, **kw)
self.linE2 = Linear(dim_ffE, de, **kw)
self.normE1 = LayerNorm(de, eps=layer_norm_eps, **kw)
self.normE2 = LayerNorm(de, eps=layer_norm_eps, **kw)
self.dropoutE1 = Dropout(dropout)
self.dropoutE2 = Dropout(dropout)
self.dropoutE3 = Dropout(dropout)
self.lin_y1 = Linear(dy, dim_ffy, **kw)
self.lin_y2 = Linear(dim_ffy, dy, **kw)
self.norm_y1 = LayerNorm(dy, eps=layer_norm_eps, **kw)
self.norm_y2 = LayerNorm(dy, eps=layer_norm_eps, **kw)
self.dropout_y1 = Dropout(dropout)
self.dropout_y2 = Dropout(dropout)
self.dropout_y3 = Dropout(dropout)
self.activation = F.relu
def forward(self, X: Tensor, E: Tensor, y, node_mask: Tensor):
""" Pass the input through the encoder layer.
X: (bs, n, d)
E: (bs, n, n, d)
y: (bs, dy)
node_mask: (bs, n) Mask for the src keys per batch (optional)
Output: newX, newE, new_y with the same shape.
newX, newE, new_y = self.self_attn(X, E, y, node_mask=node_mask)
newX_d = self.dropoutX1(newX)
X = self.normX1(X + newX_d)
newE_d = self.dropoutE1(newE)
E = self.normE1(E + newE_d)
new_y_d = self.dropout_y1(new_y)
y = self.norm_y1(y + new_y_d)
ff_outputX = self.linX2(self.dropoutX2(self.activation(self.linX1(X))))
ff_outputX = self.dropoutX3(ff_outputX)
X = self.normX2(X + ff_outputX)
ff_outputE = self.linE2(self.dropoutE2(self.activation(self.linE1(E))))
ff_outputE = self.dropoutE3(ff_outputE)
E = self.normE2(E + ff_outputE)
ff_output_y = self.lin_y2(self.dropout_y2(self.activation(self.lin_y1(y))))
ff_output_y = self.dropout_y3(ff_output_y)
y = self.norm_y2(y + ff_output_y)
return X, E, y
class NodeEdgeBlock(nn.Module):
""" Self attention layer that also updates the representations on the edges. """
def __init__(self, dx, de, dy, n_head, **kwargs):
assert dx % n_head == 0, f"dx: {dx} -- nhead: {n_head}"
self.dx = dx
self.de = de
self.dy = dy
self.df = int(dx / n_head)
self.n_head = n_head
# Attention
self.q = Linear(dx, dx)
self.k = Linear(dx, dx)
self.v = Linear(dx, dx)
# FiLM E to X
self.e_add = Linear(de, dx)
self.e_mul = Linear(de, dx)
# FiLM y to E
self.y_e_mul = Linear(dy, dx) # Warning: here it's dx and not de
self.y_e_add = Linear(dy, dx)
# FiLM y to X
self.y_x_mul = Linear(dy, dx)
self.y_x_add = Linear(dy, dx)
# Process y
self.y_y = Linear(dy, dy)
self.x_y = Xtoy(dx, dy)
self.e_y = Etoy(de, dy)
# Output layers
self.x_out = Linear(dx, dx)
self.e_out = Linear(dx, de)
self.y_out = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(dy, dy), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(dy, dy))
def forward(self, X, E, y, node_mask):
:param X: bs, n, d node features
:param E: bs, n, n, d edge features
:param y: bs, dz global features
:param node_mask: bs, n
:return: newX, newE, new_y with the same shape.
bs, n, _ = X.shape
x_mask = node_mask.unsqueeze(-1) # bs, n, 1
e_mask1 = x_mask.unsqueeze(2) # bs, n, 1, 1
e_mask2 = x_mask.unsqueeze(1) # bs, 1, n, 1
# 1. Map X to keys and queries
Q = self.q(X) * x_mask # (bs, n, dx)
K = self.k(X) * x_mask # (bs, n, dx)
diffusion_utils.assert_correctly_masked(Q, x_mask)
# 2. Reshape to (bs, n, n_head, df) with dx = n_head * df
Q = Q.reshape((Q.size(0), Q.size(1), self.n_head, self.df))
K = K.reshape((K.size(0), K.size(1), self.n_head, self.df))
Q = Q.unsqueeze(2) # (bs, 1, n, n_head, df)
K = K.unsqueeze(1) # (bs, n, 1, n head, df)
# Compute unnormalized attentions. Y is (bs, n, n, n_head, df)
Y = Q * K
Y = Y / math.sqrt(Y.size(-1))
diffusion_utils.assert_correctly_masked(Y, (e_mask1 * e_mask2).unsqueeze(-1))
E1 = self.e_mul(E) * e_mask1 * e_mask2 # bs, n, n, dx
E1 = E1.reshape((E.size(0), E.size(1), E.size(2), self.n_head, self.df))
E2 = self.e_add(E) * e_mask1 * e_mask2 # bs, n, n, dx
E2 = E2.reshape((E.size(0), E.size(1), E.size(2), self.n_head, self.df))
# Incorporate edge features to the self attention scores.
Y = Y * (E1 + 1) + E2 # (bs, n, n, n_head, df)
# Incorporate y to E
newE = Y.flatten(start_dim=3) # bs, n, n, dx
ye1 = self.y_e_add(y).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1) # bs, 1, 1, de
ye2 = self.y_e_mul(y).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1)
newE = ye1 + (ye2 + 1) * newE
# Output E
newE = self.e_out(newE) * e_mask1 * e_mask2 # bs, n, n, de
diffusion_utils.assert_correctly_masked(newE, e_mask1 * e_mask2)
# Compute attentions. attn is still (bs, n, n, n_head, df)
softmax_mask = e_mask2.expand(-1, n, -1, self.n_head) # bs, 1, n, 1
attn = masked_softmax(Y, softmax_mask, dim=2) # bs, n, n, n_head
V = self.v(X) * x_mask # bs, n, dx
V = V.reshape((V.size(0), V.size(1), self.n_head, self.df))
V = V.unsqueeze(1) # (bs, 1, n, n_head, df)
# Compute weighted values
weighted_V = attn * V
weighted_V = weighted_V.sum(dim=2)
# Send output to input dim
weighted_V = weighted_V.flatten(start_dim=2) # bs, n, dx
# Incorporate y to X
yx1 = self.y_x_add(y).unsqueeze(1)
yx2 = self.y_x_mul(y).unsqueeze(1)
newX = yx1 + (yx2 + 1) * weighted_V
# Output X
newX = self.x_out(newX) * x_mask
diffusion_utils.assert_correctly_masked(newX, x_mask)
# Process y based on X axnd E
y = self.y_y(y)
e_y = self.e_y(E)
x_y = self.x_y(X)
new_y = y + x_y + e_y
new_y = self.y_out(new_y) # bs, dy
return newX, newE, new_y
class GraphTransformer(nn.Module):
n_layers : int -- number of layers
dims : dict -- contains dimensions for each feature type
def __init__(self, n_layers: int, input_dims: dict, cond_dims: int, hidden_mlp_dims: dict, hidden_dims: dict,
output_dims: dict, act_fn_in: nn.ReLU(), act_fn_out: nn.ReLU()):
self.n_layers = n_layers
self.out_dim_X = output_dims['X']
self.out_dim_E = output_dims['E']
self.out_dim_y = output_dims['y']
self.mlp_in_X = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(input_dims['X'] + cond_dims, hidden_mlp_dims['X']), act_fn_in,
nn.Linear(hidden_mlp_dims['X'], hidden_dims['dx']), act_fn_in)
self.mlp_in_E = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(input_dims['E'] + cond_dims, hidden_mlp_dims['E']), act_fn_in,
nn.Linear(hidden_mlp_dims['E'], hidden_dims['de']), act_fn_in)
self.mlp_in_y = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(input_dims['y'], hidden_mlp_dims['y']), act_fn_in,
nn.Linear(hidden_mlp_dims['y'], hidden_dims['dy']), act_fn_in)
self.tf_layers = nn.ModuleList([XEyTransformerLayer(dx=hidden_dims['dx'],
for i in range(n_layers)])
self.mlp_out_X = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(hidden_dims['dx'], hidden_mlp_dims['X']), act_fn_out,
nn.Linear(hidden_mlp_dims['X'], output_dims['X']))
self.mlp_out_E = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(hidden_dims['de'], hidden_mlp_dims['E']), act_fn_out,
nn.Linear(hidden_mlp_dims['E'], output_dims['E']))
self.mlp_out_y = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(hidden_dims['dy'], hidden_mlp_dims['y']), act_fn_out,
nn.Linear(hidden_mlp_dims['y'], output_dims['y']))
def forward(self, X, E, y, node_mask):
bs, n = X.shape[0], X.shape[1]
diag_mask = torch.eye(n)
diag_mask = ~diag_mask.type_as(E).bool()
diag_mask = diag_mask.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(-1).expand(bs, -1, -1, -1)
X_to_out = X[..., :self.out_dim_X]
E_to_out = E[..., :self.out_dim_E]
y_to_out = y[..., :self.out_dim_y]
new_E = self.mlp_in_E(E)
new_E = (new_E + new_E.transpose(1, 2)) / 2
after_in = utils.PlaceHolder(X=self.mlp_in_X(X), E=new_E, y=self.mlp_in_y(y)).mask(node_mask)
X, E, y = after_in.X, after_in.E, after_in.y
for layer in self.tf_layers:
X, E, y = layer(X, E, y, node_mask)
X = self.mlp_out_X(X)
E = self.mlp_out_E(E)
y = self.mlp_out_y(y)
X = (X + X_to_out)
E = (E + E_to_out) * diag_mask
y = y + y_to_out
E = 1/2 * (E + torch.transpose(E, 1, 2))
return utils.PlaceHolder(X=X, E=E, y=y).mask(node_mask)