Benchmarking datasets for geometry estimation can be somewhat cumbersome to download. We provide instructions for the benchmarks we use below, and are happy to answer any questions. | |
### HPatches | |
First, make sure that the "data/hpatches" path exists, e.g. by | |
`` ln -s place/where/your/datasets/are/stored/hpatches data/hpatches `` | |
Then run (if you don't already have hpatches downloaded) | |
`` bash scripts/`` | |
### Megadepth-1500 (LoFTR Split) | |
1. We use the split made by LoFTR, which can be downloaded here (You can also use the preprocessed megadepth dataset if you have it available) | |
2. The images should be located in data/megadepth/Undistorted_SfM/0015 and 0022. | |
3. The pair infos are provided here | |
3. Put those files in data/megadepth/xxx | |
### Megadepth-8-Scenes (DKM Split) | |
1. The pair infos are provided in [assets](../assets/) | |
2. Put those files in data/megadepth/xxx | |
### Scannet-1500 (SuperGlue Split) | |
We use the same split of scannet as superglue. | |
1. LoFTR provides the split here: | |
2. Note that ScanNet requires you to sign a License agreement, which can be found | |
3. This benchmark should be put in the data/scannet folder | |