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T5-Base v1.1 model trained to generate hypotheses given a premise and a label. Below the settings used to train it.

Experiment configurations                                                       
β”œβ”€β”€ datasets                                                                    
β”‚   └── snli_train:                                                             
β”‚         dataset_name: snli                                                    
β”‚         dataset_config_name: null                                             
β”‚         cache_dir: null                                                       
β”‚         input_fields:                                                         
β”‚         - premise                                                             
β”‚         - hypothesis                                                          
β”‚         target_field: label                                                   
β”‚         train_subset_names: null                                              
β”‚         val_subset_names: validation                                          
β”‚         test_subset_names: none                                               
β”‚         train_val_split: null                                                 
β”‚         limit_train_samples: null                                             
β”‚         limit_val_samples: null                                               
β”‚         limit_test_samples: null                                              
β”‚         sampling_kwargs:                                                      
β”‚           sampling_strategy: random                                           
β”‚           seed: 42                                                            
β”‚           replace: false                                                      
β”‚         align_labels_with_mapping: null                                       
β”‚         avoid_consistency_check: false                                        
β”‚         predict_label_mapping: null                                           
β”‚       anli_train:                                                             
β”‚         dataset_name: anli                                                    
β”‚         dataset_config_name: null                                             
β”‚         cache_dir: null                                                       
β”‚         input_fields:                                                         
β”‚         - premise                                                             
β”‚         - hypothesis                                                          
β”‚         target_field: label                                                   
β”‚         train_subset_names:                                                   
β”‚         - train_r1                                                            
β”‚         - train_r2                                                            
β”‚         - train_r3                                                            
β”‚         val_subset_names:                                                     
β”‚         - dev_r1                                                              
β”‚         - dev_r2                                                              
β”‚         - dev_r3                                                              
β”‚         test_subset_names: none                                               
β”‚         train_val_split: null                                                 
β”‚         limit_train_samples: null                                             
β”‚         limit_val_samples: null                                               
β”‚         limit_test_samples: null                                              
β”‚         sampling_kwargs:                                                      
β”‚           sampling_strategy: random                                           
β”‚           seed: 42                                                            
β”‚           replace: false                                                      
β”‚         align_labels_with_mapping: null                                       
β”‚         avoid_consistency_check: false                                        
β”‚         predict_label_mapping: null                                           
β”‚       mnli_train:                                                             
β”‚         dataset_name: multi_nli                                               
β”‚         dataset_config_name: null                                             
β”‚         cache_dir: null                                                       
β”‚         input_fields:                                                         
β”‚         - premise                                                             
β”‚         - hypothesis                                                          
β”‚         target_field: label                                                   
β”‚         train_subset_names: null                                              
β”‚         val_subset_names: validation_matched                                  
β”‚         test_subset_names: none                                               
β”‚         train_val_split: null                                                 
β”‚         limit_train_samples: null                                             
β”‚         limit_val_samples: null                                               
β”‚         limit_test_samples: null                                              
β”‚         sampling_kwargs:                                                      
β”‚           sampling_strategy: random                                           
β”‚           seed: 42                                                            
β”‚           replace: false                                                      
β”‚         align_labels_with_mapping: null                                       
β”‚         avoid_consistency_check: false                                        
β”‚         predict_label_mapping: null                                           
β”‚       snli:                                                                   
β”‚         dataset_name: snli                                                    
β”‚         dataset_config_name: null                                             
β”‚         cache_dir: null                                                       
β”‚         input_fields:                                                         
β”‚         - premise                                                             
β”‚         - hypothesis                                                          
β”‚         target_field: label                                                   
β”‚         train_subset_names: none                                              
β”‚         val_subset_names: none                                                
β”‚         test_subset_names: null                                               
β”‚         train_val_split: null                                                 
β”‚         limit_train_samples: null                                             
β”‚         limit_val_samples: null                                               
β”‚         limit_test_samples: null                                              
β”‚         sampling_kwargs:                                                      
β”‚           sampling_strategy: random                                           
β”‚           seed: 42                                                            
β”‚           replace: false                                                      
β”‚         align_labels_with_mapping: null                                       
β”‚         avoid_consistency_check: false                                        
β”‚         predict_label_mapping: null                                           
β”‚       anli:                                                                   
β”‚         dataset_name: anli                                                    
β”‚         dataset_config_name: null                                             
β”‚         cache_dir: null                                                       
β”‚         input_fields:                                                         
β”‚         - premise                                                             
β”‚         - hypothesis                                                          
β”‚         target_field: label                                                   
β”‚         train_subset_names: none                                              
β”‚         val_subset_names: none                                                
β”‚         test_subset_names:                                                    
β”‚         - test_r1                                                             
β”‚         - test_r2                                                             
β”‚         - test_r3                                                             
β”‚         train_val_split: null                                                 
β”‚         limit_train_samples: null                                             
β”‚         limit_val_samples: null                                               
β”‚         limit_test_samples: null                                              
β”‚         sampling_kwargs:                                                      
β”‚           sampling_strategy: random                                           
β”‚           seed: 42                                                            
β”‚           replace: false                                                      
β”‚         align_labels_with_mapping: null                                       
β”‚         avoid_consistency_check: false                                        
β”‚         predict_label_mapping: null                                           
β”‚       mnli:                                                                   
β”‚         dataset_name: multi_nli                                               
β”‚         dataset_config_name: null                                             
β”‚         cache_dir: null                                                       
β”‚         input_fields:                                                         
β”‚         - premise                                                             
β”‚         - hypothesis                                                          
β”‚         target_field: label                                                   
β”‚         train_subset_names: none                                              
β”‚         val_subset_names: none                                                
β”‚         test_subset_names: validation_mismatched                              
β”‚         train_val_split: null                                                 
β”‚         limit_train_samples: null                                             
β”‚         limit_val_samples: null                                               
β”‚         limit_test_samples: null                                              
β”‚         sampling_kwargs:                                                      
β”‚           sampling_strategy: random                                           
β”‚           seed: 42                                                            
β”‚           replace: false                                                      
β”‚         align_labels_with_mapping: null                                       
β”‚         avoid_consistency_check: false                                        
β”‚         predict_label_mapping: null                                           
β”œβ”€β”€ data                                                                        
β”‚   └── _target_: src.task.nli.data.NLIGenerationData.from_config               
β”‚       main_dataset_name: null                                                 
β”‚       use_additional_as_test: null                                            
β”‚       dataloader:                                                             
β”‚         batch_size: 96                                                        
β”‚         eval_batch_size: 96                                                   
β”‚         num_workers: 8                                                        
β”‚         pin_memory: true                                                      
β”‚         drop_last: false                                                      
β”‚         persistent_workers: false                                             
β”‚         shuffle: true                                                         
β”‚         seed_dataloader: 42                                                   
β”‚         replacement: false                                                    
β”‚       processing:                                                             
β”‚         preprocessing_num_workers: 8                                          
β”‚         preprocessing_batch_size: 1000                                        
β”‚         load_from_cache_file: true                                            
β”‚         padding: longest                                                      
β”‚         truncation: longest_first                                             
β”‚         max_source_length: 128                                                
β”‚         max_target_length: 128                                                
β”‚         template: 'premise: $premise $label hypothesis: '                     
β”‚       tokenizer:                                                              
β”‚         _target_: transformers.AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained                  
β”‚         pretrained_model_name_or_path: pietrolesci/t5-v1_1-base_nli_gen       
β”‚         use_fast: true                                                        
β”œβ”€β”€ task                                                                        
β”‚   └── optimizer:                                                              
β”‚         name: Adafactor                                                       
β”‚         lr: 0.001                                                             
β”‚         weight_decay: 0.0                                                     
β”‚         no_decay:                                                             
β”‚         - bias                                                                
β”‚         - LayerNorm.weight                                                    
β”‚         decay_rate: -0.8                                                      
β”‚         clip_threshold: 1.0                                                   
β”‚         relative_step: false                                                  
β”‚         scale_parameter: false                                                
β”‚         warmup_init: false                                                    
β”‚       scheduler:                                                              
β”‚         name: constant_schedule                                               
β”‚       model:                                                                  
β”‚         model_name_or_path: pietrolesci/t5-v1_1-base_nli_gen                  
β”‚       checkpoint_path: null                                                   
β”‚       freeze: false                                                           
β”‚       seed_init_weight: 42                                                    
β”‚       _target_: src.task.nli.NLIGenerationTask.from_config                    
β”‚       generation:                                                             
β”‚         generation_max_length: 128                                            
β”‚         generation_min_length: 3                                              
β”‚         do_sample: true                                                       
β”‚         early_stopping: false                                                 
β”‚         num_beams: 1                                                          
β”‚         temperature: 1.0                                                      
β”‚         top_k: 50                                                             
β”‚         top_p: 0.95                                                           
β”‚         repetition_penalty: null                                              
β”‚         length_penalty: null                                                  
β”‚         no_repeat_ngram_size: null                                            
β”‚         encoder_no_repeat_ngram_size: null                                    
β”‚         num_return_sequences: 1                                               
β”‚         max_time: null                                                        
β”‚         max_new_tokens: null                                                  
β”‚         decoder_start_token_id: null                                          
β”‚         use_cache: null                                                       
β”‚         num_beam_groups: null                                                 
β”‚         diversity_penalty: null                                               
β”œβ”€β”€ trainer                                                                     
β”‚   └── _target_: pytorch_lightning.Trainer                                     
β”‚       callbacks:                                                              
β”‚         lr_monitor:                                                           
β”‚           _target_: pytorch_lightning.callbacks.LearningRateMonitor           
β”‚           logging_interval: step                                              
β”‚           log_momentum: false                                                 
β”‚         model_checkpoint:                                                     
β”‚           _target_: pytorch_lightning.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint               
β”‚           dirpath: ./checkpoints/                                             
β”‚           filename: nli_generator_sma-epoch={epoch:02d}-val_loss={val/aggregat
β”‚           monitor: val/aggregated_loss                                        
β”‚           mode: min                                                           
β”‚           verbose: false                                                      
β”‚           save_last: true                                                     
β”‚           save_top_k: 1                                                       
β”‚           auto_insert_metric_name: false                                      
β”‚           save_on_train_epoch_end: false                                      
β”‚         rich_model_summary:                                                   
β”‚           _target_: pytorch_lightning.callbacks.RichModelSummary              
β”‚           max_depth: 1                                                        
β”‚         log_grad_norm:                                                        
β”‚           _target_: src.core.callbacks.LogGradNorm                            
β”‚           norm_type: 2                                                        
β”‚           group_separator: /                                                  
β”‚           only_total: true                                                    
β”‚           on_step: true                                                       
β”‚           on_epoch: false                                                     
β”‚           prog_bar: true                                                      
β”‚         log_generated_text:                                                   
β”‚           _target_: src.core.callbacks.GenerateAndLogText                     
β”‚           dirpath: ./generated_text                                           
β”‚           type: generated_text                                                
β”‚           pop_keys_after_logging: true                                        
β”‚           on_train: false                                                     
β”‚           on_validation: false                                                
β”‚           on_test: true                                                       
β”‚           log_to_wandb: true                                                  
β”‚         wandb_log_dataset_sizes:                                              
β”‚           _target_: src.core.callbacks.WandbLogDatasetSizes                   
β”‚       logger:                                                                 
β”‚         wandb:                                                                
β”‚           _target_: pytorch_lightning.loggers.WandbLogger                     
β”‚           project: nli_debiasing                                              
β”‚           entity: team_brushino                                               
β”‚           name: nli_generator_sma                                             
β”‚           save_dir: ./                                                        
β”‚           offline: false                                                      
β”‚           log_model: false                                                    
β”‚           group: generator                                                    
β”‚           job_type: genearator_training                                       
β”‚           tags:                                                               
β”‚           - nli_generator_sma                                                 
β”‚           - seed=42                                                           
β”‚           - seed_dataloader=42                                                
β”‚           notes: nli_generator_sma_time=01-37-04                              
β”‚       enable_checkpointing: true                                              
β”‚       enable_progress_bar: true                                               
β”‚       enable_model_summary: true                                              
β”‚       gradient_clip_val: 6                                                    
β”‚       gradient_clip_algorithm: null                                           
β”‚       accelerator: gpu                                                        
β”‚       devices: auto                                                           
β”‚       gpus: null                                                              
β”‚       auto_select_gpus: true                                                  
β”‚       accumulate_grad_batches: 1                                              
β”‚       max_epochs: 2                                                           
β”‚       min_epochs: 1                                                           
β”‚       max_steps: -1                                                           
β”‚       min_steps: null                                                         
β”‚       max_time: null                                                          
β”‚       num_sanity_val_steps: 2                                                 
β”‚       overfit_batches: 0.0                                                    
β”‚       fast_dev_run: false                                                     
β”‚       limit_train_batches: 1.0                                                
β”‚       limit_val_batches: 1.0                                                  
β”‚       limit_test_batches: 1.0                                                 
β”‚       profiler: null                                                          
β”‚       detect_anomaly: false                                                   
β”‚       deterministic: false                                                    
β”‚       check_val_every_n_epoch: 1                                              
β”‚       val_check_interval: 0.5                                                 
β”‚       log_every_n_steps: 1                                                    
β”‚       move_metrics_to_cpu: false                                              
└── training                                                                    
    └── run_val_before_fit: false                                               
        run_val_after_fit: false                                                
        run_test_before_fit: false                                              
        run_test_after_fit: true                                                
        lr: 0.001                                                               
        seed: 42                                                                
        show_batch: false                                                       
        batch_size: 96                                                          
        eval_batch_size: 96                                                     
        num_workers: 8                                                          
        pin_memory: true                                                        
        drop_last: false                                                        
        persistent_workers: false                                               
        shuffle: true                                                           
        seed_dataloader: 42                                                     
        ignore_warnings: true                                                   
        experiment_name: nli_generator_sma