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About MRAW
MRAW is a prototype platform that shows the importance of access to clean drinking water by highlighting the correlation between access to clean drinking water and life expectancy for children and adults.
The children under-five mortality rate refers to the probability a newborn would die before reaching exactly 5 years of age, expressed per 1,000 live births.
The adult mortality rate is defined as the probability that those who have reached age 15 will die before reaching age 60 (shown per 1,000 persons). In other words, a value of 150 means that out of 1,000 persons who have reached age 15, 150 are expected to die before reaching age 60, and 850 are expected to survive to age 60.
The life expectancy at birth reflects the overall mortality level of a population. It summarizes the mortality pattern that prevails across all age groups - children and adolescents, adults and the elderly.
The life Expectancy at age 60 is defined as the average number of years that a person of 60 years old could expect to live, if that person were to pass through life exposed to the sex- and age-specific death rates prevailing at the time of their 60 years, for a specific year, in a given country.
To learn more about this project, check out the GitHub Repository.