binding-kinetics /
Jhsmit's picture
add tetramerization
# %%
from pathlib import Path
import altair as alt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import solara
import solara.lab
import sympy as sp
from scipy.optimize import root_scalar
# %%
P1, P2, P4, PT, kD1, kD2 = sp.symbols("P_1 P_2 P_4 P_T k_D1 k_D2", positive=True)
# %%
sub_p1_p2 = (P1, sp.solve(kD1 * (P2 / P1**2) - 1, P1)[0])
sub_p2_p4 = (P2, sp.solve(kD2 * (P4 / P2**2) - 1, P2)[0])
sub_p4_p2 = (P4, sp.solve(kD2 * (P4 / P2**2) - 1, P4)[0])
# %%
mass_balance = P1 + 2 * P2 + 4 * P4 - PT
eq_p4 = mass_balance.subs([sub_p1_p2, sub_p2_p4])
eq_p2 = mass_balance.subs([sub_p1_p2, sub_p4_p2])
# %%
def make_df(vmin: float, vmax: float, kD_1_v: float, kD2_v: float) -> pd.DataFrame:
PT_values = np.logspace(np.log10(vmin), np.log10(vmax), endpoint=True, num=100)
kd_subs = [(kD1, kD_1_v), (kD2, kD2_v)]
ld = sp.lambdify([P4, PT], eq_p4.subs(kd_subs))
P4_values = np.array(
[root_scalar(ld, bracket=(0, PT_v), args=(PT_v,)).root for PT_v in PT_values]
ld = sp.lambdify([P2, PT], eq_p2.subs(kd_subs))
P2_values = np.array(
[root_scalar(ld, bracket=(0, PT_v), args=(PT_v,)).root for PT_v in PT_values]
P1_values = PT_values - 2 * P2_values - 4 * P4_values
columns = {"P1": P1_values, "P2": P2_values, "P4": P4_values}
total = np.sum(list(columns.values()), axis=0)
df = pd.DataFrame(dict(PT=PT_values) | {k: v / total for k, v in columns.items()})
return df
def make_chart(df: pd.DataFrame) -> alt.LayerChart:
source = df.melt("PT", var_name="species", value_name="y")
# Create a selection that chooses the nearest point & selects based on x-value
nearest = alt.selection_point(
nearest=True, on="pointerover", fields=["PT"], empty=False
# The basic line
line = (
title="Total protomer concentration",
y=alt.Y("y:Q", title="Fraction of total"),
# Draw points on the line, and highlight based on selection
points = (
.encode(opacity=alt.condition(nearest, alt.value(1), alt.value(0)))
# Draw a rule at the location of the selection
rules = (
.transform_pivot("species", value="y", groupby=["PT"])
opacity=alt.condition(nearest, alt.value(0.3), alt.value(0)),
alt.Tooltip(c, type="quantitative", format=".2f") for c in df.columns
# Put the five layers into a chart and bind the data
chart = (
alt.layer(line, points, rules)
return chart
md = """
This app calculates monomer and dimer concentrations given a total amount of protomer PT and the
dissociation constant KD. More info on how and why can be found [HuggingFace]( (right click, open new tab).
def Page():
dark_effective = solara.lab.use_dark_effective()
if dark_effective is True:
elif dark_effective is False:
kD1 = solara.use_reactive(1.0)
kD2 = solara.use_reactive(100)
vmin = solara.use_reactive(1e-3)
vmax = solara.use_reactive(1e3)
async def update():
df = make_df(vmin.value, vmax.value, kD1.value, kD2.value)
chart = make_chart(df)
return chart
task: solara.lab.Task = solara.lab.use_task(
update, dependencies=[kD1.value, kD2.value, vmin.value, vmax.value]
solara.Title("Tetramerization Kinetics")
with solara.Card("Fraction monomer/dimer/tetramer"):
with solara.GridFixed(columns=2):
with solara.Tooltip("Dissociation constant monomer/dimer"):
solara.InputFloat("kD1", value=kD1)
with solara.Tooltip("Dissociation constant dimer/tetramer"):
solara.InputFloat("kD2", value=kD2)
with solara.Tooltip("X axis lower limit"):
solara.InputFloat("xmin", value=vmin)
with solara.Tooltip("X axis upper limit"):
solara.InputFloat("xmax", value=vmax)
solara.HTML(tag="div", style="height: 10px")
if task.finished:
# %%