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Amphion GAN-based Vocoder Recipe

Supported Model Architectures

GAN-based Vocoder consists of a generator and multiple discriminators, as illustrated below:

Until now, Amphion GAN-based Vocoder has supported the following generators and discriminators.

You can use any vocoder architecture with any dataset you want. There are four steps in total:

  1. Data preparation
  2. Feature extraction
  3. Training
  4. Inference

NOTE: You need to run every command of this recipe in the Amphion root path:

cd Amphion

1. Data Preparation

You can train the vocoder with any datasets. Amphion's supported open-source datasets are detailed here.


Specify the dataset path in exp_config_base.json. Note that you can change the dataset list to use your preferred datasets.

"dataset": [
"dataset_path": {
    // TODO: Fill in your dataset path
    "csd": "[dataset path]",
    "kising": "[dataset path]",
    "m4singer": "[dataset path]",
    "nus48e": "[dataset path]",
    "opencpop": "[dataset path]",
    "opensinger": "[dataset path]",
    "opera": "[dataset path]",
    "pjs": "[dataset path]",
    "popbutfy": "[dataset path]",
    "popcs": "[dataset path]",
    "ljspeech": "[dataset path]",
    "vctk": "[dataset path]",
    "libritts": "[dataset path]",

2. Feature Extraction

The needed features are speficied in the individual vocoder direction so it doesn't require any modification.


Specify the dataset path and the output path for saving the processed data and the training model in exp_config_base.json:

    // TODO: Fill in the output log path. The default value is "Amphion/ckpts/vocoder"
    "log_dir": "ckpts/vocoder",
    "preprocess": {
        // TODO: Fill in the output data path. The default value is "Amphion/data"
        "processed_dir": "data",


Run the run.sh as the preproces stage (set --stage 1).

sh egs/vocoder/gan/{vocoder_name}/run.sh --stage 1

NOTE: The CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES is set as "0" in default. You can change it when running run.sh by specifying such as --gpu "1".

3. Training


We provide the default hyparameters in the exp_config_base.json. They can work on single NVIDIA-24g GPU. You can adjust them based on you GPU machines.

"train": {
    "batch_size": 16,
    "max_epoch": 1000000,
    "save_checkpoint_stride": [20],
    "adamw": {
        "lr": 2.0e-4,
        "adam_b1": 0.8,
        "adam_b2": 0.99
    "exponential_lr": {
        "lr_decay": 0.999

You can also choose any amount of prefered discriminators for training in the exp_config_base.json.

"discriminators": [


Run the run.sh as the training stage (set --stage 2). Specify a experimental name to run the following command. The tensorboard logs and checkpoints will be saved in Amphion/ckpts/vocoder/[YourExptName].

sh egs/vocoder/gan/{vocoder_name}/run.sh --stage 2 --name [YourExptName]

NOTE: The CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES is set as "0" in default. You can change it when running run.sh by specifying such as --gpu "0,1,2,3".

4. Inference


Run the run.sh as the training stage (set --stage 3), we provide three different inference modes, including infer_from_dataset, infer_from_feature, and infer_from_audio.

sh egs/vocoder/gan/{vocoder_name}/run.sh --stage 3 \
    --infer_mode [Your chosen inference mode] \
    --infer_datasets [Datasets you want to inference, needed when infer_from_dataset] \
    --infer_feature_dir [Your path to your predicted acoustic features, needed when infer_from_feature] \
    --infer_audio_dir [Your path to your audio files, needed when infer_form_audio] \
    --infer_expt_dir Amphion/ckpts/vocoder/[YourExptName] \
    --infer_output_dir Amphion/ckpts/vocoder/[YourExptName]/result \

a. Inference from Dataset

Run the run.sh with specified datasets, here is an example.

sh egs/vocoder/gan/{vocoder_name}/run.sh --stage 3 \
    --infer_mode infer_from_dataset \
    --infer_datasets "libritts vctk ljspeech" \
    --infer_expt_dir Amphion/ckpts/vocoder/[YourExptName] \
    --infer_output_dir Amphion/ckpts/vocoder/[YourExptName]/result \

b. Inference from Features

If you want to inference from your generated acoustic features, you should first prepare your acoustic features into the following structure:

 ┣ {infer_feature_dir}
 ┃ ┣ mels
 ┃ ┃ ┣ sample1.npy
 ┃ ┃ ┣ sample2.npy
 ┃ ┣ f0s (required if you use NSF-HiFiGAN)
 ┃ ┃ ┣ sample1.npy
 ┃ ┃ ┣ sample2.npy

Then run the run.sh with specificed folder direction, here is an example.

sh egs/vocoder/gan/{vocoder_name}/run.sh --stage 3 \
    --infer_mode infer_from_feature \
    --infer_feature_dir [Your path to your predicted acoustic features] \
    --infer_expt_dir Amphion/ckpts/vocoder/[YourExptName] \
    --infer_output_dir Amphion/ckpts/vocoder/[YourExptName]/result \

c. Inference from Audios

If you want to inference from audios for quick analysis synthesis, you should first prepare your audios into the following structure:

 ┣ audios
 ┃ ┣ sample1.wav
 ┃ ┣ sample2.wav

Then run the run.sh with specificed folder direction, here is an example.

sh egs/vocoder/gan/{vocoder_name}/run.sh --stage 3 \
    --infer_mode infer_from_audio \
    --infer_audio_dir [Your path to your audio files] \
    --infer_expt_dir Amphion/ckpts/vocoder/[YourExptName] \
    --infer_output_dir Amphion/ckpts/vocoder/[YourExptName]/result \