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import gradio as gr
import os
from ultralytics import YOLO
from google.cloud import vision
_api_key = os.environ["API_KEY"]
_project_id = os.environ["PROJECT_ID"]
client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient(client_options={"quota_project_id": _project_id, "api_key": _api_key})
# client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient()
AngTol = 10
import math
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
import io
from time import time
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFilter
import numpy as np
import cv2
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, ".")
import classical
from typing import Union
modelPh = r'corners-best.pt'
model1DIM = 640
keypointModel = r'keypoints-best.pt'
minSz = 1280
_examples = [["example0.jpg", True],["example1.jpg",True], ["example2.jpg",False], ["example3.jpg",True]]
def unwarp_image(warped_image, src_points, dst_points, output_width, output_height):
src_pts = np.array(src_points).astype(np.float64)
dst_pts = np.array(dst_points).astype(np.float64)
homography, mask = cv2.findHomography(src_pts, dst_pts)
unwarped_image = cv2.warpPerspective(
np.array(warped_image), homography, (output_width, output_height)
unwarped_image = Image.fromarray(unwarped_image)
return unwarped_image
model0 = None
def get_load_PhModel():
global model0
if model0 ==None:
tic = time()
model0 = YOLO(modelPh) # load a custom model
print(f"model0 load took: {time()-tic:.2g}")
return model0
def get_corners(results:list, img):
global model1DIM
# keypoints ie corners for homography
KP = "topLeft topRight bottomRight bottomLeft".split()
r = results[0]
planars = []
kps = []
for kpco in r.keypoints.xy.cpu():#.squeeze()
# assert len(kpco)>0, "not found"
keypoints = {k:v.numpy() for v,k in zip(kpco,KP)}
sz = model1DIM
dstCorners = np.array([(0,0),(sz,0),(sz,sz),(0,sz)])
planar = unwarp_image(img, np.array(list(keypoints.values())),dstCorners, sz,sz)
# planar.save("temp-ph.jpg")
return planars, kps
model = None
def get_load_KpModel():
global model
if model == None:
tic = time()
model = YOLO(keypointModel) # load a custom model
print(f"model load took: {time()-tic:.2g}")
return model
def preprocessImg(planar):
img = planar.convert('RGB').copy()
w,h = img.size
smalldl = abs(w-h)/h <0.05
_ = max(w,h)
DIM = w
if w!=h and smalldl:
img = img.resize((_,_))
elif w!=h:
img = img.resize((_,_))
if _ < minSz:
img = img.resize((minSz,minSz))
return img
def get_keypoints(results:list):
if len(results) !=1:
raise gr.Error("found multiple dials. expected only 1")
r = results[0]
# ordering
kp = "start_kp center end_kp tip".split()
kpco = r.keypoints.xy.cpu().squeeze()
keypoints = {k:v.numpy() for v,k in zip(kpco,kp)}
if len(keypoints["center"])!=2:
raise gr.Error("center keypoint not found")
elif len(keypoints["tip"])!=2:
raise gr.Error("tip keypoint not found")
return keypoints
def cosangle(a,b, ignoreRot=False):
na = np.linalg.norm(a)
nb = np.linalg.norm(b)
angle2tip = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(np.dot(a, b)/(na*nb)))
rotdir = np.cross(a,b) < 0
if rotdir and not ignoreRot:
return 360-angle2tip
return angle2tip
def calculate_sweep_angles(keypoints:dict):
# get sweep angles start->tip
a = keypoints["start_kp"] - keypoints["center"]
b = keypoints["tip"] - keypoints["center"]
angle2tip = cosangle(a, b)
# get sweep angles start->end
b = keypoints["end_kp"] - keypoints["center"]
totalAngle = cosangle(a, b)
return angle2tip, totalAngle
def get_text_from_image(client, path_or_img)->Union[list[dict],Exception ]:
if type(path_or_img)==str:
with open(path_or_img, "rb") as image_file:
content = image_file.read()
buf = io.BytesIO()
path_or_img.save(buf, format="JPEG")
content = buf.getvalue()
image = vision.Image(content=content)
response = client.text_detection(image=image)
if response.error.message:
raise Exception(
"{}\nFor more info on error messages, check: "
texts = response.text_annotations
contents = [ {"text": found.description, "boxCorners": [ (vert.x, vert.y) for vert in found.bounding_poly.vertices]} for found in texts]
return contents
def median_point_of_bounding_box(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4):
x_coords = [x1, x2, x3, x4]
y_coords = [y1, y2, y3, y4]
x_median = sum(x_coords) / len(x_coords)
y_median = sum(y_coords) / len(y_coords)
return x_median, y_median
def to_numeric(text:str):
return float(text.replace(",","."))
return None
def result_as_validvalue(contents:list[dict])->tuple[list[dict], list[str]]:
# only valid values and sort min to max
valid = []
other = []
for f in contents:
t = f["text"]
value = to_numeric(t)
if "\n" in t:
elif value == None and t!="":
b = f["boxCorners"]
m = median_point_of_bounding_box(*np.array(b).flatten())
a = cv2.contourArea(np.array(b)) / len(f["text"])
valid.append({"text":f["text"], "value": value, "mid": m, "apchar":a, "box":b})
valid.sort(key=lambda e: e["value"])
return valid, list(set(other))
distance = lambda a,b : np.sqrt(np.square(np.array(a)-np.array(b)).sum())
def determine_ocr_neighbors(keypoints, valid:list[dict], nearestIx)->tuple[ list, float ]:
center = np.array(keypoints["center"])
def cosangle(a,b):
na = np.linalg.norm(a)
nb = np.linalg.norm(b)
ang = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(np.dot(a, b)/(na*nb)))
rotdir = -1 if np.cross(a,b) < 0 else 1
return ang , rotdir
# compute angles between values
values = [valid[0]]
values[0]["dang"] = 0
values[0]["ds"] = distance(center, values[0]["mid"])
rates = []
angS = 0
for v in valid[1:]:
u = v.copy()
u["dv"] = v["value"] - values[-1]["value"]
a = np.array(values[-1]["mid"]) - center
b = np.array(v["mid"]) - center
ang,_ = cosangle(a,b)
u["rot"] = _
angS += ang
u["dang"] = ang
# u["ddir"] = rot # counter clockwise?
u["dvda"] = u["dv"] / ang
# u["ds"] = distance(values[-1]["mid"], u["mid"])
u["ds"] = distance(center, u["mid"])
if nearestIx[0]==0:
rates.insert(0, rates[0])
rates = np.array(rates)
# filter outlier rate
# ix = np.bitwise_and(rates> np.quantile(rates, 0.05) , rates<np.quantile(rates, 0.95))
# rate = rates[ix].mean()
meanAng = angS/len(valid)
if len(rates)>=6:
ix = np.bitwise_and(rates> np.quantile(rates, 0.05) , rates<np.quantile(rates, 0.95))
if not np.all(~ix):
rates = rates[ix]
rate = rates.mean()
elif len(nearestIx)==2:
n = [nearestIx[0], nearestIx[1]]
rank = np.hstack([np.arange(0,n[0]+1)[::-1], np.arange(n[1],len(rates))-n[1]]).astype(float)
weights = np.exp(-2*rank)
weights /= weights.sum()
rate = np.average(rates, weights=weights)
elif len(nearestIx)==1:
rate = rates[nearestIx[0]]
rate, meanAng
return values, rate
def vec_angle(v1, v2)->tuple[float, bool]:
vector1 = v1/np.linalg.norm(v1)
vector2 = v2/np.linalg.norm(v2)
angle_rad = np.arctan2(np.cross(vector1, vector2), np.dot(vector1, vector2))
return math.degrees(angle_rad)
def angles_from_tip(keypoints, values, nearestIx):
center = keypoints["center"]
tip = keypoints["tip"] - center
N = len(nearestIx)
start = nearestIx[0]
if N==2 or (N==1 and nearestIx[0]==len(values)-1):
v = values[start]
a = v["mid"] - center
ang = vec_angle(a,tip)
cumsum = 0
for i in range(start,-1,-1):
values[i]["before"] = abs(ang)+cumsum
cumsum += values[i]["dang"]
if N==2 or (N==1 and nearestIx[0]==0):
if N==1:
start = nearestIx[0]
start = nearestIx[1]
v = values[start]
a = v["mid"] - center
ang = vec_angle(a,tip)
values[start]["dang"] = 0
cumsum = 0
for i in range(start, len(values)):
cumsum -= values[i]["dang"]
values[i]["before"] = -abs(ang)+cumsum
return values
def sort_clockwise_with_start(coordinates, x_center, y_center, starting_index):
angles = [math.atan2(y - y_center, x - x_center) for x, y in coordinates]
sorted_indices = sorted(range(len(angles)), key=lambda i: (angles[i] - angles[starting_index] + 2 * math.pi) % (2 * math.pi))
return sorted_indices, angles
def remove_nonrange_value(valid):
# meanArea = np.mean([e["apchar"] for e in valid])
meanArea = np.mean([e["apchar"] for e in valid if "apchar" in e])
cutoff = 0.5
# valid = list(filter(lambda e: abs(e["apchar"]-meanArea)/meanArea < cutoff, valid))
valid = list(filter(lambda e: True if e["text"]=="tip" else abs(e["apchar"]-meanArea)/meanArea < cutoff, valid))
return valid
def check_tip(img, keypoints):
lines = classical.get_needle_line(np.array(img))
if lines is None or len(lines)==0:
return False
# lines = lines.squeeze()
if lines.ndim==1:
lines = np.expand_dims(lines,axis=0)
# nearest line to center,
dist2 = lambda a,b: (a[0]-b[0])**2 + (a[1]-b[1])**2
center = keypoints["center"]
ds = [ min(dist2(center, e[:2]), dist2(center, e[2:])) for e in lines] # closest line to center
ix= np.argsort(ds)
ix, ds
l = lines[ix][0]
a = np.array([l[0]-l[2], l[1]-l[3]])
tip = keypoints["tip"] - center
ang = vec_angle(a, tip)
if abs(ang) > AngTol:
# furthest point from center is tip
if dist2(l[:2],center) > dist2(l[2:],center):
keypoints["tip"] = l[:2]
keypoints["tip"] = l[2:]
print("new point ", keypoints["tip"])
return True
return False
def get_needle_value(img, keypoints):
tic2 = time()
contents = get_text_from_image(client, img)
toc = time()
print(f"ocr took: {toc-tic2:.1g}")
if 0==len(contents):
raise gr.Error("failed to get any text/number")
valid,other = result_as_validvalue(contents)
if 0==len(valid):
raise gr.Error("failed to get any number")
valid.append({"text":"tip", "mid":keypoints["tip"]})
ix,an = sort_clockwise_with_start([e["mid"] for e in valid],*keypoints["center"], 0)
valid = [valid[i] for i in ix]
# assert valid[-1]["text"]!="tip" and valid[0]["text"]!="tip", "failed to properly detect tip"
valid = remove_nonrange_value(valid)
for i,v in enumerate(valid):
if "tip"==v["text"]:
nearestIx = [i-1,i]
if len(valid)==nearestIx[1] or -1==nearestIx[0]:
# nearestIx[1] = 0 # tip is out of bounds
tip = keypoints["tip"] - keypoints["center"]
b = valid[0]["mid"] - keypoints["center"]
a = valid[-1]["mid"] - keypoints["center"]
if abs(vec_angle(tip,a)) < abs(vec_angle(tip, b)):
nearestIx = [len(valid)-1]
nearestIx = [0]
# nearest to
nearestIx = np.array(nearestIx)
center = np.array(keypoints["center"])
values, rate = determine_ocr_neighbors(keypoints, valid, nearestIx)
if len(values)<2:
raise gr.Error("failed to find at least 2 OCR number values")
# import pandas as pd
# print(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(values))
# print(nearestIx)
# tree = KDTree([v["mid"] for v in values])
# # find bounding ocr values of tip
# dist, nearestIx = tree.query(keypoints["tip"],k=2)
# nearestIx.sort()
# dist, nearestIx
values = angles_from_tip(keypoints, values, nearestIx)
# compare against start and end
c = keypoints["center"]
tip = keypoints["tip"] - c
tipValues = []
for i in range(len(values)):
v = values[i]
a = v["mid"] - c
ang = vec_angle(a,tip)
before = v["before"]
startValue = v["value"]
angle2tip = ang
needleVal = -1
angle2tip = before
needleVal = angle2tip * rate + startValue # tip value from nearest Ix
print(f"{i}, {ang:.2f}, {before:.2f}, @{needleVal:.2f}, {startValue}")
# print(f"total took: {toc-tic:.1g}")
tipValues = np.array(tipValues)
# debug(img, contents, keypoints)
startValue= float(values[0]["value"])
tipvalue= round(float(tipValues[nearestIx].mean()),2)
endValue= float(values[-1]["value"])
return {"startValue": startValue, "tipvalue": tipvalue, "endValue": endValue, "unitPerDeg": float(rate), "otherText": list(set(other))}
# debug draw
def corners2bbox(C):
p = np.array(C)
s,e = p.min(axis=0).astype(int), p.max(axis=0).astype(int)
return s, e
def debug(img, contents, keypoints):
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
for f in contents:
b = f["boxCorners"]
s,e = corners2bbox(b)
c = (255,0,0)
draw.rectangle((*s,*e), fill=None, outline=c, width=1)
m = median_point_of_bounding_box(*np.array(b).flatten())
draw.point(m, (255,0,255))
for v,c in zip(keypoints.values(), [(255,0,0), (0,255,0), (0,0,255),(255,0,255)]):
s = np.array(v)-1
e = np.array(v)+1
draw.rectangle((*s,*e), c)
print("saved debug img")
def predict(img, detect_gauge_first):
KPs = []
if detect_gauge_first:
model0 = get_load_PhModel()
results = model0.predict(img)
phimgs,KPs = get_corners(results, img)
if len(phimgs)==0:
raise gr.Error("no gauge found")
phimgs = [img.copy()]
payloads = []
for i,phimg in enumerate(phimgs):
model = get_load_KpModel()
phimg = preprocessImg(phimg)
results = model.predict(phimg)
keypoints = get_keypoints(results)
angle2tip, totalAngle = calculate_sweep_angles(keypoints)
angReplaced = check_tip(phimg, keypoints)
phimg = phimg.filter(ImageFilter.UnsharpMask(radius=3))
payload = get_needle_value(phimg, keypoints)
payload["angleToTip"] = round(float(angle2tip),2)
if angReplaced:
payload["angleToTip"] = None
payload["totalAngle"] = round(float(totalAngle),2)
for k,v in payload.items():
print(k, type(v),v)
if len(KPs)>i:
payload["bbox"] = {k:v.astype(int).tolist() for k,v in KPs[i].items()}
return payloads
def test(img, detect_gauge_first):
return {"msg":str(img.size), "other": detect_gauge_first}
description = r"""
<b>Official 🤗 Gradio demo</b> for <a href='https://synanthropic.com/reading-analog-gauge' target='_blank'><b>Reading Analog Gauges: Automate Gauge Readings with AI in Days, Not Months
This model reads analog dial gauge by detecting, applying perspective correction, and gauge reading.
The model was build <i><strong>only</strong></i> with synthetic data (e.g. examples).<br>
Hence, it <i>probably</i> will not work on significantly different images - give it a try. Let us know, so we can keep improving.<br>
You can read more about it [here](https://synanthropic.com/reading-analog-gauge).
❗️Usage steps:<br>
1️⃣ Upload an image with analog dial gauge with readable values. The gauge face in the uploaded image should <b>occupy the majority of the image</b>.<br>
2️⃣ If the image has only one gauge and is a direct flat view, uncheck <strong>detect gauge first</strong>.</br>
3️⃣ Click the <b>Submit</b> button to start inference.<br>
gr.Interface(title="Reading Analog Gauges",
gr.Image(type="pil", sources=["upload"],streaming=False, min_width=640),
gr.Checkbox(True, label="detect gauge first", info="if input image is zoomed in on only one gauge, uncheck box")