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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
from functools import reduce
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from sklearn.utils import check_matplotlib_support
from sklearn.utils import _safe_indexing
from sklearn.base import is_regressor
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
def _check_boundary_response_method(estimator, response_method):
"""Return prediction method from the `response_method` for decision boundary.
estimator : object
Fitted estimator to check.
response_method : {'auto', 'predict_proba', 'decision_function', 'predict'}
Specifies whether to use :term:`predict_proba`,
:term:`decision_function`, :term:`predict` as the target response.
If set to 'auto', the response method is tried in the following order:
:term:`decision_function`, :term:`predict_proba`, :term:`predict`.
prediction_method: callable
Prediction method of estimator.
has_classes = hasattr(estimator, "classes_")
if has_classes and len(estimator.classes_) > 2:
if response_method not in {"auto", "predict"}:
msg = (
"Multiclass classifiers are only supported when response_method is"
" 'predict' or 'auto'"
raise ValueError(msg)
methods_list = ["predict"]
elif response_method == "auto":
methods_list = ["decision_function", "predict_proba", "predict"]
methods_list = [response_method]
prediction_method = [getattr(estimator, method, None) for method in methods_list]
prediction_method = reduce(lambda x, y: x or y, prediction_method)
if prediction_method is None:
raise ValueError(
f"{estimator.__class__.__name__} has none of the following attributes: "
f"{', '.join(methods_list)}."
return prediction_method
class DecisionBoundaryDisplay:
"""Decisions boundary visualization.
It is recommended to use
to create a :class:`DecisionBoundaryDisplay`. All parameters are stored as
Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <visualizations>`.
.. versionadded:: 1.1
xx0 : ndarray of shape (grid_resolution, grid_resolution)
First output of :func:`meshgrid <numpy.meshgrid>`.
xx1 : ndarray of shape (grid_resolution, grid_resolution)
Second output of :func:`meshgrid <numpy.meshgrid>`.
response : ndarray of shape (grid_resolution, grid_resolution)
Values of the response function.
xlabel : str, default=None
Default label to place on x axis.
ylabel : str, default=None
Default label to place on y axis.
surface_ : matplotlib `QuadContourSet` or `QuadMesh`
If `plot_method` is 'contour' or 'contourf', `surface_` is a
:class:`QuadContourSet <matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet>`. If
`plot_method is `pcolormesh`, `surface_` is a
:class:`QuadMesh <matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh>`.
ax_ : matplotlib Axes
Axes with confusion matrix.
figure_ : matplotlib Figure
Figure containing the confusion matrix.
def __init__(self, *, xx0, xx1, response, xlabel=None, ylabel=None):
self.xx0 = xx0
self.xx1 = xx1
self.response = response
self.xlabel = xlabel
self.ylabel = ylabel
def plot(self, plot_method="contourf", ax=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, **kwargs):
"""Plot visualization.
plot_method : {'contourf', 'contour', 'pcolormesh'}, default='contourf'
Plotting method to call when plotting the response. Please refer
to the following matplotlib documentation for details:
:func:`contourf <matplotlib.pyplot.contourf>`,
:func:`contour <matplotlib.pyplot.contour>`,
:func:`pcolomesh <matplotlib.pyplot.pcolomesh>`.
ax : Matplotlib axes, default=None
Axes object to plot on. If `None`, a new figure and axes is
xlabel : str, default=None
Overwrite the x-axis label.
ylabel : str, default=None
Overwrite the y-axis label.
**kwargs : dict
Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the `plot_method`.
display: :class:`~sklearn.inspection.DecisionBoundaryDisplay`
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # noqa
if plot_method not in ("contourf", "contour", "pcolormesh"):
raise ValueError(
"plot_method must be 'contourf', 'contour', or 'pcolormesh'"
if ax is None:
_, ax = plt.subplots()
plot_func = getattr(ax, plot_method)
self.surface_ = plot_func(self.xx0, self.xx1, self.response, **kwargs)
if xlabel is not None or not ax.get_xlabel():
xlabel = self.xlabel if xlabel is None else xlabel
if ylabel is not None or not ax.get_ylabel():
ylabel = self.ylabel if ylabel is None else ylabel
self.ax_ = ax
self.figure_ = ax.figure
return self
def from_estimator(
"""Plot decision boundary given an estimator.
Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <visualizations>`.
estimator : object
Trained estimator used to plot the decision boundary.
X : {array-like, sparse matrix, dataframe} of shape (n_samples, 2)
Input data that should be only 2-dimensional.
grid_resolution : int, default=100
Number of grid points to use for plotting decision boundary.
Higher values will make the plot look nicer but be slower to
eps : float, default=1.0
Extends the minimum and maximum values of X for evaluating the
response function.
plot_method : {'contourf', 'contour', 'pcolormesh'}, default='contourf'
Plotting method to call when plotting the response. Please refer
to the following matplotlib documentation for details:
:func:`contourf <matplotlib.pyplot.contourf>`,
:func:`contour <matplotlib.pyplot.contour>`,
:func:`pcolomesh <matplotlib.pyplot.pcolomesh>`.
response_method : {'auto', 'predict_proba', 'decision_function', \
'predict'}, default='auto'
Specifies whether to use :term:`predict_proba`,
:term:`decision_function`, :term:`predict` as the target response.
If set to 'auto', the response method is tried in the following order:
:term:`decision_function`, :term:`predict_proba`, :term:`predict`.
For multiclass problems, :term:`predict` is selected when
xlabel : str, default=None
The label used for the x-axis. If `None`, an attempt is made to
extract a label from `X` if it is a dataframe, otherwise an empty
string is used.
ylabel : str, default=None
The label used for the y-axis. If `None`, an attempt is made to
extract a label from `X` if it is a dataframe, otherwise an empty
string is used.
ax : Matplotlib axes, default=None
Axes object to plot on. If `None`, a new figure and axes is
**kwargs : dict
Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the
display : :class:`~sklearn.inspection.DecisionBoundaryDisplay`
Object that stores the result.
See Also
DecisionBoundaryDisplay : Decision boundary visualization.
ConfusionMatrixDisplay.from_estimator : Plot the confusion matrix
given an estimator, the data, and the label.
ConfusionMatrixDisplay.from_predictions : Plot the confusion matrix
given the true and predicted labels.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
>>> from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
>>> from sklearn.inspection import DecisionBoundaryDisplay
>>> iris = load_iris()
>>> X =[:, :2]
>>> classifier = LogisticRegression().fit(X,
>>> disp = DecisionBoundaryDisplay.from_estimator(
... classifier, X, response_method="predict",
... xlabel=iris.feature_names[0], ylabel=iris.feature_names[1],
... alpha=0.5,
... )
>>> disp.ax_.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1],, edgecolor="k")
if not grid_resolution > 1:
raise ValueError(
"grid_resolution must be greater than 1. Got"
f" {grid_resolution} instead."
if not eps >= 0:
raise ValueError(
f"eps must be greater than or equal to 0. Got {eps} instead."
possible_plot_methods = ("contourf", "contour", "pcolormesh")
if plot_method not in possible_plot_methods:
available_methods = ", ".join(possible_plot_methods)
raise ValueError(
f"plot_method must be one of {available_methods}. "
f"Got {plot_method} instead."
x0, x1 = _safe_indexing(X, 0, axis=1), _safe_indexing(X, 1, axis=1)
x0_min, x0_max = x0.min() - eps, x0.max() + eps
x1_min, x1_max = x1.min() - eps, x1.max() + eps
xx0, xx1 = np.meshgrid(
np.linspace(x0_min, x0_max, grid_resolution),
np.linspace(x1_min, x1_max, grid_resolution),
if hasattr(X, "iloc"):
# we need to preserve the feature names and therefore get an empty dataframe
X_grid = X.iloc[[], :].copy()
X_grid.iloc[:, 0] = xx0.ravel()
X_grid.iloc[:, 1] = xx1.ravel()
X_grid = np.c_[xx0.ravel(), xx1.ravel()]
pred_func = _check_boundary_response_method(estimator, response_method)
response = pred_func(X_grid)
# convert classes predictions into integers
if pred_func.__name__ == "predict" and hasattr(estimator, "classes_"):
encoder = LabelEncoder()
encoder.classes_ = estimator.classes_
response = encoder.transform(response)
if response.ndim != 1:
if is_regressor(estimator):
raise ValueError("Multi-output regressors are not supported")
# TODO: Support pos_label
response = response[:, 1]
if xlabel is None:
xlabel = X.columns[0] if hasattr(X, "columns") else ""
if ylabel is None:
ylabel = X.columns[1] if hasattr(X, "columns") else ""
display = DecisionBoundaryDisplay(
return display.plot(ax=ax, plot_method=plot_method, **kwargs)