Dhruv's picture
WIP: adding functions for loading and tokenization
title: BioML Resurrection Project
emoji: πŸ“‰
colorFrom: red
colorTo: purple
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 3.32.0
app_file: app.py
pinned: false
license: bigscience-openrail-m
full_width: true
tags: ["python", "transformers", "devops", "bioinformatics", ]
## BioML hackathon submission: building search engine for ressurecting archieved / old packages πŸͺ¦
This repo will integrate the current promonent packages being deployed as transformers to develop the builds for the software and resolve any issues in the current package.
## How to use
- **Install dependencies:**
pip install -r requirements.txt
- **Run the app:**
gradio app.py
Also you can do the settings in order to setup on hf spaces.