t-5-comedy / README.md
nate wright
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license: mit
- zachgitt/comedy-transcripts
- en
pipeline_tag: text2text-generation
library_name: transformers
# Stand-Up Comic Assistant Model
## Model Description
This model is designed as an assistant for stand-up comedians, providing suggestions, ideas, and content generation to support the creative process. It's trained on a diverse set of comedy transcripts, aiming to capture the essence of humor from various styles and contexts.
### How It Works
The model is based on `google/flan-t5-small`, a powerful and efficient transformer model optimized for language understanding and generation tasks. It has been fine-tuned on the `zachgitt/comedy-transcripts` dataset, which includes a wide range of stand-up comedy routines.
### Intended Use
- **Idea Generation**: Generate prompts or comedy concepts based on current trends, historical events, or user input.
- **Content Creation**: Assist in writing jokes, sketches, or full stand-up routines.
- **Interactive Comedy**: Engage with users by providing humorous responses in a conversational setting.
## Training
The model was trained using the `transformers` library on a dataset of stand-up comedy transcripts. The training process focused on understanding context, delivering punchlines, and preserving the comedic timing that's essential in stand-up comedy.
### Training Data
The dataset `zachgitt/comedy-transcripts` was used, which includes transcripts from various comedians across different eras of stand-up comedy.
## Limitations and Biases
- **Contextual Limitations**: While the model understands a range of comedic styles, it may not always align with the nuances of personal taste in humor.
- **Cultural Sensitivity**: The dataset includes historical content that may not be suitable or sensitive to current cultural contexts.
- **Language Biases**: The model may reflect biases present in the training data, which consists of primarily English-language comedy routines.
## Future Work
This model is a work in progress. Planned improvements include:
- Expanding the dataset with more diverse and contemporary sources.
- Implementing feedback loops to refine the model's sense of humor based on user interactions.
- Enhancing the model's understanding of different comedic devices like satire, irony, and slapstick.
## Acknowledgements
Thanks to all the contributors of the `zachgitt/comedy-transcripts` dataset and the teams behind `google/flan-t5-small` for providing the foundational models and tools that made this project possible.
**Disclaimer**: This model is intended for creative and entertainment purposes. It should be used responsibly, considering the potential for generating content that may be offensive or inappropriate in certain contexts.