title: Insights
emoji: π
colorFrom: gray
colorTo: yellow
sdk: streamlit
sdk_version: 1.33.0
pinned: false
: Handles the loading of data either by uploading a CSV file or inputting a URL to a CSV file.DataAnalyzer
: Provides summary statistics and data types of the loaded dataset.DataFilter
: Allows users to filter rows based on user-defined conditions.DataTransformer
: Enables users to perform operations on columns.DataVisualizer
: Visualizes data with various types of plots (Histogram, Box Plot, Pie Chart, Scatter Plot, Heatmap).
- Upload CSV files or load data from a URL.
- Display the uploaded dataset.
- Show summary statistics and data types.
- Filter rows based on user-defined conditions.
- Perform operations on columns.
- Visualize data with various types of plots (Histogram, Box Plot, Pie Chart, Scatter Plot, Heatmap).
- Transform data.
Detailed Installation Instructions
- Install the required packages:
The project's dependencies are listed in the 'requirements.txt' file. You can install all of them using pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the application:
Now, you're ready to run the application. Use the following command to start the Streamlit server:
streamlit run
Web app
Main page Data Exploration -> Data Loader -> DataQA (LLM with python interpreter/CSV agent) -> Data Analyzer -> Data Filter -> Data Visualizer
Data Transformation -> handling null values -> creating new columns -> removing columns -> Changing datatypes -> give option to analyse the transformed dataset or save it.
Natural language dataparty (Pure LLM) -> Insights generation -> Automating the data analysis/transformation -> generating a report
Running using Docker
- Build the docker image using
docker build -t insights .
- Run the Docker container with
docker run -p 8501:8501 -e GOOGLE_API_KEY=<you-api-key> insights