Jax-NCA / jax_nca /nca.py
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import functools
from typing import Tuple
import flax.linen as nn
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
from flax import serialization
from jax import lax
class SobelPerceptionNet(nn.Module):
def __call__(self, x):
# x shape - BHWC
num_channels = x.shape[-1]
# 2D sobel kernels - IOHW layout
x_sobel_kernel = jnp.zeros(
(num_channels, num_channels, 3, 3), dtype=jnp.float32
x_sobel_kernel += (
jnp.array([[-1.0, 0.0, 1.0], [-2.0, 0.0, 2.0], [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0]])[
jnp.newaxis, jnp.newaxis, :, :
/ 8.0
y_sobel_kernel = jnp.zeros(
(num_channels, num_channels, 3, 3), dtype=jnp.float32
y_sobel_kernel += (
jnp.array([[-1.0, -2.0, -1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 2.0, 1.0]])[
jnp.newaxis, jnp.newaxis, :, :
/ 8.0
x = jnp.transpose(x, [0, 3, 1, 2]) # N C H W
x_out = lax.conv(
x, # lhs = NCHW image tensor
x_sobel_kernel, # rhs = OIHW conv kernel tensor
(1, 1), # window strides
) # padding mode
y_out = lax.conv(
x, # lhs = NCHW image tensor
y_sobel_kernel, # rhs = OIHW conv kernel tensor
(1, 1), # window strides
) # padding mode
out = jnp.concatenate([x, x_out, y_out], axis=1)
return jnp.transpose(out, [0, 2, 3, 1]) # N H W C
class UpdateNet(nn.Module):
num_channels: int
def __call__(self, x):
update_layer_1 = nn.Conv(
features=64, kernel_size=(1, 1), strides=1, padding="VALID"
update_layer_2 = nn.Conv(
features=64, kernel_size=(1, 1), strides=1, padding="VALID"
update_layer_3 = nn.Conv(
kernel_size=(1, 1),
x = update_layer_1(x)
x = nn.relu(x)
x = update_layer_2(x)
x = nn.relu(x)
x = update_layer_3(x)
return x
class TrainablePerception(nn.Module):
num_channels: int
def __call__(self, x):
out = nn.Conv(
features=self.num_channels * 3,
kernel_size=(3, 3),
return out
@functools.partial(jax.jit, static_argnames=("apply_fn", "num_steps"))
def nca_multi_step(apply_fn, params, current_state: jnp.array, rng, num_steps: int):
def forward(carry, inp):
carry = apply_fn({"params": params}, carry, rng)
return carry, carry
x, outs = jax.lax.scan(forward, current_state, None, length=num_steps)
return x, outs
class NCA(nn.Module):
num_hidden_channels: int
num_target_channels: int = 3
alpha_living_threshold: float = 0.1
cell_fire_rate: float = 1.0
trainable_perception: bool = False
alpha: float = 1.0
num_hidden_channels: Number of hidden channels for each cell to use
num_target_channels: Number of target channels to be used
alpha_living_threshold: threshold to determine whether a cell lives or dies
cell_fire_rate: probability that a cell receives an update per step
trainable_perception: if true, instead of using sobel filters use a trainable conv net
alpha: scalar value to be multiplied to updates
def create_seed(
num_hidden_channels: int,
num_target_channels: int = 3,
shape: Tuple[int] = (48, 48),
batch_size: int = 1,
seed = np.zeros((batch_size, *shape, num_hidden_channels + 3 + 1))
w, h = seed.shape[1], seed.shape[2]
seed[:, w // 2, h // 2, 3:] = 1.0
return seed
def setup(self):
num_channels = 3 + self.num_hidden_channels + 1
if self.trainable_perception:
self.perception = TrainablePerception(num_channels)
self.perception = SobelPerceptionNet()
self.update_net = UpdateNet(num_channels)
def alive(self, x, alpha_living_threshold: float):
return (
x[..., 3:4], window_shape=(3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="SAME"
> alpha_living_threshold
def get_stochastic_update_mask(self, x, rng, cell_fire_rate: float = 1.0):
return jnp.array(np.random.uniform(size=x[..., :1].shape) <= cell_fire_rate)
def __call__(self, x, rng):
pre_life_mask = self.alive(x, self.alpha_living_threshold)
perception_out = self.perception(x)
update = self.alpha * jnp.reshape(self.update_net(perception_out), x.shape)
if self.cell_fire_rate >= 1.0:
stochastic_update_mask = self.get_stochastic_update_mask(
x, rng, self.cell_fire_rate
x = x + update * stochastic_update_mask
x = x + update
post_life_mask = self.alive(x, self.alpha_living_threshold)
life_mask = pre_life_mask & post_life_mask
life_mask = life_mask.astype(float)
return x * life_mask
def save(self, params, path: str):
bytes_output = serialization.to_bytes(params)
with open(path, "wb") as f:
def load(self, path: str):
nca_seed = self.create_seed(
self.num_hidden_channels, self.num_target_channels, batch_size=1
rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
init_params = self.init(rng, nca_seed, rng)["params"]
with open(path, "rb") as f:
bytes_output = f.read()
return serialization.from_bytes(init_params, bytes_output)
def multi_step(self, params, current_state: jnp.array, rng, num_steps: int = 2):
return nca_multi_step(self.apply, params, current_state, rng, num_steps)
def to_rgb(self, x: jnp.array):
rgb, a = x[..., :3], jnp.clip(x[..., 3:4], 0.0, 1.0)
rgb = jnp.clip(1.0 - a + rgb, 0.0, 1.0)
return rgb