import os | |
from flask import Flask, request, redirect, jsonify | |
import numpy as np | |
from flask import render_template | |
from asgiref.wsgi import WsgiToAsgi | |
import numpy as np | |
import cv2 | |
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder | |
import imutils | |
from imutils.contours import sort_contours | |
from keras.models import load_model | |
import warnings | |
from flask_cors import CORS | |
# Suppress specific TensorFlow and Keras warnings | |
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning, module="tensorflow") | |
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning, module="keras") | |
# Get the path to the directory containing this script | |
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) | |
# Load the model using the relative path | |
model_path = os.path.join(script_dir, "./ocr_perfecto_experiment.h5") | |
model = load_model(model_path) | |
def test_pipeline(image_data): | |
img = cv2.imdecode(image_data, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) | |
img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) | |
height, width = img_gray.shape | |
half_width = round(width / 2) | |
half_height = round(height / 2) | |
img_gray = cv2.resize(img_gray, (half_width, half_height)) | |
img_gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(img_gray, (5, 5), 0) | |
edged = cv2.Canny(img_gray, 30, 150) | |
dilated = cv2.dilate(edged.copy(), None, iterations=6) | |
normalized_image = cv2.normalize(dilated, None, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX) | |
contours = cv2.findContours( | |
normalized_image.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE | |
) | |
contours = imutils.grab_contours(contours) | |
contours = sort_contours(contours, method="left-to-right")[0] | |
labels = [ | |
"0", | |
"1", | |
"2", | |
"3", | |
"4", | |
"5", | |
"6", | |
"7", | |
"8", | |
"9", | |
"_", | |
"-", | |
"[", | |
"]", | |
"+", | |
"%", | |
] | |
real_labels = [ | |
"0", | |
"1", | |
"2", | |
"3", | |
"4", | |
"5", | |
"6", | |
"7", | |
"8", | |
"9", | |
"*", | |
"-", | |
"(", | |
")", | |
"+", | |
"/", | |
] | |
label_encoder = LabelEncoder() | |
label_class = label_encoder.fit_transform(labels) | |
results = [] | |
for c in contours: | |
if cv2.contourArea(c) < 1000: | |
continue | |
(x, y, w, h) = cv2.boundingRect(c) | |
if 20 <= w: | |
roi = img_gray[y : y + h, x : x + w] | |
thresh = cv2.threshold( | |
roi, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV | cv2.THRESH_OTSU | |
)[1] | |
(th, tw) = thresh.shape | |
if tw > th: | |
thresh = imutils.resize(thresh, width=28) | |
if th > tw: | |
thresh = imutils.resize(thresh, height=28) | |
(th, tw) = thresh.shape | |
dx = int(max(0, 28 - tw) / 2.0) | |
dy = int(max(0, 28 - th) / 2.0) | |
padded = cv2.copyMakeBorder( | |
thresh, | |
top=dy, | |
bottom=dy, | |
left=dx, | |
right=dx, | |
borderType=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, | |
value=(0, 0, 0), | |
) | |
padded = cv2.resize(padded, (28, 28)) | |
padded = np.array(padded) | |
padded = padded / 255.0 | |
padded = np.expand_dims(padded, axis=0) | |
padded = np.expand_dims(padded, axis=-1) | |
pred = model.predict(padded) | |
pred = np.argmax(pred, axis=1) | |
results.append(real_labels[np.where(label_class == pred[0])[0][0]]) | |
return results | |
ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = {"png", "jpg", "jpeg"} | |
app = Flask(__name__, template_folder="./src/templates", static_folder="./src/public") | |
app.secret_key = "1234" | |
cors = CORS(app, resources={r"/*": {"origins": "*"}}) | |
def allowed_file(filename): | |
return "." in filename and filename.rsplit(".", 1)[1].lower() in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS | |
def index(): | |
return render_template("index.html") | |
def upload_file(): | |
try: | |
if "file" not in request.files: | |
raise ValueError("File not found in the request.") | |
file = request.files["file"] | |
if file.filename == "": | |
raise ValueError("Empty filename in the request.") | |
if file and allowed_file(file.filename): | |
image = | |
image_data = np.frombuffer(image, np.uint8) | |
results = test_pipeline(image_data) | |
return jsonify(results), 200 | |
else: | |
raise ValueError("Invalid file type.") | |
except Exception as e: | |
return f"Error processing file: {str(e)}", 500 | |
def predict(): | |
try: | |
if "file" not in request.files: | |
raise ValueError("File not found in the request.") | |
file = request.files["file"] | |
if file.filename == "": | |
raise ValueError("Empty filename in the request.") | |
if file and allowed_file(file.filename): | |
image = | |
image_data = np.frombuffer(image, np.uint8) | |
results = test_pipeline(image_data) | |
return jsonify(results), 200 | |
else: | |
raise ValueError("Invalid file type.") | |
except Exception as e: | |
return f"Error processing file: {str(e)}", 500 | |
wsgi = WsgiToAsgi(app) | |
def create_app(): | |
return app | |