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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import math
VALID_EMBED_TYPES = ["identity", "fourier", "hashgrid", "sphere_harmonic", "triplane_fourier"]
class FourierEmbedder(nn.Module):
"""The sin/cosine positional embedding. Given an input tensor `x` of shape [n_batch, ..., c_dim], it converts
each feature dimension of `x[..., i]` into:
sin(x[..., i]),
sin(f_1*x[..., i]),
sin(f_2*x[..., i]),
sin(f_N * x[..., i]),
cos(x[..., i]),
cos(f_1*x[..., i]),
cos(f_2*x[..., i]),
cos(f_N * x[..., i]),
x[..., i] # only present if include_input is True.
], here f_i is the frequency.
Denote the space is [0 / num_freqs, 1 / num_freqs, 2 / num_freqs, 3 / num_freqs, ..., (num_freqs - 1) / num_freqs].
If logspace is True, then the frequency f_i is [2^(0 / num_freqs), ..., 2^(i / num_freqs), ...];
Otherwise, the frequencies are linearly spaced between [1.0, 2^(num_freqs - 1)].
num_freqs (int): the number of frequencies, default is 6;
logspace (bool): If logspace is True, then the frequency f_i is [..., 2^(i / num_freqs), ...],
otherwise, the frequencies are linearly spaced between [1.0, 2^(num_freqs - 1)];
input_dim (int): the input dimension, default is 3;
include_input (bool): include the input tensor or not, default is True.
frequencies (torch.Tensor): If logspace is True, then the frequency f_i is [..., 2^(i / num_freqs), ...],
otherwise, the frequencies are linearly spaced between [1.0, 2^(num_freqs - 1);
out_dim (int): the embedding size, if include_input is True, it is input_dim * (num_freqs * 2 + 1),
otherwise, it is input_dim * num_freqs * 2.
def __init__(self,
num_freqs: int = 6,
logspace: bool = True,
input_dim: int = 3,
include_input: bool = True,
include_pi: bool = True) -> None:
"""The initialization"""
if logspace:
frequencies = 2.0 ** torch.arange(
frequencies = torch.linspace(
2.0 ** (num_freqs - 1),
if include_pi:
frequencies *= torch.pi
self.register_buffer("frequencies", frequencies, persistent=False)
self.include_input = include_input
self.num_freqs = num_freqs
self.out_dim = self.get_dims(input_dim)
def get_dims(self, input_dim):
temp = 1 if self.include_input or self.num_freqs == 0 else 0
out_dim = input_dim * (self.num_freqs * 2 + temp)
return out_dim
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
""" Forward process.
x: tensor of shape [..., dim]
embedding: an embedding of `x` of shape [..., dim * (num_freqs * 2 + temp)]
where temp is 1 if include_input is True and 0 otherwise.
if self.num_freqs > 0:
embed = (x[..., None].contiguous() * self.frequencies).view(*x.shape[:-1], -1)
if self.include_input:
return, embed.sin(), embed.cos()), dim=-1)
return, embed.cos()), dim=-1)
return x
class LearnedFourierEmbedder(nn.Module):
""" following @crowsonkb "s lead with learned sinusoidal pos emb """
""" """
def __init__(self, in_channels, dim):
assert (dim % 2) == 0
half_dim = dim // 2
per_channel_dim = half_dim // in_channels
self.weights = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(per_channel_dim))
def forward(self, x):
x (torch.FloatTensor): [..., c]
x (torch.FloatTensor): [..., d]
# [b, t, c, 1] * [1, d] = [b, t, c, d] -> [b, t, c * d]
freqs = (x[..., None] * self.weights[None] * 2 * np.pi).view(*x.shape[:-1], -1)
fouriered =, freqs.sin(), freqs.cos()), dim=-1)
return fouriered
class TriplaneLearnedFourierEmbedder(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels, dim):
self.yz_plane_embedder = LearnedFourierEmbedder(in_channels, dim)
self.xz_plane_embedder = LearnedFourierEmbedder(in_channels, dim)
self.xy_plane_embedder = LearnedFourierEmbedder(in_channels, dim)
self.out_dim = in_channels + dim
def forward(self, x):
yz_embed = self.yz_plane_embedder(x)
xz_embed = self.xz_plane_embedder(x)
xy_embed = self.xy_plane_embedder(x)
embed = yz_embed + xz_embed + xy_embed
return embed
def sequential_pos_embed(num_len, embed_dim):
assert embed_dim % 2 == 0
pos = torch.arange(num_len, dtype=torch.float32)
omega = torch.arange(embed_dim // 2, dtype=torch.float32)
omega /= embed_dim / 2.
omega = 1. / 10000 ** omega # (D/2,)
pos = pos.reshape(-1) # (M,)
out = torch.einsum("m,d->md", pos, omega) # (M, D/2), outer product
emb_sin = torch.sin(out) # (M, D/2)
emb_cos = torch.cos(out) # (M, D/2)
embeddings =[emb_sin, emb_cos], dim=1) # (M, D)
return embeddings
def timestep_embedding(timesteps, dim, max_period=10000):
Create sinusoidal timestep embeddings.
:param timesteps: a 1-D Tensor of N indices, one per batch element.
These may be fractional.
:param dim: the dimension of the output.
:param max_period: controls the minimum frequency of the embeddings.
:return: an [N x dim] Tensor of positional embeddings.
half = dim // 2
freqs = torch.exp(
-math.log(max_period) * torch.arange(start=0, end=half, dtype=torch.float32) / half
args = timesteps[:, None].to(timesteps.dtype) * freqs[None]
embedding =[torch.cos(args), torch.sin(args)], dim=-1)
if dim % 2:
embedding =[embedding, torch.zeros_like(embedding[:, :1])], dim=-1)
return embedding
def get_embedder(embed_type="fourier", num_freqs=-1, input_dim=3, degree=4,
num_levels=16, level_dim=2, per_level_scale=2, base_resolution=16,
log2_hashmap_size=19, desired_resolution=None):
if embed_type == "identity" or (embed_type == "fourier" and num_freqs == -1):
return nn.Identity(), input_dim
elif embed_type == "fourier":
embedder_obj = FourierEmbedder(num_freqs=num_freqs, input_dim=input_dim,
logspace=True, include_input=True)
return embedder_obj, embedder_obj.out_dim
elif embed_type == "hashgrid":
raise NotImplementedError
elif embed_type == "sphere_harmonic":
raise NotImplementedError
raise ValueError(f"{embed_type} is not valid. Currently only supprts {VALID_EMBED_TYPES}")