TalentLLM / TalentLLM-main /gh_cache /PramaYudhistira.md
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A newer version of the Gradio SDK is available: 4.42.0


[" Here is the summary:\n\nName: PramaYudhistira/sh-web\nStars: 1\n\nThis project aims to build a web app called SideHustle that helps college students earn money by posting their skills and services that other students on campus may need. It focuses on services students can provide locally within a campus since many don't have cars. \n\nThe unique value is that it is similar to Craigslist but tailored specifically for college students. \n\nThe tech stack includes ASP.NET for the backend with Entity Framework and plans to use Angular for the frontend UI initially. There is also a note about potentially building a mobile version with React.\n\nSkills gained would include experience with:\n-", ' Here is a summary of the PramaYudhistira/urc-software repository:\n\nThis repository contains the software for the RoboJackets URC (Urban Reconnaissance and Capabilities) robot. It is organized into various ROS packages that enable capabilities like navigation, perception, manipulation, etc. \n\nSome of the key skills that can be gained from working with this repository include:\n\n- ROS system design and organization into packages\n- Robot perception using sensors like cameras \n- SLAM and navigation for autonomous mobility\n- Robot arm kinematics and manipulation\n- ROS message definitions and inter-package communication\n- Integration of robot hardware drivers\n- ROS simulation using Gazebo\n- Robot teleoperation through web', ' Here is a summary of the PramaYudhistira/software-training repository:\n\nRepo contain resource for software training program. Include syllabus and setup instruction. Syllabus outline what be cover in each session of training. Setup folder provide direction for student to prepare their computer for class. \n\nSkill gain from this repo include:\n\n- Learning software development fundamentals by following syllabus. Give overview of topics.\n\n- Setting up programming environment by following setup instructions. Gain skill of installing tools need for development. \n\nTechnical complexity is low. Mainly text documentation for syllabus and setup. \n\nSmall repo just starting. Not many star since new. But provide base for organizing software training course. Student and', ' Here is a summary of the PramaYudhistira/CS2340 repository:\n\nRepository contains materials for CS2340 course. No description provided in README. \n\nSkills gained:\n\n- Programming fundamentals as it is an introductory CS course. Likely covers basics of programming with a language like Python or Java.\n\n- Algorithm design and analysis. Course likely teaches techniques for solving problems systematically and analyzing time/space complexity.\n\n- Data structures. Repository may include implementations of common data structures like lists, stacks, queues, trees, hashes. \n\nTechnical complexity: Beginner. As an intro CS course, focuses on basic programming concepts and data structures. \n\nWith no other details provided', ' Here is a summary of the PramaYudhistira/VIPTraining repository:\n\nRepository contains training material for V.I.P training. Repository has 0 stars currently. \n\nSkills that can be gained:\n\n- Learn skills around virtual instructor-led training. Ability to create and deliver online training content.\n\n- Training design skills. Ability to structure training modules, create lesson plans and map learning outcomes. \n\n- Online facilitation skills. Skills around engaging learners, handling questions and ensuring knowledge transfer in a virtual environment. \n\n- Training delivery skills. Skills around using tools like video conferencing platforms, presenting content and handling technical glitches during delivery.\n\nTechnical complexity is likely moderate']