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# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Optional
class S2TDataConfig(object):
"""Wrapper class for data config YAML"""
def __init__(self, yaml_path: Path):
import yaml
except ImportError:
print("Please install PyYAML: pip install PyYAML")
self.config = {}
if yaml_path.is_file():
with open(yaml_path) as f:
self.config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(
f"Failed to load config from {yaml_path.as_posix()}: {e}"
raise FileNotFoundError(f"{yaml_path.as_posix()} not found")
self.root = yaml_path.parent
def _auto_convert_to_abs_path(self, x):
if isinstance(x, str):
if not Path(x).exists() and (self.root / x).exists():
return (self.root / x).as_posix()
elif isinstance(x, dict):
return {k: self._auto_convert_to_abs_path(v) for k, v in x.items()}
return x
def vocab_filename(self):
"""fairseq vocabulary file under data root"""
return self.config.get("vocab_filename", "dict.txt")
def speaker_set_filename(self):
"""fairseq vocabulary file under data root"""
return self.config.get("speaker_set_filename", None)
def shuffle(self) -> bool:
"""Shuffle dataset samples before batching"""
return self.config.get("shuffle", False)
def pre_tokenizer(self) -> Dict:
"""Pre-tokenizer to apply before subword tokenization. Returning
a dictionary with `tokenizer` providing the tokenizer name and
the other items providing the tokenizer-specific arguments.
Tokenizers are defined in `fairseq.data.encoders.*`"""
tokenizer = self.config.get("pre_tokenizer", {"tokenizer": None})
return self._auto_convert_to_abs_path(tokenizer)
def bpe_tokenizer(self) -> Dict:
"""Subword tokenizer to apply after pre-tokenization. Returning
a dictionary with `bpe` providing the tokenizer name and
the other items providing the tokenizer-specific arguments.
Tokenizers are defined in `fairseq.data.encoders.*`"""
tokenizer = self.config.get("bpe_tokenizer", {"bpe": None})
return self._auto_convert_to_abs_path(tokenizer)
def prepend_tgt_lang_tag(self) -> bool:
"""Prepend target lang ID token as the target BOS (e.g. for to-many
multilingual setting). During inference, this requires `--prefix-size 1`
to force BOS to be lang ID token."""
return self.config.get("prepend_tgt_lang_tag", False)
def input_feat_per_channel(self):
"""The dimension of input features (per audio channel)"""
return self.config.get("input_feat_per_channel", 80)
def input_channels(self):
"""The number of channels in the input audio"""
return self.config.get("input_channels", 1)
def sample_rate(self):
return self.config.get("sample_rate", 16_000)
def sampling_alpha(self):
"""Hyper-parameter alpha = 1/T for temperature-based resampling.
(alpha = 1 for no resampling)"""
return self.config.get("sampling_alpha", 1.0)
def use_audio_input(self):
"""Needed by the dataset loader to see if the model requires
raw audio as inputs."""
return self.config.get("use_audio_input", False)
def use_sample_rate(self):
"""Needed by the dataset loader to see if the model requires
raw audio with specific sample rate as inputs."""
return self.config.get("use_sample_rate", 16000)
def audio_root(self):
"""Audio paths in the manifest TSV can be relative and this provides
the root path. Set this to empty string when using absolute paths."""
return self.config.get("audio_root", "")
def get_feature_transforms(self, split, is_train):
"""Split-specific feature transforms. Allowing train set
wildcard `_train`, evaluation set wildcard `_eval` and general
wildcard `*` for matching."""
from copy import deepcopy
cfg = deepcopy(self.config)
_cur = cfg.get("transforms", {})
cur = _cur.get(split)
cur = _cur.get("_train") if cur is None and is_train else cur
cur = _cur.get("_eval") if cur is None and not is_train else cur
cur = _cur.get("*") if cur is None else cur
cfg["transforms"] = cur
return cfg
def global_cmvn_stats_npz(self) -> Optional[str]:
path = self.config.get("global_cmvn", {}).get("stats_npz_path", None)
return self._auto_convert_to_abs_path(path)
def vocoder(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
return self.config.get("vocoder", None)