update: features and matchers
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# D2-Net: A Trainable CNN for Joint Detection and Description of Local Features
This repository contains the implementation of the following paper:
"D2-Net: A Trainable CNN for Joint Detection and Description of Local Features".
M. Dusmanu, I. Rocco, T. Pajdla, M. Pollefeys, J. Sivic, A. Torii, and T. Sattler. CVPR 2019.
[Paper on arXiv](, [Project page](
## Getting started
Python 3.6+ is recommended for running our code. [Conda]( can be used to install the required packages:
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch
conda install h5py imageio imagesize matplotlib numpy scipy tqdm
## Downloading the models
The off-the-shelf **Caffe VGG16** weights and their tuned counterpart can be downloaded by running:
mkdir models
wget -O models/d2_ots.pth
wget -O models/d2_tf.pth
wget -O models/d2_tf_no_phototourism.pth
**Update - 23 May 2019** We have added a new set of weights trained on MegaDepth without the PhotoTourism scenes (sagrada_familia - 0019, lincoln_memorial_statue - 0021, british_museum - 0024, london_bridge - 0025, us_capitol - 0078, mount_rushmore - 1589). Our initial results show similar performance. In order to use these weights at test time, you should add `--model_file models/d2_tf_no_phototourism.pth`.
## Feature extraction
`` can be used to extract D2 features for a given list of images. The singlescale features require less than 6GB of VRAM for 1200x1600 images. The `--multiscale` flag can be used to extract multiscale features - for this, we recommend at least 12GB of VRAM.
The output format can be either [`npz`]( or `mat`. In either case, the feature files encapsulate three arrays:
- `keypoints` [`N x 3`] array containing the positions of keypoints `x, y` and the scales `s`. The positions follow the COLMAP format, with the `X` axis pointing to the right and the `Y` axis to the bottom.
- `scores` [`N`] array containing the activations of keypoints (higher is better).
- `descriptors` [`N x 512`] array containing the L2 normalized descriptors.
python --image_list_file images.txt (--multiscale)
# Feature extraction with kapture datasets
Kapture is a pivot file format, based on text and binary files, used to describe SFM (Structure From Motion) and more generally sensor-acquired data.
It is available at
It contains conversion tools for popular formats and several popular datasets are directly available in kapture.
It can be installed with:
pip install kapture
Datasets can be downloaded with:
```bash update list
# e.g.: install mapping and query of Extended-CMU-Seasons_slice22 install "Extended-CMU-Seasons_slice22_*"
If you want to convert your own dataset into kapture, please find some examples [here](
Once installed, you can extract keypoints for your kapture dataset with:
python --kapture-root pathto/yourkapturedataset (--multiscale)
Run `python --help` for more information on the extraction parameters.
## Tuning on MegaDepth
The training pipeline provided here is a PyTorch implementation of the TensorFlow code that was used to train the model available to download above.
**Update - 05 June 2019** We have fixed a bug in the dataset preprocessing - retraining now yields similar results to the original TensorFlow implementation.
**Update - 07 August 2019** We have released an updated, more accurate version of the training dataset - training is more stable and significantly faster for equal performance.
### Downloading and preprocessing the MegaDepth dataset
For this part, [COLMAP]( should be installed. Please refer to the official website for installation instructions.
After downloading the entire [MegaDepth]( dataset (including SfM models), the first step is generating the undistorted reconstructions. This can be done by calling `` as follows:
python --colmap_path /path/to/colmap/executable --base_path /path/to/megadepth
Next, `` can be used to retrieve the camera parameters and compute the overlap between images for all scenes.
bash /path/to/megadepth /path/to/output/folder
In case you prefer downloading the undistorted reconstructions and aggregated scene information folder directly, you can find them [here - Google Drive]( You will still need to download the depth maps ("MegaDepth v1 Dataset") from the MegaDepth website.
### Training
After downloading and preprocessing MegaDepth, the training can be started right away:
python --use_validation --dataset_path /path/to/megadepth --scene_info_path /path/to/preprocessing/output
## BibTeX
If you use this code in your project, please cite the following paper:
author = {Dusmanu, Mihai and Rocco, Ignacio and Pajdla, Tomas and Pollefeys, Marc and Sivic, Josef and Torii, Akihiko and Sattler, Torsten},
title = {{D2-Net: A Trainable CNN for Joint Detection and Description of Local Features}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
year = {2019},