Sync from GitHub repo
Browse filesThis Space is synced from the GitHub repo: Please submit contributions to the Space there
- Dockerfile +5 -2
- src/f5_tts/train/ +3 -0
- src/f5_tts/train/datasets/ +92 -0
@@ -10,14 +10,17 @@ RUN set -x \
10 |
&& apt-get update \
11 |
&& apt-get -y install wget curl man git less openssl libssl-dev unzip unar build-essential aria2 tmux vim \
12 |
&& apt-get install -y openssh-server sox libsox-fmt-all libsox-fmt-mp3 libsndfile1-dev ffmpeg \
13 |
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
14 |
&& apt-get clean
15 |
16 |
WORKDIR /workspace
17 |
18 |
RUN git clone \
19 |
&& cd F5-TTS \
20 |
21 |
22 |
ENV SHELL=/bin/bash
23 |
10 |
&& apt-get update \
11 |
&& apt-get -y install wget curl man git less openssl libssl-dev unzip unar build-essential aria2 tmux vim \
12 |
&& apt-get install -y openssh-server sox libsox-fmt-all libsox-fmt-mp3 libsndfile1-dev ffmpeg \
13 |
&& apt-get install librdmacm1 libibumad3 librdmacm-dev libibverbs1 libibverbs-dev ibverbs-utils ibverbs-providers \
14 |
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
15 |
&& apt-get clean
16 |
17 |
WORKDIR /workspace
18 |
19 |
RUN git clone \
20 |
&& cd F5-TTS \
21 |
&& git submodule update --init --recursive \
22 |
&& sed -i '7iimport sys\nsys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))' src/third_party/BigVGAN/ \
23 |
&& pip install -e . --no-cache-dir
24 |
25 |
ENV SHELL=/bin/bash
26 |
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ python src/f5_tts/train/datasets/
13 |
14 |
# Prepare the Wenetspeech4TTS dataset
15 |
python src/f5_tts/train/datasets/
16 |
17 |
18 |
### 2. Create custom dataset with metadata.csv
13 |
14 |
# Prepare the Wenetspeech4TTS dataset
15 |
python src/f5_tts/train/datasets/
16 |
17 |
# Prepare the LibriTTS dataset
18 |
python src/f5_tts/train/datasets/
19 |
20 |
21 |
### 2. Create custom dataset with metadata.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
1 |
import os
2 |
import sys
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
import json
7 |
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
8 |
from importlib.resources import files
9 |
from pathlib import Path
10 |
from tqdm import tqdm
11 |
import soundfile as sf
12 |
from datasets.arrow_writer import ArrowWriter
13 |
14 |
15 |
def deal_with_audio_dir(audio_dir):
16 |
sub_result, durations = [], []
17 |
vocab_set = set()
18 |
audio_lists = list(audio_dir.rglob("*.wav"))
19 |
20 |
for line in audio_lists:
21 |
text_path = line.with_suffix(".normalized.txt")
22 |
text = open(text_path, "r").read().strip()
23 |
duration =
24 |
if duration < 0.4 or duration > 30:
25 |
26 |
sub_result.append({"audio_path": str(line), "text": text, "duration": duration})
27 |
28 |
29 |
return sub_result, durations, vocab_set
30 |
31 |
32 |
def main():
33 |
result = []
34 |
duration_list = []
35 |
text_vocab_set = set()
36 |
37 |
# process raw data
38 |
executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers)
39 |
futures = []
40 |
41 |
for subset in tqdm(SUB_SET):
42 |
dataset_path = Path(os.path.join(dataset_dir, subset))
43 |
44 |
futures.append(executor.submit(deal_with_audio_dir, audio_dir))
45 |
for audio_dir in dataset_path.iterdir()
46 |
if audio_dir.is_dir()
47 |
48 |
for future in tqdm(futures, total=len(futures)):
49 |
sub_result, durations, vocab_set = future.result()
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
# save preprocessed dataset to disk
56 |
if not os.path.exists(f"{save_dir}"):
57 |
58 |
print(f"\nSaving to {save_dir} ...")
59 |
60 |
with ArrowWriter(path=f"{save_dir}/raw.arrow") as writer:
61 |
for line in tqdm(result, desc="Writing to raw.arrow ..."):
62 |
63 |
64 |
# dup a json separately saving duration in case for DynamicBatchSampler ease
65 |
with open(f"{save_dir}/duration.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
66 |
json.dump({"duration": duration_list}, f, ensure_ascii=False)
67 |
68 |
# vocab map, i.e. tokenizer
69 |
with open(f"{save_dir}/vocab.txt", "w") as f:
70 |
for vocab in sorted(text_vocab_set):
71 |
f.write(vocab + "\n")
72 |
73 |
print(f"\nFor {dataset_name}, sample count: {len(result)}")
74 |
print(f"For {dataset_name}, vocab size is: {len(text_vocab_set)}")
75 |
print(f"For {dataset_name}, total {sum(duration_list)/3600:.2f} hours")
76 |
77 |
78 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
79 |
max_workers = 36
80 |
81 |
tokenizer = "char" # "pinyin" | "char"
82 |
83 |
SUB_SET = ["train-clean-100", "train-clean-360", "train-other-500"]
84 |
dataset_dir = "<SOME_PATH>/LibriTTS"
85 |
dataset_name = f"LibriTTS_{'_'.join(SUB_SET)}_{tokenizer}".replace("train-clean-", "").replace("train-other-", "")
86 |
save_dir = str(files("f5_tts").joinpath("../../")) + f"/data/{dataset_name}"
87 |
print(f"\nPrepare for {dataset_name}, will save to {save_dir}\n")
88 |
89 |
90 |
# For LibriTTS_100_360_500_char, sample count: 354218
91 |
# For LibriTTS_100_360_500_char, vocab size is: 78
92 |
# For LibriTTS_100_360_500_char, total 554.09 hours