Docker Usage
Install Docker
The copypasta below requires that you've already got Docker installed, providing path-reachable command-line tools (docker
and docker-compose
). You can download Docker here.
Build and Run
Based on your environment (do you have a compatible GPU?), choose the appropriate "build and run" block below.
# Build and Run for CPU
docker build -t reaspeech .
docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --name reaspeech reaspeech
# Build and Run for CPU (Development)
docker-compose up --build
# Build and Run for GPU
docker build -f Dockerfile.gpu -t reaspeech-gpu .
docker run -d --gpus all -p 9000:9000 --name reaspeech-gpu reaspeech-gpu
# Build and Run for GPU (Development)
docker-compose -f docker-compose.gpu.yml up --build