import streamlit as st |
import pandas as pd |
import json |
import plotly.express as px |
from datetime import datetime |
import plotly.graph_objs as go |
import base64 |
from io import StringIO |
import base64 |
def generate_download_link(df, filename): |
csv = df.to_csv(index=False) |
b64 = base64.b64encode(csv.encode()).decode() |
button_style = ( |
"background-color: #4CAF50;" |
"border: none;" |
"color: white;" |
"padding: 10px 20px;" |
"text-align: center;" |
"text-decoration: none;" |
"display: inline-block;" |
"font-size: 16px;" |
"margin: 4px 2px;" |
"cursor: pointer;" |
"border-radius: 8px;" |
) |
return f'<a href="data:file/csv;base64,{b64}" download="{filename}" style="{button_style}">Download {filename}</a>' |
def count_users(json_data, key): |
return len(json_data[key]) |
def get_users(data, key, file_name): |
users = [] |
json_data = data[file_name] |
if key == 'string_list_data': |
for item in json_data: |
user_data = item[key][0] |
timestamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(user_data['timestamp']).strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M') |
users.append({'Username': user_data['value'], 'Profile URL': user_data['href'], 'Timestamp': timestamp}) |
else: |
for item in json_data[key]: |
user_data = item['string_list_data'][0] |
timestamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(user_data['timestamp']).strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M') |
users.append({'Username': user_data['value'], 'Profile URL': user_data['href'], 'Timestamp': timestamp}) |
return users |
def get_missing_files(data): |
required_files = [ |
'followers.json', |
'following.json', |
"follow_requests_you've_received.json", |
'pending_follow_requests.json', |
'recent_follow_requests.json', |
'recently_unfollowed_accounts.json', |
] |
missing_files = [file for file in required_files if file not in data] |
if ('followers.json' not in data and 'followers_1.json' not in data) or ('followers.json' in missing_files and 'followers_1.json' in data): |
missing_files.remove('followers.json') |
elif 'followers.json' in missing_files and 'followers_1.json' not in data: |
missing_files.remove('followers.json') |
missing_files.append('followers_1.json') |
return missing_files |
st.set_page_config(page_title='Instagram Insights') |
st.title('Instagram Insights') |
st.markdown(''' |
Welcome to Instagram Insights, a tool to help you analyze and understand your Instagram data like users not following you back or users you aren't following back. |
Upload your Instagram data, and the app will visualize various insights such as followers, following, follow requests, and more. |
Filter and download the data for further analysis. You can download your Instagram data by going to More > Your Activity > Download Your Information, and clicking on 'Request Download'. |
Make sure you download the data as a JSON file. When the data is emailed to you, upload all the files in the 'followers_and_following' folder, which is in part 4 of the download folders, and that's it! |
''') |
uploaded_files = st.file_uploader('Upload your Instagram folder', type=['json'], accept_multiple_files=True) |
if uploaded_files: |
try: |
st.sidebar.title('Filters') |
users_not_following_me_back = st.sidebar.checkbox('Users Not Following Me Back') |
users_im_not_following_back = st.sidebar.checkbox("Users I'm Not Following Back") |
data = {} |
for file in uploaded_files: |
file_name = file.name |
file_content = file.getvalue().decode() |
data[file_name] = json.loads(file_content) |
if 'followers.json' in data: |
followers = get_users(data, 'relationships_followers', 'followers.json') |
elif 'followers_1.json' in data: |
followers = get_users(data, 'string_list_data', 'followers_1.json') |
else: |
st.error("Please upload the followers.json or followers_1.json file.") |
following = get_users(data, 'relationships_following', 'following.json') |
chart_labels = [ |
'Followers', |
'Following', |
"Follow Requests Received", |
"Pending Follow Requests", |
"Recent Follow Requests", |
"Recently Unfollowed Accounts", |
] |
if 'followers.json' in data: |
followers_count = count_users(data['followers.json'], 'relationships_followers') |
elif 'followers_1.json' in data: |
followers_count = len(data['followers_1.json']) |
chart_values = [ |
followers_count, |
count_users(data['following.json'], 'relationships_following'), |
count_users(data["follow_requests_you've_received.json"], 'relationships_follow_requests_received'), |
count_users(data['pending_follow_requests.json'], 'relationships_follow_requests_sent'), |
count_users(data['recent_follow_requests.json'], 'relationships_permanent_follow_requests'), |
count_users(data['recently_unfollowed_accounts.json'], 'relationships_unfollowed_users'), |
] |
bar_chart = go.Figure( |
data=[ |
go.Bar(x=chart_labels, y=chart_values, text=chart_values, textposition='auto') |
] |
) |
bar_chart.update_layout( |
title="Instagram Insights Summary", |
xaxis_title="Categories", |
yaxis_title="Count", |
plot_bgcolor="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", |
) |
st.plotly_chart(bar_chart) |
if users_not_following_me_back: |
not_following_me_back = [user for user in following if user['Username'] not in [follower['Username'] for follower in followers]] |
df_not_following_me_back = pd.DataFrame(not_following_me_back) |
st.subheader(f"Users Not Following Me Back ({len(df_not_following_me_back)})") |
st.write(df_not_following_me_back) |
st.markdown(generate_download_link(df_not_following_me_back, "users_not_following_me_back.csv"), unsafe_allow_html=True) |
if users_im_not_following_back: |
im_not_following_back = [user for user in followers if user['Username'] not in [following_user['Username'] for following_user in following]] |
df_im_not_following_back = pd.DataFrame(im_not_following_back) |
st.subheader(f"Users I'm Not Following Back ({len(df_im_not_following_back)})") |
st.write(df_im_not_following_back) |
st.markdown(generate_download_link(df_im_not_following_back, "users_im_not_following_back.csv"), unsafe_allow_html=True) |
st.sidebar.title('Files Filter') |
show_followers = st.sidebar.checkbox('Show Followers') |
show_following = st.sidebar.checkbox('Show Following') |
show_received_requests = st.sidebar.checkbox("Show Follow Requests Received") |
show_pending_requests = st.sidebar.checkbox("Show Pending Follow Requests") |
show_recent_requests = st.sidebar.checkbox("Show Recent Follow Requests") |
show_unfollowed_accounts = st.sidebar.checkbox("Show Recently Unfollowed Accounts") |
if show_followers: |
st.subheader('Followers') |
st.write(pd.DataFrame(followers)) |
st.markdown(generate_download_link(pd.DataFrame(followers), "followers.csv"), unsafe_allow_html=True) |
if show_following: |
st.subheader('Following') |
st.write(pd.DataFrame(following)) |
st.markdown(generate_download_link(pd.DataFrame(following), "following.csv"), unsafe_allow_html=True) |
if show_received_requests: |
received_requests = get_users(data, 'relationships_follow_requests_received', "follow_requests_you've_received.json") |
st.subheader("Follow Requests Received") |
st.write(pd.DataFrame(received_requests)) |
st.markdown(generate_download_link(pd.DataFrame(received_requests), "follow_requests_received.csv"), unsafe_allow_html=True) |
if show_pending_requests: |
pending_requests = get_users(data, 'relationships_follow_requests_sent', 'pending_follow_requests.json') |
st.subheader("Pending Follow Requests") |
st.write(pd.DataFrame(pending_requests)) |
st.markdown(generate_download_link(pd.DataFrame(pending_requests), "pending_follow_requests.csv"), unsafe_allow_html=True) |
if show_recent_requests: |
recent_requests = get_users(data, 'relationships_permanent_follow_requests', 'recent_follow_requests.json') |
st.subheader("Recent Follow Requests") |
st.write(pd.DataFrame(recent_requests)) |
st.markdown(generate_download_link(pd.DataFrame(recent_requests), "recent_follow_requests.csv"), unsafe_allow_html=True) |
if show_unfollowed_accounts: |
unfollowed_accounts = get_users(data, 'relationships_unfollowed_users', 'recently_unfollowed_accounts.json') |
st.subheader("Recently Unfollowed Accounts") |
st.write(pd.DataFrame(unfollowed_accounts)) |
st.markdown(generate_download_link(pd.DataFrame(unfollowed_accounts), "recently_unfollowed_accounts.csv"), unsafe_allow_html=True) |
except KeyError as e: |
missing_files = get_missing_files(data) |
if missing_files: |
missing_files_str = ", ".join(missing_files) |
st.error(f"Please make sure to upload the following missing file(s): {missing_files_str}") |
else: |
st.error(f"An error occurred while processing your files: {e}") |
else: |
st.warning("Please upload your Instagram data files.") |