from collections import defaultdict |
import copy |
import json |
import os |
from os.path import exists, join, isdir |
from dataclasses import dataclass, field |
import sys |
from typing import Optional, Dict, Sequence |
import numpy as np |
from tqdm import tqdm |
import logging |
import bitsandbytes as bnb |
import pandas as pd |
import importlib |
from packaging import version |
from packaging.version import parse |
import torch |
import transformers |
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence |
import argparse |
from transformers import ( |
AutoTokenizer, |
AutoModelForCausalLM, |
set_seed, |
Seq2SeqTrainer, |
BitsAndBytesConfig, |
LlamaTokenizer |
) |
from datasets import load_dataset, Dataset |
import evaluate |
from peft import ( |
prepare_model_for_kbit_training, |
LoraConfig, |
get_peft_model, |
PeftModel |
) |
from peft.tuners.lora import LoraLayer |
from transformers.trainer_utils import PREFIX_CHECKPOINT_DIR |
def is_ipex_available(): |
def get_major_and_minor_from_version(full_version): |
return str(version.parse(full_version).major) + "." + str(version.parse(full_version).minor) |
_torch_version = importlib.metadata.version("torch") |
if importlib.util.find_spec("intel_extension_for_pytorch") is None: |
return False |
_ipex_version = "N/A" |
try: |
_ipex_version = importlib.metadata.version("intel_extension_for_pytorch") |
except importlib.metadata.PackageNotFoundError: |
return False |
torch_major_and_minor = get_major_and_minor_from_version(_torch_version) |
ipex_major_and_minor = get_major_and_minor_from_version(_ipex_version) |
if torch_major_and_minor != ipex_major_and_minor: |
warnings.warn( |
f"Intel Extension for PyTorch {ipex_major_and_minor} needs to work with PyTorch {ipex_major_and_minor}.*," |
f" but PyTorch {_torch_version} is found. Please switch to the matching version and run again." |
) |
return False |
return True |
if torch.cuda.is_available(): |
torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = True |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
@dataclass |
class ModelArguments: |
model_name_or_path: Optional[str] = field( |
default="EleutherAI/pythia-12b" |
) |
trust_remote_code: Optional[bool] = field( |
default=False, |
metadata={"help": "Enable unpickling of arbitrary code in AutoModelForCausalLM#from_pretrained."} |
) |
use_auth_token: Optional[bool] = field( |
default=False, |
metadata={"help": "Enables using Huggingface auth token from Git Credentials."} |
) |
@dataclass |
class DataArguments: |
eval_dataset_size: int = field( |
default=1024, metadata={"help": "Size of validation dataset."} |
) |
max_train_samples: Optional[int] = field( |
default=None, |
metadata={ |
"help": "For debugging purposes or quicker training, truncate the number of training examples to this " |
"value if set." |
}, |
) |
max_eval_samples: Optional[int] = field( |
default=None, |
metadata={ |
"help": "For debugging purposes or quicker training, truncate the number of evaluation examples to this " |
"value if set." |
}, |
) |
source_max_len: int = field( |
default=1024, |
metadata={"help": "Maximum source sequence length. Sequences will be right padded (and possibly truncated)."}, |
) |
target_max_len: int = field( |
default=256, |
metadata={"help": "Maximum target sequence length. Sequences will be right padded (and possibly truncated)."}, |
) |
dataset: str = field( |
default='alpaca', |
metadata={"help": "Which dataset to finetune on. See datamodule for options."} |
) |
dataset_format: Optional[str] = field( |
default=None, |
metadata={"help": "Which dataset format is used. [alpaca|chip2|self-instruct|hh-rlhf]"} |
) |
@dataclass |
class TrainingArguments(transformers.Seq2SeqTrainingArguments): |
cache_dir: Optional[str] = field( |
default=None |
) |
train_on_source: Optional[bool] = field( |
default=False, |
metadata={"help": "Whether to train on the input in addition to the target text."} |
) |
mmlu_split: Optional[str] = field( |
default='eval', |
metadata={"help": "The MMLU split to run on"} |
) |
mmlu_dataset: Optional[str] = field( |
default='mmlu-fs', |
metadata={"help": "MMLU dataset to use: options are `mmlu-zs` for zero-shot or `mmlu-fs` for few shot."} |
) |
do_mmlu_eval: Optional[bool] = field( |
default=False, |
metadata={"help": "Whether to run the MMLU evaluation."} |
) |
max_mmlu_samples: Optional[int] = field( |
default=None, |
metadata={"help": "If set, only evaluates on `max_mmlu_samples` of the MMMLU dataset."} |
) |
mmlu_source_max_len: int = field( |
default=2048, |
metadata={"help": "Maximum source sequence length for mmlu."} |
) |
full_finetune: bool = field( |
default=False, |
metadata={"help": "Finetune the entire model without adapters."} |
) |
adam8bit: bool = field( |
default=False, |
metadata={"help": "Use 8-bit adam."} |
) |
double_quant: bool = field( |
default=True, |
metadata={"help": "Compress the quantization statistics through double quantization."} |
) |
quant_type: str = field( |
default="nf4", |
metadata={"help": "Quantization data type to use. Should be one of `fp4` or `nf4`."} |
) |
bits: int = field( |
default=4, |
metadata={"help": "How many bits to use."} |
) |
lora_r: int = field( |
default=64, |
metadata={"help": "Lora R dimension."} |
) |
lora_alpha: float = field( |
default=16, |
metadata={"help": " Lora alpha."} |
) |
lora_dropout: float = field( |
default=0.0, |
metadata={"help":"Lora dropout."} |
) |
max_memory_MB: int = field( |
default=80000, |
metadata={"help": "Free memory per gpu."} |
) |
report_to: str = field( |
default='none', |
metadata={"help": "To use wandb or something else for reporting."} |
) |
output_dir: str = field(default='./output', metadata={"help": 'The output dir for logs and checkpoints'}) |
optim: str = field(default='paged_adamw_32bit', metadata={"help": 'The optimizer to be used'}) |
per_device_train_batch_size: int = field(default=1, metadata={"help": 'The training batch size per GPU. Increase for better speed.'}) |
gradient_accumulation_steps: int = field(default=16, metadata={"help": 'How many gradients to accumulate before to perform an optimizer step'}) |
max_steps: int = field(default=10000, metadata={"help": 'How many optimizer update steps to take'}) |
weight_decay: float = field(default=0.0, metadata={"help": 'The L2 weight decay rate of AdamW'}) |
learning_rate: float = field(default=0.0002, metadata={"help": 'The learnign rate'}) |
remove_unused_columns: bool = field(default=False, metadata={"help": 'Removed unused columns. Needed to make this codebase work.'}) |
max_grad_norm: float = field(default=0.3, metadata={"help": 'Gradient clipping max norm. This is tuned and works well for all models tested.'}) |
gradient_checkpointing: bool = field(default=True, metadata={"help": 'Use gradient checkpointing. You want to use this.'}) |
do_train: bool = field(default=True, metadata={"help": 'To train or not to train, that is the question?'}) |
lr_scheduler_type: str = field(default='constant', metadata={"help": 'Learning rate schedule. Constant a bit better than cosine, and has advantage for analysis'}) |
warmup_ratio: float = field(default=0.03, metadata={"help": 'Fraction of steps to do a warmup for'}) |
logging_steps: int = field(default=10, metadata={"help": 'The frequency of update steps after which to log the loss'}) |
group_by_length: bool = field(default=True, metadata={"help": 'Group sequences into batches with same length. Saves memory and speeds up training considerably.'}) |
save_strategy: str = field(default='steps', metadata={"help": 'When to save checkpoints'}) |
save_steps: int = field(default=250, metadata={"help": 'How often to save a model'}) |
save_total_limit: int = field(default=40, metadata={"help": 'How many checkpoints to save before the oldest is overwritten'}) |
sharded_ddp: bool = field(default=False) |
ddp_timeout: int = field(default=7200) |
ddp_find_unused_parameters: bool = field(default=False) |
dataloader_num_workers: int = field(default=3) |
@dataclass |
class GenerationArguments: |
max_new_tokens: Optional[int] = field( |
default=256, |
metadata={"help": "Maximum number of new tokens to be generated in evaluation or prediction loops" |
"if predict_with_generate is set."} |
) |
min_new_tokens : Optional[int] = field( |
default=None, |
metadata={"help": "Minimum number of new tokens to generate."} |
) |
do_sample: Optional[bool] = field(default=False) |
num_beams: Optional[int] = field(default=1) |
num_beam_groups: Optional[int] = field(default=1) |
penalty_alpha: Optional[float] = field(default=None) |
use_cache: Optional[bool] = field(default=True) |
temperature: Optional[float] = field(default=1.0) |
top_k: Optional[int] = field(default=50) |
top_p: Optional[float] = field(default=1.0) |
typical_p: Optional[float] = field(default=1.0) |
diversity_penalty: Optional[float] = field(default=0.0) |
repetition_penalty: Optional[float] = field(default=1.0) |
length_penalty: Optional[float] = field(default=1.0) |
no_repeat_ngram_size: Optional[int] = field(default=0) |
def find_all_linear_names(args, model): |
cls = bnb.nn.Linear4bit if args.bits == 4 else (bnb.nn.Linear8bitLt if args.bits == 8 else torch.nn.Linear) |
lora_module_names = set() |
for name, module in model.named_modules(): |
if isinstance(module, cls): |
names = name.split('.') |
lora_module_names.add(names[0] if len(names) == 1 else names[-1]) |
if 'lm_head' in lora_module_names: |
lora_module_names.remove('lm_head') |
return list(lora_module_names) |
class SavePeftModelCallback(transformers.TrainerCallback): |
def save_model(self, args, state, kwargs): |
print('Saving PEFT checkpoint...') |
if state.best_model_checkpoint is not None: |
checkpoint_folder = os.path.join(state.best_model_checkpoint, "adapter_model") |
else: |
checkpoint_folder = os.path.join(args.output_dir, f"{PREFIX_CHECKPOINT_DIR}-{state.global_step}") |
peft_model_path = os.path.join(checkpoint_folder, "adapter_model") |
kwargs["model"].save_pretrained(peft_model_path) |
pytorch_model_path = os.path.join(checkpoint_folder, "pytorch_model.bin") |
if os.path.exists(pytorch_model_path): |
os.remove(pytorch_model_path) |
def on_save(self, args, state, control, **kwargs): |
self.save_model(args, state, kwargs) |
return control |
def on_train_end(self, args, state, control, **kwargs): |
def touch(fname, times=None): |
with open(fname, 'a'): |
os.utime(fname, times) |
touch(join(args.output_dir, 'completed')) |
self.save_model(args, state, kwargs) |
def get_accelerate_model(args, checkpoint_dir): |
if torch.cuda.is_available(): |
n_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count() |
if is_ipex_available() and torch.xpu.is_available(): |
n_gpus = torch.xpu.device_count() |
max_memory = f'{args.max_memory_MB}MB' |
max_memory = {i: max_memory for i in range(n_gpus)} |
device_map = "auto" |
if os.environ.get('LOCAL_RANK') is not None: |
local_rank = int(os.environ.get('LOCAL_RANK', '0')) |
device_map = {'': local_rank} |
max_memory = {'': max_memory[local_rank]} |
if args.full_finetune: assert args.bits in [16, 32] |
print(f'loading base model {args.model_name_or_path}...') |
compute_dtype = (torch.float16 if args.fp16 else (torch.bfloat16 if args.bf16 else torch.float32)) |
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( |
args.model_name_or_path, |
cache_dir=args.cache_dir, |
load_in_4bit=args.bits == 4, |
load_in_8bit=args.bits == 8, |
device_map=device_map, |
max_memory=max_memory, |
quantization_config=BitsAndBytesConfig( |
load_in_4bit=args.bits == 4, |
load_in_8bit=args.bits == 8, |
llm_int8_threshold=6.0, |
llm_int8_has_fp16_weight=False, |
bnb_4bit_compute_dtype=compute_dtype, |
bnb_4bit_use_double_quant=args.double_quant, |
bnb_4bit_quant_type=args.quant_type, |
), |
torch_dtype=(torch.float32 if args.fp16 else (torch.bfloat16 if args.bf16 else torch.float32)), |
trust_remote_code=args.trust_remote_code, |
use_auth_token=args.use_auth_token |
) |
if compute_dtype == torch.float16 and args.bits == 4: |
if torch.cuda.is_bf16_supported(): |
print('='*80) |
print('Your GPU supports bfloat16, you can accelerate training with the argument --bf16') |
print('='*80) |
if compute_dtype == torch.float16 and (is_ipex_available() and torch.xpu.is_available()): |
compute_dtype = torch.bfloat16 |
print('Intel XPU does not support float16 yet, so switching to bfloat16') |
setattr(model, 'model_parallel', True) |
setattr(model, 'is_parallelizable', True) |
model.config.torch_dtype=(torch.float32 if args.fp16 else (torch.bfloat16 if args.bf16 else torch.float32)) |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( |
args.model_name_or_path, |
cache_dir=args.cache_dir, |
padding_side="right", |
use_fast=False, |
tokenizer_type='llama' if 'llama' in args.model_name_or_path else None, |
legacy=False, |
trust_remote_code=args.trust_remote_code, |
use_auth_token=args.use_auth_token, |
) |
if 'llama' in args.model_name_or_path or isinstance(tokenizer, LlamaTokenizer): |
print('Adding special tokens.') |
tokenizer.add_special_tokens({ |
"eos_token": tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(model.config.eos_token_id), |
"bos_token": tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(model.config.bos_token_id), |
"pad_token": tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(0) |
}) |
if not args.full_finetune: |
model = prepare_model_for_kbit_training(model, use_gradient_checkpointing=args.gradient_checkpointing) |
if not args.full_finetune: |
if checkpoint_dir is not None: |
print("Loading adapters from checkpoint.") |
model = PeftModel.from_pretrained(model, join(checkpoint_dir, 'adapter_model'), is_trainable=True) |
else: |
print(f'adding LoRA modules...') |
modules = find_all_linear_names(args, model) |
config = LoraConfig( |
r=args.lora_r, |
lora_alpha=args.lora_alpha, |
target_modules=modules, |
lora_dropout=args.lora_dropout, |
bias="none", |
task_type="CAUSAL_LM", |
) |
model = get_peft_model(model, config) |
for name, module in model.named_modules(): |
if isinstance(module, LoraLayer): |
if args.bf16: |
module = module.to(torch.bfloat16) |
if 'norm' in name: |
module = module.to(torch.float32) |
if 'lm_head' in name or 'embed_tokens' in name: |
if hasattr(module, 'weight'): |
if args.bf16 and module.weight.dtype == torch.float32: |
module = module.to(torch.bfloat16) |
return model, tokenizer |
def print_trainable_parameters(args, model): |
""" |
Prints the number of trainable parameters in the model. |
""" |
trainable_params = 0 |
all_param = 0 |
for _, param in model.named_parameters(): |
all_param += param.numel() |
if param.requires_grad: |
trainable_params += param.numel() |
if args.bits == 4: trainable_params /= 2 |
print( |
f"trainable params: {trainable_params} || " |
f"all params: {all_param} || " |
f"trainable: {100 * trainable_params / all_param}" |
) |
def smart_tokenizer_and_embedding_resize( |
special_tokens_dict: Dict, |
tokenizer: transformers.PreTrainedTokenizer, |
model: transformers.PreTrainedModel, |
): |
"""Resize tokenizer and embedding. |
Note: This is the unoptimized version that may make your embedding size not be divisible by 64. |
""" |
num_new_tokens = tokenizer.add_special_tokens(special_tokens_dict) |
model.resize_token_embeddings(len(tokenizer)) |
if num_new_tokens > 0: |
input_embeddings_data = model.get_input_embeddings().weight.data |
output_embeddings_data = model.get_output_embeddings().weight.data |
input_embeddings_avg = input_embeddings_data[:-num_new_tokens].mean(dim=0, keepdim=True) |
output_embeddings_avg = output_embeddings_data[:-num_new_tokens].mean(dim=0, keepdim=True) |
input_embeddings_data[-num_new_tokens:] = input_embeddings_avg |
output_embeddings_data[-num_new_tokens:] = output_embeddings_avg |
@dataclass |
class DataCollatorForCausalLM(object): |
tokenizer: transformers.PreTrainedTokenizer |
source_max_len: int |
target_max_len: int |
train_on_source: bool |
predict_with_generate: bool |
def __call__(self, instances: Sequence[Dict]) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: |
sources = [f"{self.tokenizer.bos_token}{example['input']}" for example in instances] |
targets = [f"{example['output']}{self.tokenizer.eos_token}" for example in instances] |
tokenized_sources_with_prompt = self.tokenizer( |
sources, |
max_length=self.source_max_len, |
truncation=True, |
add_special_tokens=False, |
) |
tokenized_targets = self.tokenizer( |
targets, |
max_length=self.target_max_len, |
truncation=True, |
add_special_tokens=False, |
) |
input_ids = [] |
labels = [] |
for tokenized_source, tokenized_target in zip( |
tokenized_sources_with_prompt['input_ids'], |
tokenized_targets['input_ids'] |
): |
if not self.predict_with_generate: |
input_ids.append(torch.tensor(tokenized_source + tokenized_target)) |
if not self.train_on_source: |
labels.append( |
torch.tensor([IGNORE_INDEX for _ in range(len(tokenized_source))] + copy.deepcopy(tokenized_target)) |
) |
else: |
labels.append(torch.tensor(copy.deepcopy(tokenized_source + tokenized_target))) |
else: |
input_ids.append(torch.tensor(tokenized_source)) |
input_ids = pad_sequence(input_ids, batch_first=True, padding_value=self.tokenizer.pad_token_id) |
labels = pad_sequence(labels, batch_first=True, padding_value=IGNORE_INDEX) if not self.predict_with_generate else None |
data_dict = { |
'input_ids': input_ids, |
'attention_mask':input_ids.ne(self.tokenizer.pad_token_id), |
} |
if labels is not None: |
data_dict['labels'] = labels |
return data_dict |
def extract_unnatural_instructions_data(examples, extract_reformulations=False): |
out = { |
'input': [], |
'output': [], |
} |
for example_instances in examples['instances']: |
for instance in example_instances: |
out['input'].append(instance['instruction_with_input']) |
out['output'].append(instance['output']) |
if extract_reformulations: |
for example_reformulations in examples['reformulations']: |
if example_reformulations is not None: |
for instance in example_reformulations: |
out['input'].append(instance['instruction_with_input']) |
out['output'].append(instance['output']) |
return out |
"prompt_input": ( |
"Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. " |
"Write a response that appropriately completes the request.\n\n" |
"### Instruction:\n{instruction}\n\n### Input:\n{input}\n\n### Response: " |
), |
"prompt_no_input": ( |
"Below is an instruction that describes a task. " |
"Write a response that appropriately completes the request.\n\n" |
"### Instruction:\n{instruction}\n\n### Response: " |
), |
} |
def extract_alpaca_dataset(example): |
if example.get("input", "") != "": |
prompt_format = ALPACA_PROMPT_DICT["prompt_input"] |
else: |
prompt_format = ALPACA_PROMPT_DICT["prompt_no_input"] |
return {'input': prompt_format.format(**example)} |
def local_dataset(dataset_name): |
if dataset_name.endswith('.json') or dataset_name.endswith('.jsonl'): |
full_dataset = Dataset.from_json(path_or_paths=dataset_name) |
elif dataset_name.endswith('.csv'): |
full_dataset = Dataset.from_pandas(pd.read_csv(dataset_name)) |
elif dataset_name.endswith('.tsv'): |
full_dataset = Dataset.from_pandas(pd.read_csv(dataset_name, delimiter='\t')) |
else: |
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported dataset format: {dataset_name}") |
split_dataset = full_dataset.train_test_split(test_size=0.1) |
return split_dataset |
def make_data_module(tokenizer: transformers.PreTrainedTokenizer, args) -> Dict: |
""" |
Make dataset and collator for supervised fine-tuning. |
Datasets are expected to have the following columns: { `input`, `output` } |
Available datasets to be selected with `dataset` argument: |
- alpaca, 52002 examples |
- alpaca cleaned, 51942 examples |
- chip2 (OIG), 210289 examples |
- self-instruct, 82612 examples |
- hh-rlhf (Anthropic), 160800 examples |
- longform, 23.7k examples |
- oasst1 (OpenAssistant) primary message tree only, 9,846 examples |
Coming soon: |
- unnatural instructions core, 66010 examples |
- unnatural instructions full, 240670 examples |
- alpaca-gpt4, 52002 examples |
- unnatural-instructions-gpt4, 9000 examples |
- supernatural-instructions, 69624 examples (same as paper with 100 ex/task more can be used) |
- flan (FLAN v2), up to 20M examples available |
- vicuna |
""" |
def load_data(dataset_name): |
if dataset_name == 'alpaca': |
return load_dataset("tatsu-lab/alpaca") |
elif dataset_name == 'alpaca-clean': |
return load_dataset("yahma/alpaca-cleaned") |
elif dataset_name == 'chip2': |
return load_dataset("laion/OIG", data_files='unified_chip2.jsonl') |
elif dataset_name == 'self-instruct': |
return load_dataset("yizhongw/self_instruct", name='self_instruct') |
elif dataset_name == 'hh-rlhf': |
return load_dataset("Anthropic/hh-rlhf") |
elif dataset_name == 'longform': |
return load_dataset("akoksal/LongForm") |
elif dataset_name == 'oasst1': |
return load_dataset("timdettmers/openassistant-guanaco") |
elif dataset_name == 'vicuna': |
raise NotImplementedError("Vicuna data was not released.") |
else: |
if os.path.exists(dataset_name): |
try: |
args.dataset_format = args.dataset_format if args.dataset_format else "input-output" |
full_dataset = local_dataset(dataset_name) |
return full_dataset |
except: |
raise ValueError(f"Error loading dataset from {dataset_name}") |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError(f"Dataset {dataset_name} not implemented yet.") |
def format_dataset(dataset, dataset_format): |
if ( |
dataset_format == 'alpaca' or dataset_format == 'alpaca-clean' or |
(dataset_format is None and args.dataset in ['alpaca', 'alpaca-clean']) |
): |
dataset = dataset.map(extract_alpaca_dataset, remove_columns=['instruction']) |
elif dataset_format == 'chip2' or (dataset_format is None and args.dataset == 'chip2'): |
dataset = dataset.map(lambda x: { |
'input': x['text'].split('\n<bot>: ')[0].replace('<human>: ', ''), |
'output': x['text'].split('\n<bot>: ')[1], |
}) |
elif dataset_format == 'self-instruct' or (dataset_format is None and args.dataset == 'self-instruct'): |
for old, new in [["prompt", "input"], ["completion", "output"]]: |
dataset = dataset.rename_column(old, new) |
elif dataset_format == 'hh-rlhf' or (dataset_format is None and args.dataset == 'hh-rlhf'): |
dataset = dataset.map(lambda x: { |
'input': '', |
'output': x['chosen'] |
}) |
elif dataset_format == 'oasst1' or (dataset_format is None and args.dataset == 'oasst1'): |
dataset = dataset.map(lambda x: { |
'input': '', |
'output': x['text'], |
}) |
elif dataset_format == 'input-output': |
pass |
dataset = dataset.remove_columns( |
[col for col in dataset.column_names['train'] if col not in ['input', 'output']] |
) |
return dataset |
dataset = load_data(args.dataset) |
dataset = format_dataset(dataset, args.dataset_format) |
print(dataset) |
if args.do_eval or args.do_predict: |
if 'eval' in dataset: |
eval_dataset = dataset['eval'] |
else: |
print('Splitting train dataset in train and validation according to `eval_dataset_size`') |
dataset = dataset["train"].train_test_split( |
test_size=args.eval_dataset_size, shuffle=True, seed=42 |
) |
eval_dataset = dataset['test'] |
if args.max_eval_samples is not None and len(eval_dataset) > args.max_eval_samples: |
eval_dataset = eval_dataset.select(range(args.max_eval_samples)) |
if args.group_by_length: |
eval_dataset = eval_dataset.map(lambda x: {'length': len(x['input']) + len(x['output'])}) |
if args.do_train: |
train_dataset = dataset['train'] |
if args.max_train_samples is not None and len(train_dataset) > args.max_train_samples: |
train_dataset = train_dataset.select(range(args.max_train_samples)) |
if args.group_by_length: |
train_dataset = train_dataset.map(lambda x: {'length': len(x['input']) + len(x['output'])}) |
data_collator = DataCollatorForCausalLM( |
tokenizer=tokenizer, |
source_max_len=args.source_max_len, |
target_max_len=args.target_max_len, |
train_on_source=args.train_on_source, |
predict_with_generate=args.predict_with_generate, |
) |
return dict( |
train_dataset=train_dataset if args.do_train else None, |
eval_dataset=eval_dataset if args.do_eval else None, |
predict_dataset=eval_dataset if args.do_predict else None, |
data_collator=data_collator |
) |
def get_last_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir): |
if isdir(checkpoint_dir): |
is_completed = exists(join(checkpoint_dir, 'completed')) |
if is_completed: return None, True |
max_step = 0 |
for filename in os.listdir(checkpoint_dir): |
if isdir(join(checkpoint_dir, filename)) and filename.startswith('checkpoint'): |
max_step = max(max_step, int(filename.replace('checkpoint-', ''))) |
if max_step == 0: return None, is_completed |
checkpoint_dir = join(checkpoint_dir, f'checkpoint-{max_step}') |
print(f"Found a previous checkpoint at: {checkpoint_dir}") |
return checkpoint_dir, is_completed |
return None, False |
def train(): |
hfparser = transformers.HfArgumentParser(( |
ModelArguments, DataArguments, TrainingArguments, GenerationArguments |
)) |
model_args, data_args, training_args, generation_args, extra_args = \ |
hfparser.parse_args_into_dataclasses(return_remaining_strings=True) |
args = argparse.Namespace( |
**vars(model_args), **vars(data_args), **vars(training_args) |
) |
print(args) |
checkpoint_dir, completed_training = get_last_checkpoint(args.output_dir) |
if completed_training: |
print('Detected that training was already completed!') |
model, tokenizer = get_accelerate_model(args, checkpoint_dir) |
model.config.use_cache = False |
print('loaded model') |
set_seed(args.seed) |
data_module = make_data_module(tokenizer=tokenizer, args=args) |
if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: |
model.is_parallelizable = True |
model.model_parallel = True |
trainer = Seq2SeqTrainer( |
model=model, |
tokenizer=tokenizer, |
args=training_args, |
**{k:v for k,v in data_module.items() if k != 'predict_dataset'}, |
) |
if not args.full_finetune: |
trainer.add_callback(SavePeftModelCallback) |
if args.do_mmlu_eval: |
if args.mmlu_dataset == 'mmlu-zs': |
mmlu_dataset = load_dataset("json", data_files={ |
'eval': 'data/mmlu/zero_shot_mmlu_val.json', |
'test': 'data/mmlu/zero_shot_mmlu_test.json', |
}) |
mmlu_dataset = mmlu_dataset.remove_columns('subject') |
elif args.mmlu_dataset == 'mmlu' or args.mmlu_dataset == 'mmlu-fs': |
mmlu_dataset = load_dataset("json", data_files={ |
'eval': 'data/mmlu/five_shot_mmlu_val.json', |
'test': 'data/mmlu/five_shot_mmlu_test.json', |
}) |
mmlu_dataset = mmlu_dataset[args.mmlu_split] |
if args.max_mmlu_samples is not None: |
mmlu_dataset = mmlu_dataset.select(range(args.max_mmlu_samples)) |
abcd_idx = [ |
tokenizer("A", add_special_tokens=False).input_ids[0], |
tokenizer("B", add_special_tokens=False).input_ids[0], |
tokenizer("C", add_special_tokens=False).input_ids[0], |
tokenizer("D", add_special_tokens=False).input_ids[0], |
] |
accuracy = evaluate.load("accuracy") |
class MMLUEvalCallback(transformers.TrainerCallback): |
def on_evaluate(self, args, state, control, model, **kwargs): |
data_loader = trainer.get_eval_dataloader(mmlu_dataset) |
source_max_len = trainer.data_collator.source_max_len |
trainer.data_collator.source_max_len = args.mmlu_source_max_len |
trainer.model.eval() |
preds, refs = [], [] |
loss_mmlu = 0 |
for batch in tqdm(data_loader, total=len(data_loader)): |
(loss, logits, labels) = trainer.prediction_step(trainer.model,batch,prediction_loss_only=False,) |
for i, logit in enumerate(logits): |
label_non_zero_id = (batch['labels'][i] != -100).nonzero()[0][0] |
logit_abcd = logit[label_non_zero_id-1][abcd_idx] |
preds.append(torch.argmax(logit_abcd).item()) |
labels = labels[labels != IGNORE_INDEX].view(-1, 2)[:,0] |
refs += [abcd_idx.index(label) for label in labels.tolist()] |
loss_mmlu += loss.item() |
results = {'mmlu_loss':loss_mmlu/len(data_loader)} |
subject = mmlu_dataset['subject'] |
subjects = {s:{'refs':[], 'preds':[]} for s in set(subject)} |
for s,p,r in zip(subject, preds, refs): |
subjects[s]['preds'].append(p) |
subjects[s]['refs'].append(r) |
subject_scores = [] |
for subject in subjects: |
subject_score = accuracy.compute( |
references=subjects[subject]['refs'], |
predictions=subjects[subject]['preds'] |
)['accuracy'] |
results[f'mmlu_{args.mmlu_split}_accuracy_{subject}'] = subject_score |
subject_scores.append(subject_score) |
results[f'mmlu_{args.mmlu_split}_accuracy'] = np.mean(subject_scores) |
trainer.log(results) |
trainer.data_collator.source_max_len = source_max_len |
trainer.add_callback(MMLUEvalCallback) |
print_trainable_parameters(args, model) |
dtypes = {} |
for _, p in model.named_parameters(): |
dtype = p.dtype |
if dtype not in dtypes: dtypes[dtype] = 0 |
dtypes[dtype] += p.numel() |
total = 0 |
for k, v in dtypes.items(): total+= v |
for k, v in dtypes.items(): |
print(k, v, v/total) |
all_metrics = {"run_name": args.run_name} |
if args.do_train: |
logger.info("*** Train ***") |
train_result = trainer.train() |
metrics = train_result.metrics |
trainer.log_metrics("train", metrics) |
trainer.save_metrics("train", metrics) |
trainer.save_state() |
all_metrics.update(metrics) |
if args.do_eval: |
logger.info("*** Evaluate ***") |
metrics = trainer.evaluate(metric_key_prefix="eval") |
trainer.log_metrics("eval", metrics) |
trainer.save_metrics("eval", metrics) |
all_metrics.update(metrics) |
if args.do_predict: |
logger.info("*** Predict ***") |
prediction_output = trainer.predict(test_dataset=data_module['predict_dataset'],metric_key_prefix="predict") |
prediction_metrics = prediction_output.metrics |
predictions = prediction_output.predictions |
predictions = np.where(predictions != -100, predictions, tokenizer.pad_token_id) |
predictions = tokenizer.batch_decode( |
predictions, skip_special_tokens=True, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True |
) |
with open(os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'predictions.jsonl'), 'w') as fout: |
for i, example in enumerate(data_module['predict_dataset']): |
example['prediction_with_input'] = predictions[i].strip() |
example['prediction'] = predictions[i].replace(example['input'], '').strip() |
fout.write(json.dumps(example) + '\n') |
print(prediction_metrics) |
trainer.log_metrics("predict", prediction_metrics) |
trainer.save_metrics("predict", prediction_metrics) |
all_metrics.update(prediction_metrics) |
if (args.do_train or args.do_eval or args.do_predict): |
with open(os.path.join(args.output_dir, "metrics.json"), "w") as fout: |
fout.write(json.dumps(all_metrics)) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
train() |