Make-An-Audio 3: Transforming Text into Audio via Flow-based Large Diffusion Transformers
PyTorch Implementation of Lumina-t2x
We will provide our implementation and pretrained models as open source in this repository recently.
Use pretrained model
We provide our implementation and pretrained models as open source in this repository.
Visit our demo page for audio samples.
Quick Started
Pretrained Models
Simply download the weights from .
- Text Encoder: FLAN-T5-Large
- VAE: Make-An-Audio 2, finetuned from Make an Audio
- Decoder: Vocoder
Checkpoints: huggingface,Audio
Checkpoints: huggingface
Generate audio/music from text
python3 scripts/
--outdir output_dir -r checkpoints_last.ckpt -b configs/txt2audio-cfm1-cfg-LargeDiT3.yaml --scale 3.0
--vocoder-ckpt useful_ckpts/bigvnat --test-dataset audiocaps
Generate audio/music from audiocaps or musiccaps test dataset
- remember to relatively change
python3 scripts/
--outdir output_dir -r checkpoints_last.ckpt -b configs/txt2audio-cfm1-cfg-LargeDiT3.yaml --scale 3.0
--vocoder-ckpt useful_ckpts/bigvnat --test-dataset testset
Generate audio/music from video
python3 scripts/
--outdir output_dir -r checkpoints_last.ckpt -b configs/txt2audio-cfm1-cfg-LargeDiT3.yaml --scale 3.0
--vocoder-ckpt useful_ckpts/bigvnat --test-dataset vggsound
Data preparation
- We can't provide the dataset download link for copyright issues. We provide the process code to generate melspec, count audio duration and generate structured caption.
- Before training, we need to construct the dataset information into a tsv file, which includes name (id for each audio), dataset (which dataset the audio belongs to), audio_path (the path of .wav file),caption (the caption of the audio) ,mel_path (the processed melspec file path of each audio), duration (the duration of the audio). We provide a tsv file of audiocaps test set: audiocaps_test_struct.tsv as a sample.
- We provide a tsv file of the audiocaps test set: ./audiocaps_test_16000_struct.tsv as a sample.
Generate the melspec file of audio
Assume you have already got a tsv file to link each caption to its audio_path, which mean the tsv_file have "name","audio_path","dataset" and "caption" columns in it. To get the melspec of audio, run the following command, which will save mels in ./processed
python preprocess/ --tsv_path tmp.tsv --num_gpus 1 --max_duration 10
Count audio duration
To count the duration of the audio and save duration information in tsv file, run the following command:
python preprocess/ --tsv_path tmp.tsv
Generated structure caption from the original natural language caption
Firstly you need to get an authorization token in openai(, here is a tutorial( Then replace your key of variable openai_key in preprocess/ Run the following command to add structed caption, the tsv file with structured caption will be saved into {tsv_file_name}_struct.tsv:
python preprocess/ --tsv_path tmp.tsv
Place Tsv files
After generated structure caption, put the tsv with structed caption to ./data/main_spec_dir . And put tsv files without structured caption to ./data/no_struct_dir
Modify the config data.params.main_spec_dir and data.params.main_spec_dir.other_spec_dir_path respectively in config file configs/text2audio-ConcatDiT-ae1dnat_Skl20d2_struct2MLPanylen.yaml .
Train variational autoencoder
Assume we have processed several datasets, and save the .tsv files in tsv_dir/*.tsv . Replace data.params.spec_dir_path with tsv_dir in the config file. Then we can train VAE with the following command. If you don't have 8 gpus in your machine, you can replace --gpus 0,1,...,gpu_nums
python --base configs/research/autoencoder/autoencoder1d_kl20_natbig_r1_down2_disc2.yaml -t --gpus 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Train latent diffsuion
After trainning VAE, replace model.params.first_stage_config.params.ckpt_path with your trained VAE checkpoint path in the config file. Run the following command to train Diffusion model
python --base configs/research/text2audio/text2audio-ConcatDiT-ae1dnat_Skl20d2_freezeFlananylen_drop.yaml -t --gpus 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Please refer to Make-An-Audio
This implementation uses parts of the code from the following Github repos: Make-An-Audio, AudioLCM, CLAP, as described in our code.
If you find this code useful in your research, please consider citing:
Any organization or individual is prohibited from using any technology mentioned in this paper to generate someone's speech without his/her consent, including but not limited to government leaders, political figures, and celebrities. If you do not comply with this item, you could be in violation of copyright laws.