MultiMAE / multimae /
Bachmann Roman Christian
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# Copyright (c) EPFL VILAB.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Based on timm, DeiT, DINO, MoCo-v3, BEiT, MAE-priv and MAE code bases
# --------------------------------------------------------
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from einops import rearrange, repeat
from .multimae_utils import build_2d_sincos_posemb, pair, trunc_normal_
class PatchedInputAdapter(nn.Module):
"""Adapter for spatial inputs, like images or feature maps.
Creates tokens from patches over the image.
:param num_channels: Number of input channels of the image/feature map
:param stride_level: Stride level compared to the full-sized image.
E.g. 4 for 1/4th the size of the image.
:param patch_size_full: Int or tuple of the patch size over the full image size.
Patch size for smaller inputs will be computed accordingly.
:param dim_tokens: Dimension of output tokens. Can be set using init method.
:param sincos_pos_emb: Set to True (default) to use fixed 2D sin-cos positional embeddings
:param learnable_pos_emb: Set to True to learn positional embeddings instead
:param image_size: Default image size. Used to initialize size of positional embeddings.
def __init__(self,
num_channels: int,
stride_level: int,
patch_size_full: Union[int, Tuple[int,int]],
dim_tokens: Optional[int] = None,
sincos_pos_emb: bool = True,
learnable_pos_emb: bool = False,
image_size: Union[int, Tuple[int]] = 224):
self.num_channels = num_channels
self.stride_level = stride_level
self.patch_size_full = pair(patch_size_full)
self.dim_tokens = dim_tokens
self.sincos_pos_emb = sincos_pos_emb
self.learnable_pos_emb = learnable_pos_emb
self.image_size = pair(image_size)
self.num_patches = (self.image_size[0] // patch_size_full) * (self.image_size[1] // patch_size_full)
# Actual patch height and width, taking into account stride of input
self.P_H = max(1, self.patch_size_full[0] // stride_level)
self.P_W = max(1, self.patch_size_full[1] // stride_level)
if self.dim_tokens is not None:
def init(self, dim_tokens: int = 768):
Initialize parts of encoder that are dependent on dimension of tokens.
Should be called when setting up MultiMAE.
:param dim_tokens: Dimension of tokens
self.dim_tokens = dim_tokens
# Task embedding identifying from which task a given token comes from
# Fixed-size positional embeddings. Can be interpolated to different input sizes
h_posemb = self.image_size[0] // (self.stride_level * self.P_H)
w_posemb = self.image_size[1] // (self.stride_level * self.P_W)
if self.sincos_pos_emb:
self.pos_emb = build_2d_sincos_posemb(h=h_posemb, w=w_posemb, embed_dim=self.dim_tokens)
self.pos_emb = nn.Parameter(self.pos_emb, requires_grad=self.learnable_pos_emb)
self.pos_emb = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, self.dim_tokens, h_posemb, w_posemb))
trunc_normal_(self.pos_emb, std=0.02)
# Image -> tokens projection
self.proj = nn.Conv2d(
in_channels=self.num_channels, out_channels=self.dim_tokens,
kernel_size=(self.P_H, self.P_W), stride=(self.P_H, self.P_W)
def no_weight_decay(self):
return {'pos_emb'}
def forward(self, x):
Forward pass through input adapter, transforming image to sequence of tokens.
Adds task and positional encodings.
:param x: Input image tensor
B, C, H, W = x.shape
assert self.dim_tokens is not None, 'Need to call init(dim_tokens) function first'
assert (H % self.P_H == 0) and (W % self.P_W == 0), f'Image sizes {H}x{W} must be divisible by patch sizes {self.P_H}x{self.P_W}'
N_H, N_W = H // self.P_H, W // self.P_W # Number of patches in height and width
# Create patches [B, C, H, W] -> [B, (H*W), C]
x_patch = rearrange(self.proj(x), 'b d nh nw -> b (nh nw) d')
# Create positional embedding
x_pos_emb = F.interpolate(self.pos_emb, size=(N_H, N_W), mode='bicubic', align_corners=False)
x_pos_emb = rearrange(x_pos_emb, 'b d nh nw -> b (nh nw) d')
# Add patches and positional embeddings
x = x_patch + x_pos_emb
return x
class SemSegInputAdapter(nn.Module):
Adapter for spatial inputs, like images or feature maps.
Creates tokens from patches over the image.
:param num_classes: Number of input semantic classes
:param stride_level: Stride level compared to the full-sized image.
E.g. 4 for 1/4th the size of the image.
:param patch_size_full: Int or tuple of the patch size over the full image size.
Patch size for smaller inputs will be computed accordingly.
:param dim_tokens: Dimension of output tokens. Can be set using init method.
:param sincos_pos_emb: Set to True (default) to use fixed 2D sin-cos positional embeddings
:param learnable_pos_emb: Set to True to learn positional embeddings instead
:param image_size: Default image size. Used to initialize size of positional embeddings.
:param dim_class_emb: Dimension of learned class embedding
:param interpolate_class_emb: Set to True to average pool class embeddings of each patch
:param emb_padding_idx: Padding index (e.g. image border), default is None
def __init__(self,
num_classes: int,
stride_level: int,
patch_size_full: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]],
dim_tokens: Optional[int] = None,
sincos_pos_emb: int = True,
learnable_pos_emb: int = False,
image_size: Union[int, Tuple[int]] = 224,
dim_class_emb: int = 64,
interpolate_class_emb: bool = False,
emb_padding_idx: int = None
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.stride_level = stride_level
self.patch_size_full = pair(patch_size_full)
self.dim_tokens = dim_tokens
self.sincos_pos_emb = sincos_pos_emb
self.learnable_pos_emb = learnable_pos_emb
self.image_size = pair(image_size)
self.dim_class_emb = dim_class_emb
self.interpolate_class_emb = interpolate_class_emb
self.emb_padding_idx = emb_padding_idx
if self.emb_padding_idx is not None:
self.num_classes += 1
# Actual patch height and width, taking into account stride of input
self.P_H = max(1, self.patch_size_full[0] // stride_level)
self.P_W = max(1, self.patch_size_full[1] // stride_level)
if self.dim_tokens is not None:
def init(self, dim_tokens: int = 768):
Initialize parts of encoder that are dependent on dimension of tokens.
Should be called when setting up MultiMAE.
:param dim_tokens: Dimension of tokens
self.dim_tokens = dim_tokens
# Task embedding identifying from which task a given token comes from
# Fixed-size positional embeddings. Can be interpolated to different input sizes
h_posemb = self.image_size[0] // (self.stride_level * self.P_H)
w_posemb = self.image_size[1] // (self.stride_level * self.P_W)
if self.sincos_pos_emb:
self.pos_emb = build_2d_sincos_posemb(h=h_posemb, w=w_posemb, embed_dim=self.dim_tokens)
self.pos_emb = nn.Parameter(self.pos_emb, requires_grad=self.learnable_pos_emb)
self.pos_emb = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, self.dim_tokens, h_posemb, w_posemb))
trunc_normal_(self.pos_emb, std=0.02)
# Image -> tokens projection
self.class_emb = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=self.num_classes, embedding_dim=self.dim_class_emb, padding_idx=self.emb_padding_idx)
trunc_normal_(self.class_emb.weight, std=0.02)
if self.interpolate_class_emb:
self.proj = nn.Sequential(
nn.Upsample(scale_factor=(1 / self.P_H, 1 / self.P_W),
mode='bilinear'), # Actually a downsample operation
nn.Conv2d(in_channels=self.dim_class_emb, out_channels=self.dim_tokens,
kernel_size=1, stride=1),
self.proj = nn.Conv2d(
in_channels=self.dim_class_emb, out_channels=self.dim_tokens,
kernel_size=(self.P_H, self.P_W), stride=(self.P_H, self.P_W)
def no_weight_decay(self):
return {'pos_emb', 'class_emb'}
def forward(self, x):
Forward pass through input adapter, transforming image to sequence of tokens.
Adds task and positional encodings.
:param x: Input image tensor
B, H, W = x.shape
assert self.dim_tokens is not None, 'Need to call init(dim_tokens) function first'
assert (H % self.P_H == 0) and (
W % self.P_W == 0), f'Image sizes {H}x{W} must be divisible by patch sizes {self.P_H}x{self.P_W}'
N_H, N_W = H // self.P_H, W // self.P_W # Number of patches in height and width
# Map to embedding
x = rearrange(self.class_emb(x), 'b nh nw c -> b c nh nw')
# Create patches [B, C, H, W] -> [B, (H*W), C]
x_patch = rearrange(self.proj(x), 'b d nh nw -> b (nh nw) d')
# Create positional embedding
x_pos_emb = F.interpolate(self.pos_emb, size=(N_H, N_W), mode='bilinear')
x_pos_emb = rearrange(x_pos_emb, 'b d nh nw -> b (nh nw) d')
# Add patches and positional embeddings
x = x_patch + x_pos_emb
return x