pszemraj's picture
license: apache-2.0
  - generated_from_trainer
  - email generation
  - email
  - aeslc
  - postbot/multi_emails_kw
  - text: Thursday pay invoice need asap thanks Pierre good morning dear Harold
    example_title: invoice
  - text: dear elia when will space be ready need urgently regards ronald
    example_title: space ready
  - text: >-
      Tuesday need talk with you important stuff dear jonathan status war in
    example_title: war status
  - text: dear bob will back wednesday need urgently regards elena
    example_title: return wednesday
  - text: dear mary thanks for your last invoice need know when payment be
    example_title: last invoice
  - text: >-
      pct1_dropremainder rounding may truncate the last examples in a dataset if
      the number of examples in your dataset don’t divide evenly by 100 dear bob
    example_title: pct1_dropremainder
  - text: >-
      dear joseph have all invoices ready Monday next invoice in 30 days have
      great weekend
    example_title: next invoice
  - text: >-
      dear mary I have couple questions on new contract we agreed on need know
      thoughts regarding contract
    example_title: contract
  - text: Friday will make report due soon please thanks dear john
    example_title: report due soon
  - text: >-
      need take photos sunday want finish thursday photo exhibition need urgent
      help thanks dear john
    example_title: photo exhibition
  - text: Tuesday need talk with you important stuff dear reginald
    example_title: important talk
  - text: dear maria how are you doing thanks very much
    example_title: thanks
  - text: >-
      dear james tomorrow will prepare file for june report before leave need
      know when leave
    example_title: file for june report
  min_length: 32
  max_length: 256
  no_repeat_ngram_size: 2
  do_sample: false
  num_beams: 8
  early_stopping: true
  repetition_penalty: 5.5
  length_penalty: 1.1


  • keyword-to-email generation
  • starting checkpoint was google/flan-t5-base, trained for 5 epochs

TODO: more words