yolov6 / docs /Test_speed.md
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# Test speed
This guidence explains how to reproduce speed results of YOLOv6. For fair comparision, the speed results do not contain the time cost of data pre-processing and NMS post-processing.
## 0. Prepare model
Download the models you want to test from the latest release.
## 1. Prepare testing environment
Refer to README, install packages corresponding to CUDA, CUDNN and TensorRT version.
Here, we use Torch1.8.0 inference on V100 and TensorRT 7.2 on T4.
## 2. Reproduce speed
#### 2.1 Torch Inference on V100
To get inference speed without TensorRT on V100, you can run the following command:
python tools/eval.py --data data/coco.yaml --batch 32 --weights yolov6n.pt --task speed [--half]
- Speed results with batchsize = 1 are unstable in multiple runs, thus we do not provide the bs1 speed results.
#### 2.2 TensorRT Inference on T4
To get inference speed with TensorRT in FP16 mode on T4, you can follow the steps below:
First, export pytorch model as onnx format using the following command:
python deploy/ONNX/export_onnx.py --weights yolov6n.pt --device 0 --batch [1 or 32]
Second, generate an inference trt engine and test speed using `trtexec`:
trtexec --onnx=yolov6n.onnx --workspace=1024 --avgRuns=1000 --inputIOFormats=fp16:chw --outputIOFormats=fp16:chw