cointegrated's picture
- ru
- fluency
This is a model for evaluation of naturalness of short Russian texts. It has been trained to distinguish human-written texts from their corrupted versions.
Corruption sources: random replacement, deletion, addition, shuffling, and re-inflection of words and characters, random changes of capitalization, round-trip translation, filling random gaps with T5 and RoBERTA models. For each original text, we sampled three corrupted texts, so the model is uniformly biased towards the `unnatural` label.
Data sources: web-corpora from [the Leipzig collection]( (`rus_news_2020_100K`, `rus_newscrawl-public_2018_100K`, `rus-ru_web-public_2019_100K`, `rus_wikipedia_2021_100K`), comments from [OK]( and [Pikabu](
On our private test dataset, the model has achieved 40% rank correlation with human judgements of naturalness, which is higher than GPT perplexity, another popular fluency metric.