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# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Union
import mmengine
import numpy as np
import torch
from mmengine.evaluator import BaseMetric
from mmengine.utils import is_seq_of
from mmpretrain.registry import METRICS
from mmpretrain.structures import label_to_onehot
from .single_label import to_tensor
class RetrievalRecall(BaseMetric):
r"""Recall evaluation metric for image retrieval.
topk (int | Sequence[int]): If the ground truth label matches one of
the best **k** predictions, the sample will be regard as a positive
prediction. If the parameter is a tuple, all of top-k recall will
be calculated and outputted together. Defaults to 1.
collect_device (str): Device name used for collecting results from
different ranks during distributed training. Must be 'cpu' or
'gpu'. Defaults to 'cpu'.
prefix (str, optional): The prefix that will be added in the metric
names to disambiguate homonymous metrics of different evaluators.
If prefix is not provided in the argument, self.default_prefix
will be used instead. Defaults to None.
Use in the code:
>>> import torch
>>> from mmpretrain.evaluation import RetrievalRecall
>>> # -------------------- The Basic Usage --------------------
>>> y_pred = [[0], [1], [2], [3]]
>>> y_true = [[0, 1], [2], [1], [0, 3]]
>>> RetrievalRecall.calculate(
>>> y_pred, y_true, topk=1, pred_indices=True, target_indices=True)
>>> # Calculate the recall@1 and recall@5 for non-indices input.
>>> y_score = torch.rand((1000, 10))
>>> import torch.nn.functional as F
>>> y_true = F.one_hot(torch.arange(0, 1000) % 10, num_classes=10)
>>> RetrievalRecall.calculate(y_score, y_true, topk=(1, 5))
[tensor(9.3000), tensor(48.4000)]
>>> # ------------------- Use with Evalutor -------------------
>>> from mmpretrain.structures import DataSample
>>> from mmengine.evaluator import Evaluator
>>> data_samples = [
... DataSample().set_gt_label([0, 1]).set_pred_score(
... torch.rand(10))
... for i in range(1000)
... ]
>>> evaluator = Evaluator(metrics=RetrievalRecall(topk=(1, 5)))
>>> evaluator.process(data_samples)
>>> evaluator.evaluate(1000)
{'retrieval/Recall@1': 20.700000762939453,
'retrieval/Recall@5': 78.5999984741211}
Use in OpenMMLab configs:
.. code:: python
val/test_evaluator = dict(type='RetrievalRecall', topk=(1, 5))
default_prefix: Optional[str] = 'retrieval'
def __init__(self,
topk: Union[int, Sequence[int]],
collect_device: str = 'cpu',
prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
topk = (topk, ) if isinstance(topk, int) else topk
for k in topk:
if k <= 0:
raise ValueError('`topk` must be a ingter larger than 0 '
'or seq of ingter larger than 0.')
self.topk = topk
super().__init__(collect_device=collect_device, prefix=prefix)
def process(self, data_batch: Sequence[dict],
data_samples: Sequence[dict]):
"""Process one batch of data and predictions.
The processed results should be stored in ``self.results``, which will
be used to computed the metrics when all batches have been processed.
data_batch (Sequence[dict]): A batch of data from the dataloader.
predictions (Sequence[dict]): A batch of outputs from the model.
for data_sample in data_samples:
pred_score = data_sample['pred_score'].clone()
gt_label = data_sample['gt_label']
if 'gt_score' in data_sample:
target = data_sample.get('gt_score').clone()
num_classes = pred_score.size()[-1]
target = label_to_onehot(gt_label, num_classes)
# Because the retrieval output logit vector will be much larger
# compared to the normal classification, to save resources, the
# evaluation results are computed each batch here and then reduce
# all results at the end.
result = RetrievalRecall.calculate(
pred_score.unsqueeze(0), target.unsqueeze(0), topk=self.topk)
def compute_metrics(self, results: List):
"""Compute the metrics from processed results.
results (list): The processed results of each batch.
Dict: The computed metrics. The keys are the names of the metrics,
and the values are corresponding results.
result_metrics = dict()
for i, k in enumerate(self.topk):
recall_at_k = sum([r[i].item() for r in results]) / len(results)
result_metrics[f'Recall@{k}'] = recall_at_k
return result_metrics
def calculate(pred: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor],
target: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor],
topk: Union[int, Sequence[int]],
pred_indices: (bool) = False,
target_indices: (bool) = False) -> float:
"""Calculate the average recall.
pred (torch.Tensor | np.ndarray | Sequence): The prediction
results. A :obj:`torch.Tensor` or :obj:`np.ndarray` with
shape ``(N, M)`` or a sequence of index/onehot
format labels.
target (torch.Tensor | np.ndarray | Sequence): The prediction
results. A :obj:`torch.Tensor` or :obj:`np.ndarray` with
shape ``(N, M)`` or a sequence of index/onehot
format labels.
topk (int, Sequence[int]): Predictions with the k-th highest
scores are considered as positive.
pred_indices (bool): Whether the ``pred`` is a sequence of
category index labels. Defaults to False.
target_indices (bool): Whether the ``target`` is a sequence of
category index labels. Defaults to False.
List[float]: the average recalls.
topk = (topk, ) if isinstance(topk, int) else topk
for k in topk:
if k <= 0:
raise ValueError('`topk` must be a ingter larger than 0 '
'or seq of ingter larger than 0.')
max_keep = max(topk)
pred = _format_pred(pred, max_keep, pred_indices)
target = _format_target(target, target_indices)
assert len(pred) == len(target), (
f'Length of `pred`({len(pred)}) and `target` ({len(target)}) '
f'must be the same.')
num_samples = len(pred)
results = []
for k in topk:
recalls = torch.zeros(num_samples)
for i, (sample_pred,
sample_target) in enumerate(zip(pred, target)):
sample_pred = np.array(to_tensor(sample_pred).cpu())
sample_target = np.array(to_tensor(sample_target).cpu())
recalls[i] = int(np.in1d(sample_pred[:k], sample_target).max())
results.append(recalls.mean() * 100)
return results
def _format_pred(label, topk=None, is_indices=False):
"""format various label to List[indices]."""
if is_indices:
assert isinstance(label, Sequence), \
'`pred` must be Sequence of indices when' \
f' `pred_indices` set to True, but get {type(label)}'
for i, sample_pred in enumerate(label):
assert is_seq_of(sample_pred, int) or isinstance(
sample_pred, (np.ndarray, torch.Tensor)), \
'`pred` should be Sequence of indices when `pred_indices`' \
f'set to True. but pred[{i}] is {sample_pred}'
if topk:
label[i] = sample_pred[:min(topk, len(sample_pred))]
return label
if isinstance(label, np.ndarray):
label = torch.from_numpy(label)
elif not isinstance(label, torch.Tensor):
raise TypeError(f'The pred must be type of torch.tensor, '
f'np.ndarray or Sequence but get {type(label)}.')
topk = topk if topk else label.size()[-1]
_, indices = label.topk(topk)
return indices
def _format_target(label, is_indices=False):
"""format various label to List[indices]."""
if is_indices:
assert isinstance(label, Sequence), \
'`target` must be Sequence of indices when' \
f' `target_indices` set to True, but get {type(label)}'
for i, sample_gt in enumerate(label):
assert is_seq_of(sample_gt, int) or isinstance(
sample_gt, (np.ndarray, torch.Tensor)), \
'`target` should be Sequence of indices when ' \
f'`target_indices` set to True. but target[{i}] is {sample_gt}'
return label
if isinstance(label, np.ndarray):
label = torch.from_numpy(label)
elif isinstance(label, Sequence) and not mmengine.is_str(label):
label = torch.tensor(label)
elif not isinstance(label, torch.Tensor):
raise TypeError(f'The pred must be type of torch.tensor, '
f'np.ndarray or Sequence but get {type(label)}.')
indices = [sample_gt.nonzero().squeeze(-1) for sample_gt in label]
return indices