who knows if this is a good idea
history blame
No virus
1.13 kB
title: Milestone 2
emoji: 📹
colorFrom: blue
colorTo: red
sdk: streamlit
app_file: language-models-project/app.py
pinned: false


demo of 🤗 spaces deployment of a streamlit python app

Installation instructions

docker compose run dev-environment

Procedure used:

Reasoned that it would make the most amount of sense to be able to modify the source code while the container is still running to allow for iterative debugging in the environment in which it is being deployed. To avoid writing back to the system, a readonly option was provided to the filesystem.

Docker compose was used to provide a separation of concerns, and to move testing logic outside of the container that is to be deployed. This decouples the logic of the tests from the application logic. I have familiarity with docker compose and am happy to work with it again.

A bare-metal python Dockerfile base image was used to provide a stable python deployment version. This version will be targeted in the poetry files, and packages necessary will be installed into the system python with the appropriate poetry arguments.