#!/usr/bin/env python3 -u
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import argparse
import copy
import logging
import os
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List
import torch
from fairseq import utils
from fairseq.data import encoders
from omegaconf import open_dict
from torch import nn
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def from_pretrained(
from fairseq import checkpoint_utils, file_utils
if archive_map is not None:
if model_name_or_path in archive_map:
model_name_or_path = archive_map[model_name_or_path]
if data_name_or_path is not None and data_name_or_path in archive_map:
data_name_or_path = archive_map[data_name_or_path]
# allow archive_map to set default arg_overrides (e.g., tokenizer, bpe)
# for each model
if isinstance(model_name_or_path, dict):
for k, v in model_name_or_path.items():
if k == "checkpoint_file":
checkpoint_file = v
elif (
k != "path"
# only set kwargs that don't already have overrides
and k not in kwargs
kwargs[k] = v
model_name_or_path = model_name_or_path["path"]
model_path = file_utils.load_archive_file(model_name_or_path)
# convenience hack for loading data and BPE codes from model archive
if data_name_or_path.startswith("."):
kwargs["data"] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(model_path, data_name_or_path))
kwargs["data"] = file_utils.load_archive_file(data_name_or_path)
for file, arg in {
"code": "bpe_codes",
"bpecodes": "bpe_codes",
"sentencepiece.bpe.model": "sentencepiece_model",
"merges.txt": "bpe_merges",
"vocab.json": "bpe_vocab",
path = os.path.join(model_path, file)
if os.path.exists(path):
kwargs[arg] = path
if "user_dir" in kwargs:
models, args, task = checkpoint_utils.load_model_ensemble_and_task(
[os.path.join(model_path, cpt) for cpt in checkpoint_file.split(os.pathsep)],
return {
"args": args,
"task": task,
"models": models,
class GeneratorHubInterface(nn.Module):
PyTorch Hub interface for generating sequences from a pre-trained
translation or language model.
def __init__(self, cfg, task, models):
self.cfg = cfg
self.task = task
self.models = nn.ModuleList(models)
self.src_dict = task.source_dictionary
self.tgt_dict = task.target_dictionary
# optimize model for generation
for model in self.models:
# Load alignment dictionary for unknown word replacement
# (None if no unknown word replacement, empty if no path to align dictionary)
self.align_dict = utils.load_align_dict(cfg.generation.replace_unk)
self.tokenizer = encoders.build_tokenizer(cfg.tokenizer)
self.bpe = encoders.build_bpe(cfg.bpe)
self.max_positions = utils.resolve_max_positions(
self.task.max_positions(), *[model.max_positions() for model in models]
# this is useful for determining the device
self.register_buffer("_float_tensor", torch.tensor([0], dtype=torch.float))
def device(self):
return self._float_tensor.device
def translate(
self, sentences: List[str], beam: int = 5, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs
) -> List[str]:
return self.sample(sentences, beam, verbose, **kwargs)
def sample(
self, sentences: List[str], beam: int = 1, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs
) -> List[str]:
if isinstance(sentences, str):
return self.sample([sentences], beam=beam, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)[0]
tokenized_sentences = [self.encode(sentence) for sentence in sentences]
batched_hypos = self.generate(tokenized_sentences, beam, verbose, **kwargs)
return [self.decode(hypos[0]["tokens"]) for hypos in batched_hypos]
def score(self, sentences: List[str], **kwargs):
if isinstance(sentences, str):
return self.score([sentences], **kwargs)[0]
# NOTE: this doesn't support translation tasks currently
tokenized_sentences = [self.encode(sentence) for sentence in sentences]
return [
for hypos in self.generate(
tokenized_sentences, score_reference=True, **kwargs
def generate(
tokenized_sentences: List[torch.LongTensor],
beam: int = 5,
verbose: bool = False,
) -> List[List[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]]:
if torch.is_tensor(tokenized_sentences) and tokenized_sentences.dim() == 1:
return self.generate(
tokenized_sentences.unsqueeze(0), beam=beam, verbose=verbose, **kwargs
# build generator using current args as well as any kwargs
gen_args = copy.deepcopy(self.cfg.generation)
with open_dict(gen_args):
gen_args.beam = beam
for k, v in kwargs.items():
setattr(gen_args, k, v)
generator = self.task.build_generator(
inference_step_args = inference_step_args or {}
results = []
for batch in self._build_batches(tokenized_sentences, skip_invalid_size_inputs):
batch = utils.apply_to_sample(lambda t: t.to(self.device), batch)
translations = self.task.inference_step(
generator, self.models, batch, **inference_step_args
for id, hypos in zip(batch["id"].tolist(), translations):
results.append((id, hypos))
# sort output to match input order
outputs = [hypos for _, hypos in sorted(results, key=lambda x: x[0])]
if verbose:
def getarg(name, default):
return getattr(gen_args, name, getattr(self.cfg, name, default))
for source_tokens, target_hypotheses in zip(tokenized_sentences, outputs):
src_str_with_unk = self.string(source_tokens)
for hypo in target_hypotheses:
hypo_str = self.decode(hypo["tokens"])
logger.info("H\t{}\t{}".format(hypo["score"], hypo_str))
" ".join(
lambda x: "{:.4f}".format(x),
if hypo["alignment"] is not None and getarg(
"print_alignment", False
" ".join(
"{}-{}".format(src_idx, tgt_idx)
for src_idx, tgt_idx in hypo["alignment"]
return outputs
def encode(self, sentence: str) -> torch.LongTensor:
sentence = self.tokenize(sentence)
sentence = self.apply_bpe(sentence)
return self.binarize(sentence)
def decode(self, tokens: torch.LongTensor) -> str:
sentence = self.string(tokens)
sentence = self.remove_bpe(sentence)
return self.detokenize(sentence)
def tokenize(self, sentence: str) -> str:
if self.tokenizer is not None:
sentence = self.tokenizer.encode(sentence)
return sentence
def detokenize(self, sentence: str) -> str:
if self.tokenizer is not None:
sentence = self.tokenizer.decode(sentence)
return sentence
def apply_bpe(self, sentence: str) -> str:
if self.bpe is not None:
sentence = self.bpe.encode(sentence)
return sentence
def remove_bpe(self, sentence: str) -> str:
if self.bpe is not None:
sentence = self.bpe.decode(sentence)
return sentence
def binarize(self, sentence: str) -> torch.LongTensor:
return self.src_dict.encode_line(sentence, add_if_not_exist=False).long()
def string(self, tokens: torch.LongTensor) -> str:
return self.tgt_dict.string(tokens)
def _build_batches(
self, tokens: List[List[int]], skip_invalid_size_inputs: bool
) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]:
lengths = torch.LongTensor([t.numel() for t in tokens])
batch_iterator = self.task.get_batch_iterator(
dataset=self.task.build_dataset_for_inference(tokens, lengths),
return batch_iterator
class BPEHubInterface(object):
"""PyTorch Hub interface for Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE)."""
def __init__(self, bpe, **kwargs):
args = argparse.Namespace(bpe=bpe, **kwargs)
self.bpe = encoders.build_bpe(args)
assert self.bpe is not None
def encode(self, sentence: str) -> str:
return self.bpe.encode(sentence)
def decode(self, sentence: str) -> str:
return self.bpe.decode(sentence)
class TokenizerHubInterface(object):
"""PyTorch Hub interface for tokenization."""
def __init__(self, tokenizer, **kwargs):
args = argparse.Namespace(tokenizer=tokenizer, **kwargs)
self.tokenizer = encoders.build_tokenizer(args)
assert self.tokenizer is not None
def encode(self, sentence: str) -> str:
return self.tokenizer.encode(sentence)
def decode(self, sentence: str) -> str:
return self.tokenizer.decode(sentence)